1// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
8#include "base/callback.h"
9#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
10#include "base/native_library.h"
11#include "ui/gfx/geometry/point.h"
12#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect.h"
13#include "ui/gfx/native_widget_types.h"
14#include "ui/gfx/overlay_transform.h"
15#include "ui/gfx/rect.h"
16#include "ui/ozone/ozone_base_export.h"
18class SkBitmap;
19class SkCanvas;
21namespace ui {
23class NativePixmap;
24class OverlayCandidatesOzone;
25class SurfaceOzoneCanvas;
26class SurfaceOzoneEGL;
28// The Ozone interface allows external implementations to hook into Chromium to
29// provide a system specific implementation. The Ozone interface supports two
30// drawing modes: 1) accelerated drawing through EGL and 2) software drawing
31// through Skia.
33// If you want to paint on a window with ozone, you need to create a
34// SurfaceOzoneEGL or SurfaceOzoneCanvas for that window. The platform can
35// support software, EGL, or both for painting on the window.
36// The following functionality is specific to the drawing mode and may not have
37// any meaningful implementation in the other mode. An implementation must
38// provide functionality for at least one mode.
40// 1) Accelerated Drawing (EGL path):
42// The following functions are specific to EGL:
43//  - GetNativeDisplay
44//  - LoadEGLGLES2Bindings
45//  - GetEGLSurfaceProperties (optional if the properties match the default
46//  Chromium ones).
47//  - CreateEGLSurfaceForWidget
49// 2) Software Drawing (Skia):
51// The following function is specific to the software path:
52//  - CreateCanvasForWidget
54// The accelerated path can optionally provide support for the software drawing
55// path.
57// The remaining functions are not covered since they are needed in both drawing
58// modes (See comments bellow for descriptions).
59class OZONE_BASE_EXPORT SurfaceFactoryOzone {
60 public:
61  // Describes overlay buffer format.
62  // TODO: this is a placeholder for now and will be populated with more
63  // formats once we know what sorts of content, video, etc. we can support.
64  enum BufferFormat {
65    UNKNOWN,
66    RGBA_8888,
67    RGBX_8888,
68    RGB_888,
69  };
71  typedef void* (*GLGetProcAddressProc)(const char* name);
72  typedef base::Callback<void(base::NativeLibrary)> AddGLLibraryCallback;
73  typedef base::Callback<void(GLGetProcAddressProc)>
74      SetGLGetProcAddressProcCallback;
76  SurfaceFactoryOzone();
77  virtual ~SurfaceFactoryOzone();
79  // Returns the singleton instance.
80  static SurfaceFactoryOzone* GetInstance();
82  // Returns native platform display handle. This is used to obtain the EGL
83  // display connection for the native display.
84  virtual intptr_t GetNativeDisplay();
86  // Create SurfaceOzoneEGL for the specified gfx::AcceleratedWidget.
87  //
88  // Note: When used from content, this is called in the GPU process. The
89  // platform must support creation of SurfaceOzoneEGL from the GPU process
90  // using only the handle contained in gfx::AcceleratedWidget.
91  virtual scoped_ptr<SurfaceOzoneEGL> CreateEGLSurfaceForWidget(
92      gfx::AcceleratedWidget widget);
94  // Create an EGL surface that isn't backed by any buffers, and is used
95  // for overlay-only displays. This will return NULL if this mode is
96  // not supported.
97  virtual scoped_ptr<SurfaceOzoneEGL> CreateSurfacelessEGLSurfaceForWidget(
98      gfx::AcceleratedWidget widget);
100  // Create SurfaceOzoneCanvas for the specified gfx::AcceleratedWidget.
101  //
102  // Note: The platform must support creation of SurfaceOzoneCanvas from the
103  // Browser Process using only the handle contained in gfx::AcceleratedWidget.
104  virtual scoped_ptr<SurfaceOzoneCanvas> CreateCanvasForWidget(
105      gfx::AcceleratedWidget widget);
107  // Sets up GL bindings for the native surface. Takes two callback parameters
108  // that allow Ozone to register the GL bindings.
109  virtual bool LoadEGLGLES2Bindings(
110      AddGLLibraryCallback add_gl_library,
111      SetGLGetProcAddressProcCallback set_gl_get_proc_address) = 0;
113  // Returns an array of EGL properties, which can be used in any EGL function
114  // used to select a display configuration. Note that all properties should be
115  // immediately followed by the corresponding desired value and array should be
116  // terminated with EGL_NONE. Ownership of the array is not transferred to
117  // caller. desired_list contains list of desired EGL properties and values.
118  virtual const int32* GetEGLSurfaceProperties(const int32* desired_list);
120  // Get the hal struct to check for overlay support.
121  virtual OverlayCandidatesOzone* GetOverlayCandidates(
122      gfx::AcceleratedWidget w);
124  // Cleate a single native buffer to be used for overlay planes.
125  virtual scoped_refptr<NativePixmap> CreateNativePixmap(
126      gfx::Size size,
127      BufferFormat format);
129  // Sets the overlay plane to switch to at the next page flip.
130  // |w| specifies the screen to display this overlay plane on.
131  // |plane_z_order| specifies the stacking order of the plane relative to the
132  // main framebuffer located at index 0.
133  // |plane_transform| specifies how the buffer is to be transformed during.
134  // composition.
135  // |buffer| to be presented by the overlay.
136  // |display_bounds| specify where it is supposed to be on the screen.
137  // |crop_rect| specifies the region within the buffer to be placed
138  // inside |display_bounds|. This is specified in texture coordinates, in the
139  // range of [0,1].
140  virtual bool ScheduleOverlayPlane(gfx::AcceleratedWidget widget,
141                                    int plane_z_order,
142                                    gfx::OverlayTransform plane_transform,
143                                    scoped_refptr<NativePixmap> buffer,
144                                    const gfx::Rect& display_bounds,
145                                    const gfx::RectF& crop_rect);
147  // Returns true if overlays can be shown at z-index 0, replacing the main
148  // surface. Combined with surfaceless extensions, it allows for an
149  // overlay-only mode.
150  virtual bool CanShowPrimaryPlaneAsOverlay();
152 private:
153  static SurfaceFactoryOzone* impl_;  // not owned
156}  // namespace ui