1// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -verify %s 2 3typedef double * __attribute__((align_value(64))) aligned_double; 4 5void foo(aligned_double x, double * y __attribute__((align_value(32)))) { }; 6 7// expected-error@+1 {{requested alignment is not a power of 2}} 8typedef double * __attribute__((align_value(63))) aligned_double1; 9 10// expected-error@+1 {{requested alignment is not a power of 2}} 11typedef double * __attribute__((align_value(-2))) aligned_double2; 12 13// expected-error@+1 {{attribute takes one argument}} 14typedef double * __attribute__((align_value(63, 4))) aligned_double3; 15 16// expected-error@+1 {{attribute takes one argument}} 17typedef double * __attribute__((align_value())) aligned_double3a; 18 19// expected-error@+1 {{attribute takes one argument}} 20typedef double * __attribute__((align_value)) aligned_double3b; 21 22// expected-error@+1 {{'align_value' attribute requires integer constant}} 23typedef double * __attribute__((align_value(4.5))) aligned_double4; 24 25// expected-warning@+1 {{'align_value' attribute only applies to a pointer or reference ('int' is invalid)}} 26typedef int __attribute__((align_value(32))) aligned_int; 27 28typedef double * __attribute__((align_value(32*2))) aligned_double5; 29 30// expected-warning@+1 {{'align_value' attribute only applies to variables and typedefs}} 31void foo() __attribute__((align_value(32))); 32 33