1// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
5// The file contains the implementation of the mini_installer re-versioner.
6// The main function (GenerateNextVersion) does the following in a temp dir:
7// - Extracts and unpacks setup.exe and the Chrome-bin folder from
8//   mini_installer.exe.
9// - Inspects setup.exe to determine the current version.
10// - Runs through all .dll and .exe files:
11//   - Replacing all occurrences of the Unicode version string in the files'
12//     resources with the updated string.
13//   - For all resources in which the string substitution is made, the binary
14//     form of the version is also replaced.
15// - Re-packs setup.exe and Chrome-bin.
16// - Inserts them into the target mini_installer.exe.
18// This code assumes that the host program 1) initializes the process-wide
19// CommandLine instance, and 2) resides in the output directory of a build
20// tree.  When #2 is not the case, the --7za_path command-line switch may be
21// used to provide the (relative or absolute) path to the directory containing
22// 7za.exe.
24#include "chrome/installer/test/alternate_version_generator.h"
26#include <windows.h>
28#include <algorithm>
29#include <limits>
30#include <sstream>
31#include <utility>
32#include <vector>
34#include "base/basictypes.h"
35#include "base/command_line.h"
36#include "base/files/file.h"
37#include "base/files/file_enumerator.h"
38#include "base/files/file_path.h"
39#include "base/files/file_util.h"
40#include "base/logging.h"
41#include "base/path_service.h"
42#include "base/process/launch.h"
43#include "base/process/process_handle.h"
44#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
45#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
46#include "base/version.h"
47#include "base/win/pe_image.h"
48#include "base/win/scoped_handle.h"
49#include "chrome/installer/test/pe_image_resources.h"
50#include "chrome/installer/test/resource_loader.h"
51#include "chrome/installer/test/resource_updater.h"
52#include "chrome/installer/util/lzma_util.h"
54namespace {
56const wchar_t k7zaExe[] = L"7za.exe";
57const wchar_t k7zaPathRelative[] = L"..\\..\\third_party\\lzma_sdk\\Executable";
58const wchar_t kB7[] = L"B7";
59const wchar_t kBl[] = L"BL";
60const wchar_t kChrome7z[] = L"chrome.7z";
61const wchar_t kChromeBin[] = L"Chrome-bin";
62const wchar_t kChromePacked7z[] = L"chrome.packed.7z";
63const wchar_t kExe[] = L"exe";
64const wchar_t kExpandExe[] = L"expand.exe";
65const wchar_t kExtDll[] = L".dll";
66const wchar_t kExtExe[] = L".exe";
67const wchar_t kMakeCab[] = L"makecab.exe";
68const wchar_t kSetupEx_[] = L"setup.ex_";
69const wchar_t kSetupExe[] = L"setup.exe";
70const char kSwitch7zaPath[] = "7za_path";
71const wchar_t kTempDirPrefix[] = L"mini_installer_test_temp";
73// A helper class for creating and cleaning a temporary directory.  A temporary
74// directory is created in Initialize and destroyed (along with all of its
75// contents) when the guard instance is destroyed.
76class ScopedTempDirectory {
77 public:
78  ScopedTempDirectory() { }
79  ~ScopedTempDirectory() {
80    if (!directory_.empty() && !base::DeleteFile(directory_, true)) {
81      LOG(DFATAL) << "Failed deleting temporary directory \""
82                  << directory_.value() << "\"";
83    }
84  }
85  // Creates a temporary directory.
86  bool Initialize() {
87    DCHECK(directory_.empty());
88    if (!base::CreateNewTempDirectory(&kTempDirPrefix[0], &directory_)) {
89      LOG(DFATAL) << "Failed creating temporary directory.";
90      return false;
91    }
92    return true;
93  }
94  const base::FilePath& directory() const {
95    DCHECK(!directory_.empty());
96    return directory_;
97  }
99 private:
100  base::FilePath directory_;
101  DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ScopedTempDirectory);
102};  // class ScopedTempDirectory
104// A helper class for manipulating a Chrome product version.
105class ChromeVersion {
106 public:
107  static ChromeVersion FromHighLow(DWORD high, DWORD low) {
108    return ChromeVersion(static_cast<ULONGLONG>(high) << 32 |
109                         static_cast<ULONGLONG>(low));
110  }
111  static ChromeVersion FromString(const std::string& version_string) {
112    Version version(version_string);
113    DCHECK(version.IsValid());
114    const std::vector<uint16>& c(version.components());
115    return ChromeVersion(static_cast<ULONGLONG>(c[0]) << 48 |
116                         static_cast<ULONGLONG>(c[1]) << 32 |
117                         static_cast<ULONGLONG>(c[2]) << 16 |
118                         static_cast<ULONGLONG>(c[3]));
119  }
121  ChromeVersion() { }
122  explicit ChromeVersion(ULONGLONG value) : version_(value) { }
123  WORD major() const { return static_cast<WORD>(version_ >> 48); }
124  WORD minor() const { return static_cast<WORD>(version_ >> 32); }
125  WORD build() const { return static_cast<WORD>(version_ >> 16); }
126  WORD patch() const { return static_cast<WORD>(version_); }
127  DWORD high() const { return static_cast<DWORD>(version_ >> 32); }
128  DWORD low() const { return static_cast<DWORD>(version_); }
129  ULONGLONG value() const { return version_; }
130  void set_value(ULONGLONG value) { version_ = value; }
131  std::wstring ToString() const;
132 private:
133  ULONGLONG version_;
134};  // class ChromeVersion
136std::wstring ChromeVersion::ToString() const {
137  wchar_t buffer[24];
138  int string_len =
139      swprintf_s(&buffer[0], arraysize(buffer), L"%hu.%hu.%hu.%hu",
140                 major(), minor(), build(), patch());
141  DCHECK_NE(-1, string_len);
142  DCHECK_GT(static_cast<int>(arraysize(buffer)), string_len);
143  return std::wstring(&buffer[0], string_len);
147// A read/write mapping of a file.
148// Note: base::MemoryMappedFile is not used because it doesn't support
149// read/write mappings.  Adding such support across all platforms for this
150// Windows-only test code seems like overkill.
151class MappedFile {
152 public:
153  MappedFile() : size_(), mapping_(), view_() { }
154  ~MappedFile();
155  bool Initialize(base::File file);
156  void* data() const { return view_; }
157  size_t size() const { return size_; }
159 private:
160  size_t size_;
161  base::File file_;
162  HANDLE mapping_;
163  void* view_;
165};  // class MappedFile
167MappedFile::~MappedFile() {
168  if (view_ != NULL) {
169    if (UnmapViewOfFile(view_) == 0) {
170      PLOG(DFATAL) << "MappedFile failed to unmap view.";
171    }
172  }
173  if (mapping_ != NULL) {
174    if (CloseHandle(mapping_) == 0) {
175      PLOG(DFATAL) << "Could not close file mapping handle.";
176    }
177  }
180bool MappedFile::Initialize(base::File file) {
181  DCHECK(mapping_ == NULL);
182  bool result = false;
183  base::File::Info file_info;
185  if (file.GetInfo(&file_info)) {
186    if (file_info.size <=
187        static_cast<int64>(std::numeric_limits<DWORD>::max())) {
188      mapping_ = CreateFileMapping(file.GetPlatformFile(), NULL, PAGE_READWRITE,
189                                   0, static_cast<DWORD>(file_info.size), NULL);
190      if (mapping_ != NULL) {
191        view_ = MapViewOfFile(mapping_, FILE_MAP_WRITE, 0, 0,
192                              static_cast<size_t>(file_info.size));
193        if (view_ != NULL) {
194          result = true;
195        } else {
196          PLOG(DFATAL) << "MapViewOfFile failed";
197        }
198      } else {
199        PLOG(DFATAL) << "CreateFileMapping failed";
200      }
201    } else {
202      LOG(DFATAL) << "Files larger than " << std::numeric_limits<DWORD>::max()
203                  << " are not supported.";
204    }
205  } else {
206    PLOG(DFATAL) << "file.GetInfo failed";
207  }
208  file_ = file.Pass();
209  return result;
212// Calls CreateProcess with good default parameters and waits for the process
213// to terminate returning the process exit code.
214bool RunProcessAndWait(const wchar_t* exe_path, const std::wstring& cmdline,
215                       int* exit_code) {
216  bool result = true;
217  base::win::ScopedHandle process;
218  base::LaunchOptions options;
219  options.wait = true;
220  options.start_hidden = true;
221  if (base::LaunchProcess(cmdline, options, &process)) {
222    if (exit_code) {
223      if (!GetExitCodeProcess(process.Get(),
224                              reinterpret_cast<DWORD*>(exit_code))) {
225        PLOG(DFATAL) << "Failed getting the exit code for \""
226                     << cmdline << "\".";
227        result = false;
228      } else {
229        DCHECK_NE(*exit_code, STILL_ACTIVE);
230      }
231    }
232  } else {
233    result = false;
234  }
236  return result;
239// Retrieves the version number of |pe_file| from its version
240// resource, placing the value in |version|.  Returns true on success.
241bool GetFileVersion(const base::FilePath& pe_file, ChromeVersion* version) {
242  DCHECK(version);
243  bool result = false;
244  upgrade_test::ResourceLoader pe_file_loader;
245  std::pair<const uint8*, DWORD> version_info_data;
247  if (pe_file_loader.Initialize(pe_file) &&
248      pe_file_loader.Load(VS_VERSION_INFO, reinterpret_cast<WORD>(RT_VERSION),
249                          &version_info_data)) {
250    const VS_FIXEDFILEINFO* fixed_file_info;
251    UINT ver_info_len;
252    if (VerQueryValue(version_info_data.first, L"\\",
253                      reinterpret_cast<void**>(
254                          const_cast<VS_FIXEDFILEINFO**>(&fixed_file_info)),
255                      &ver_info_len) != 0) {
256      DCHECK_EQ(sizeof(VS_FIXEDFILEINFO), static_cast<size_t>(ver_info_len));
257      *version = ChromeVersion::FromHighLow(fixed_file_info->dwFileVersionMS,
258                                            fixed_file_info->dwFileVersionLS);
259      result = true;
260    } else {
261      LOG(DFATAL) << "VerQueryValue failed to retrieve VS_FIXEDFILEINFO";
262    }
263  }
265  return result;
268// Retrieves the version number of setup.exe in |work_dir| from its version
269// resource, placing the value in |version|.  Returns true on success.
270bool GetSetupExeVersion(const base::FilePath& work_dir,
271                        ChromeVersion* version) {
272  return GetFileVersion(work_dir.Append(&kSetupExe[0]), version);
276// Replace all occurrences in the sequence [|dest_first|, |dest_last) that
277// equals [|src_first|, |src_last) with the sequence at |replacement_first| of
278// the same length.  Returns true on success.  If non-NULL, |replacements_made|
279// is set to true/false accordingly.
280bool ReplaceAll(uint8* dest_first, uint8* dest_last,
281                const uint8* src_first, const uint8* src_last,
282                const uint8* replacement_first, bool* replacements_made) {
283  bool result = true;
284  bool changed = false;
285  do {
286    dest_first = std::search(dest_first, dest_last, src_first, src_last);
287    if (dest_first == dest_last) {
288      break;
289    }
290    changed = true;
291    if (memcpy_s(dest_first, dest_last - dest_first,
292                 replacement_first, src_last - src_first) != 0) {
293      result = false;
294      break;
295    }
296    dest_first += (src_last - src_first);
297  } while (true);
299  if (replacements_made != NULL) {
300    *replacements_made = changed;
301  }
303  return result;
306// A context structure in support of our EnumResource_Fn callback.
307struct VisitResourceContext {
308  ChromeVersion current_version;
309  std::wstring current_version_str;
310  ChromeVersion new_version;
311  std::wstring new_version_str;
312};  // struct VisitResourceContext
314// Replaces the old version with the new in a resource.  A first pass is made to
315// replace the string form (e.g., "9.0.584.0").  If any replacements are made, a
316// second pass is made to replace the binary form (e.g., 0x0000024800000009).
317void VisitResource(const upgrade_test::EntryPath& path,
318                   uint8* data, DWORD size, DWORD code_page,
319                   uintptr_t context) {
320  VisitResourceContext& ctx = *reinterpret_cast<VisitResourceContext*>(context);
322  // Replace all occurrences of current_version_str with new_version_str
323  bool changing_version = false;
324  if (ReplaceAll(
325          data,
326          data + size,
327          reinterpret_cast<const uint8*>(ctx.current_version_str.c_str()),
328          reinterpret_cast<const uint8*>(ctx.current_version_str.c_str() +
329              ctx.current_version_str.size() + 1),
330          reinterpret_cast<const uint8*>(ctx.new_version_str.c_str()),
331          &changing_version) &&
332      changing_version) {
333    // Replace all occurrences of current_version with new_version
334    struct VersionPair {
335      DWORD high;
336      DWORD low;
337    };
338    VersionPair cur_ver = {
339      ctx.current_version.high(), ctx.current_version.low()
340    };
341    VersionPair new_ver = {
342      ctx.new_version.high(), ctx.new_version.low()
343    };
344    ReplaceAll(data, data + size, reinterpret_cast<const uint8*>(&cur_ver),
345               reinterpret_cast<const uint8*>(&cur_ver) + sizeof(cur_ver),
346               reinterpret_cast<const uint8*>(&new_ver), NULL);
347  }
350// Updates the version strings and numbers in all of |image_file|'s resources.
351bool UpdateVersionIfMatch(const base::FilePath& image_file,
352                          VisitResourceContext* context) {
353  if (!context ||
354      context->current_version_str.size() < context->new_version_str.size()) {
355    return false;
356  }
358  bool result = false;
359  uint32 flags = base::File::FLAG_OPEN | base::File::FLAG_READ |
360                 base::File::FLAG_WRITE | base::File::FLAG_EXCLUSIVE_READ |
361                 base::File::FLAG_EXCLUSIVE_WRITE;
362  base::File file(image_file, flags);
363  // It turns out that the underlying CreateFile can fail due to unhelpful
364  // security software locking the newly created DLL. So add a few brief
365  // retries to help tests that use this pass on machines thusly encumbered.
366  int retries = 3;
367  while (!file.IsValid() && retries-- > 0) {
368    LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to open \"" << image_file.value() << "\"."
369                 << " Retrying " << retries << " more times.";
370    Sleep(1000);
371    file.Initialize(image_file, flags);
372  }
374  if (file.IsValid()) {
375    MappedFile image_mapping;
376    if (image_mapping.Initialize(file.Pass())) {
377      base::win::PEImageAsData image(
378          reinterpret_cast<HMODULE>(image_mapping.data()));
379      // PEImage class does not support other-architecture images.
380      if (image.GetNTHeaders()->OptionalHeader.Magic ==
382        result = upgrade_test::EnumResources(
383            image, &VisitResource, reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(context));
384      } else {
385        result = true;
386      }
387    }
388  } else {
389    PLOG(DFATAL) << "Failed to open \"" << image_file.value() << "\"";
390  }
391  return result;
394bool IncrementNewVersion(upgrade_test::Direction direction,
395                         VisitResourceContext* ctx) {
396  DCHECK(ctx);
398  // Figure out a past or future version with the same string length as this one
399  // by decrementing or incrementing each component.
400  LONGLONG incrementer = (direction == upgrade_test::PREVIOUS_VERSION ? -1 : 1);
402  do {
403    if (incrementer == 0) {
404      LOG(DFATAL) << "Improbable version at the cusp of complete rollover";
405      return false;
406    }
407    ctx->new_version.set_value(ctx->current_version.value() + incrementer);
408    ctx->new_version_str = ctx->new_version.ToString();
409    incrementer <<= 16;
410  } while (ctx->new_version_str.size() != ctx->current_version_str.size());
412  return true;
415// Raises or lowers the version of all .exe and .dll files in |work_dir| as well
416// as the |work-dir|\Chrome-bin\w.x.y.z directory.  |original_version| and
417// |new_version|, when non-NULL, are given the original and new version numbers
418// on success.
419bool ApplyAlternateVersion(const base::FilePath& work_dir,
420                           upgrade_test::Direction direction,
421                           std::wstring* original_version,
422                           std::wstring* new_version) {
423  VisitResourceContext ctx;
424  if (!GetSetupExeVersion(work_dir, &ctx.current_version)) {
425    return false;
426  }
427  ctx.current_version_str = ctx.current_version.ToString();
429  if (!IncrementNewVersion(direction, &ctx)) {
430    return false;
431  }
433  // Modify all .dll and .exe files with the current version.
434  bool doing_great = true;
435  base::FileEnumerator all_files(work_dir, true, base::FileEnumerator::FILES);
436  do {
437    base::FilePath file = all_files.Next();
438    if (file.empty()) {
439      break;
440    }
441    std::wstring extension = file.Extension();
442    if (extension == &kExtExe[0] || extension == &kExtDll[0]) {
443      doing_great = UpdateVersionIfMatch(file, &ctx);
444    }
445  } while (doing_great);
447  // Change the versioned directory.
448  base::FilePath chrome_bin = work_dir.Append(&kChromeBin[0]);
449  doing_great = base::Move(chrome_bin.Append(ctx.current_version_str),
450                           chrome_bin.Append(ctx.new_version_str));
452  if (doing_great) {
453    // Report the version numbers if requested.
454    if (original_version != NULL)
455      original_version->assign(ctx.current_version_str);
456    if (new_version != NULL)
457      new_version->assign(ctx.new_version_str);
458  }
460  return doing_great;
463// Returns the path to the directory holding the 7za executable.  By default, it
464// is assumed that the test resides in the tree's output directory, so the
465// relative path "..\..\third_party\lzma_sdk\Executable" is applied to the host
466// executable's directory.  This can be overridden with the --7za_path
467// command-line switch.
468base::FilePath Get7zaPath() {
469  base::FilePath l7za_path =
470      CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->GetSwitchValuePath(
471          &kSwitch7zaPath[0]);
472  if (l7za_path.empty()) {
473    base::FilePath dir_exe;
474    if (!PathService::Get(base::DIR_EXE, &dir_exe))
475      LOG(DFATAL) << "Failed getting directory of host executable";
476    l7za_path = dir_exe.Append(&k7zaPathRelative[0]);
477  }
478  return l7za_path;
481bool CreateArchive(const base::FilePath& output_file,
482                   const base::FilePath& input_path,
483                   int compression_level) {
484  DCHECK(compression_level == 0 ||
485         compression_level >= 1 && compression_level <= 9 &&
486         (compression_level & 0x01) != 0);
488  std::wstring command_line(1, L'"');
489  command_line
490      .append(Get7zaPath().Append(&k7zaExe[0]).value())
491      .append(L"\" a -bd -t7z \"")
492      .append(output_file.value())
493      .append(L"\" \"")
494      .append(input_path.value())
495      .append(L"\" -mx")
496      .append(1, L'0' + compression_level);
497  int exit_code;
498  if (!RunProcessAndWait(NULL, command_line, &exit_code))
499    return false;
500  if (exit_code != 0) {
501    LOG(DFATAL) << Get7zaPath().Append(&k7zaExe[0]).value()
502                << " exited with code " << exit_code
503                << " while creating " << output_file.value();
504    return false;
505  }
506  return true;
509}  // namespace
511namespace upgrade_test {
513bool GenerateAlternateVersion(const base::FilePath& original_installer_path,
514                              const base::FilePath& target_path,
515                              Direction direction,
516                              std::wstring* original_version,
517                              std::wstring* new_version) {
518  // Create a temporary directory in which we'll do our work.
519  ScopedTempDirectory work_dir;
520  if (!work_dir.Initialize())
521    return false;
523  // Copy the original mini_installer.
524  base::FilePath mini_installer =
525      work_dir.directory().Append(original_installer_path.BaseName());
526  if (!base::CopyFile(original_installer_path, mini_installer)) {
527    LOG(DFATAL) << "Failed copying \"" << original_installer_path.value()
528                << "\" to \"" << mini_installer.value() << "\"";
529    return false;
530  }
532  base::FilePath setup_ex_ = work_dir.directory().Append(&kSetupEx_[0]);
533  base::FilePath chrome_packed_7z =
534      work_dir.directory().Append(&kChromePacked7z[0]);
535  // Load the original file and extract setup.ex_ and chrome.packed.7z
536  {
537    ResourceLoader resource_loader;
538    std::pair<const uint8*, DWORD> resource_data;
540    if (!resource_loader.Initialize(mini_installer))
541      return false;
543    // Write out setup.ex_
544    if (!resource_loader.Load(&kSetupEx_[0], &kBl[0], &resource_data))
545      return false;
546    int written =
547        base::WriteFile(setup_ex_,
548                        reinterpret_cast<const char*>(resource_data.first),
549                        static_cast<int>(resource_data.second));
550    if (written != resource_data.second) {
551      LOG(DFATAL) << "Failed writing \"" << setup_ex_.value() << "\"";
552      return false;
553    }
555    // Write out chrome.packed.7z
556    if (!resource_loader.Load(&kChromePacked7z[0], &kB7[0], &resource_data))
557      return false;
558    written =
559        base::WriteFile(chrome_packed_7z,
560                        reinterpret_cast<const char*>(resource_data.first),
561                        static_cast<int>(resource_data.second));
562    if (written != resource_data.second) {
563      LOG(DFATAL) << "Failed writing \"" << chrome_packed_7z.value() << "\"";
564      return false;
565    }
566  }
568  // Expand setup.ex_
569  base::FilePath setup_exe = setup_ex_.ReplaceExtension(&kExe[0]);
570  std::wstring command_line;
571  command_line.append(1, L'"')
572    .append(&kExpandExe[0])
573    .append(L"\" \"")
574    .append(setup_ex_.value())
575    .append(L"\" \"")
576    .append(setup_exe.value())
577    .append(1, L'\"');
578  int exit_code;
579  if (!RunProcessAndWait(NULL, command_line, &exit_code))
580    return false;
581  if (exit_code != 0) {
582    LOG(DFATAL) << &kExpandExe[0] << " exited with code " << exit_code;
583    return false;
584  }
586  // Unpack chrome.packed.7z
587  std::wstring chrome_7z_name;
588  if (LzmaUtil::UnPackArchive(chrome_packed_7z.value(),
589                              work_dir.directory().value(),
590                              &chrome_7z_name) != NO_ERROR) {
591    LOG(DFATAL) << "Failed unpacking \"" << chrome_packed_7z.value() << "\"";
592    return false;
593  }
595  // Unpack chrome.7z
596  if (LzmaUtil::UnPackArchive(chrome_7z_name, work_dir.directory().value(),
597                              NULL) != NO_ERROR) {
598    LOG(DFATAL) << "Failed unpacking \"" << chrome_7z_name << "\"";
599    return false;
600  }
602  // Get rid of intermediate files
603  base::FilePath chrome_7z(chrome_7z_name);
604  if (!base::DeleteFile(chrome_7z, false) ||
605      !base::DeleteFile(chrome_packed_7z, false) ||
606      !base::DeleteFile(setup_ex_, false)) {
607    LOG(DFATAL) << "Failed deleting intermediate files";
608    return false;
609  }
611  // Increment the version in all files.
612  ApplyAlternateVersion(work_dir.directory(), direction, original_version,
613                        new_version);
615  // Pack up files into chrome.7z
616  if (!CreateArchive(chrome_7z, work_dir.directory().Append(&kChromeBin[0]), 0))
617    return false;
619  // Compress chrome.7z into chrome.packed.7z
620  if (!CreateArchive(chrome_packed_7z, chrome_7z, 9))
621    return false;
623  // Compress setup.exe into setup.ex_
624  command_line.assign(1, L'"')
625      .append(&kMakeCab[0])
626      .append(L"\" /D CompressionType=LZX /L \"")
627      .append(work_dir.directory().value())
628      .append(L"\" \"")
629      .append(setup_exe.value());
630  if (!RunProcessAndWait(NULL, command_line, &exit_code))
631    return false;
632  if (exit_code != 0) {
633    LOG(DFATAL) << &kMakeCab[0] << " exited with code " << exit_code;
634    return false;
635  }
637  // Replace the mini_installer's setup.ex_ and chrome.packed.7z resources.
638  ResourceUpdater updater;
639  if (!updater.Initialize(mini_installer) ||
640      !updater.Update(&kSetupEx_[0], &kBl[0],
642                      setup_ex_) ||
643      !updater.Update(&kChromePacked7z[0], &kB7[0],
645                      chrome_packed_7z) ||
646      !updater.Commit()) {
647    return false;
648  }
650  // Finally, move the updated mini_installer into place.
651  return base::Move(mini_installer, target_path);
654bool GenerateAlternatePEFileVersion(const base::FilePath& original_file,
655                                    const base::FilePath& target_file,
656                                    Direction direction) {
657  VisitResourceContext ctx;
658  if (!GetFileVersion(original_file, &ctx.current_version)) {
659    LOG(DFATAL) << "Failed reading version from \"" << original_file.value()
660                << "\"";
661    return false;
662  }
663  ctx.current_version_str = ctx.current_version.ToString();
665  if (!IncrementNewVersion(direction, &ctx)) {
666    LOG(DFATAL) << "Failed to increment version from \""
667                << original_file.value() << "\"";
668    return false;
669  }
671  Version new_version(base::UTF16ToASCII(ctx.new_version_str));
672  GenerateSpecificPEFileVersion(original_file, target_file, new_version);
674  return true;
677bool GenerateSpecificPEFileVersion(const base::FilePath& original_file,
678                                   const base::FilePath& target_file,
679                                   const Version& version) {
680  // First copy original_file to target_file.
681  if (!base::CopyFile(original_file, target_file)) {
682    LOG(DFATAL) << "Failed copying \"" << original_file.value()
683                << "\" to \"" << target_file.value() << "\"";
684    return false;
685  }
687  VisitResourceContext ctx;
688  if (!GetFileVersion(target_file, &ctx.current_version)) {
689    LOG(DFATAL) << "Failed reading version from \"" << target_file.value()
690                << "\"";
691    return false;
692  }
693  ctx.current_version_str = ctx.current_version.ToString();
694  ctx.new_version = ChromeVersion::FromString(version.GetString());
695  ctx.new_version_str = ctx.new_version.ToString();
697  return UpdateVersionIfMatch(target_file, &ctx);
700}  // namespace upgrade_test