ExecutionDepsFix.cpp revision e67e6f16c005165232cf46e2fc0d77e6a7ed7dbf
1//===- ExecutionDepsFix.cpp - Fix execution dependecy issues ----*- C++ -*-===//
3//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
5// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
6// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
10// This file contains the execution dependency fix pass.
12// Some X86 SSE instructions like mov, and, or, xor are available in different
13// variants for different operand types. These variant instructions are
14// equivalent, but on Nehalem and newer cpus there is extra latency
15// transferring data between integer and floating point domains.  ARM cores
16// have similar issues when they are configured with both VFP and NEON
17// pipelines.
19// This pass changes the variant instructions to minimize domain crossings.
23#define DEBUG_TYPE "execution-fix"
24#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineFunctionPass.h"
25#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineRegisterInfo.h"
26#include "llvm/CodeGen/Passes.h"
27#include "llvm/Target/TargetInstrInfo.h"
28#include "llvm/Target/TargetMachine.h"
29#include "llvm/ADT/PostOrderIterator.h"
30#include "llvm/Support/Allocator.h"
31#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
32#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
33using namespace llvm;
35/// A DomainValue is a bit like LiveIntervals' ValNo, but it also keeps track
36/// of execution domains.
38/// An open DomainValue represents a set of instructions that can still switch
39/// execution domain. Multiple registers may refer to the same open
40/// DomainValue - they will eventually be collapsed to the same execution
41/// domain.
43/// A collapsed DomainValue represents a single register that has been forced
44/// into one of more execution domains. There is a separate collapsed
45/// DomainValue for each register, but it may contain multiple execution
46/// domains. A register value is initially created in a single execution
47/// domain, but if we were forced to pay the penalty of a domain crossing, we
48/// keep track of the fact the the register is now available in multiple
49/// domains.
50namespace {
51struct DomainValue {
52  // Basic reference counting.
53  unsigned Refs;
55  // Bitmask of available domains. For an open DomainValue, it is the still
56  // possible domains for collapsing. For a collapsed DomainValue it is the
57  // domains where the register is available for free.
58  unsigned AvailableDomains;
60  // Position of the last defining instruction.
61  unsigned Dist;
63  // Twiddleable instructions using or defining these registers.
64  SmallVector<MachineInstr*, 8> Instrs;
66  // A collapsed DomainValue has no instructions to twiddle - it simply keeps
67  // track of the domains where the registers are already available.
68  bool isCollapsed() const { return Instrs.empty(); }
70  // Is domain available?
71  bool hasDomain(unsigned domain) const {
72    return AvailableDomains & (1u << domain);
73  }
75  // Mark domain as available.
76  void addDomain(unsigned domain) {
77    AvailableDomains |= 1u << domain;
78  }
80  // Restrict to a single domain available.
81  void setSingleDomain(unsigned domain) {
82    AvailableDomains = 1u << domain;
83  }
85  // Return bitmask of domains that are available and in mask.
86  unsigned getCommonDomains(unsigned mask) const {
87    return AvailableDomains & mask;
88  }
90  // First domain available.
91  unsigned getFirstDomain() const {
92    return CountTrailingZeros_32(AvailableDomains);
93  }
95  DomainValue() { clear(); }
97  void clear() {
98    Refs = AvailableDomains = Dist = 0;
99    Instrs.clear();
100  }
104namespace {
105class ExeDepsFix : public MachineFunctionPass {
106  static char ID;
107  SpecificBumpPtrAllocator<DomainValue> Allocator;
108  SmallVector<DomainValue*,16> Avail;
110  const TargetRegisterClass *const RC;
111  MachineFunction *MF;
112  const TargetInstrInfo *TII;
113  const TargetRegisterInfo *TRI;
114  std::vector<int> AliasMap;
115  const unsigned NumRegs;
116  DomainValue **LiveRegs;
117  typedef DenseMap<MachineBasicBlock*,DomainValue**> LiveOutMap;
118  LiveOutMap LiveOuts;
119  unsigned Distance;
122  ExeDepsFix(const TargetRegisterClass *rc)
123    : MachineFunctionPass(ID), RC(rc), NumRegs(RC->getNumRegs()) {}
125  virtual void getAnalysisUsage(AnalysisUsage &AU) const {
126    AU.setPreservesAll();
127    MachineFunctionPass::getAnalysisUsage(AU);
128  }
130  virtual bool runOnMachineFunction(MachineFunction &MF);
132  virtual const char *getPassName() const {
133    return "Execution dependency fix";
134  }
137  // Register mapping.
138  int RegIndex(unsigned Reg);
140  // DomainValue allocation.
141  DomainValue *Alloc(int domain = -1);
142  void release(DomainValue*);
144  // LiveRegs manipulations.
145  void SetLiveReg(int rx, DomainValue *DV);
146  void Kill(int rx);
147  void Force(int rx, unsigned domain);
148  void Collapse(DomainValue *dv, unsigned domain);
149  bool Merge(DomainValue *A, DomainValue *B);
151  void enterBasicBlock(MachineBasicBlock*);
152  void leaveBasicBlock(MachineBasicBlock*);
153  void visitInstr(MachineInstr*);
154  void visitGenericInstr(MachineInstr*);
155  void visitSoftInstr(MachineInstr*, unsigned mask);
156  void visitHardInstr(MachineInstr*, unsigned domain);
160char ExeDepsFix::ID = 0;
162/// Translate TRI register number to an index into our smaller tables of
163/// interesting registers. Return -1 for boring registers.
164int ExeDepsFix::RegIndex(unsigned Reg) {
165  assert(Reg < AliasMap.size() && "Invalid register");
166  return AliasMap[Reg];
169DomainValue *ExeDepsFix::Alloc(int domain) {
170  DomainValue *dv = Avail.empty() ?
171                      new(Allocator.Allocate()) DomainValue :
172                      Avail.pop_back_val();
173  dv->Dist = Distance;
174  if (domain >= 0)
175    dv->addDomain(domain);
176  return dv;
179/// release - Release a reference to DV.  When the last reference is released,
180/// collapse if needed.
181void ExeDepsFix::release(DomainValue *DV) {
182  assert(DV && DV->Refs && "Bad DomainValue");
183  if (--DV->Refs)
184    return;
186  // There are no more DV references. Collapse any contained instructions.
187  if (DV->AvailableDomains && !DV->isCollapsed())
188    Collapse(DV, DV->getFirstDomain());
190  DV->clear();
191  Avail.push_back(DV);
194/// Set LiveRegs[rx] = dv, updating reference counts.
195void ExeDepsFix::SetLiveReg(int rx, DomainValue *dv) {
196  assert(unsigned(rx) < NumRegs && "Invalid index");
197  if (!LiveRegs) {
198    LiveRegs = new DomainValue*[NumRegs];
199    std::fill(LiveRegs, LiveRegs+NumRegs, (DomainValue*)0);
200  }
202  if (LiveRegs[rx] == dv)
203    return;
204  if (LiveRegs[rx])
205    release(LiveRegs[rx]);
206  LiveRegs[rx] = dv;
207  if (dv) ++dv->Refs;
210// Kill register rx, recycle or collapse any DomainValue.
211void ExeDepsFix::Kill(int rx) {
212  assert(unsigned(rx) < NumRegs && "Invalid index");
213  if (!LiveRegs || !LiveRegs[rx]) return;
215  release(LiveRegs[rx]);
216  LiveRegs[rx] = 0;
219/// Force register rx into domain.
220void ExeDepsFix::Force(int rx, unsigned domain) {
221  assert(unsigned(rx) < NumRegs && "Invalid index");
222  DomainValue *dv;
223  if (LiveRegs && (dv = LiveRegs[rx])) {
224    if (dv->isCollapsed())
225      dv->addDomain(domain);
226    else if (dv->hasDomain(domain))
227      Collapse(dv, domain);
228    else {
229      // This is an incompatible open DomainValue. Collapse it to whatever and
230      // force the new value into domain. This costs a domain crossing.
231      Collapse(dv, dv->getFirstDomain());
232      assert(LiveRegs[rx] && "Not live after collapse?");
233      LiveRegs[rx]->addDomain(domain);
234    }
235  } else {
236    // Set up basic collapsed DomainValue.
237    SetLiveReg(rx, Alloc(domain));
238  }
241/// Collapse open DomainValue into given domain. If there are multiple
242/// registers using dv, they each get a unique collapsed DomainValue.
243void ExeDepsFix::Collapse(DomainValue *dv, unsigned domain) {
244  assert(dv->hasDomain(domain) && "Cannot collapse");
246  // Collapse all the instructions.
247  while (!dv->Instrs.empty())
248    TII->setExecutionDomain(dv->Instrs.pop_back_val(), domain);
249  dv->setSingleDomain(domain);
251  // If there are multiple users, give them new, unique DomainValues.
252  if (LiveRegs && dv->Refs > 1)
253    for (unsigned rx = 0; rx != NumRegs; ++rx)
254      if (LiveRegs[rx] == dv)
255        SetLiveReg(rx, Alloc(domain));
258/// Merge - All instructions and registers in B are moved to A, and B is
259/// released.
260bool ExeDepsFix::Merge(DomainValue *A, DomainValue *B) {
261  assert(!A->isCollapsed() && "Cannot merge into collapsed");
262  assert(!B->isCollapsed() && "Cannot merge from collapsed");
263  if (A == B)
264    return true;
265  // Restrict to the domains that A and B have in common.
266  unsigned common = A->getCommonDomains(B->AvailableDomains);
267  if (!common)
268    return false;
269  A->AvailableDomains = common;
270  A->Dist = std::max(A->Dist, B->Dist);
271  A->Instrs.append(B->Instrs.begin(), B->Instrs.end());
273  // Clear the old DomainValue so we won't try to swizzle instructions twice.
274  B->Instrs.clear();
275  B->AvailableDomains = 0;
277  for (unsigned rx = 0; rx != NumRegs; ++rx)
278    if (LiveRegs[rx] == B)
279      SetLiveReg(rx, A);
280  return true;
283void ExeDepsFix::enterBasicBlock(MachineBasicBlock *MBB) {
284  // Try to coalesce live-out registers from predecessors.
285  for (MachineBasicBlock::livein_iterator i = MBB->livein_begin(),
286         e = MBB->livein_end(); i != e; ++i) {
287    int rx = RegIndex(*i);
288    if (rx < 0) continue;
289    for (MachineBasicBlock::const_pred_iterator pi = MBB->pred_begin(),
290           pe = MBB->pred_end(); pi != pe; ++pi) {
291      LiveOutMap::const_iterator fi = LiveOuts.find(*pi);
292      if (fi == LiveOuts.end()) continue;
293      DomainValue *pdv = fi->second[rx];
294      if (!pdv || !pdv->AvailableDomains) continue;
295      if (!LiveRegs || !LiveRegs[rx]) {
296        SetLiveReg(rx, pdv);
297        continue;
298      }
300      // We have a live DomainValue from more than one predecessor.
301      if (LiveRegs[rx]->isCollapsed()) {
302        // We are already collapsed, but predecessor is not. Force him.
303        unsigned domain = LiveRegs[rx]->getFirstDomain();
304        if (!pdv->isCollapsed() && pdv->hasDomain(domain))
305          Collapse(pdv, domain);
306        continue;
307      }
309      // Currently open, merge in predecessor.
310      if (!pdv->isCollapsed())
311        Merge(LiveRegs[rx], pdv);
312      else
313        Force(rx, pdv->getFirstDomain());
314    }
315  }
318void ExeDepsFix::leaveBasicBlock(MachineBasicBlock *MBB) {
319  // Save live registers at end of MBB - used by enterBasicBlock().
320  if (LiveRegs)
321    LiveOuts.insert(std::make_pair(MBB, LiveRegs));
322  LiveRegs = 0;
325void ExeDepsFix::visitInstr(MachineInstr *MI) {
326  if (MI->isDebugValue())
327    return;
328  ++Distance;
329  std::pair<uint16_t, uint16_t> domp = TII->getExecutionDomain(MI);
330  if (domp.first)
331    if (domp.second)
332      visitSoftInstr(MI, domp.second);
333    else
334      visitHardInstr(MI, domp.first);
335  else if (LiveRegs)
336    visitGenericInstr(MI);
339// A hard instruction only works in one domain. All input registers will be
340// forced into that domain.
341void ExeDepsFix::visitHardInstr(MachineInstr *mi, unsigned domain) {
342  // Collapse all uses.
343  for (unsigned i = mi->getDesc().getNumDefs(),
344                e = mi->getDesc().getNumOperands(); i != e; ++i) {
345    MachineOperand &mo = mi->getOperand(i);
346    if (!mo.isReg()) continue;
347    int rx = RegIndex(mo.getReg());
348    if (rx < 0) continue;
349    Force(rx, domain);
350  }
352  // Kill all defs and force them.
353  for (unsigned i = 0, e = mi->getDesc().getNumDefs(); i != e; ++i) {
354    MachineOperand &mo = mi->getOperand(i);
355    if (!mo.isReg()) continue;
356    int rx = RegIndex(mo.getReg());
357    if (rx < 0) continue;
358    Kill(rx);
359    Force(rx, domain);
360  }
363// A soft instruction can be changed to work in other domains given by mask.
364void ExeDepsFix::visitSoftInstr(MachineInstr *mi, unsigned mask) {
365  // Bitmask of available domains for this instruction after taking collapsed
366  // operands into account.
367  unsigned available = mask;
369  // Scan the explicit use operands for incoming domains.
370  SmallVector<int, 4> used;
371  if (LiveRegs)
372    for (unsigned i = mi->getDesc().getNumDefs(),
373                  e = mi->getDesc().getNumOperands(); i != e; ++i) {
374      MachineOperand &mo = mi->getOperand(i);
375      if (!mo.isReg()) continue;
376      int rx = RegIndex(mo.getReg());
377      if (rx < 0) continue;
378      if (DomainValue *dv = LiveRegs[rx]) {
379        // Bitmask of domains that dv and available have in common.
380        unsigned common = dv->getCommonDomains(available);
381        // Is it possible to use this collapsed register for free?
382        if (dv->isCollapsed()) {
383          // Restrict available domains to the ones in common with the operand.
384          // If there are no common domains, we must pay the cross-domain
385          // penalty for this operand.
386          if (common) available = common;
387        } else if (common)
388          // Open DomainValue is compatible, save it for merging.
389          used.push_back(rx);
390        else
391          // Open DomainValue is not compatible with instruction. It is useless
392          // now.
393          Kill(rx);
394      }
395    }
397  // If the collapsed operands force a single domain, propagate the collapse.
398  if (isPowerOf2_32(available)) {
399    unsigned domain = CountTrailingZeros_32(available);
400    TII->setExecutionDomain(mi, domain);
401    visitHardInstr(mi, domain);
402    return;
403  }
405  // Kill off any remaining uses that don't match available, and build a list of
406  // incoming DomainValues that we want to merge.
407  SmallVector<DomainValue*,4> doms;
408  for (SmallVector<int, 4>::iterator i=used.begin(), e=used.end(); i!=e; ++i) {
409    int rx = *i;
410    DomainValue *dv = LiveRegs[rx];
411    // This useless DomainValue could have been missed above.
412    if (!dv->getCommonDomains(available)) {
413      Kill(*i);
414      continue;
415    }
416    // sorted, uniqued insert.
417    bool inserted = false;
418    for (SmallVector<DomainValue*,4>::iterator i = doms.begin(), e = doms.end();
419           i != e && !inserted; ++i) {
420      if (dv == *i)
421        inserted = true;
422      else if (dv->Dist < (*i)->Dist) {
423        inserted = true;
424        doms.insert(i, dv);
425      }
426    }
427    if (!inserted)
428      doms.push_back(dv);
429  }
431  // doms are now sorted in order of appearance. Try to merge them all, giving
432  // priority to the latest ones.
433  DomainValue *dv = 0;
434  while (!doms.empty()) {
435    if (!dv) {
436      dv = doms.pop_back_val();
437      continue;
438    }
440    DomainValue *latest = doms.pop_back_val();
441    if (Merge(dv, latest)) continue;
443    // If latest didn't merge, it is useless now. Kill all registers using it.
444    for (SmallVector<int,4>::iterator i=used.begin(), e=used.end(); i != e; ++i)
445      if (LiveRegs[*i] == latest)
446        Kill(*i);
447  }
449  // dv is the DomainValue we are going to use for this instruction.
450  if (!dv)
451    dv = Alloc();
452  dv->Dist = Distance;
453  dv->AvailableDomains = available;
454  dv->Instrs.push_back(mi);
456  // Finally set all defs and non-collapsed uses to dv.
457  for (unsigned i = 0, e = mi->getDesc().getNumOperands(); i != e; ++i) {
458    MachineOperand &mo = mi->getOperand(i);
459    if (!mo.isReg()) continue;
460    int rx = RegIndex(mo.getReg());
461    if (rx < 0) continue;
462    if (!LiveRegs || !LiveRegs[rx] || (mo.isDef() && LiveRegs[rx]!=dv)) {
463      Kill(rx);
464      SetLiveReg(rx, dv);
465    }
466  }
469void ExeDepsFix::visitGenericInstr(MachineInstr *mi) {
470  // Process explicit defs, kill any relevant registers redefined.
471  for (unsigned i = 0, e = mi->getDesc().getNumDefs(); i != e; ++i) {
472    MachineOperand &mo = mi->getOperand(i);
473    if (!mo.isReg()) continue;
474    int rx = RegIndex(mo.getReg());
475    if (rx < 0) continue;
476    Kill(rx);
477  }
480bool ExeDepsFix::runOnMachineFunction(MachineFunction &mf) {
481  MF = &mf;
482  TII = MF->getTarget().getInstrInfo();
483  TRI = MF->getTarget().getRegisterInfo();
484  LiveRegs = 0;
485  Distance = 0;
486  assert(NumRegs == RC->getNumRegs() && "Bad regclass");
488  // If no relevant registers are used in the function, we can skip it
489  // completely.
490  bool anyregs = false;
491  for (TargetRegisterClass::const_iterator I = RC->begin(), E = RC->end();
492       I != E; ++I)
493    if (MF->getRegInfo().isPhysRegUsed(*I)) {
494      anyregs = true;
495      break;
496    }
497  if (!anyregs) return false;
499  // Initialize the AliasMap on the first use.
500  if (AliasMap.empty()) {
501    // Given a PhysReg, AliasMap[PhysReg] is either the relevant index into RC,
502    // or -1.
503    AliasMap.resize(TRI->getNumRegs(), -1);
504    for (unsigned i = 0, e = RC->getNumRegs(); i != e; ++i)
505      for (const unsigned *AI = TRI->getOverlaps(RC->getRegister(i)); *AI; ++AI)
506        AliasMap[*AI] = i;
507  }
509  MachineBasicBlock *Entry = MF->begin();
510  ReversePostOrderTraversal<MachineBasicBlock*> RPOT(Entry);
511  for (ReversePostOrderTraversal<MachineBasicBlock*>::rpo_iterator
512         MBBI = RPOT.begin(), MBBE = RPOT.end(); MBBI != MBBE; ++MBBI) {
513    MachineBasicBlock *MBB = *MBBI;
514    enterBasicBlock(MBB);
515    for (MachineBasicBlock::iterator I = MBB->begin(), E = MBB->end(); I != E;
516        ++I)
517      visitInstr(I);
518    leaveBasicBlock(MBB);
519  }
521  // Clear the LiveOuts vectors and collapse any remaining DomainValues.
522  for (ReversePostOrderTraversal<MachineBasicBlock*>::rpo_iterator
523         MBBI = RPOT.begin(), MBBE = RPOT.end(); MBBI != MBBE; ++MBBI) {
524    LiveOutMap::const_iterator FI = LiveOuts.find(*MBBI);
525    if (FI == LiveOuts.end())
526      continue;
527    assert(FI->second && "Null entry");
528    // The DomainValue is collapsed when the last reference is killed.
529    LiveRegs = FI->second;
530    for (unsigned i = 0, e = NumRegs; i != e; ++i)
531      if (LiveRegs[i])
532        Kill(i);
533    delete[] LiveRegs;
534  }
535  LiveOuts.clear();
536  Avail.clear();
537  Allocator.DestroyAll();
539  return false;
542FunctionPass *
543llvm::createExecutionDependencyFixPass(const TargetRegisterClass *RC) {
544  return new ExeDepsFix(RC);