1// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
5// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com
7#include "../../../include/fpdfapi/fpdf_page.h"
8#include "../../../include/fpdfapi/fpdf_serial.h"
9#include "../../../include/fpdfapi/fpdf_module.h"
10#include "../../../include/fxcodec/fx_codec.h"
11#include "../fpdf_page/pageint.h"
12CFX_ByteTextBuf& operator << (CFX_ByteTextBuf& ar, CFX_AffineMatrix& matrix)
14    ar << matrix.a << " " << matrix.b << " " << matrix.c << " " << matrix.d << " " << matrix.e << " " << matrix.f;
15    return ar;
17CPDF_PageContentGenerate::CPDF_PageContentGenerate(CPDF_Page* pPage) : m_pPage(pPage)
19    m_pDocument = NULL;
20    if (m_pPage) {
21        m_pDocument = m_pPage->m_pDocument;
22    }
26    for (int i = 0; i < m_pageObjects.GetSize(); ++i) {
27        CPDF_PageObject* pPageObj = (CPDF_PageObject*)m_pageObjects[i];
28        if (pPageObj) {
29            pPageObj->Release();
30        }
31    }
33FX_BOOL CPDF_PageContentGenerate::InsertPageObject(CPDF_PageObject* pPageObject)
35    if (!pPageObject) {
36        return FALSE;
37    }
38    return m_pageObjects.Add(pPageObject);
40void CPDF_PageContentGenerate::GenerateContent()
42    CFX_ByteTextBuf buf;
43    CPDF_Dictionary* pPageDict = m_pPage->m_pFormDict;
44    for (int i = 0; i < m_pageObjects.GetSize(); ++i) {
45        CPDF_PageObject* pPageObj = (CPDF_PageObject*)m_pageObjects[i];
46        if (!pPageObj || pPageObj->m_Type != PDFPAGE_IMAGE) {
47            continue;
48        }
49        ProcessImage(buf, (CPDF_ImageObject*)pPageObj);
50    }
51    CPDF_Object* pContent = pPageDict->GetElementValue("Contents");
52    if (pContent != NULL) {
53        pPageDict->RemoveAt("Contents");
54    }
55    CPDF_Stream* pStream = FX_NEW CPDF_Stream(NULL, 0, NULL);
56    pStream->SetData(buf.GetBuffer(), buf.GetLength(), FALSE, FALSE);
57    m_pDocument->AddIndirectObject(pStream);
58    pPageDict->SetAtReference("Contents", m_pDocument, pStream->GetObjNum());
60CFX_ByteString CPDF_PageContentGenerate::RealizeResource(CPDF_Object* pResourceObj, const FX_CHAR* szType)
62    if (m_pPage->m_pResources == NULL) {
63        m_pPage->m_pResources = FX_NEW CPDF_Dictionary;
64        int objnum = m_pDocument->AddIndirectObject(m_pPage->m_pResources);
65        m_pPage->m_pFormDict->SetAtReference("Resources", m_pDocument, objnum);
66    }
67    CPDF_Dictionary* pResList = m_pPage->m_pResources->GetDict(szType);
68    if (pResList == NULL) {
69        pResList = FX_NEW CPDF_Dictionary;
70        m_pPage->m_pResources->SetAt(szType, pResList);
71    }
72    m_pDocument->AddIndirectObject(pResourceObj);
73    CFX_ByteString name;
74    int idnum = 1;
75    while (1) {
76        name.Format("FX%c%d", szType[0], idnum);
77        if (!pResList->KeyExist(name)) {
78            break;
79        }
80        idnum ++;
81    }
82    pResList->AddReference(name, m_pDocument, pResourceObj->GetObjNum());
83    return name;
85void CPDF_PageContentGenerate::ProcessImage(CFX_ByteTextBuf& buf, CPDF_ImageObject* pImageObj)
87    if ((pImageObj->m_Matrix.a == 0 && pImageObj->m_Matrix.b == 0) ||
88            (pImageObj->m_Matrix.c == 0 && pImageObj->m_Matrix.d == 0)) {
89        return;
90    }
91    buf << "q " << pImageObj->m_Matrix << " cm ";
92    if (!pImageObj->m_pImage->IsInline()) {
93        CPDF_Stream* pStream = pImageObj->m_pImage->GetStream();
94        FX_DWORD dwSavedObjNum = pStream->GetObjNum();
95        CFX_ByteString name = RealizeResource(pStream, "XObject");
96        if (dwSavedObjNum == 0) {
97            pImageObj->m_pImage->Release();
98            pImageObj->m_pImage = m_pDocument->GetPageData()->GetImage(pStream);
99        }
100        buf << "/" << PDF_NameEncode(name) << " Do Q\n";
101    }
103void CPDF_PageContentGenerate::ProcessForm(CFX_ByteTextBuf& buf, FX_LPCBYTE data, FX_DWORD size, CFX_Matrix& matrix)
105    if (!data || !size) {
106        return;
107    }
108    CPDF_Stream* pStream = FX_NEW CPDF_Stream(NULL, 0, NULL);
109    CPDF_Dictionary* pFormDict = CPDF_Dictionary::Create();
110    pFormDict->SetAtName(FX_BSTR("Type"), FX_BSTR("XObject"));
111    pFormDict->SetAtName(FX_BSTR("Subtype"), FX_BSTR("Form"));
112    CFX_FloatRect bbox = m_pPage->GetPageBBox();
113    matrix.TransformRect(bbox);
114    pFormDict->SetAtRect(FX_BSTR("BBox"), bbox);
115    pStream->InitStream((FX_LPBYTE)data, size, pFormDict);
116    buf << "q " << matrix << " cm ";
117    CFX_ByteString name = RealizeResource(pStream, "XObject");
118    buf << "/" << PDF_NameEncode(name) << " Do Q\n";
120void CPDF_PageContentGenerate::TransformContent(CFX_Matrix& matrix)
122    CPDF_Object* pContent = m_pPage->m_pFormDict->GetElementValue("Contents");
123    if (!pContent) {
124        return;
125    }
126    CFX_ByteTextBuf buf;
127    int type = pContent->GetType();
128    if (type == PDFOBJ_ARRAY) {
129        CPDF_Array* pArray = (CPDF_Array*)pContent;
130        int iCount = pArray->GetCount();
131        CPDF_StreamAcc** pContentArray = (CPDF_StreamAcc**)FX_Alloc(CPDF_StreamAcc*, iCount);
132        int size = 0;
133        int i = 0;
134        for (i = 0; i < iCount; ++i) {
135            pContent = pArray->GetElement(i);
136            if (!pContent || pContent->GetType() != PDFOBJ_STREAM) {
137                continue;
138            }
139            CPDF_StreamAcc* pStream = FX_NEW CPDF_StreamAcc();
140            pStream->LoadAllData((CPDF_Stream*)pContent);
141            pContentArray[i] = pStream;
142            size += pContentArray[i]->GetSize() + 1;
143        }
144        int pos = 0;
145        FX_LPBYTE pBuf = FX_Alloc(FX_BYTE, size);
146        for (i = 0; i < iCount; ++i) {
147            FXSYS_memcpy32(pBuf + pos, pContentArray[i]->GetData(), pContentArray[i]->GetSize());
148            pos += pContentArray[i]->GetSize() + 1;
149            pBuf[pos - 1] = ' ';
150            delete pContentArray[i];
151        }
152        ProcessForm(buf, pBuf, size, matrix);
153        FX_Free(pBuf);
154        FX_Free(pContentArray);
155    } else if (type == PDFOBJ_STREAM) {
156        CPDF_StreamAcc contentStream;
157        contentStream.LoadAllData((CPDF_Stream*)pContent);
158        ProcessForm(buf, contentStream.GetData(), contentStream.GetSize(), matrix);
159    }
160    CPDF_Stream* pStream = FX_NEW CPDF_Stream(NULL, 0, NULL);
161    pStream->SetData(buf.GetBuffer(), buf.GetLength(), FALSE, FALSE);
162    m_pDocument->AddIndirectObject(pStream);
163    m_pPage->m_pFormDict->SetAtReference("Contents", m_pDocument, pStream->GetObjNum());