1//===-- AArch64ConditionalCompares.cpp --- CCMP formation for AArch64 -----===//
3//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
5// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
6// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
10// This file implements the AArch64ConditionalCompares pass which reduces
11// branching and code size by using the conditional compare instructions CCMP,
12// CCMN, and FCMP.
14// The CFG transformations for forming conditional compares are very similar to
15// if-conversion, and this pass should run immediately before the early
16// if-conversion pass.
20#include "AArch64.h"
21#include "llvm/ADT/BitVector.h"
22#include "llvm/ADT/DepthFirstIterator.h"
23#include "llvm/ADT/SetVector.h"
24#include "llvm/ADT/SmallPtrSet.h"
25#include "llvm/ADT/SparseSet.h"
26#include "llvm/ADT/Statistic.h"
27#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineBranchProbabilityInfo.h"
28#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineDominators.h"
29#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineFunction.h"
30#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineFunctionPass.h"
31#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineInstrBuilder.h"
32#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineLoopInfo.h"
33#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineRegisterInfo.h"
34#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineTraceMetrics.h"
35#include "llvm/CodeGen/Passes.h"
36#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
37#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
38#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
39#include "llvm/Target/TargetInstrInfo.h"
40#include "llvm/Target/TargetRegisterInfo.h"
41#include "llvm/Target/TargetSubtargetInfo.h"
43using namespace llvm;
45#define DEBUG_TYPE "aarch64-ccmp"
47// Absolute maximum number of instructions allowed per speculated block.
48// This bypasses all other heuristics, so it should be set fairly high.
49static cl::opt<unsigned> BlockInstrLimit(
50    "aarch64-ccmp-limit", cl::init(30), cl::Hidden,
51    cl::desc("Maximum number of instructions per speculated block."));
53// Stress testing mode - disable heuristics.
54static cl::opt<bool> Stress("aarch64-stress-ccmp", cl::Hidden,
55                            cl::desc("Turn all knobs to 11"));
57STATISTIC(NumConsidered, "Number of ccmps considered");
58STATISTIC(NumPhiRejs, "Number of ccmps rejected (PHI)");
59STATISTIC(NumPhysRejs, "Number of ccmps rejected (Physregs)");
60STATISTIC(NumPhi2Rejs, "Number of ccmps rejected (PHI2)");
61STATISTIC(NumHeadBranchRejs, "Number of ccmps rejected (Head branch)");
62STATISTIC(NumCmpBranchRejs, "Number of ccmps rejected (CmpBB branch)");
63STATISTIC(NumCmpTermRejs, "Number of ccmps rejected (CmpBB is cbz...)");
64STATISTIC(NumImmRangeRejs, "Number of ccmps rejected (Imm out of range)");
65STATISTIC(NumLiveDstRejs, "Number of ccmps rejected (Cmp dest live)");
66STATISTIC(NumMultNZCVUses, "Number of ccmps rejected (NZCV used)");
67STATISTIC(NumUnknNZCVDefs, "Number of ccmps rejected (NZCV def unknown)");
69STATISTIC(NumSpeculateRejs, "Number of ccmps rejected (Can't speculate)");
71STATISTIC(NumConverted, "Number of ccmp instructions created");
72STATISTIC(NumCompBranches, "Number of cbz/cbnz branches converted");
75//                                 SSACCmpConv
78// The SSACCmpConv class performs ccmp-conversion on SSA form machine code
79// after determining if it is possible. The class contains no heuristics;
80// external code should be used to determine when ccmp-conversion is a good
81// idea.
83// CCmp-formation works on a CFG representing chained conditions, typically
84// from C's short-circuit || and && operators:
86//   From:         Head            To:         Head
87//                 / |                         CmpBB
88//                /  |                         / |
89//               |  CmpBB                     /  |
90//               |  / |                    Tail  |
91//               | /  |                      |   |
92//              Tail  |                      |   |
93//                |   |                      |   |
94//               ... ...                    ... ...
96// The Head block is terminated by a br.cond instruction, and the CmpBB block
97// contains compare + br.cond. Tail must be a successor of both.
99// The cmp-conversion turns the compare instruction in CmpBB into a conditional
100// compare, and merges CmpBB into Head, speculatively executing its
101// instructions. The AArch64 conditional compare instructions have an immediate
102// operand that specifies the NZCV flag values when the condition is false and
103// the compare isn't executed. This makes it possible to chain compares with
104// different condition codes.
106// Example:
108//    if (a == 5 || b == 17)
109//      foo();
111//    Head:
112//       cmp  w0, #5
113//       b.eq Tail
114//    CmpBB:
115//       cmp  w1, #17
116//       b.eq Tail
117//    ...
118//    Tail:
119//      bl _foo
121//  Becomes:
123//    Head:
124//       cmp  w0, #5
125//       ccmp w1, #17, 4, ne  ; 4 = nZcv
126//       b.eq Tail
127//    ...
128//    Tail:
129//      bl _foo
131// The ccmp condition code is the one that would cause the Head terminator to
132// branch to CmpBB.
134// FIXME: It should also be possible to speculate a block on the critical edge
135// between Head and Tail, just like if-converting a diamond.
137// FIXME: Handle PHIs in Tail by turning them into selects (if-conversion).
139namespace {
140class SSACCmpConv {
141  MachineFunction *MF;
142  const TargetInstrInfo *TII;
143  const TargetRegisterInfo *TRI;
144  MachineRegisterInfo *MRI;
147  /// The first block containing a conditional branch, dominating everything
148  /// else.
149  MachineBasicBlock *Head;
151  /// The block containing cmp+br.cond with a successor shared with Head.
152  MachineBasicBlock *CmpBB;
154  /// The common successor for Head and CmpBB.
155  MachineBasicBlock *Tail;
157  /// The compare instruction in CmpBB that can be converted to a ccmp.
158  MachineInstr *CmpMI;
161  /// The branch condition in Head as determined by AnalyzeBranch.
162  SmallVector<MachineOperand, 4> HeadCond;
164  /// The condition code that makes Head branch to CmpBB.
165  AArch64CC::CondCode HeadCmpBBCC;
167  /// The branch condition in CmpBB.
168  SmallVector<MachineOperand, 4> CmpBBCond;
170  /// The condition code that makes CmpBB branch to Tail.
171  AArch64CC::CondCode CmpBBTailCC;
173  /// Check if the Tail PHIs are trivially convertible.
174  bool trivialTailPHIs();
176  /// Remove CmpBB from the Tail PHIs.
177  void updateTailPHIs();
179  /// Check if an operand defining DstReg is dead.
180  bool isDeadDef(unsigned DstReg);
182  /// Find the compare instruction in MBB that controls the conditional branch.
183  /// Return NULL if a convertible instruction can't be found.
184  MachineInstr *findConvertibleCompare(MachineBasicBlock *MBB);
186  /// Return true if all non-terminator instructions in MBB can be safely
187  /// speculated.
188  bool canSpeculateInstrs(MachineBasicBlock *MBB, const MachineInstr *CmpMI);
191  /// runOnMachineFunction - Initialize per-function data structures.
192  void runOnMachineFunction(MachineFunction &MF) {
193    this->MF = &MF;
194    TII = MF.getTarget().getInstrInfo();
195    TRI = MF.getTarget().getRegisterInfo();
196    MRI = &MF.getRegInfo();
197  }
199  /// If the sub-CFG headed by MBB can be cmp-converted, initialize the
200  /// internal state, and return true.
201  bool canConvert(MachineBasicBlock *MBB);
203  /// Cmo-convert the last block passed to canConvertCmp(), assuming
204  /// it is possible. Add any erased blocks to RemovedBlocks.
205  void convert(SmallVectorImpl<MachineBasicBlock *> &RemovedBlocks);
207  /// Return the expected code size delta if the conversion into a
208  /// conditional compare is performed.
209  int expectedCodeSizeDelta() const;
211} // end anonymous namespace
213// Check that all PHIs in Tail are selecting the same value from Head and CmpBB.
214// This means that no if-conversion is required when merging CmpBB into Head.
215bool SSACCmpConv::trivialTailPHIs() {
216  for (auto &I : *Tail) {
217    if (!I.isPHI())
218      break;
219    unsigned HeadReg = 0, CmpBBReg = 0;
220    // PHI operands come in (VReg, MBB) pairs.
221    for (unsigned oi = 1, oe = I.getNumOperands(); oi != oe; oi += 2) {
222      MachineBasicBlock *MBB = I.getOperand(oi + 1).getMBB();
223      unsigned Reg = I.getOperand(oi).getReg();
224      if (MBB == Head) {
225        assert((!HeadReg || HeadReg == Reg) && "Inconsistent PHI operands");
226        HeadReg = Reg;
227      }
228      if (MBB == CmpBB) {
229        assert((!CmpBBReg || CmpBBReg == Reg) && "Inconsistent PHI operands");
230        CmpBBReg = Reg;
231      }
232    }
233    if (HeadReg != CmpBBReg)
234      return false;
235  }
236  return true;
239// Assuming that trivialTailPHIs() is true, update the Tail PHIs by simply
240// removing the CmpBB operands. The Head operands will be identical.
241void SSACCmpConv::updateTailPHIs() {
242  for (auto &I : *Tail) {
243    if (!I.isPHI())
244      break;
245    // I is a PHI. It can have multiple entries for CmpBB.
246    for (unsigned oi = I.getNumOperands(); oi > 2; oi -= 2) {
247      // PHI operands are (Reg, MBB) at (oi-2, oi-1).
248      if (I.getOperand(oi - 1).getMBB() == CmpBB) {
249        I.RemoveOperand(oi - 1);
250        I.RemoveOperand(oi - 2);
251      }
252    }
253  }
256// This pass runs before the AArch64DeadRegisterDefinitions pass, so compares
257// are still writing virtual registers without any uses.
258bool SSACCmpConv::isDeadDef(unsigned DstReg) {
259  // Writes to the zero register are dead.
260  if (DstReg == AArch64::WZR || DstReg == AArch64::XZR)
261    return true;
262  if (!TargetRegisterInfo::isVirtualRegister(DstReg))
263    return false;
264  // A virtual register def without any uses will be marked dead later, and
265  // eventually replaced by the zero register.
266  return MRI->use_nodbg_empty(DstReg);
269// Parse a condition code returned by AnalyzeBranch, and compute the CondCode
270// corresponding to TBB.
271// Return
272static bool parseCond(ArrayRef<MachineOperand> Cond, AArch64CC::CondCode &CC) {
273  // A normal br.cond simply has the condition code.
274  if (Cond[0].getImm() != -1) {
275    assert(Cond.size() == 1 && "Unknown Cond array format");
276    CC = (AArch64CC::CondCode)(int)Cond[0].getImm();
277    return true;
278  }
279  // For tbz and cbz instruction, the opcode is next.
280  switch (Cond[1].getImm()) {
281  default:
282    // This includes tbz / tbnz branches which can't be converted to
283    // ccmp + br.cond.
284    return false;
285  case AArch64::CBZW:
286  case AArch64::CBZX:
287    assert(Cond.size() == 3 && "Unknown Cond array format");
288    CC = AArch64CC::EQ;
289    return true;
290  case AArch64::CBNZW:
291  case AArch64::CBNZX:
292    assert(Cond.size() == 3 && "Unknown Cond array format");
293    CC = AArch64CC::NE;
294    return true;
295  }
298MachineInstr *SSACCmpConv::findConvertibleCompare(MachineBasicBlock *MBB) {
299  MachineBasicBlock::iterator I = MBB->getFirstTerminator();
300  if (I == MBB->end())
301    return nullptr;
302  // The terminator must be controlled by the flags.
303  if (!I->readsRegister(AArch64::NZCV)) {
304    switch (I->getOpcode()) {
305    case AArch64::CBZW:
306    case AArch64::CBZX:
307    case AArch64::CBNZW:
308    case AArch64::CBNZX:
309      // These can be converted into a ccmp against #0.
310      return I;
311    }
312    ++NumCmpTermRejs;
313    DEBUG(dbgs() << "Flags not used by terminator: " << *I);
314    return nullptr;
315  }
317  // Now find the instruction controlling the terminator.
318  for (MachineBasicBlock::iterator B = MBB->begin(); I != B;) {
319    --I;
320    assert(!I->isTerminator() && "Spurious terminator");
321    switch (I->getOpcode()) {
322    // cmp is an alias for subs with a dead destination register.
323    case AArch64::SUBSWri:
324    case AArch64::SUBSXri:
325    // cmn is an alias for adds with a dead destination register.
326    case AArch64::ADDSWri:
327    case AArch64::ADDSXri:
328      // Check that the immediate operand is within range, ccmp wants a uimm5.
329      // Rd = SUBSri Rn, imm, shift
330      if (I->getOperand(3).getImm() || !isUInt<5>(I->getOperand(2).getImm())) {
331        DEBUG(dbgs() << "Immediate out of range for ccmp: " << *I);
332        ++NumImmRangeRejs;
333        return nullptr;
334      }
335    // Fall through.
336    case AArch64::SUBSWrr:
337    case AArch64::SUBSXrr:
338    case AArch64::ADDSWrr:
339    case AArch64::ADDSXrr:
340      if (isDeadDef(I->getOperand(0).getReg()))
341        return I;
342      DEBUG(dbgs() << "Can't convert compare with live destination: " << *I);
343      ++NumLiveDstRejs;
344      return nullptr;
345    case AArch64::FCMPSrr:
346    case AArch64::FCMPDrr:
347    case AArch64::FCMPESrr:
348    case AArch64::FCMPEDrr:
349      return I;
350    }
352    // Check for flag reads and clobbers.
353    MIOperands::PhysRegInfo PRI =
354        MIOperands(I).analyzePhysReg(AArch64::NZCV, TRI);
356    if (PRI.Reads) {
357      // The ccmp doesn't produce exactly the same flags as the original
358      // compare, so reject the transform if there are uses of the flags
359      // besides the terminators.
360      DEBUG(dbgs() << "Can't create ccmp with multiple uses: " << *I);
361      ++NumMultNZCVUses;
362      return nullptr;
363    }
365    if (PRI.Clobbers) {
366      DEBUG(dbgs() << "Not convertible compare: " << *I);
367      ++NumUnknNZCVDefs;
368      return nullptr;
369    }
370  }
371  DEBUG(dbgs() << "Flags not defined in BB#" << MBB->getNumber() << '\n');
372  return nullptr;
375/// Determine if all the instructions in MBB can safely
376/// be speculated. The terminators are not considered.
378/// Only CmpMI is allowed to clobber the flags.
380bool SSACCmpConv::canSpeculateInstrs(MachineBasicBlock *MBB,
381                                     const MachineInstr *CmpMI) {
382  // Reject any live-in physregs. It's probably NZCV/EFLAGS, and very hard to
383  // get right.
384  if (!MBB->livein_empty()) {
385    DEBUG(dbgs() << "BB#" << MBB->getNumber() << " has live-ins.\n");
386    return false;
387  }
389  unsigned InstrCount = 0;
391  // Check all instructions, except the terminators. It is assumed that
392  // terminators never have side effects or define any used register values.
393  for (auto &I : make_range(MBB->begin(), MBB->getFirstTerminator())) {
394    if (I.isDebugValue())
395      continue;
397    if (++InstrCount > BlockInstrLimit && !Stress) {
398      DEBUG(dbgs() << "BB#" << MBB->getNumber() << " has more than "
399                   << BlockInstrLimit << " instructions.\n");
400      return false;
401    }
403    // There shouldn't normally be any phis in a single-predecessor block.
404    if (I.isPHI()) {
405      DEBUG(dbgs() << "Can't hoist: " << I);
406      return false;
407    }
409    // Don't speculate loads. Note that it may be possible and desirable to
410    // speculate GOT or constant pool loads that are guaranteed not to trap,
411    // but we don't support that for now.
412    if (I.mayLoad()) {
413      DEBUG(dbgs() << "Won't speculate load: " << I);
414      return false;
415    }
417    // We never speculate stores, so an AA pointer isn't necessary.
418    bool DontMoveAcrossStore = true;
419    if (!I.isSafeToMove(TII, nullptr, DontMoveAcrossStore)) {
420      DEBUG(dbgs() << "Can't speculate: " << I);
421      return false;
422    }
424    // Only CmpMI is allowed to clobber the flags.
425    if (&I != CmpMI && I.modifiesRegister(AArch64::NZCV, TRI)) {
426      DEBUG(dbgs() << "Clobbers flags: " << I);
427      return false;
428    }
429  }
430  return true;
433/// Analyze the sub-cfg rooted in MBB, and return true if it is a potential
434/// candidate for cmp-conversion. Fill out the internal state.
436bool SSACCmpConv::canConvert(MachineBasicBlock *MBB) {
437  Head = MBB;
438  Tail = CmpBB = nullptr;
440  if (Head->succ_size() != 2)
441    return false;
442  MachineBasicBlock *Succ0 = Head->succ_begin()[0];
443  MachineBasicBlock *Succ1 = Head->succ_begin()[1];
445  // CmpBB can only have a single predecessor. Tail is allowed many.
446  if (Succ0->pred_size() != 1)
447    std::swap(Succ0, Succ1);
449  // Succ0 is our candidate for CmpBB.
450  if (Succ0->pred_size() != 1 || Succ0->succ_size() != 2)
451    return false;
453  CmpBB = Succ0;
454  Tail = Succ1;
456  if (!CmpBB->isSuccessor(Tail))
457    return false;
459  // The CFG topology checks out.
460  DEBUG(dbgs() << "\nTriangle: BB#" << Head->getNumber() << " -> BB#"
461               << CmpBB->getNumber() << " -> BB#" << Tail->getNumber() << '\n');
462  ++NumConsidered;
464  // Tail is allowed to have many predecessors, but we can't handle PHIs yet.
465  //
466  // FIXME: Real PHIs could be if-converted as long as the CmpBB values are
467  // defined before The CmpBB cmp clobbers the flags. Alternatively, it should
468  // always be safe to sink the ccmp down to immediately before the CmpBB
469  // terminators.
470  if (!trivialTailPHIs()) {
471    DEBUG(dbgs() << "Can't handle phis in Tail.\n");
472    ++NumPhiRejs;
473    return false;
474  }
476  if (!Tail->livein_empty()) {
477    DEBUG(dbgs() << "Can't handle live-in physregs in Tail.\n");
478    ++NumPhysRejs;
479    return false;
480  }
482  // CmpBB should never have PHIs since Head is its only predecessor.
483  // FIXME: Clean them up if it happens.
484  if (!CmpBB->empty() && CmpBB->front().isPHI()) {
485    DEBUG(dbgs() << "Can't handle phis in CmpBB.\n");
486    ++NumPhi2Rejs;
487    return false;
488  }
490  if (!CmpBB->livein_empty()) {
491    DEBUG(dbgs() << "Can't handle live-in physregs in CmpBB.\n");
492    ++NumPhysRejs;
493    return false;
494  }
496  // The branch we're looking to eliminate must be analyzable.
497  HeadCond.clear();
498  MachineBasicBlock *TBB = nullptr, *FBB = nullptr;
499  if (TII->AnalyzeBranch(*Head, TBB, FBB, HeadCond)) {
500    DEBUG(dbgs() << "Head branch not analyzable.\n");
501    ++NumHeadBranchRejs;
502    return false;
503  }
505  // This is weird, probably some sort of degenerate CFG, or an edge to a
506  // landing pad.
507  if (!TBB || HeadCond.empty()) {
508    DEBUG(dbgs() << "AnalyzeBranch didn't find conditional branch in Head.\n");
509    ++NumHeadBranchRejs;
510    return false;
511  }
513  if (!parseCond(HeadCond, HeadCmpBBCC)) {
514    DEBUG(dbgs() << "Unsupported branch type on Head\n");
515    ++NumHeadBranchRejs;
516    return false;
517  }
519  // Make sure the branch direction is right.
520  if (TBB != CmpBB) {
521    assert(TBB == Tail && "Unexpected TBB");
522    HeadCmpBBCC = AArch64CC::getInvertedCondCode(HeadCmpBBCC);
523  }
525  CmpBBCond.clear();
526  TBB = FBB = nullptr;
527  if (TII->AnalyzeBranch(*CmpBB, TBB, FBB, CmpBBCond)) {
528    DEBUG(dbgs() << "CmpBB branch not analyzable.\n");
529    ++NumCmpBranchRejs;
530    return false;
531  }
533  if (!TBB || CmpBBCond.empty()) {
534    DEBUG(dbgs() << "AnalyzeBranch didn't find conditional branch in CmpBB.\n");
535    ++NumCmpBranchRejs;
536    return false;
537  }
539  if (!parseCond(CmpBBCond, CmpBBTailCC)) {
540    DEBUG(dbgs() << "Unsupported branch type on CmpBB\n");
541    ++NumCmpBranchRejs;
542    return false;
543  }
545  if (TBB != Tail)
546    CmpBBTailCC = AArch64CC::getInvertedCondCode(CmpBBTailCC);
548  DEBUG(dbgs() << "Head->CmpBB on " << AArch64CC::getCondCodeName(HeadCmpBBCC)
549               << ", CmpBB->Tail on " << AArch64CC::getCondCodeName(CmpBBTailCC)
550               << '\n');
552  CmpMI = findConvertibleCompare(CmpBB);
553  if (!CmpMI)
554    return false;
556  if (!canSpeculateInstrs(CmpBB, CmpMI)) {
557    ++NumSpeculateRejs;
558    return false;
559  }
560  return true;
563void SSACCmpConv::convert(SmallVectorImpl<MachineBasicBlock *> &RemovedBlocks) {
564  DEBUG(dbgs() << "Merging BB#" << CmpBB->getNumber() << " into BB#"
565               << Head->getNumber() << ":\n" << *CmpBB);
567  // All CmpBB instructions are moved into Head, and CmpBB is deleted.
568  // Update the CFG first.
569  updateTailPHIs();
570  Head->removeSuccessor(CmpBB);
571  CmpBB->removeSuccessor(Tail);
572  Head->transferSuccessorsAndUpdatePHIs(CmpBB);
573  DebugLoc TermDL = Head->getFirstTerminator()->getDebugLoc();
574  TII->RemoveBranch(*Head);
576  // If the Head terminator was one of the cbz / tbz branches with built-in
577  // compare, we need to insert an explicit compare instruction in its place.
578  if (HeadCond[0].getImm() == -1) {
579    ++NumCompBranches;
580    unsigned Opc = 0;
581    switch (HeadCond[1].getImm()) {
582    case AArch64::CBZW:
583    case AArch64::CBNZW:
584      Opc = AArch64::SUBSWri;
585      break;
586    case AArch64::CBZX:
587    case AArch64::CBNZX:
588      Opc = AArch64::SUBSXri;
589      break;
590    default:
591      llvm_unreachable("Cannot convert Head branch");
592    }
593    const MCInstrDesc &MCID = TII->get(Opc);
594    // Create a dummy virtual register for the SUBS def.
595    unsigned DestReg =
596        MRI->createVirtualRegister(TII->getRegClass(MCID, 0, TRI, *MF));
597    // Insert a SUBS Rn, #0 instruction instead of the cbz / cbnz.
598    BuildMI(*Head, Head->end(), TermDL, MCID)
599        .addReg(DestReg, RegState::Define | RegState::Dead)
600        .addOperand(HeadCond[2])
601        .addImm(0)
602        .addImm(0);
603    // SUBS uses the GPR*sp register classes.
604    MRI->constrainRegClass(HeadCond[2].getReg(),
605                           TII->getRegClass(MCID, 1, TRI, *MF));
606  }
608  Head->splice(Head->end(), CmpBB, CmpBB->begin(), CmpBB->end());
610  // Now replace CmpMI with a ccmp instruction that also considers the incoming
611  // flags.
612  unsigned Opc = 0;
613  unsigned FirstOp = 1;   // First CmpMI operand to copy.
614  bool isZBranch = false; // CmpMI is a cbz/cbnz instruction.
615  switch (CmpMI->getOpcode()) {
616  default:
617    llvm_unreachable("Unknown compare opcode");
618  case AArch64::SUBSWri:    Opc = AArch64::CCMPWi; break;
619  case AArch64::SUBSWrr:    Opc = AArch64::CCMPWr; break;
620  case AArch64::SUBSXri:    Opc = AArch64::CCMPXi; break;
621  case AArch64::SUBSXrr:    Opc = AArch64::CCMPXr; break;
622  case AArch64::ADDSWri:    Opc = AArch64::CCMNWi; break;
623  case AArch64::ADDSWrr:    Opc = AArch64::CCMNWr; break;
624  case AArch64::ADDSXri:    Opc = AArch64::CCMNXi; break;
625  case AArch64::ADDSXrr:    Opc = AArch64::CCMNXr; break;
626  case AArch64::FCMPSrr:    Opc = AArch64::FCCMPSrr; FirstOp = 0; break;
627  case AArch64::FCMPDrr:    Opc = AArch64::FCCMPDrr; FirstOp = 0; break;
628  case AArch64::FCMPESrr:   Opc = AArch64::FCCMPESrr; FirstOp = 0; break;
629  case AArch64::FCMPEDrr:   Opc = AArch64::FCCMPEDrr; FirstOp = 0; break;
630  case AArch64::CBZW:
631  case AArch64::CBNZW:
632    Opc = AArch64::CCMPWi;
633    FirstOp = 0;
634    isZBranch = true;
635    break;
636  case AArch64::CBZX:
637  case AArch64::CBNZX:
638    Opc = AArch64::CCMPXi;
639    FirstOp = 0;
640    isZBranch = true;
641    break;
642  }
644  // The ccmp instruction should set the flags according to the comparison when
645  // Head would have branched to CmpBB.
646  // The NZCV immediate operand should provide flags for the case where Head
647  // would have branched to Tail. These flags should cause the new Head
648  // terminator to branch to tail.
649  unsigned NZCV = AArch64CC::getNZCVToSatisfyCondCode(CmpBBTailCC);
650  const MCInstrDesc &MCID = TII->get(Opc);
651  MRI->constrainRegClass(CmpMI->getOperand(FirstOp).getReg(),
652                         TII->getRegClass(MCID, 0, TRI, *MF));
653  if (CmpMI->getOperand(FirstOp + 1).isReg())
654    MRI->constrainRegClass(CmpMI->getOperand(FirstOp + 1).getReg(),
655                           TII->getRegClass(MCID, 1, TRI, *MF));
656  MachineInstrBuilder MIB =
657      BuildMI(*Head, CmpMI, CmpMI->getDebugLoc(), MCID)
658          .addOperand(CmpMI->getOperand(FirstOp)); // Register Rn
659  if (isZBranch)
660    MIB.addImm(0); // cbz/cbnz Rn -> ccmp Rn, #0
661  else
662    MIB.addOperand(CmpMI->getOperand(FirstOp + 1)); // Register Rm / Immediate
663  MIB.addImm(NZCV).addImm(HeadCmpBBCC);
665  // If CmpMI was a terminator, we need a new conditional branch to replace it.
666  // This now becomes a Head terminator.
667  if (isZBranch) {
668    bool isNZ = CmpMI->getOpcode() == AArch64::CBNZW ||
669                CmpMI->getOpcode() == AArch64::CBNZX;
670    BuildMI(*Head, CmpMI, CmpMI->getDebugLoc(), TII->get(AArch64::Bcc))
671        .addImm(isNZ ? AArch64CC::NE : AArch64CC::EQ)
672        .addOperand(CmpMI->getOperand(1)); // Branch target.
673  }
674  CmpMI->eraseFromParent();
675  Head->updateTerminator();
677  RemovedBlocks.push_back(CmpBB);
678  CmpBB->eraseFromParent();
679  DEBUG(dbgs() << "Result:\n" << *Head);
680  ++NumConverted;
683int SSACCmpConv::expectedCodeSizeDelta() const {
684  int delta = 0;
685  // If the Head terminator was one of the cbz / tbz branches with built-in
686  // compare, we need to insert an explicit compare instruction in its place
687  // plus a branch instruction.
688  if (HeadCond[0].getImm() == -1) {
689    switch (HeadCond[1].getImm()) {
690    case AArch64::CBZW:
691    case AArch64::CBNZW:
692    case AArch64::CBZX:
693    case AArch64::CBNZX:
694      // Therefore delta += 1
695      delta = 1;
696      break;
697    default:
698      llvm_unreachable("Cannot convert Head branch");
699    }
700  }
701  // If the Cmp terminator was one of the cbz / tbz branches with
702  // built-in compare, it will be turned into a compare instruction
703  // into Head, but we do not save any instruction.
704  // Otherwise, we save the branch instruction.
705  switch (CmpMI->getOpcode()) {
706  default:
707    --delta;
708    break;
709  case AArch64::CBZW:
710  case AArch64::CBNZW:
711  case AArch64::CBZX:
712  case AArch64::CBNZX:
713    break;
714  }
715  return delta;
719//                       AArch64ConditionalCompares Pass
722namespace {
723class AArch64ConditionalCompares : public MachineFunctionPass {
724  const TargetInstrInfo *TII;
725  const TargetRegisterInfo *TRI;
726  const MCSchedModel *SchedModel;
727  // Does the proceeded function has Oz attribute.
728  bool MinSize;
729  MachineRegisterInfo *MRI;
730  MachineDominatorTree *DomTree;
731  MachineLoopInfo *Loops;
732  MachineTraceMetrics *Traces;
733  MachineTraceMetrics::Ensemble *MinInstr;
734  SSACCmpConv CmpConv;
737  static char ID;
738  AArch64ConditionalCompares() : MachineFunctionPass(ID) {}
739  void getAnalysisUsage(AnalysisUsage &AU) const override;
740  bool runOnMachineFunction(MachineFunction &MF) override;
741  const char *getPassName() const override {
742    return "AArch64 Conditional Compares";
743  }
746  bool tryConvert(MachineBasicBlock *);
747  void updateDomTree(ArrayRef<MachineBasicBlock *> Removed);
748  void updateLoops(ArrayRef<MachineBasicBlock *> Removed);
749  void invalidateTraces();
750  bool shouldConvert();
752} // end anonymous namespace
754char AArch64ConditionalCompares::ID = 0;
756namespace llvm {
757void initializeAArch64ConditionalComparesPass(PassRegistry &);
760INITIALIZE_PASS_BEGIN(AArch64ConditionalCompares, "aarch64-ccmp",
761                      "AArch64 CCMP Pass", false, false)
765INITIALIZE_PASS_END(AArch64ConditionalCompares, "aarch64-ccmp",
766                    "AArch64 CCMP Pass", false, false)
768FunctionPass *llvm::createAArch64ConditionalCompares() {
769  return new AArch64ConditionalCompares();
772void AArch64ConditionalCompares::getAnalysisUsage(AnalysisUsage &AU) const {
773  AU.addRequired<MachineBranchProbabilityInfo>();
774  AU.addRequired<MachineDominatorTree>();
775  AU.addPreserved<MachineDominatorTree>();
776  AU.addRequired<MachineLoopInfo>();
777  AU.addPreserved<MachineLoopInfo>();
778  AU.addRequired<MachineTraceMetrics>();
779  AU.addPreserved<MachineTraceMetrics>();
780  MachineFunctionPass::getAnalysisUsage(AU);
783/// Update the dominator tree after if-conversion erased some blocks.
784void AArch64ConditionalCompares::updateDomTree(
785    ArrayRef<MachineBasicBlock *> Removed) {
786  // convert() removes CmpBB which was previously dominated by Head.
787  // CmpBB children should be transferred to Head.
788  MachineDomTreeNode *HeadNode = DomTree->getNode(CmpConv.Head);
789  for (unsigned i = 0, e = Removed.size(); i != e; ++i) {
790    MachineDomTreeNode *Node = DomTree->getNode(Removed[i]);
791    assert(Node != HeadNode && "Cannot erase the head node");
792    assert(Node->getIDom() == HeadNode && "CmpBB should be dominated by Head");
793    while (Node->getNumChildren())
794      DomTree->changeImmediateDominator(Node->getChildren().back(), HeadNode);
795    DomTree->eraseNode(Removed[i]);
796  }
799/// Update LoopInfo after if-conversion.
801AArch64ConditionalCompares::updateLoops(ArrayRef<MachineBasicBlock *> Removed) {
802  if (!Loops)
803    return;
804  for (unsigned i = 0, e = Removed.size(); i != e; ++i)
805    Loops->removeBlock(Removed[i]);
808/// Invalidate MachineTraceMetrics before if-conversion.
809void AArch64ConditionalCompares::invalidateTraces() {
810  Traces->invalidate(CmpConv.Head);
811  Traces->invalidate(CmpConv.CmpBB);
814/// Apply cost model and heuristics to the if-conversion in IfConv.
815/// Return true if the conversion is a good idea.
817bool AArch64ConditionalCompares::shouldConvert() {
818  // Stress testing mode disables all cost considerations.
819  if (Stress)
820    return true;
821  if (!MinInstr)
822    MinInstr = Traces->getEnsemble(MachineTraceMetrics::TS_MinInstrCount);
824  // Head dominates CmpBB, so it is always included in its trace.
825  MachineTraceMetrics::Trace Trace = MinInstr->getTrace(CmpConv.CmpBB);
827  // If code size is the main concern
828  if (MinSize) {
829    int CodeSizeDelta = CmpConv.expectedCodeSizeDelta();
830    DEBUG(dbgs() << "Code size delta:  " << CodeSizeDelta << '\n');
831    // If we are minimizing the code size, do the conversion whatever
832    // the cost is.
833    if (CodeSizeDelta < 0)
834      return true;
835    if (CodeSizeDelta > 0) {
836      DEBUG(dbgs() << "Code size is increasing, give up on this one.\n");
837      return false;
838    }
839    // CodeSizeDelta == 0, continue with the regular heuristics
840  }
842  // Heuristic: The compare conversion delays the execution of the branch
843  // instruction because we must wait for the inputs to the second compare as
844  // well. The branch has no dependent instructions, but delaying it increases
845  // the cost of a misprediction.
846  //
847  // Set a limit on the delay we will accept.
848  unsigned DelayLimit = SchedModel->MispredictPenalty * 3 / 4;
850  // Instruction depths can be computed for all trace instructions above CmpBB.
851  unsigned HeadDepth =
852      Trace.getInstrCycles(CmpConv.Head->getFirstTerminator()).Depth;
853  unsigned CmpBBDepth =
854      Trace.getInstrCycles(CmpConv.CmpBB->getFirstTerminator()).Depth;
855  DEBUG(dbgs() << "Head depth:  " << HeadDepth
856               << "\nCmpBB depth: " << CmpBBDepth << '\n');
857  if (CmpBBDepth > HeadDepth + DelayLimit) {
858    DEBUG(dbgs() << "Branch delay would be larger than " << DelayLimit
859                 << " cycles.\n");
860    return false;
861  }
863  // Check the resource depth at the bottom of CmpBB - these instructions will
864  // be speculated.
865  unsigned ResDepth = Trace.getResourceDepth(true);
866  DEBUG(dbgs() << "Resources:   " << ResDepth << '\n');
868  // Heuristic: The speculatively executed instructions must all be able to
869  // merge into the Head block. The Head critical path should dominate the
870  // resource cost of the speculated instructions.
871  if (ResDepth > HeadDepth) {
872    DEBUG(dbgs() << "Too many instructions to speculate.\n");
873    return false;
874  }
875  return true;
878bool AArch64ConditionalCompares::tryConvert(MachineBasicBlock *MBB) {
879  bool Changed = false;
880  while (CmpConv.canConvert(MBB) && shouldConvert()) {
881    invalidateTraces();
882    SmallVector<MachineBasicBlock *, 4> RemovedBlocks;
883    CmpConv.convert(RemovedBlocks);
884    Changed = true;
885    updateDomTree(RemovedBlocks);
886    updateLoops(RemovedBlocks);
887  }
888  return Changed;
891bool AArch64ConditionalCompares::runOnMachineFunction(MachineFunction &MF) {
892  DEBUG(dbgs() << "********** AArch64 Conditional Compares **********\n"
893               << "********** Function: " << MF.getName() << '\n');
894  TII = MF.getTarget().getInstrInfo();
895  TRI = MF.getTarget().getRegisterInfo();
896  SchedModel =
897      MF.getTarget().getSubtarget<TargetSubtargetInfo>().getSchedModel();
898  MRI = &MF.getRegInfo();
899  DomTree = &getAnalysis<MachineDominatorTree>();
900  Loops = getAnalysisIfAvailable<MachineLoopInfo>();
901  Traces = &getAnalysis<MachineTraceMetrics>();
902  MinInstr = nullptr;
903  MinSize = MF.getFunction()->getAttributes().hasAttribute(
904      AttributeSet::FunctionIndex, Attribute::MinSize);
906  bool Changed = false;
907  CmpConv.runOnMachineFunction(MF);
909  // Visit blocks in dominator tree pre-order. The pre-order enables multiple
910  // cmp-conversions from the same head block.
911  // Note that updateDomTree() modifies the children of the DomTree node
912  // currently being visited. The df_iterator supports that; it doesn't look at
913  // child_begin() / child_end() until after a node has been visited.
914  for (auto *I : depth_first(DomTree))
915    if (tryConvert(I->getBlock()))
916      Changed = true;
918  return Changed;