ELF.h revision 7ed47a13356daed2a34cd2209a31f92552e3bdd8
1//===-- llvm/Support/ELF.h - ELF constants and data structures --*- C++ -*-===//
3//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
5// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
6// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
10// This header contains common, non-processor-specific data structures and
11// constants for the ELF file format.
13// The details of the ELF32 bits in this file are largely based on
14// the Tool Interface Standard (TIS) Executable and Linking Format
15// (ELF) Specification Version 1.2, May 1995. The ELF64 stuff is not
16// standardized, as far as I can tell. It was largely based on information
17// I found in OpenBSD header files.
24#include "llvm/Support/DataTypes.h"
25#include <cstring>
26#include <cstdlib>
28namespace llvm {
30namespace ELF {
32typedef uint32_t Elf32_Addr; // Program address
33typedef uint16_t Elf32_Half;
34typedef uint32_t Elf32_Off;  // File offset
35typedef int32_t  Elf32_Sword;
36typedef uint32_t Elf32_Word;
38typedef uint64_t Elf64_Addr;
39typedef uint64_t Elf64_Off;
40typedef int32_t  Elf64_Shalf;
41typedef int32_t  Elf64_Sword;
42typedef uint32_t Elf64_Word;
43typedef int64_t  Elf64_Sxword;
44typedef uint64_t Elf64_Xword;
45typedef uint32_t Elf64_Half;
46typedef uint16_t Elf64_Quarter;
48// Object file magic string.
49static const char ElfMagic[] = { 0x7f, 'E', 'L', 'F', '\0' };
51struct Elf32_Ehdr {
52  unsigned char e_ident[16]; // ELF Identification bytes
53  Elf32_Half    e_type;      // Type of file (see ET_* below)
54  Elf32_Half    e_machine;   // Required architecture for this file (see EM_*)
55  Elf32_Word    e_version;   // Must be equal to 1
56  Elf32_Addr    e_entry;     // Address to jump to in order to start program
57  Elf32_Off     e_phoff;     // Program header table's file offset, in bytes
58  Elf32_Off     e_shoff;     // Section header table's file offset, in bytes
59  Elf32_Word    e_flags;     // Processor-specific flags
60  Elf32_Half    e_ehsize;    // Size of ELF header, in bytes
61  Elf32_Half    e_phentsize; // Size of an entry in the program header table
62  Elf32_Half    e_phnum;     // Number of entries in the program header table
63  Elf32_Half    e_shentsize; // Size of an entry in the section header table
64  Elf32_Half    e_shnum;     // Number of entries in the section header table
65  Elf32_Half    e_shstrndx;  // Sect hdr table index of sect name string table
66  bool checkMagic () const {
67    return (memcmp (e_ident, ElfMagic, strlen (ElfMagic))) == 0;
68  }
69  unsigned char getFileClass () const { return e_ident[4]; }
70  unsigned char getDataEncoding () { return e_ident[5]; }
73// 64-bit ELF header. Fields are the same as for ELF32, but with different
74// types (see above).
75struct Elf64_Ehdr {
76  unsigned char e_ident[16];
77  Elf64_Quarter e_type;
78  Elf64_Quarter e_machine;
79  Elf64_Half    e_version;
80  Elf64_Addr    e_entry;
81  Elf64_Off     e_phoff;
82  Elf64_Off     e_shoff;
83  Elf64_Half    e_flags;
84  Elf64_Quarter e_ehsize;
85  Elf64_Quarter e_phentsize;
86  Elf64_Quarter e_phnum;
87  Elf64_Quarter e_shentsize;
88  Elf64_Quarter e_shnum;
89  Elf64_Quarter e_shstrndx;
92// File types
93enum {
94  ET_NONE   = 0,      // No file type
95  ET_REL    = 1,      // Relocatable file
96  ET_EXEC   = 2,      // Executable file
97  ET_DYN    = 3,      // Shared object file
98  ET_CORE   = 4,      // Core file
99  ET_LOPROC = 0xff00, // Beginning of processor-specific codes
100  ET_HIPROC = 0xffff  // Processor-specific
103// Machine architectures
104enum {
105  EM_NONE = 0,  // No machine
106  EM_M32 = 1,   // AT&T WE 32100
107  EM_SPARC = 2, // SPARC
108  EM_386 = 3,   // Intel 386
109  EM_68K = 4,   // Motorola 68000
110  EM_88K = 5,   // Motorola 88000
111  EM_486 = 6,   // Intel 486 (deprecated)
112  EM_860 = 7,   // Intel 80860
113  EM_MIPS = 8,     // MIPS R3000
114  EM_PPC = 20,     // PowerPC
115  EM_ARM = 40,     // ARM
116  EM_ALPHA = 41,   // DEC Alpha
117  EM_SPARCV9 = 43  // SPARC V9
120// Object file classes.
121enum {
122  ELFCLASS32 = 1, // 32-bit object file
123  ELFCLASS64 = 2  // 64-bit object file
126// Object file byte orderings.
127enum {
128  ELFDATA2LSB = 1, // Little-endian object file
129  ELFDATA2MSB = 2  // Big-endian object file
132// Section header.
133struct Elf32_Shdr {
134  Elf32_Word sh_name;      // Section name (index into string table)
135  Elf32_Word sh_type;      // Section type (SHT_*)
136  Elf32_Word sh_flags;     // Section flags (SHF_*)
137  Elf32_Addr sh_addr;      // Address where section is to be loaded
138  Elf32_Off  sh_offset;    // File offset of section data, in bytes
139  Elf32_Word sh_size;      // Size of section, in bytes
140  Elf32_Word sh_link;      // Section type-specific header table index link
141  Elf32_Word sh_info;      // Section type-specific extra information
142  Elf32_Word sh_addralign; // Section address alignment
143  Elf32_Word sh_entsize;   // Size of records contained within the section
146// Section header for ELF64 - same fields as ELF32, different types.
147struct Elf64_Shdr {
148  Elf64_Half  sh_name;
149  Elf64_Half  sh_type;
150  Elf64_Xword sh_flags;
151  Elf64_Addr  sh_addr;
152  Elf64_Off   sh_offset;
153  Elf64_Xword sh_size;
154  Elf64_Half  sh_link;
155  Elf64_Half  sh_info;
156  Elf64_Xword sh_addralign;
157  Elf64_Xword sh_entsize;
160// Special section indices.
161enum {
162  SHN_UNDEF     = 0,      // Undefined, missing, irrelevant, or meaningless
163  SHN_LORESERVE = 0xff00, // Lowest reserved index
164  SHN_LOPROC    = 0xff00, // Lowest processor-specific index
165  SHN_HIPROC    = 0xff1f, // Highest processor-specific index
166  SHN_ABS       = 0xfff1, // Symbol has absolute value; does not need relocation
167  SHN_COMMON    = 0xfff2, // FORTRAN COMMON or C external global variables
168  SHN_HIRESERVE = 0xffff  // Highest reserved index
171// Section types.
172enum {
173  SHT_NULL     = 0,  // No associated section (inactive entry).
174  SHT_PROGBITS = 1,  // Program-defined contents.
175  SHT_SYMTAB   = 2,  // Symbol table.
176  SHT_STRTAB   = 3,  // String table.
177  SHT_RELA     = 4,  // Relocation entries; explicit addends.
178  SHT_HASH     = 5,  // Symbol hash table.
179  SHT_DYNAMIC  = 6,  // Information for dynamic linking.
180  SHT_NOTE     = 7,  // Information about the file.
181  SHT_NOBITS   = 8,  // Data occupies no space in the file.
182  SHT_REL      = 9,  // Relocation entries; no explicit addends.
183  SHT_SHLIB    = 10, // Reserved.
184  SHT_DYNSYM   = 11, // Symbol table.
185  SHT_LOPROC   = 0x70000000, // Lowest processor architecture-specific type.
186  SHT_HIPROC   = 0x7fffffff, // Highest processor architecture-specific type.
187  SHT_LOUSER   = 0x80000000, // Lowest type reserved for applications.
188  SHT_HIUSER   = 0xffffffff  // Highest type reserved for applications.
191// Section flags.
192enum {
193  SHF_WRITE     = 0x1, // Section data should be writable during execution.
194  SHF_ALLOC     = 0x2, // Section occupies memory during program execution.
195  SHF_EXECINSTR = 0x4, // Section contains executable machine instructions.
196  SHF_MASKPROC  = 0xf0000000 // Bits indicating processor-specific flags.
199// Symbol table entries.
200struct Elf32_Sym {
201  Elf32_Word    st_name;  // Symbol name (index into string table)
202  Elf32_Addr    st_value; // Value or address associated with the symbol
203  Elf32_Word    st_size;  // Size of the symbol
204  unsigned char st_info;  // Symbol's type and binding attributes
205  unsigned char st_other; // Must be zero; reserved
206  Elf32_Half    st_shndx; // Which section (header table index) it's defined in
208  // These accessors and mutators correspond to the ELF32_ST_BIND,
209  // ELF32_ST_TYPE, and ELF32_ST_INFO macros defined in the ELF specification:
210  unsigned char getBinding () const { return st_info >> 4; }
211  unsigned char getType () const { return st_info & 0x0f; }
212  void setBinding (unsigned char b) { setBindingAndType (b, getType ()); }
213  void setType (unsigned char t) { setBindingAndType (getBinding (), t); }
214  void setBindingAndType (unsigned char b, unsigned char t) {
215    st_info = (b << 4) + (t & 0x0f);
216  }
219// Symbol bindings.
220enum {
221  STB_LOCAL = 0,   // Local symbol, not visible outside obj file containing def
222  STB_GLOBAL = 1,  // Global symbol, visible to all object files being combined
223  STB_WEAK = 2,    // Weak symbol, like global but lower-precedence
224  STB_LOPROC = 13, // Lowest processor-specific binding type
225  STB_HIPROC = 15  // Highest processor-specific binding type
228// Symbol types.
229enum {
230  STT_NOTYPE  = 0,   // Symbol's type is not specified
231  STT_OBJECT  = 1,   // Symbol is a data object (variable, array, etc.)
232  STT_FUNC    = 2,   // Symbol is executable code (function, etc.)
233  STT_SECTION = 3,   // Symbol refers to a section
234  STT_FILE    = 4,   // Local, absolute symbol that refers to a file
235  STT_LOPROC  = 13,  // Lowest processor-specific symbol type
236  STT_HIPROC  = 15   // Highest processor-specific symbol type
239// Relocation entry, without explicit addend.
240struct Elf32_Rel {
241  Elf32_Addr r_offset; // Location (file byte offset, or program virtual addr)
242  Elf32_Word r_info;   // Symbol table index and type of relocation to apply
244  // These accessors and mutators correspond to the ELF32_R_SYM, ELF32_R_TYPE,
245  // and ELF32_R_INFO macros defined in the ELF specification:
246  Elf32_Word getSymbol () const { return (r_info >> 8); }
247  unsigned char getType () const { return (unsigned char) (r_info & 0x0ff); }
248  void setSymbol (Elf32_Word s) { setSymbolAndType (s, getType ()); }
249  void setType (unsigned char t) { setSymbolAndType (getSymbol(), t); }
250  void setSymbolAndType (Elf32_Word s, unsigned char t) {
251    r_info = (s << 8) + t;
252  };
255// Relocation entry with explicit addend.
256struct Elf32_Rela {
257  Elf32_Addr  r_offset; // Location (file byte offset, or program virtual addr)
258  Elf32_Word  r_info;   // Symbol table index and type of relocation to apply
259  Elf32_Sword r_addend; // Compute value for relocatable field by adding this
261  // These accessors and mutators correspond to the ELF32_R_SYM, ELF32_R_TYPE,
262  // and ELF32_R_INFO macros defined in the ELF specification:
263  Elf32_Word getSymbol () const { return (r_info >> 8); }
264  unsigned char getType () const { return (unsigned char) (r_info & 0x0ff); }
265  void setSymbol (Elf32_Word s) { setSymbolAndType (s, getType ()); }
266  void setType (unsigned char t) { setSymbolAndType (getSymbol(), t); }
267  void setSymbolAndType (Elf32_Word s, unsigned char t) {
268    r_info = (s << 8) + t;
269  };
272// Program header.
273struct Elf32_Phdr {
274  Elf32_Word p_type;   // Type of segment
275  Elf32_Off  p_offset; // File offset where segment is located, in bytes
276  Elf32_Addr p_vaddr;  // Virtual address of beginning of segment
277  Elf32_Addr p_paddr;  // Physical address of beginning of segment (OS-specific)
278  Elf32_Word p_filesz; // Num. of bytes in file image of segment (may be zero)
279  Elf32_Word p_memsz;  // Num. of bytes in mem image of segment (may be zero)
280  Elf32_Word p_flags;  // Segment flags
281  Elf32_Word p_align;  // Segment alignment constraint
284enum {
285  PT_NULL    = 0, // Unused segment.
286  PT_LOAD    = 1, // Loadable segment.
287  PT_DYNAMIC = 2, // Dynamic linking information.
288  PT_INTERP  = 3, // Interpreter pathname.
289  PT_NOTE    = 4, // Auxiliary information.
290  PT_SHLIB   = 5, // Reserved.
291  PT_PHDR    = 6, // The program header table itself.
292  PT_LOPROC  = 0x70000000, // Lowest processor-specific program hdr entry type.
293  PT_HIPROC  = 0x7fffffff  // Highest processor-specific program hdr entry type.
296} // end namespace ELF
298} // end namespace llvm