1  =================================================================
2  Patch version 0.9 of SDL(Simple DirectMedia Layer) for Nano-X API
3  =================================================================
5  Authors: Hsieh-Fu Tsai, clare@setabox.com
6           Greg Haerr, greg@censoft.com
8  This patch is against SDL version 1.2.4.
9  It enhances previous patch 0.8 by providing direct framebuffer
10  access as well as dynamic hardware pixel type support, not
11  requiring a compile-time option setting for different framebuffer
12  modes.
13  Tested against Microwindows version 0.89pre9.
15  Older Microwindows versions
16  ===========================
17  If running on a version older than Microwindows 0.89pre9,
18  the following items might need to be patched in Microwindows.
20  1. Patch src/nanox/client.c::GrClose()
21  It fixes the client side GrClose(). In the original version, 
22  GrOpen() can only be called once. When the GrOpen() is called at 
23  the second time, the program will terminate. In order to prevent
24  this situation, we need to insert "nxSocket = -1" after 
25  "close(nxSocket)" in GrClose(). If you do not have this problem,
26  you may skip this step. 
28  2. Patch src/nanox/clientfb.c to return absolute x,y coordinates
29  when using GrGetWindowFBInfo().  Copy the version 0.89pre9
30  of src/nanox/clientfb.c to your system, or configure
31  using --disable-nanox-direct-fb.
33  =============
34  Quick Install 
35  =============
37  1. ./configure --disable-video-x11 --disable-video-fbcon \ 
38       --enable-video-nanox \ 
39       --with-nanox-pixel-type=[rgb/0888/888/565/555/332/pal] 
40  2. make clean 
41  3. make 
42  4. make install (as root) 
44  ============
45  Nitty-gritty 
46  ============
48  --enable-nanox-direct-fb       Use direct framebuffer access
49  --enable-nanox-debug           Show debug messages 
50  --enable-nanox-share-memory    Use shared-memory to speed up 
52  When running multi-threaded applications using SDL, such
53  as SMPEG, set THREADSAFE=Y in Microwindows' config file,
54  to enable GrXXX() system call critical section support.
56  =============================================
57  Some programs can be used to test this patch. 
58  =============================================
60  1. http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~weimer/atris (a tetris-like game) 
61  2. http://www.libsdl.org/projects/newvox/
62  3. http://www.libsdl.org/projects/xflame/
63  4. http://www.libsdl.org/projects/optimum/ 
64  5. http://www.gnugeneration.com/software/loop/ 
65  6: http://www.lokigames.com/development/smpeg.php3 (SMPEG version 0.4.4)
67  =========
68  Todo List 
69  =========
71  1. Create hardware surface
72  2. Create YUVOverlay on hardware
73  3. Use OpenGL
74  4. Gamma correction
75  5. Hide/Change mouse pointer
76  6. Better window movement control with direct fb access
77  7. Palette handling in 8bpp could be improved
79  =====================
80  Supporting Institutes
81  =====================
83  Many thanks to go to Setabox Co., Ltd. and CML (Communication and
84  Multimedia Laboratory, http://www.cmlab.csie.ntu.edu.tw/) in the 
85  Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering of 
86  National Taiwan University for supporting this porting project.
88  Century Embedded Technologies (http://embedded.censoft.com)
89  for this patch.
91  ===================
92  Contact Information
93  ===================
95  Welcome to give me any suggestion and to report bugs.
96  My e-mail address : clare@setabox.com or niky@cmlab.csie.ntu.edu.tw
97                      or greg@censoft.com