StackSlotColoring.cpp revision 1434dfa8cead98bd1e63411fcb9424e1d37f61ac
1//===-- StackSlotColoring.cpp - Stack slot coloring pass. -----------------===//
3//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
5// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
6// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
10// This file implements the stack slot coloring pass.
14#define DEBUG_TYPE "stackcoloring"
15#include "VirtRegMap.h"
16#include "llvm/Function.h"
17#include "llvm/Module.h"
18#include "llvm/CodeGen/Passes.h"
19#include "llvm/CodeGen/LiveIntervalAnalysis.h"
20#include "llvm/CodeGen/LiveStackAnalysis.h"
21#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineFrameInfo.h"
22#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineInstrBuilder.h"
23#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineLoopInfo.h"
24#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineMemOperand.h"
25#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineRegisterInfo.h"
26#include "llvm/CodeGen/PseudoSourceValue.h"
27#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
28#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
29#include "llvm/Target/TargetInstrInfo.h"
30#include "llvm/Target/TargetMachine.h"
31#include "llvm/ADT/BitVector.h"
32#include "llvm/ADT/SmallSet.h"
33#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
34#include "llvm/ADT/Statistic.h"
35#include <vector>
36using namespace llvm;
38static cl::opt<bool>
40             cl::init(false), cl::Hidden,
41             cl::desc("Suppress slot sharing during stack coloring"));
43static cl::opt<bool>
45                 cl::init(false), cl::Hidden,
46                 cl::desc("Color stack slots with free registers"));
49static cl::opt<int> DCELimit("ssc-dce-limit", cl::init(-1), cl::Hidden);
51STATISTIC(NumEliminated, "Number of stack slots eliminated due to coloring");
52STATISTIC(NumRegRepl,    "Number of stack slot refs replaced with reg refs");
53STATISTIC(NumLoadElim,   "Number of loads eliminated");
54STATISTIC(NumStoreElim,  "Number of stores eliminated");
55STATISTIC(NumDead,       "Number of trivially dead stack accesses eliminated");
57namespace {
58  class StackSlotColoring : public MachineFunctionPass {
59    bool ColorWithRegs;
60    LiveStacks* LS;
61    VirtRegMap* VRM;
62    MachineFrameInfo *MFI;
63    MachineRegisterInfo *MRI;
64    const TargetInstrInfo  *TII;
65    const TargetRegisterInfo *TRI;
66    const MachineLoopInfo *loopInfo;
68    // SSIntervals - Spill slot intervals.
69    std::vector<LiveInterval*> SSIntervals;
71    // SSRefs - Keep a list of frame index references for each spill slot.
72    SmallVector<SmallVector<MachineInstr*, 8>, 16> SSRefs;
74    // OrigAlignments - Alignments of stack objects before coloring.
75    SmallVector<unsigned, 16> OrigAlignments;
77    // OrigSizes - Sizess of stack objects before coloring.
78    SmallVector<unsigned, 16> OrigSizes;
80    // AllColors - If index is set, it's a spill slot, i.e. color.
81    // FIXME: This assumes PEI locate spill slot with smaller indices
82    // closest to stack pointer / frame pointer. Therefore, smaller
83    // index == better color.
84    BitVector AllColors;
86    // NextColor - Next "color" that's not yet used.
87    int NextColor;
89    // UsedColors - "Colors" that have been assigned.
90    BitVector UsedColors;
92    // Assignments - Color to intervals mapping.
93    SmallVector<SmallVector<LiveInterval*,4>, 16> Assignments;
95  public:
96    static char ID; // Pass identification
97    StackSlotColoring() :
98      MachineFunctionPass(ID), ColorWithRegs(false), NextColor(-1) {}
99    StackSlotColoring(bool RegColor) :
100      MachineFunctionPass(ID), ColorWithRegs(RegColor), NextColor(-1) {}
102    virtual void getAnalysisUsage(AnalysisUsage &AU) const {
103      AU.setPreservesCFG();
104      AU.addRequired<SlotIndexes>();
105      AU.addPreserved<SlotIndexes>();
106      AU.addRequired<LiveStacks>();
107      AU.addRequired<VirtRegMap>();
108      AU.addPreserved<VirtRegMap>();
109      AU.addRequired<MachineLoopInfo>();
110      AU.addPreserved<MachineLoopInfo>();
111      AU.addPreservedID(MachineDominatorsID);
112      MachineFunctionPass::getAnalysisUsage(AU);
113    }
115    virtual bool runOnMachineFunction(MachineFunction &MF);
116    virtual const char* getPassName() const {
117      return "Stack Slot Coloring";
118    }
120  private:
121    void InitializeSlots();
122    void ScanForSpillSlotRefs(MachineFunction &MF);
123    bool OverlapWithAssignments(LiveInterval *li, int Color) const;
124    int ColorSlot(LiveInterval *li);
125    bool ColorSlots(MachineFunction &MF);
126    bool ColorSlotsWithFreeRegs(SmallVector<int, 16> &SlotMapping,
127                                SmallVector<SmallVector<int, 4>, 16> &RevMap,
128                                BitVector &SlotIsReg);
129    void RewriteInstruction(MachineInstr *MI, int OldFI, int NewFI,
130                            MachineFunction &MF);
131    bool PropagateBackward(MachineBasicBlock::iterator MII,
132                           MachineBasicBlock *MBB,
133                           unsigned OldReg, unsigned NewReg);
134    bool PropagateForward(MachineBasicBlock::iterator MII,
135                          MachineBasicBlock *MBB,
136                          unsigned OldReg, unsigned NewReg);
137    void UnfoldAndRewriteInstruction(MachineInstr *MI, int OldFI,
138                                    unsigned Reg, const TargetRegisterClass *RC,
139                                    SmallSet<unsigned, 4> &Defs,
140                                    MachineFunction &MF);
141    bool AllMemRefsCanBeUnfolded(int SS);
142    bool RemoveDeadStores(MachineBasicBlock* MBB);
143  };
144} // end anonymous namespace
146char StackSlotColoring::ID = 0;
148INITIALIZE_PASS(StackSlotColoring, "stack-slot-coloring",
149                "Stack Slot Coloring", false, false)
151FunctionPass *llvm::createStackSlotColoringPass(bool RegColor) {
152  return new StackSlotColoring(RegColor);
155namespace {
156  // IntervalSorter - Comparison predicate that sort live intervals by
157  // their weight.
158  struct IntervalSorter {
159    bool operator()(LiveInterval* LHS, LiveInterval* RHS) const {
160      return LHS->weight > RHS->weight;
161    }
162  };
165/// ScanForSpillSlotRefs - Scan all the machine instructions for spill slot
166/// references and update spill slot weights.
167void StackSlotColoring::ScanForSpillSlotRefs(MachineFunction &MF) {
168  SSRefs.resize(MFI->getObjectIndexEnd());
170  // FIXME: Need the equivalent of MachineRegisterInfo for frameindex operands.
171  for (MachineFunction::iterator MBBI = MF.begin(), E = MF.end();
172       MBBI != E; ++MBBI) {
173    MachineBasicBlock *MBB = &*MBBI;
174    unsigned loopDepth = loopInfo->getLoopDepth(MBB);
175    for (MachineBasicBlock::iterator MII = MBB->begin(), EE = MBB->end();
176         MII != EE; ++MII) {
177      MachineInstr *MI = &*MII;
178      for (unsigned i = 0, e = MI->getNumOperands(); i != e; ++i) {
179        MachineOperand &MO = MI->getOperand(i);
180        if (!MO.isFI())
181          continue;
182        int FI = MO.getIndex();
183        if (FI < 0)
184          continue;
185        if (!LS->hasInterval(FI))
186          continue;
187        LiveInterval &li = LS->getInterval(FI);
188        if (!MI->isDebugValue())
189          li.weight += LiveIntervals::getSpillWeight(false, true, loopDepth);
190        SSRefs[FI].push_back(MI);
191      }
192    }
193  }
196/// InitializeSlots - Process all spill stack slot liveintervals and add them
197/// to a sorted (by weight) list.
198void StackSlotColoring::InitializeSlots() {
199  int LastFI = MFI->getObjectIndexEnd();
200  OrigAlignments.resize(LastFI);
201  OrigSizes.resize(LastFI);
202  AllColors.resize(LastFI);
203  UsedColors.resize(LastFI);
204  Assignments.resize(LastFI);
206  // Gather all spill slots into a list.
207  DEBUG(dbgs() << "Spill slot intervals:\n");
208  for (LiveStacks::iterator i = LS->begin(), e = LS->end(); i != e; ++i) {
209    LiveInterval &li = i->second;
210    DEBUG(li.dump());
211    int FI = li.getStackSlotIndex();
212    if (MFI->isDeadObjectIndex(FI))
213      continue;
214    SSIntervals.push_back(&li);
215    OrigAlignments[FI] = MFI->getObjectAlignment(FI);
216    OrigSizes[FI]      = MFI->getObjectSize(FI);
217    AllColors.set(FI);
218  }
219  DEBUG(dbgs() << '\n');
221  // Sort them by weight.
222  std::stable_sort(SSIntervals.begin(), SSIntervals.end(), IntervalSorter());
224  // Get first "color".
225  NextColor = AllColors.find_first();
228/// OverlapWithAssignments - Return true if LiveInterval overlaps with any
229/// LiveIntervals that have already been assigned to the specified color.
231StackSlotColoring::OverlapWithAssignments(LiveInterval *li, int Color) const {
232  const SmallVector<LiveInterval*,4> &OtherLIs = Assignments[Color];
233  for (unsigned i = 0, e = OtherLIs.size(); i != e; ++i) {
234    LiveInterval *OtherLI = OtherLIs[i];
235    if (OtherLI->overlaps(*li))
236      return true;
237  }
238  return false;
241/// ColorSlotsWithFreeRegs - If there are any free registers available, try
242/// replacing spill slots references with registers instead.
244StackSlotColoring::ColorSlotsWithFreeRegs(SmallVector<int, 16> &SlotMapping,
245                                   SmallVector<SmallVector<int, 4>, 16> &RevMap,
246                                   BitVector &SlotIsReg) {
247  if (!(ColorWithRegs || ColorWithRegsOpt) || !VRM->HasUnusedRegisters())
248    return false;
250  bool Changed = false;
251  DEBUG(dbgs() << "Assigning unused registers to spill slots:\n");
252  for (unsigned i = 0, e = SSIntervals.size(); i != e; ++i) {
253    LiveInterval *li = SSIntervals[i];
254    int SS = li->getStackSlotIndex();
255    if (!UsedColors[SS] || li->weight < 20)
256      // If the weight is < 20, i.e. two references in a loop with depth 1,
257      // don't bother with it.
258      continue;
260    // These slots allow to share the same registers.
261    bool AllColored = true;
262    SmallVector<unsigned, 4> ColoredRegs;
263    for (unsigned j = 0, ee = RevMap[SS].size(); j != ee; ++j) {
264      int RSS = RevMap[SS][j];
265      const TargetRegisterClass *RC = LS->getIntervalRegClass(RSS);
266      // If it's not colored to another stack slot, try coloring it
267      // to a "free" register.
268      if (!RC) {
269        AllColored = false;
270        continue;
271      }
272      unsigned Reg = VRM->getFirstUnusedRegister(RC);
273      if (!Reg) {
274        AllColored = false;
275        continue;
276      }
277      if (!AllMemRefsCanBeUnfolded(RSS)) {
278        AllColored = false;
279        continue;
280      } else {
281        DEBUG(dbgs() << "Assigning fi#" << RSS << " to "
282                     << TRI->getName(Reg) << '\n');
283        ColoredRegs.push_back(Reg);
284        SlotMapping[RSS] = Reg;
285        SlotIsReg.set(RSS);
286        Changed = true;
287      }
288    }
290    // Register and its sub-registers are no longer free.
291    while (!ColoredRegs.empty()) {
292      unsigned Reg = ColoredRegs.back();
293      ColoredRegs.pop_back();
294      VRM->setRegisterUsed(Reg);
295      // If reg is a callee-saved register, it will have to be spilled in
296      // the prologue.
297      MRI->setPhysRegUsed(Reg);
298      for (const unsigned *AS = TRI->getAliasSet(Reg); *AS; ++AS) {
299        VRM->setRegisterUsed(*AS);
300        MRI->setPhysRegUsed(*AS);
301      }
302    }
303    // This spill slot is dead after the rewrites
304    if (AllColored) {
305      MFI->RemoveStackObject(SS);
306      ++NumEliminated;
307    }
308  }
309  DEBUG(dbgs() << '\n');
311  return Changed;
314/// ColorSlot - Assign a "color" (stack slot) to the specified stack slot.
316int StackSlotColoring::ColorSlot(LiveInterval *li) {
317  int Color = -1;
318  bool Share = false;
319  if (!DisableSharing) {
320    // Check if it's possible to reuse any of the used colors.
321    Color = UsedColors.find_first();
322    while (Color != -1) {
323      if (!OverlapWithAssignments(li, Color)) {
324        Share = true;
325        ++NumEliminated;
326        break;
327      }
328      Color = UsedColors.find_next(Color);
329    }
330  }
332  // Assign it to the first available color (assumed to be the best) if it's
333  // not possible to share a used color with other objects.
334  if (!Share) {
335    assert(NextColor != -1 && "No more spill slots?");
336    Color = NextColor;
337    UsedColors.set(Color);
338    NextColor = AllColors.find_next(NextColor);
339  }
341  // Record the assignment.
342  Assignments[Color].push_back(li);
343  int FI = li->getStackSlotIndex();
344  DEBUG(dbgs() << "Assigning fi#" << FI << " to fi#" << Color << "\n");
346  // Change size and alignment of the allocated slot. If there are multiple
347  // objects sharing the same slot, then make sure the size and alignment
348  // are large enough for all.
349  unsigned Align = OrigAlignments[FI];
350  if (!Share || Align > MFI->getObjectAlignment(Color))
351    MFI->setObjectAlignment(Color, Align);
352  int64_t Size = OrigSizes[FI];
353  if (!Share || Size > MFI->getObjectSize(Color))
354    MFI->setObjectSize(Color, Size);
355  return Color;
358/// Colorslots - Color all spill stack slots and rewrite all frameindex machine
359/// operands in the function.
360bool StackSlotColoring::ColorSlots(MachineFunction &MF) {
361  unsigned NumObjs = MFI->getObjectIndexEnd();
362  SmallVector<int, 16> SlotMapping(NumObjs, -1);
363  SmallVector<float, 16> SlotWeights(NumObjs, 0.0);
364  SmallVector<SmallVector<int, 4>, 16> RevMap(NumObjs);
365  BitVector SlotIsReg(NumObjs);
366  BitVector UsedColors(NumObjs);
368  DEBUG(dbgs() << "Color spill slot intervals:\n");
369  bool Changed = false;
370  for (unsigned i = 0, e = SSIntervals.size(); i != e; ++i) {
371    LiveInterval *li = SSIntervals[i];
372    int SS = li->getStackSlotIndex();
373    int NewSS = ColorSlot(li);
374    assert(NewSS >= 0 && "Stack coloring failed?");
375    SlotMapping[SS] = NewSS;
376    RevMap[NewSS].push_back(SS);
377    SlotWeights[NewSS] += li->weight;
378    UsedColors.set(NewSS);
379    Changed |= (SS != NewSS);
380  }
382  DEBUG(dbgs() << "\nSpill slots after coloring:\n");
383  for (unsigned i = 0, e = SSIntervals.size(); i != e; ++i) {
384    LiveInterval *li = SSIntervals[i];
385    int SS = li->getStackSlotIndex();
386    li->weight = SlotWeights[SS];
387  }
388  // Sort them by new weight.
389  std::stable_sort(SSIntervals.begin(), SSIntervals.end(), IntervalSorter());
391#ifndef NDEBUG
392  for (unsigned i = 0, e = SSIntervals.size(); i != e; ++i)
393    DEBUG(SSIntervals[i]->dump());
394  DEBUG(dbgs() << '\n');
397  // Can we "color" a stack slot with a unused register?
398  Changed |= ColorSlotsWithFreeRegs(SlotMapping, RevMap, SlotIsReg);
400  if (!Changed)
401    return false;
403  // Rewrite all MO_FrameIndex operands.
404  SmallVector<SmallSet<unsigned, 4>, 4> NewDefs(MF.getNumBlockIDs());
405  for (unsigned SS = 0, SE = SSRefs.size(); SS != SE; ++SS) {
406    bool isReg = SlotIsReg[SS];
407    int NewFI = SlotMapping[SS];
408    if (NewFI == -1 || (NewFI == (int)SS && !isReg))
409      continue;
411    const TargetRegisterClass *RC = LS->getIntervalRegClass(SS);
412    SmallVector<MachineInstr*, 8> &RefMIs = SSRefs[SS];
413    for (unsigned i = 0, e = RefMIs.size(); i != e; ++i)
414      if (!isReg)
415        RewriteInstruction(RefMIs[i], SS, NewFI, MF);
416      else {
417        // Rewrite to use a register instead.
418        unsigned MBBId = RefMIs[i]->getParent()->getNumber();
419        SmallSet<unsigned, 4> &Defs = NewDefs[MBBId];
420        UnfoldAndRewriteInstruction(RefMIs[i], SS, NewFI, RC, Defs, MF);
421      }
422  }
424  // Delete unused stack slots.
425  while (NextColor != -1) {
426    DEBUG(dbgs() << "Removing unused stack object fi#" << NextColor << "\n");
427    MFI->RemoveStackObject(NextColor);
428    NextColor = AllColors.find_next(NextColor);
429  }
431  return true;
434/// AllMemRefsCanBeUnfolded - Return true if all references of the specified
435/// spill slot index can be unfolded.
436bool StackSlotColoring::AllMemRefsCanBeUnfolded(int SS) {
437  SmallVector<MachineInstr*, 8> &RefMIs = SSRefs[SS];
438  for (unsigned i = 0, e = RefMIs.size(); i != e; ++i) {
439    MachineInstr *MI = RefMIs[i];
440    if (TII->isLoadFromStackSlot(MI, SS) ||
441        TII->isStoreToStackSlot(MI, SS))
442      // Restore and spill will become copies.
443      return true;
444    if (!TII->getOpcodeAfterMemoryUnfold(MI->getOpcode(), false, false))
445      return false;
446    for (unsigned j = 0, ee = MI->getNumOperands(); j != ee; ++j) {
447      MachineOperand &MO = MI->getOperand(j);
448      if (MO.isFI() && MO.getIndex() != SS)
449        // If it uses another frameindex, we can, currently* unfold it.
450        return false;
451    }
452  }
453  return true;
456/// RewriteInstruction - Rewrite specified instruction by replacing references
457/// to old frame index with new one.
458void StackSlotColoring::RewriteInstruction(MachineInstr *MI, int OldFI,
459                                           int NewFI, MachineFunction &MF) {
460  // Update the operands.
461  for (unsigned i = 0, ee = MI->getNumOperands(); i != ee; ++i) {
462    MachineOperand &MO = MI->getOperand(i);
463    if (!MO.isFI())
464      continue;
465    int FI = MO.getIndex();
466    if (FI != OldFI)
467      continue;
468    MO.setIndex(NewFI);
469  }
471  // Update the memory references. This changes the MachineMemOperands
472  // directly. They may be in use by multiple instructions, however all
473  // instructions using OldFI are being rewritten to use NewFI.
474  const Value *OldSV = PseudoSourceValue::getFixedStack(OldFI);
475  const Value *NewSV = PseudoSourceValue::getFixedStack(NewFI);
476  for (MachineInstr::mmo_iterator I = MI->memoperands_begin(),
477       E = MI->memoperands_end(); I != E; ++I)
478    if ((*I)->getValue() == OldSV)
479      (*I)->setValue(NewSV);
482/// PropagateBackward - Traverse backward and look for the definition of
483/// OldReg. If it can successfully update all of the references with NewReg,
484/// do so and return true.
485bool StackSlotColoring::PropagateBackward(MachineBasicBlock::iterator MII,
486                                          MachineBasicBlock *MBB,
487                                          unsigned OldReg, unsigned NewReg) {
488  if (MII == MBB->begin())
489    return false;
491  SmallVector<MachineOperand*, 4> Uses;
492  SmallVector<MachineOperand*, 4> Refs;
493  while (--MII != MBB->begin()) {
494    bool FoundDef = false;  // Not counting 2address def.
496    Uses.clear();
497    const TargetInstrDesc &TID = MII->getDesc();
498    for (unsigned i = 0, e = MII->getNumOperands(); i != e; ++i) {
499      MachineOperand &MO = MII->getOperand(i);
500      if (!MO.isReg())
501        continue;
502      unsigned Reg = MO.getReg();
503      if (Reg == 0)
504        continue;
505      if (Reg == OldReg) {
506        if (MO.isImplicit())
507          return false;
509        // Abort the use is actually a sub-register def. We don't have enough
510        // information to figure out if it is really legal.
511        if (MO.getSubReg() || MII->isSubregToReg())
512          return false;
514        const TargetRegisterClass *RC = TID.OpInfo[i].getRegClass(TRI);
515        if (RC && !RC->contains(NewReg))
516          return false;
518        if (MO.isUse()) {
519          Uses.push_back(&MO);
520        } else {
521          Refs.push_back(&MO);
522          if (!MII->isRegTiedToUseOperand(i))
523            FoundDef = true;
524        }
525      } else if (TRI->regsOverlap(Reg, NewReg)) {
526        return false;
527      } else if (TRI->regsOverlap(Reg, OldReg)) {
528        if (!MO.isUse() || !MO.isKill())
529          return false;
530      }
531    }
533    if (FoundDef) {
534      // Found non-two-address def. Stop here.
535      for (unsigned i = 0, e = Refs.size(); i != e; ++i)
536        Refs[i]->setReg(NewReg);
537      return true;
538    }
540    // Two-address uses must be updated as well.
541    for (unsigned i = 0, e = Uses.size(); i != e; ++i)
542      Refs.push_back(Uses[i]);
543  }
544  return false;
547/// PropagateForward - Traverse forward and look for the kill of OldReg. If
548/// it can successfully update all of the uses with NewReg, do so and
549/// return true.
550bool StackSlotColoring::PropagateForward(MachineBasicBlock::iterator MII,
551                                         MachineBasicBlock *MBB,
552                                         unsigned OldReg, unsigned NewReg) {
553  if (MII == MBB->end())
554    return false;
556  SmallVector<MachineOperand*, 4> Uses;
557  while (++MII != MBB->end()) {
558    bool FoundKill = false;
559    const TargetInstrDesc &TID = MII->getDesc();
560    for (unsigned i = 0, e = MII->getNumOperands(); i != e; ++i) {
561      MachineOperand &MO = MII->getOperand(i);
562      if (!MO.isReg())
563        continue;
564      unsigned Reg = MO.getReg();
565      if (Reg == 0)
566        continue;
567      if (Reg == OldReg) {
568        if (MO.isDef() || MO.isImplicit())
569          return false;
571        // Abort the use is actually a sub-register use. We don't have enough
572        // information to figure out if it is really legal.
573        if (MO.getSubReg())
574          return false;
576        const TargetRegisterClass *RC = TID.OpInfo[i].getRegClass(TRI);
577        if (RC && !RC->contains(NewReg))
578          return false;
579        if (MO.isKill())
580          FoundKill = true;
582        Uses.push_back(&MO);
583      } else if (TRI->regsOverlap(Reg, NewReg) ||
584                 TRI->regsOverlap(Reg, OldReg))
585        return false;
586    }
587    if (FoundKill) {
588      for (unsigned i = 0, e = Uses.size(); i != e; ++i)
589        Uses[i]->setReg(NewReg);
590      return true;
591    }
592  }
593  return false;
596/// UnfoldAndRewriteInstruction - Rewrite specified instruction by unfolding
597/// folded memory references and replacing those references with register
598/// references instead.
600StackSlotColoring::UnfoldAndRewriteInstruction(MachineInstr *MI, int OldFI,
601                                               unsigned Reg,
602                                               const TargetRegisterClass *RC,
603                                               SmallSet<unsigned, 4> &Defs,
604                                               MachineFunction &MF) {
605  MachineBasicBlock *MBB = MI->getParent();
606  if (unsigned DstReg = TII->isLoadFromStackSlot(MI, OldFI)) {
607    if (PropagateForward(MI, MBB, DstReg, Reg)) {
608      DEBUG(dbgs() << "Eliminated load: ");
609      DEBUG(MI->dump());
610      ++NumLoadElim;
611    } else {
612      BuildMI(*MBB, MI, MI->getDebugLoc(), TII->get(TargetOpcode::COPY),
613              DstReg).addReg(Reg);
614      ++NumRegRepl;
615    }
617    if (!Defs.count(Reg)) {
618      // If this is the first use of Reg in this MBB and it wasn't previously
619      // defined in MBB, add it to livein.
620      MBB->addLiveIn(Reg);
621      Defs.insert(Reg);
622    }
623  } else if (unsigned SrcReg = TII->isStoreToStackSlot(MI, OldFI)) {
624    if (MI->killsRegister(SrcReg) && PropagateBackward(MI, MBB, SrcReg, Reg)) {
625      DEBUG(dbgs() << "Eliminated store: ");
626      DEBUG(MI->dump());
627      ++NumStoreElim;
628    } else {
629      BuildMI(*MBB, MI, MI->getDebugLoc(), TII->get(TargetOpcode::COPY), Reg)
630        .addReg(SrcReg);
631      ++NumRegRepl;
632    }
634    // Remember reg has been defined in MBB.
635    Defs.insert(Reg);
636  } else {
637    SmallVector<MachineInstr*, 4> NewMIs;
638    bool Success = TII->unfoldMemoryOperand(MF, MI, Reg, false, false, NewMIs);
639    Success = Success; // Silence compiler warning.
640    assert(Success && "Failed to unfold!");
641    MachineInstr *NewMI = NewMIs[0];
642    MBB->insert(MI, NewMI);
643    ++NumRegRepl;
645    if (NewMI->readsRegister(Reg)) {
646      if (!Defs.count(Reg))
647        // If this is the first use of Reg in this MBB and it wasn't previously
648        // defined in MBB, add it to livein.
649        MBB->addLiveIn(Reg);
650      Defs.insert(Reg);
651    }
652  }
653  MBB->erase(MI);
656/// RemoveDeadStores - Scan through a basic block and look for loads followed
657/// by stores.  If they're both using the same stack slot, then the store is
658/// definitely dead.  This could obviously be much more aggressive (consider
659/// pairs with instructions between them), but such extensions might have a
660/// considerable compile time impact.
661bool StackSlotColoring::RemoveDeadStores(MachineBasicBlock* MBB) {
662  // FIXME: This could be much more aggressive, but we need to investigate
663  // the compile time impact of doing so.
664  bool changed = false;
666  SmallVector<MachineInstr*, 4> toErase;
668  for (MachineBasicBlock::iterator I = MBB->begin(), E = MBB->end();
669       I != E; ++I) {
670    if (DCELimit != -1 && (int)NumDead >= DCELimit)
671      break;
673    MachineBasicBlock::iterator NextMI = llvm::next(I);
674    if (NextMI == MBB->end()) continue;
676    int FirstSS, SecondSS;
677    unsigned LoadReg = 0;
678    unsigned StoreReg = 0;
679    if (!(LoadReg = TII->isLoadFromStackSlot(I, FirstSS))) continue;
680    if (!(StoreReg = TII->isStoreToStackSlot(NextMI, SecondSS))) continue;
681    if (FirstSS != SecondSS || LoadReg != StoreReg || FirstSS == -1) continue;
683    ++NumDead;
684    changed = true;
686    if (NextMI->findRegisterUseOperandIdx(LoadReg, true, 0) != -1) {
687      ++NumDead;
688      toErase.push_back(I);
689    }
691    toErase.push_back(NextMI);
692    ++I;
693  }
695  for (SmallVector<MachineInstr*, 4>::iterator I = toErase.begin(),
696       E = toErase.end(); I != E; ++I)
697    (*I)->eraseFromParent();
699  return changed;
703bool StackSlotColoring::runOnMachineFunction(MachineFunction &MF) {
704  DEBUG({
705      dbgs() << "********** Stack Slot Coloring **********\n"
706             << "********** Function: "
707             << MF.getFunction()->getName() << '\n';
708    });
710  MFI = MF.getFrameInfo();
711  MRI = &MF.getRegInfo();
712  TII = MF.getTarget().getInstrInfo();
713  TRI = MF.getTarget().getRegisterInfo();
714  LS = &getAnalysis<LiveStacks>();
715  VRM = &getAnalysis<VirtRegMap>();
716  loopInfo = &getAnalysis<MachineLoopInfo>();
718  bool Changed = false;
720  unsigned NumSlots = LS->getNumIntervals();
721  if (NumSlots < 2) {
722    if (NumSlots == 0 || !VRM->HasUnusedRegisters())
723      // Nothing to do!
724      return false;
725  }
727  // If there are calls to setjmp or sigsetjmp, don't perform stack slot
728  // coloring. The stack could be modified before the longjmp is executed,
729  // resulting in the wrong value being used afterwards. (See
730  // <rdar://problem/8007500>.)
731  if (MF.callsSetJmp())
732    return false;
734  // Gather spill slot references
735  ScanForSpillSlotRefs(MF);
736  InitializeSlots();
737  Changed = ColorSlots(MF);
739  NextColor = -1;
740  SSIntervals.clear();
741  for (unsigned i = 0, e = SSRefs.size(); i != e; ++i)
742    SSRefs[i].clear();
743  SSRefs.clear();
744  OrigAlignments.clear();
745  OrigSizes.clear();
746  AllColors.clear();
747  UsedColors.clear();
748  for (unsigned i = 0, e = Assignments.size(); i != e; ++i)
749    Assignments[i].clear();
750  Assignments.clear();
752  if (Changed) {
753    for (MachineFunction::iterator I = MF.begin(), E = MF.end(); I != E; ++I)
754      Changed |= RemoveDeadStores(I);
755  }
757  return Changed;