1#!/usr/bin/env python
3# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
4# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
5# found in the LICENSE file.
7import csv
8import datetime
9import json
10import os
11import shlex
12import subprocess
13import sys
14from optparse import OptionParser
16"""Start a client to fetch web pages either using wget or using quic_client.
17If --use_wget is set, it uses wget.
18Usage: This invocation
19  run_client.py --quic_binary_dir=../../../../out/Debug \
20      --address= --port=5000 --infile=test_urls.json \
21      --delay_file=delay.csv --packets_file=packets.csv
22  fetches pages listed in test_urls.json from a quic server running at
23 on port 5000 using quic binary ../../../../out/Debug/quic_client
24  and stores the delay in delay.csv and the max received packet number (for
25  QUIC) in packets.csv.
26  If --use_wget is present, it will fetch the URLs using wget and ignores
27  the flags --address, --port, --quic_binary_dir, etc.
30def Timestamp(datetm=None):
31  """Get the timestamp in microseconds.
32  Args:
33    datetm: the date and time to be converted to timestamp.
34      If not set, use the current UTC time.
35  Returns:
36    The timestamp in microseconds.
37  """
38  datetm = datetm or datetime.datetime.utcnow()
39  diff = datetm - datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0)
40  timestamp = (diff.days * 86400 + diff.seconds) * 1000000 + diff.microseconds
41  return timestamp
43class PageloadExperiment:
44  def __init__(self, use_wget, quic_binary_dir, quic_server_address,
45               quic_server_port):
46    """Initialize PageloadExperiment.
48    Args:
49      use_wget: Whether to use wget.
50      quic_binary_dir: Directory for quic_binary.
51      quic_server_address: IP address of quic server.
52      quic_server_port: Port of the quic server.
53    """
54    self.use_wget = use_wget
55    self.quic_binary_dir = quic_binary_dir
56    self.quic_server_address = quic_server_address
57    self.quic_server_port = quic_server_port
58    if not use_wget and not os.path.isfile(quic_binary_dir + '/quic_client'):
59      raise IOError('There is no quic_client in the given dir: %s.'
60                    % quic_binary_dir)
62  @classmethod
63  def ReadPages(cls, json_file):
64    """Return the list of URLs from the json_file.
66    One entry of the list may contain a html link and multiple resources.
67    """
68    page_list = []
69    with open(json_file) as f:
70      data = json.load(f)
71      for page in data['pages']:
72        url = page['url']
73        if 'resources' in page:
74          resources = page['resources']
75        else:
76          resources = None
77        if not resources:
78          page_list.append([url])
79        else:
80          urls = [url]
81          # For url http://x.com/z/y.html, url_dir is http://x.com/z
82          url_dir = url.rsplit('/', 1)[0]
83          for resource in resources:
84            urls.append(url_dir + '/' + resource)
85          page_list.append(urls)
86    return page_list
88  def DownloadOnePage(self, urls):
89    """Download a page emulated by a list of urls.
91    Args:
92      urls: list of URLs to fetch.
93    Returns:
94      A tuple (page download time, max packet number).
95    """
96    if self.use_wget:
97      cmd = 'wget -O -'
98    else:
99      cmd = '%s/quic_client --port=%s --address=%s' % (
100          self.quic_binary_dir, self.quic_server_port, self.quic_server_address)
101    cmd_in_list = shlex.split(cmd)
102    cmd_in_list.extend(urls)
103    start_time = Timestamp()
104    ps_proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd_in_list,
105                               stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
106                               stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
107    _std_out, std_err = ps_proc.communicate()
108    end_time = Timestamp()
109    delta_time = end_time - start_time
110    max_packets = 0
111    if not self.use_wget:
112      for line in std_err.splitlines():
113        if line.find('Client: Got packet') >= 0:
114          elems = line.split()
115          packet_num = int(elems[4])
116          max_packets = max(max_packets, packet_num)
117    return delta_time, max_packets
119  def RunExperiment(self, infile, delay_file, packets_file=None, num_it=1):
120    """Run the pageload experiment.
122    Args:
123      infile: Input json file describing the page list.
124      delay_file: Output file storing delay in csv format.
125      packets_file: Output file storing max packet number in csv format.
126      num_it: Number of iterations to run in this experiment.
127    """
128    page_list = self.ReadPages(infile)
129    header = [urls[0].rsplit('/', 1)[1] for urls in  page_list]
130    header0 = 'wget' if self.use_wget else 'quic'
131    header = [header0] + header
133    plt_list = []
134    packets_list = []
135    for i in range(num_it):
136      plt_one_row = [str(i)]
137      packets_one_row = [str(i)]
138      for urls in page_list:
139        time_micros, num_packets = self.DownloadOnePage(urls)
140        time_secs = time_micros / 1000000.0
141        plt_one_row.append('%6.3f' % time_secs)
142        packets_one_row.append('%5d' % num_packets)
143      plt_list.append(plt_one_row)
144      packets_list.append(packets_one_row)
146    with open(delay_file, 'w') as f:
147      csv_writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter=',')
148      csv_writer.writerow(header)
149      for one_row in plt_list:
150        csv_writer.writerow(one_row)
151    if packets_file:
152      with open(packets_file, 'w') as f:
153        csv_writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter=',')
154        csv_writer.writerow(header)
155        for one_row in packets_list:
156          csv_writer.writerow(one_row)
159def main():
160  parser = OptionParser()
161  parser.add_option('--use_wget', dest='use_wget', action='store_true',
162                    default=False)
163  # Note that only debug version generates the log containing packets
164  # information.
165  parser.add_option('--quic_binary_dir', dest='quic_binary_dir',
166                    default='../../../../out/Debug')
167  # For whatever server address you specify, you need to run the
168  # quic_server on that machine and populate it with the cache containing
169  # the URLs requested in the --infile.
170  parser.add_option('--address', dest='quic_server_address',
171                    default='')
172  parser.add_option('--port', dest='quic_server_port',
173                    default='5002')
174  parser.add_option('--delay_file', dest='delay_file', default='delay.csv')
175  parser.add_option('--packets_file', dest='packets_file',
176                    default='packets.csv')
177  parser.add_option('--infile', dest='infile', default='test_urls.json')
178  (options, _) = parser.parse_args()
180  exp = PageloadExperiment(options.use_wget, options.quic_binary_dir,
181                           options.quic_server_address,
182                           options.quic_server_port)
183  exp.RunExperiment(options.infile, options.delay_file, options.packets_file)
185if __name__ == '__main__':
186  sys.exit(main())