2 *******************************************************************************
3 * Copyright (C) 2014, International Business Machines Corporation and         *
4 * others. All Rights Reserved.                                                *
5 *******************************************************************************
6 */
7package com.ibm.icu.impl;
9import java.util.ArrayList;
10import java.util.List;
13 * Compiled version of a pattern such as "{1} was born in {0}".
14 * <p>
15 * Using SimplePatternFormatter objects is both faster and safer than adhoc replacement
16 * such as <code>pattern.replace("{0}", "Colorado").replace("{1} "Fred");</code>.
17 * They are faster because they are precompiled; they are safer because they
18 * account for curly braces escaped by apostrophe (').
19 *
20 * Placeholders are of the form \{[0-9]+\}. If a curly brace is preceded
21 * by a single quote, it becomes a curly brace instead of the start of a
22 * placeholder. Two single quotes resolve to one single quote.
23 * <p>
24 * SimplePatternFormatter objects are immutable and can be safely cached like strings.
25 * <p>
26 * Example:
27 * <pre>
28 * SimplePatternFormatter fmt = SimplePatternFormatter.compile("{1} '{born} in {0}");
29 *
30 * // Output: "paul {born} in england"
31 * System.out.println(fmt.format("england", "paul"));
32 * </pre>
33 */
34public class SimplePatternFormatter {
35    private final String patternWithoutPlaceholders;
36    private final int placeholderCount;
38    // [0] first offset; [1] first placeholderId; [2] second offset;
39    // [3] second placeholderId etc.
40    private final int[] placeholderIdsOrderedByOffset;
42    private final boolean firstPlaceholderReused;
44    private SimplePatternFormatter(String pattern, PlaceholdersBuilder builder) {
45        this.patternWithoutPlaceholders = pattern;
46        this.placeholderIdsOrderedByOffset =
47                builder.getPlaceholderIdsOrderedByOffset();
48        this.placeholderCount = builder.getPlaceholderCount();
49        this.firstPlaceholderReused = builder.getFirstPlaceholderReused();
50    }
52    /**
53     * Compiles a string.
54     * @param pattern The string.
55     * @return the new SimplePatternFormatter object.
56     */
57    public static SimplePatternFormatter compile(String pattern) {
58        PlaceholdersBuilder placeholdersBuilder = new PlaceholdersBuilder();
59        PlaceholderIdBuilder idBuilder =  new PlaceholderIdBuilder();
60        StringBuilder newPattern = new StringBuilder();
61        State state = State.INIT;
62        for (int i = 0; i < pattern.length(); i++) {
63            char ch = pattern.charAt(i);
64            switch (state) {
65            case INIT:
66                if (ch == 0x27) {
67                    state = State.APOSTROPHE;
68                } else if (ch == '{') {
69                    state = State.PLACEHOLDER;
70                    idBuilder.reset();
71                } else {
72                    newPattern.append(ch);
73                }
74                break;
75            case APOSTROPHE:
76                if (ch == 0x27) {
77                    newPattern.append("'");
78                } else if (ch == '{') {
79                    newPattern.append("{");
80                } else {
81                    newPattern.append("'");
82                    newPattern.append(ch);
83                }
84                state = State.INIT;
85                break;
86            case PLACEHOLDER:
87                if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') {
88                    idBuilder.add(ch);
89                } else if (ch == '}' && idBuilder.isValid()) {
90                    placeholdersBuilder.add(idBuilder.getId(), newPattern.length());
91                    state = State.INIT;
92                } else {
93                    newPattern.append('{');
94                    idBuilder.appendTo(newPattern);
95                    newPattern.append(ch);
96                    state = State.INIT;
97                }
98                break;
99            default:
100                throw new IllegalStateException();
101            }
102        }
103        switch (state) {
104        case INIT:
105            break;
106        case APOSTROPHE:
107            newPattern.append("'");
108            break;
109        case PLACEHOLDER:
110            newPattern.append('{');
111            idBuilder.appendTo(newPattern);
112            break;
113        default:
114            throw new IllegalStateException();
115        }
116        return new SimplePatternFormatter(newPattern.toString(), placeholdersBuilder);
118    }
120    /**
121     * Returns the max placeholder ID + 1.
122     */
123    public int getPlaceholderCount() {
124        return placeholderCount;
125    }
127    /**
128     * Formats the given values.
129     */
130    public String format(CharSequence... values) {
131        return formatAndAppend(new StringBuilder(), null, values).toString();
132    }
134    /**
135     * Formats the given values.
136     *
137     * @param appendTo the result appended here.
138     * @param offsets position of first value in appendTo stored in offsets[0];
139     *   second in offsets[1]; third in offsets[2] etc. An offset of -1 means that the
140     *   corresponding value is not in appendTo. offsets.length and values.length may
141     *   differ. If offsets.length < values.length then only the first offsets are written out;
142     *   If offsets.length > values.length then the extra offsets get -1.
143     *   If caller is not interested in offsets, caller may pass null here.
144     * @param values the placeholder values. A placeholder value may not be the same object as
145     *   appendTo.
146     * @return appendTo
147     */
148    public StringBuilder formatAndAppend(
149            StringBuilder appendTo, int[] offsets, CharSequence... values) {
150        if (values.length < placeholderCount) {
151            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Too few values.");
152        }
153        PlaceholderValues placeholderValues = new PlaceholderValues(values);
154        if (placeholderValues.isAppendToInAnyIndexExcept(appendTo, -1)) {
155            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter values cannot be the same as appendTo.");
156        }
157        formatReturningOffsetLength(appendTo, offsets, placeholderValues);
158        return appendTo;
159    }
161    /**
162     * Formats the given values.
163     *
164     * @param result The result is stored here overwriting any previously stored value.
165     * @param offsets position of first value in result stored in offsets[0];
166     *   second in offsets[1]; third in offsets[2] etc. An offset of -1 means that the
167     *   corresponding value is not in result. offsets.length and values.length may
168     *   differ. If offsets.length < values.length then only the first offsets are written out;
169     *   If offsets.length > values.length then the extra offsets get -1.
170     *   If caller is not interested in offsets, caller may pass null here.
171     * @param values the placeholder values. A placeholder value may be result itself in which case
172     *   The previous value of result is used.
173     * @return result
174     */
175    public StringBuilder formatAndReplace(
176            StringBuilder result, int[] offsets, CharSequence... values) {
177        if (values.length < placeholderCount) {
178            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Too few values.");
179        }
180        PlaceholderValues placeholderValues = new PlaceholderValues(values);
181        int placeholderAtStart = getUniquePlaceholderAtStart();
183        // If patterns starts with a placeholder and the value for that placeholder
184        // is result, then we can may be able optimize by just appending to result.
185        if (placeholderAtStart >= 0 && values[placeholderAtStart] == result) {
187            // If result is the value for other placeholders, call off optimization.
188            if (placeholderValues.isAppendToInAnyIndexExcept(result, placeholderAtStart)) {
189                placeholderValues.snapshotAppendTo(result);
190                result.setLength(0);
191                formatReturningOffsetLength(result, offsets, placeholderValues);
192                return result;
193            }
195            // Otherwise we can optimize
196            int offsetLength = formatReturningOffsetLength(result, offsets, placeholderValues);
198            // We have to make the offset for the placeholderAtStart placeholder be 0.
199            // Otherwise it would be the length of the previous value of result.
200            if (offsetLength > placeholderAtStart) {
201                offsets[placeholderAtStart] = 0;
202            }
203            return result;
204        }
205        if (placeholderValues.isAppendToInAnyIndexExcept(result, -1)) {
206            placeholderValues.snapshotAppendTo(result);
207        }
208        result.setLength(0);
209        formatReturningOffsetLength(result, offsets, placeholderValues);
210        return result;
211    }
213    /**
214     * Formats this object using values {0}, {1} etc. Note that this is
215     * not the same as the original pattern string used to build this object.
216     */
217    @Override
218    public String toString() {
219        String[] values = new String[this.getPlaceholderCount()];
220        for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
221            values[i] = String.format("{%d}", i);
222        }
223        return formatAndAppend(new StringBuilder(), null, values).toString();
224    }
226    /**
227     * Returns this pattern with none of the placeholders.
228     */
229    public String getPatternWithNoPlaceholders() {
230        return patternWithoutPlaceholders;
231    }
233    /**
234     * Just like format, but uses placeholder values exactly as they are.
235     * A placeholder value that is the same object as appendTo is treated
236     * as the empty string. In addition, returns the length of the offsets
237     * array. Returns 0 if offsets is null.
238     */
239    private int formatReturningOffsetLength(
240            StringBuilder appendTo,
241            int[] offsets,
242            PlaceholderValues values) {
243        int offsetLen = offsets == null ? 0 : offsets.length;
244        for (int i = 0; i < offsetLen; i++) {
245            offsets[i] = -1;
246        }
247        if (placeholderIdsOrderedByOffset.length == 0) {
248            appendTo.append(patternWithoutPlaceholders);
249            return offsetLen;
250        }
251        appendTo.append(
252                patternWithoutPlaceholders,
253                0,
254                placeholderIdsOrderedByOffset[0]);
255        setPlaceholderOffset(
256                placeholderIdsOrderedByOffset[1],
257                appendTo.length(),
258                offsets,
259                offsetLen);
260        CharSequence placeholderValue = values.get(placeholderIdsOrderedByOffset[1]);
261        if (placeholderValue != appendTo) {
262            appendTo.append(placeholderValue);
263        }
264        for (int i = 2; i < placeholderIdsOrderedByOffset.length; i += 2) {
265            appendTo.append(
266                    patternWithoutPlaceholders,
267                    placeholderIdsOrderedByOffset[i - 2],
268                    placeholderIdsOrderedByOffset[i]);
269            setPlaceholderOffset(
270                    placeholderIdsOrderedByOffset[i + 1],
271                    appendTo.length(),
272                    offsets,
273                    offsetLen);
274            placeholderValue = values.get(placeholderIdsOrderedByOffset[i + 1]);
275            if (placeholderValue != appendTo) {
276                appendTo.append(placeholderValue);
277            }
278        }
279        appendTo.append(
280                patternWithoutPlaceholders,
281                placeholderIdsOrderedByOffset[placeholderIdsOrderedByOffset.length - 2],
282                patternWithoutPlaceholders.length());
283        return offsetLen;
284    }
287    /**
288     * Returns the placeholder at the beginning of this pattern (e.g 3 for placeholder {3}).
289     * Returns -1 if the beginning of pattern is text or if the placeholder at beginning
290     * of this pattern is used again elsewhere in pattern.
291     */
292    private int getUniquePlaceholderAtStart() {
293        if (placeholderIdsOrderedByOffset.length == 0
294                || firstPlaceholderReused || placeholderIdsOrderedByOffset[0] != 0) {
295            return -1;
296        }
297        return placeholderIdsOrderedByOffset[1];
298    }
300    private static void setPlaceholderOffset(
301            int placeholderId, int offset, int[] offsets, int offsetLen) {
302        if (placeholderId < offsetLen) {
303            offsets[placeholderId] = offset;
304        }
305    }
307    private static enum State {
308        INIT,
309        APOSTROPHE,
310        PLACEHOLDER,
311    }
313    private static class PlaceholderIdBuilder {
314        private int id = 0;
315        private int idLen = 0;
317        public void reset() {
318            id = 0;
319            idLen = 0;
320        }
322        public int getId() {
323           return id;
324        }
326        public void appendTo(StringBuilder appendTo) {
327            if (idLen > 0) {
328                appendTo.append(id);
329            }
330        }
332        public boolean isValid() {
333           return idLen > 0;
334        }
336        public void add(char ch) {
337            id = id * 10 + ch - '0';
338            idLen++;
339        }
340    }
342    private static class PlaceholdersBuilder {
343        private List<Integer> placeholderIdsOrderedByOffset = new ArrayList<Integer>();
344        private int placeholderCount = 0;
345        private boolean firstPlaceholderReused = false;
347        public void add(int placeholderId, int offset) {
348            placeholderIdsOrderedByOffset.add(offset);
349            placeholderIdsOrderedByOffset.add(placeholderId);
350            if (placeholderId >= placeholderCount) {
351                placeholderCount = placeholderId + 1;
352            }
353            int len = placeholderIdsOrderedByOffset.size();
354            if (len > 2
355                    && placeholderIdsOrderedByOffset.get(len - 1)
356                            .equals(placeholderIdsOrderedByOffset.get(1))) {
357                firstPlaceholderReused = true;
358            }
359        }
361        public int getPlaceholderCount() {
362            return placeholderCount;
363        }
365        public int[] getPlaceholderIdsOrderedByOffset() {
366            int[] result = new int[placeholderIdsOrderedByOffset.size()];
367            for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
368                result[i] = placeholderIdsOrderedByOffset.get(i).intValue();
369            }
370            return result;
371        }
373        public boolean getFirstPlaceholderReused() {
374            return firstPlaceholderReused;
375        }
376    }
378    /**
379     * Represents placeholder values.
380     */
381    private static class PlaceholderValues {
382        private final CharSequence[] values;
383        private CharSequence appendTo;
384        private String appendToCopy;
386        public PlaceholderValues(CharSequence ...values) {
387            this.values = values;
388            this.appendTo = null;
389            this.appendToCopy = null;
390        }
392        /**
393         * Returns true if appendTo value is at any index besides exceptIndex.
394         */
395        public boolean isAppendToInAnyIndexExcept(CharSequence appendTo, int exceptIndex) {
396            for (int i = 0; i < values.length; ++i) {
397                if (i != exceptIndex && values[i] == appendTo) {
398                    return true;
399                }
400            }
401            return false;
402        }
404        /**
405         * For each appendTo value, stores the snapshot of it in its place.
406         */
407        public void snapshotAppendTo(CharSequence appendTo) {
408            this.appendTo = appendTo;
409            this.appendToCopy = appendTo.toString();
410        }
412        /**
413         *  Return placeholder at given index.
414         */
415        public CharSequence get(int index) {
416            if (appendTo == null || appendTo != values[index]) {
417                return values[index];
418            }
419            return appendToCopy;
420        }
421    }