2 * ProGuard -- shrinking, optimization, obfuscation, and preverification
3 *             of Java bytecode.
4 *
5 * Copyright (c) 2002-2013 Eric Lafortune (eric@graphics.cornell.edu)
6 *
7 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
8 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
9 * Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
10 * any later version.
11 *
12 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
13 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
14 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
15 * more details.
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
18 * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
19 * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
20 */
21package proguard;
23import proguard.io.*;
24import proguard.util.*;
26import java.util.List;
29 * This class can create DataEntryWriter instances based on class paths. The
30 * writers will wrap the output in the proper jars, wars, ears, and zips.
31 *
32 * @author Eric Lafortune
33 */
34public class DataEntryWriterFactory
36    /**
37     * Creates a DataEntryWriter that can write to the given class path entries.
38     *
39     * @param classPath the output class path.
40     * @param fromIndex the start index in the class path.
41     * @param toIndex   the end index in the class path.
42     * @return a DataEntryWriter for writing to the given class path entries.
43     */
44    public static DataEntryWriter createDataEntryWriter(ClassPath classPath,
45                                                        int       fromIndex,
46                                                        int       toIndex)
47    {
48        DataEntryWriter writer = null;
50        // Create a chain of writers, one for each class path entry.
51        for (int index = toIndex - 1; index >= fromIndex; index--)
52        {
53            ClassPathEntry entry = classPath.get(index);
54            writer = createClassPathEntryWriter(entry, writer);
55        }
57        return writer;
58    }
61    /**
62     * Creates a DataEntryWriter that can write to the given class path entry,
63     * or delegate to another DataEntryWriter if its filters don't match.
64     */
65    private static DataEntryWriter createClassPathEntryWriter(ClassPathEntry  classPathEntry,
66                                                              DataEntryWriter alternativeWriter)
67    {
68        boolean isJar = classPathEntry.isJar();
69        boolean isWar = classPathEntry.isWar();
70        boolean isEar = classPathEntry.isEar();
71        boolean isZip = classPathEntry.isZip();
73        List filter    = classPathEntry.getFilter();
74        List jarFilter = classPathEntry.getJarFilter();
75        List warFilter = classPathEntry.getWarFilter();
76        List earFilter = classPathEntry.getEarFilter();
77        List zipFilter = classPathEntry.getZipFilter();
79        System.out.println("Preparing output " +
80                           (isJar ? "jar" :
81                            isWar ? "war" :
82                            isEar ? "ear" :
83                            isZip ? "zip" :
84                                    "directory") +
85                           " [" + classPathEntry.getName() + "]" +
86                           (filter    != null ||
87                            jarFilter != null ||
88                            warFilter != null ||
89                            earFilter != null ||
90                            zipFilter != null ? " (filtered)" : ""));
92        DataEntryWriter writer = new DirectoryWriter(classPathEntry.getFile(),
93                                                     isJar ||
94                                                     isWar ||
95                                                     isEar ||
96                                                     isZip);
98        // Set up the filtered jar writers.
99        writer = wrapInJarWriter(writer, isZip, zipFilter, ".zip", isJar || isWar || isEar);
100        writer = wrapInJarWriter(writer, isEar, earFilter, ".ear", isJar || isWar);
101        writer = wrapInJarWriter(writer, isWar, warFilter, ".war", isJar);
102        writer = wrapInJarWriter(writer, isJar, jarFilter, ".jar", false);
104        // Add a filter, if specified.
105        writer = filter != null?
106            new FilteredDataEntryWriter(
107            new DataEntryNameFilter(
108            new ListParser(new FileNameParser()).parse(filter)),
109                writer) :
110            writer;
112        // Let the writer cascade, if specified.
113        return alternativeWriter != null ?
114            new CascadingDataEntryWriter(writer, alternativeWriter) :
115            writer;
116    }
119    /**
120     * Wraps the given DataEntryWriter in a JarWriter, filtering if necessary.
121     */
122    private static DataEntryWriter wrapInJarWriter(DataEntryWriter writer,
123                                                   boolean         isJar,
124                                                   List            jarFilter,
125                                                   String          jarExtension,
126                                                   boolean         dontWrap)
127    {
128        // Zip up jars, if necessary.
129        DataEntryWriter jarWriter = dontWrap ?
130            (DataEntryWriter)new ParentDataEntryWriter(writer) :
131            (DataEntryWriter)new JarWriter(writer);
133        // Add a filter, if specified.
134        DataEntryWriter filteredJarWriter = jarFilter != null?
135            new FilteredDataEntryWriter(
136            new DataEntryParentFilter(
137            new DataEntryNameFilter(
138            new ListParser(new FileNameParser()).parse(jarFilter))),
139                 jarWriter) :
140            jarWriter;
142        // Only zip up jars, unless the output is a jar file itself.
143        return new FilteredDataEntryWriter(
144               new DataEntryParentFilter(
145               new DataEntryNameFilter(
146               new ExtensionMatcher(jarExtension))),
147                   filteredJarWriter,
148                   isJar ? jarWriter : writer);
149    }