3*   Copyright (C) 2001-2014 IBM and others. All rights reserved.
5*   Date        Name        Description
6*  03/22/2000   helena      Creation.
10#ifndef STSEARCH_H
11#define STSEARCH_H
13#include "unicode/utypes.h"
16 * \file
17 * \brief C++ API: Service for searching text based on RuleBasedCollator.
18 */
22#include "unicode/tblcoll.h"
23#include "unicode/coleitr.h"
24#include "unicode/search.h"
29 *
30 * <tt>StringSearch</tt> is a <tt>SearchIterator</tt> that provides
31 * language-sensitive text searching based on the comparison rules defined
32 * in a {@link RuleBasedCollator} object.
33 * StringSearch ensures that language eccentricity can be
34 * handled, e.g. for the German collator, characters &szlig; and SS will be matched
35 * if case is chosen to be ignored.
36 * See the <a href="http://source.icu-project.org/repos/icu/icuhtml/trunk/design/collation/ICU_collation_design.htm">
37 * "ICU Collation Design Document"</a> for more information.
38 * <p>
39 * There are 2 match options for selection:<br>
40 * Let S' be the sub-string of a text string S between the offsets start and
41 * end [start, end].
42 * <br>
43 * A pattern string P matches a text string S at the offsets [start, end]
44 * if
45 * <pre>
46 * option 1. Some canonical equivalent of P matches some canonical equivalent
47 *           of S'
48 * option 2. P matches S' and if P starts or ends with a combining mark,
49 *           there exists no non-ignorable combining mark before or after S?
50 *           in S respectively.
51 * </pre>
52 * Option 2. will be the default.
53 * <p>
54 * This search has APIs similar to that of other text iteration mechanisms
55 * such as the break iterators in <tt>BreakIterator</tt>. Using these
56 * APIs, it is easy to scan through text looking for all occurrences of
57 * a given pattern. This search iterator allows changing of direction by
58 * calling a <tt>reset</tt> followed by a <tt>next</tt> or <tt>previous</tt>.
59 * Though a direction change can occur without calling <tt>reset</tt> first,
60 * this operation comes with some speed penalty.
61 * Match results in the forward direction will match the result matches in
62 * the backwards direction in the reverse order
63 * <p>
64 * <tt>SearchIterator</tt> provides APIs to specify the starting position
65 * within the text string to be searched, e.g. <tt>setOffset</tt>,
66 * <tt>preceding</tt> and <tt>following</tt>. Since the
67 * starting position will be set as it is specified, please take note that
68 * there are some danger points which the search may render incorrect
69 * results:
70 * <ul>
71 * <li> The midst of a substring that requires normalization.
72 * <li> If the following match is to be found, the position should not be the
73 *      second character which requires to be swapped with the preceding
74 *      character. Vice versa, if the preceding match is to be found,
75 *      position to search from should not be the first character which
76 *      requires to be swapped with the next character. E.g certain Thai and
77 *      Lao characters require swapping.
78 * <li> If a following pattern match is to be found, any position within a
79 *      contracting sequence except the first will fail. Vice versa if a
80 *      preceding pattern match is to be found, a invalid starting point
81 *      would be any character within a contracting sequence except the last.
82 * </ul>
83 * <p>
84 * A <tt>BreakIterator</tt> can be used if only matches at logical breaks are desired.
85 * Using a <tt>BreakIterator</tt> will only give you results that exactly matches the
86 * boundaries given by the breakiterator. For instance the pattern "e" will
87 * not be found in the string "\u00e9" if a character break iterator is used.
88 * <p>
89 * Options are provided to handle overlapping matches.
90 * E.g. In English, overlapping matches produces the result 0 and 2
91 * for the pattern "abab" in the text "ababab", where else mutually
92 * exclusive matches only produce the result of 0.
93 * <p>
94 * Though collator attributes will be taken into consideration while
95 * performing matches, there are no APIs here for setting and getting the
96 * attributes. These attributes can be set by getting the collator
97 * from <tt>getCollator</tt> and using the APIs in <tt>coll.h</tt>.
98 * Lastly to update <tt>StringSearch</tt> to the new collator attributes,
99 * <tt>reset</tt> has to be called.
100 * <p>
101 * Restriction: <br>
102 * Currently there are no composite characters that consists of a
103 * character with combining class > 0 before a character with combining
104 * class == 0. However, if such a character exists in the future,
105 * <tt>StringSearch</tt> does not guarantee the results for option 1.
106 * <p>
107 * Consult the <tt>SearchIterator</tt> documentation for information on
108 * and examples of how to use instances of this class to implement text
109 * searching.
110 * <pre><code>
111 * UnicodeString target("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.");
112 * UnicodeString pattern("fox");
113 *
114 * UErrorCode      error = U_ZERO_ERROR;
115 * StringSearch iter(pattern, target, Locale::getUS(), NULL, status);
116 * for (int pos = iter.first(error);
117 *      pos != USEARCH_DONE;
118 *      pos = iter.next(error))
119 * {
120 *     printf("Found match at %d pos, length is %d\n", pos,
121 *                                             iter.getMatchLength());
122 * }
123 * </code></pre>
124 * <p>
125 * Note, <tt>StringSearch</tt> is not to be subclassed.
126 * </p>
127 * @see SearchIterator
128 * @see RuleBasedCollator
129 * @since ICU 2.0
130 */
132class U_I18N_API StringSearch U_FINAL : public SearchIterator
136    // public constructors and destructors --------------------------------
138    /**
139     * Creating a <tt>StringSearch</tt> instance using the argument locale
140     * language rule set. A collator will be created in the process, which
141     * will be owned by this instance and will be deleted during
142     * destruction
143     * @param pattern The text for which this object will search.
144     * @param text    The text in which to search for the pattern.
145     * @param locale  A locale which defines the language-sensitive
146     *                comparison rules used to determine whether text in the
147     *                pattern and target matches.
148     * @param breakiter A <tt>BreakIterator</tt> object used to constrain
149     *                the matches that are found. Matches whose start and end
150     *                indices in the target text are not boundaries as
151     *                determined by the <tt>BreakIterator</tt> are
152     *                ignored. If this behavior is not desired,
153     *                <tt>NULL</tt> can be passed in instead.
154     * @param status  for errors if any. If pattern or text is NULL, or if
155     *               either the length of pattern or text is 0 then an
156     *               U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR is returned.
157     * @stable ICU 2.0
158     */
159    StringSearch(const UnicodeString &pattern, const UnicodeString &text,
160                 const Locale        &locale,
161                       BreakIterator *breakiter,
162                       UErrorCode    &status);
164    /**
165     * Creating a <tt>StringSearch</tt> instance using the argument collator
166     * language rule set. Note, user retains the ownership of this collator,
167     * it does not get destroyed during this instance's destruction.
168     * @param pattern The text for which this object will search.
169     * @param text    The text in which to search for the pattern.
170     * @param coll    A <tt>RuleBasedCollator</tt> object which defines
171     *                the language-sensitive comparison rules used to
172     *                determine whether text in the pattern and target
173     *                matches. User is responsible for the clearing of this
174     *                object.
175     * @param breakiter A <tt>BreakIterator</tt> object used to constrain
176     *                the matches that are found. Matches whose start and end
177     *                indices in the target text are not boundaries as
178     *                determined by the <tt>BreakIterator</tt> are
179     *                ignored. If this behavior is not desired,
180     *                <tt>NULL</tt> can be passed in instead.
181     * @param status for errors if any. If either the length of pattern or
182     *               text is 0 then an U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR is returned.
183     * @stable ICU 2.0
184     */
185    StringSearch(const UnicodeString     &pattern,
186                 const UnicodeString     &text,
187                       RuleBasedCollator *coll,
188                       BreakIterator     *breakiter,
189                       UErrorCode        &status);
191    /**
192     * Creating a <tt>StringSearch</tt> instance using the argument locale
193     * language rule set. A collator will be created in the process, which
194     * will be owned by this instance and will be deleted during
195     * destruction
196     * <p>
197     * Note: No parsing of the text within the <tt>CharacterIterator</tt>
198     * will be done during searching for this version. The block of text
199     * in <tt>CharacterIterator</tt> will be used as it is.
200     * @param pattern The text for which this object will search.
201     * @param text    The text iterator in which to search for the pattern.
202     * @param locale  A locale which defines the language-sensitive
203     *                comparison rules used to determine whether text in the
204     *                pattern and target matches. User is responsible for
205     *                the clearing of this object.
206     * @param breakiter A <tt>BreakIterator</tt> object used to constrain
207     *                the matches that are found. Matches whose start and end
208     *                indices in the target text are not boundaries as
209     *                determined by the <tt>BreakIterator</tt> are
210     *                ignored. If this behavior is not desired,
211     *                <tt>NULL</tt> can be passed in instead.
212     * @param status for errors if any. If either the length of pattern or
213     *               text is 0 then an U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR is returned.
214     * @stable ICU 2.0
215     */
216    StringSearch(const UnicodeString &pattern, CharacterIterator &text,
217                 const Locale        &locale,
218                       BreakIterator *breakiter,
219                       UErrorCode    &status);
221    /**
222     * Creating a <tt>StringSearch</tt> instance using the argument collator
223     * language rule set. Note, user retains the ownership of this collator,
224     * it does not get destroyed during this instance's destruction.
225     * <p>
226     * Note: No parsing of the text within the <tt>CharacterIterator</tt>
227     * will be done during searching for this version. The block of text
228     * in <tt>CharacterIterator</tt> will be used as it is.
229     * @param pattern The text for which this object will search.
230     * @param text    The text in which to search for the pattern.
231     * @param coll    A <tt>RuleBasedCollator</tt> object which defines
232     *                the language-sensitive comparison rules used to
233     *                determine whether text in the pattern and target
234     *                matches. User is responsible for the clearing of this
235     *                object.
236     * @param breakiter A <tt>BreakIterator</tt> object used to constrain
237     *                the matches that are found. Matches whose start and end
238     *                indices in the target text are not boundaries as
239     *                determined by the <tt>BreakIterator</tt> are
240     *                ignored. If this behavior is not desired,
241     *                <tt>NULL</tt> can be passed in instead.
242     * @param status for errors if any. If either the length of pattern or
243     *               text is 0 then an U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR is returned.
244     * @stable ICU 2.0
245     */
246    StringSearch(const UnicodeString     &pattern, CharacterIterator &text,
247                       RuleBasedCollator *coll,
248                       BreakIterator     *breakiter,
249                       UErrorCode        &status);
251    /**
252     * Copy constructor that creates a StringSearch instance with the same
253     * behavior, and iterating over the same text.
254     * @param that StringSearch instance to be copied.
255     * @stable ICU 2.0
256     */
257    StringSearch(const StringSearch &that);
259    /**
260    * Destructor. Cleans up the search iterator data struct.
261    * If a collator is created in the constructor, it will be destroyed here.
262    * @stable ICU 2.0
263    */
264    virtual ~StringSearch(void);
266    /**
267     * Clone this object.
268     * Clones can be used concurrently in multiple threads.
269     * If an error occurs, then NULL is returned.
270     * The caller must delete the clone.
271     *
272     * @return a clone of this object
273     *
274     * @see getDynamicClassID
275     * @stable ICU 2.8
276     */
277    StringSearch *clone() const;
279    // operator overloading ---------------------------------------------
281    /**
282     * Assignment operator. Sets this iterator to have the same behavior,
283     * and iterate over the same text, as the one passed in.
284     * @param that instance to be copied.
285     * @stable ICU 2.0
286     */
287    StringSearch & operator=(const StringSearch &that);
289    /**
290     * Equality operator.
291     * @param that instance to be compared.
292     * @return TRUE if both instances have the same attributes,
293     *         breakiterators, collators and iterate over the same text
294     *         while looking for the same pattern.
295     * @stable ICU 2.0
296     */
297    virtual UBool operator==(const SearchIterator &that) const;
299    // public get and set methods ----------------------------------------
301    /**
302     * Sets the index to point to the given position, and clears any state
303     * that's affected.
304     * <p>
305     * This method takes the argument index and sets the position in the text
306     * string accordingly without checking if the index is pointing to a
307     * valid starting point to begin searching.
308     * @param position within the text to be set. If position is less
309     *          than or greater than the text range for searching,
310     *          an U_INDEX_OUTOFBOUNDS_ERROR will be returned
311     * @param status for errors if it occurs
312     * @stable ICU 2.0
313     */
314    virtual void setOffset(int32_t position, UErrorCode &status);
316    /**
317     * Return the current index in the text being searched.
318     * If the iteration has gone past the end of the text
319     * (or past the beginning for a backwards search), USEARCH_DONE
320     * is returned.
321     * @return current index in the text being searched.
322     * @stable ICU 2.0
323     */
324    virtual int32_t getOffset(void) const;
326    /**
327     * Set the target text to be searched.
328     * Text iteration will hence begin at the start of the text string.
329     * This method is
330     * useful if you want to re-use an iterator to search for the same
331     * pattern within a different body of text.
332     * @param text text string to be searched
333     * @param status for errors if any. If the text length is 0 then an
334     *        U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR is returned.
335     * @stable ICU 2.0
336     */
337    virtual void setText(const UnicodeString &text, UErrorCode &status);
339    /**
340     * Set the target text to be searched.
341     * Text iteration will hence begin at the start of the text string.
342     * This method is
343     * useful if you want to re-use an iterator to search for the same
344     * pattern within a different body of text.
345     * Note: No parsing of the text within the <tt>CharacterIterator</tt>
346     * will be done during searching for this version. The block of text
347     * in <tt>CharacterIterator</tt> will be used as it is.
348     * @param text text string to be searched
349     * @param status for errors if any. If the text length is 0 then an
350     *        U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR is returned.
351     * @stable ICU 2.0
352     */
353    virtual void setText(CharacterIterator &text, UErrorCode &status);
355    /**
356     * Gets the collator used for the language rules.
357     * <p>
358     * Caller may modify but <b>must not</b> delete the <tt>RuleBasedCollator</tt>!
359     * Modifications to this collator will affect the original collator passed in to
360     * the <tt>StringSearch></tt> constructor or to setCollator, if any.
361     * @return collator used for string search
362     * @stable ICU 2.0
363     */
364    RuleBasedCollator * getCollator() const;
366    /**
367     * Sets the collator used for the language rules. User retains the
368     * ownership of this collator, thus the responsibility of deletion lies
369     * with the user. The iterator's position will not be changed by this method.
370     * @param coll    collator
371     * @param status  for errors if any
372     * @stable ICU 2.0
373     */
374    void setCollator(RuleBasedCollator *coll, UErrorCode &status);
376    /**
377     * Sets the pattern used for matching.
378     * The iterator's position will not be changed by this method.
379     * @param pattern search pattern to be found
380     * @param status for errors if any. If the pattern length is 0 then an
381     *               U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR is returned.
382     * @stable ICU 2.0
383     */
384    void setPattern(const UnicodeString &pattern, UErrorCode &status);
386    /**
387     * Gets the search pattern.
388     * @return pattern used for matching
389     * @stable ICU 2.0
390     */
391    const UnicodeString & getPattern() const;
393    // public methods ----------------------------------------------------
395    /**
396     * Reset the iteration.
397     * Search will begin at the start of the text string if a forward
398     * iteration is initiated before a backwards iteration. Otherwise if
399     * a backwards iteration is initiated before a forwards iteration, the
400     * search will begin at the end of the text string.
401     * @stable ICU 2.0
402     */
403    virtual void reset();
405    /**
406     * Returns a copy of StringSearch with the same behavior, and
407     * iterating over the same text, as this one. Note that all data will be
408     * replicated, except for the user-specified collator and the
409     * breakiterator.
410     * @return cloned object
411     * @stable ICU 2.0
412     */
413    virtual SearchIterator * safeClone(void) const;
415    /**
416     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for the actual class.
417     *
418     * @stable ICU 2.2
419     */
420    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID() const;
422    /**
423     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for this class.
424     *
425     * @stable ICU 2.2
426     */
427    static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID();
431    // protected method -------------------------------------------------
433    /**
434     * Search forward for matching text, starting at a given location.
435     * Clients should not call this method directly; instead they should
436     * call {@link SearchIterator#next }.
437     * <p>
438     * If a match is found, this method returns the index at which the match
439     * starts and calls {@link SearchIterator#setMatchLength } with the number
440     * of characters in the target text that make up the match. If no match
441     * is found, the method returns <tt>USEARCH_DONE</tt>.
442     * <p>
443     * The <tt>StringSearch</tt> is adjusted so that its current index
444     * (as returned by {@link #getOffset }) is the match position if one was
445     * found.
446     * If a match is not found, <tt>USEARCH_DONE</tt> will be returned and
447     * the <tt>StringSearch</tt> will be adjusted to the index USEARCH_DONE.
448     * @param position The index in the target text at which the search
449     *                 starts
450     * @param status for errors if any occurs
451     * @return The index at which the matched text in the target starts, or
452     *         USEARCH_DONE if no match was found.
453     * @stable ICU 2.0
454     */
455    virtual int32_t handleNext(int32_t position, UErrorCode &status);
457    /**
458     * Search backward for matching text, starting at a given location.
459     * Clients should not call this method directly; instead they should call
460     * <tt>SearchIterator.previous()</tt>, which this method overrides.
461     * <p>
462     * If a match is found, this method returns the index at which the match
463     * starts and calls {@link SearchIterator#setMatchLength } with the number
464     * of characters in the target text that make up the match. If no match
465     * is found, the method returns <tt>USEARCH_DONE</tt>.
466     * <p>
467     * The <tt>StringSearch</tt> is adjusted so that its current index
468     * (as returned by {@link #getOffset }) is the match position if one was
469     * found.
470     * If a match is not found, <tt>USEARCH_DONE</tt> will be returned and
471     * the <tt>StringSearch</tt> will be adjusted to the index USEARCH_DONE.
472     * @param position The index in the target text at which the search
473     *                 starts.
474     * @param status for errors if any occurs
475     * @return The index at which the matched text in the target starts, or
476     *         USEARCH_DONE if no match was found.
477     * @stable ICU 2.0
478     */
479    virtual int32_t handlePrev(int32_t position, UErrorCode &status);
481private :
482    StringSearch(); // default constructor not implemented
484    // private data members ----------------------------------------------
486    /**
487    * Pattern text
488    * @stable ICU 2.0
489    */
490    UnicodeString      m_pattern_;
491    /**
492    * String search struct data
493    * @stable ICU 2.0
494    */
495    UStringSearch     *m_strsrch_;
501#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_COLLATION */