1// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
8#include "ppapi/c/pp_file_info.h"
9#include "ppapi/c/pp_stdint.h"
10#include "ppapi/c/ppb_file_ref.h"
11#include "ppapi/cpp/resource.h"
12#include "ppapi/cpp/var.h"
14/// @file
15/// This file defines the API to create a file reference or "weak pointer" to a
16/// file in a file system.
18namespace pp {
20class DirectoryEntry;
21class FileSystem;
22class CompletionCallback;
23template <typename T> class CompletionCallbackWithOutput;
25/// The <code>FileRef</code> class represents a "weak pointer" to a file in
26/// a file system.
27class FileRef : public Resource {
28 public:
29  /// Default constructor for creating an is_null() <code>FileRef</code>
30  /// object.
31  FileRef() {}
33  /// A constructor used when you have an existing PP_Resource for a FileRef
34  /// and which to create a C++ object that takes an additional reference to
35  /// the resource.
36  ///
37  /// @param[in] resource A PP_Resource corresponding to file reference.
38  explicit FileRef(PP_Resource resource);
40  /// A constructor used when you have received a PP_Resource as a return
41  /// value that has already been reference counted.
42  ///
43  /// @param[in] resource A PP_Resource corresponding to file reference.
44  FileRef(PassRef, PP_Resource resource);
46  /// A constructor that creates a weak pointer to a file in the given file
47  /// system. File paths are POSIX style.
48  ///
49  /// If the <code>path</code> is malformed, the resulting <code>FileRef</code>
50  /// will have a null <code>PP_Resource</code>.
51  ///
52  /// @param[in] file_system A <code>FileSystem</code> corresponding to a file
53  /// system type.
54  /// @param[in] path A path to the file. Must begin with a '/' character.
55  FileRef(const FileSystem& file_system, const char* path);
57  /// The copy constructor for <code>FileRef</code>.
58  ///
59  /// @param[in] other A pointer to a <code>FileRef</code>.
60  FileRef(const FileRef& other);
62  /// GetFileSystemType() returns the type of the file system.
63  ///
64  /// @return A <code>PP_FileSystemType</code> with the file system type if
65  /// valid or <code>PP_FILESYSTEMTYPE_INVALID</code> if the provided resource
66  /// is not a valid file reference.
67  PP_FileSystemType GetFileSystemType() const;
69  /// GetName() returns the name of the file.
70  ///
71  /// @return A <code>Var</code> containing the name of the file.  The value
72  /// returned by this function does not include any path components (such as
73  /// the name of the parent directory, for example). It is just the name of the
74  /// file. Use GetPath() to get the full file path.
75  Var GetName() const;
77  /// GetPath() returns the absolute path of the file.
78  ///
79  /// @return A <code>Var</code> containing the absolute path of the file.
80  /// This function fails if the file system type is
81  /// <code>PP_FileSystemType_External</code>.
82  Var GetPath() const;
84  /// GetParent() returns the parent directory of this file.  If
85  /// <code>file_ref</code> points to the root of the filesystem, then the root
86  /// is returned.
87  ///
88  /// @return A <code>FileRef</code> containing the parent directory of the
89  /// file. This function fails if the file system type is
90  /// <code>PP_FileSystemType_External</code>.
91  FileRef GetParent() const;
93  /// MakeDirectory() makes a new directory in the file system according to the
94  /// given <code>make_directory_flags</code>, which is a bit-mask of the
95  /// <code>PP_MakeDirectoryFlags</code> values.  It is not valid to make a
96  /// directory in the external file system.
97  ///
98  /// @param[in] make_directory_flags A bit-mask of the
99  /// <code>PP_MakeDirectoryFlags</code> values.
100  /// See <code>ppb_file_ref.h</code> for more details.
101  /// @param[in] cc A <code>CompletionCallback</code> to be called upon
102  /// completion of MakeDirectory().
103  ///
104  /// @return An int32_t containing an error code from <code>pp_errors.h</code>.
105  int32_t MakeDirectory(int32_t make_directory_flags,
106                        const CompletionCallback& cc);
108  /// Touch() Updates time stamps for a file.  You must have write access to the
109  /// file if it exists in the external filesystem.
110  ///
111  /// @param[in] last_access_time The last time the file was accessed.
112  /// @param[in] last_modified_time The last time the file was modified.
113  /// @param[in] cc A <code>CompletionCallback</code> to be called upon
114  /// completion of Touch().
115  ///
116  /// @return An int32_t containing an error code from <code>pp_errors.h</code>.
117  int32_t Touch(PP_Time last_access_time,
118                PP_Time last_modified_time,
119                const CompletionCallback& cc);
121  /// Delete() deletes a file or directory. If <code>file_ref</code> refers to
122  /// a directory, then the directory must be empty. It is an error to delete a
123  /// file or directory that is in use.  It is not valid to delete a file in
124  /// the external file system.
125  ///
126  /// @param[in] cc A <code>CompletionCallback</code> to be called upon
127  /// completion of Delete().
128  ///
129  /// @return An int32_t containing an error code from <code>pp_errors.h</code>.
130  int32_t Delete(const CompletionCallback& cc);
132  /// Rename() renames a file or directory. Argument <code>new_file_ref</code>
133  /// must refer to files in the same file system as in this object. It is an
134  /// error to rename a file or directory that is in use.  It is not valid to
135  /// rename a file in the external file system.
136  ///
137  /// @param[in] new_file_ref A <code>FileRef</code> corresponding to a new
138  /// file reference.
139  /// @param[in] cc A <code>CompletionCallback</code> to be called upon
140  /// completion of Rename().
141  ///
142  /// @return An int32_t containing an error code from <code>pp_errors.h</code>.
143  int32_t Rename(const FileRef& new_file_ref, const CompletionCallback& cc);
145  /// Query() queries info about a file or directory. You must have access to
146  /// read this file or directory if it exists in the external filesystem.
147  ///
148  /// @param[in] callback A <code>CompletionCallbackWithOutput</code>
149  /// to be called upon completion of Query().
150  ///
151  /// @return An int32_t containing an error code from <code>pp_errors.h</code>.
152  int32_t Query(const CompletionCallbackWithOutput<PP_FileInfo>& callback);
154  /// ReadDirectoryEntries() Reads all entries in the directory.
155  ///
156  /// @param[in] cc A <code>CompletionCallbackWithOutput</code> to be called
157  /// upon completion of ReadDirectoryEntries(). On success, the
158  /// directory entries will be passed to the given function.
159  ///
160  /// Normally you would use a CompletionCallbackFactory to allow callbacks to
161  /// be bound to your class. See completion_callback_factory.h for more
162  /// discussion on how to use this. Your callback will generally look like:
163  ///
164  /// @code
165  ///   void OnReadDirectoryEntries(
166  ///       int32_t result,
167  ///       const std::vector<DirectoryEntry>& entries) {
168  ///     if (result == PP_OK)
169  ///       // use entries...
170  ///   }
171  /// @endcode
172  ///
173  /// @return An int32_t containing an error code from <code>pp_errors.h</code>.
174  int32_t ReadDirectoryEntries(
175      const CompletionCallbackWithOutput< std::vector<DirectoryEntry> >&
176          callback);
179}  // namespace pp
181#endif  // PPAPI_CPP_FILE_REF_H_