2 *******************************************************************************
3 * Copyright (C) 1996-2011, International Business Machines Corporation and    *
4 * others. All Rights Reserved.                                                *
5 *******************************************************************************
6 */
7package com.ibm.icu.text;
9import java.math.BigInteger;
12 * <code>DigitList</code> handles the transcoding between numeric values and
13 * strings of characters.  It only represents non-negative numbers.  The
14 * division of labor between <code>DigitList</code> and
15 * <code>DecimalFormat</code> is that <code>DigitList</code> handles the radix
16 * 10 representation issues and numeric conversion, including rounding;
17 * <code>DecimalFormat</code> handles the locale-specific issues such as
18 * positive and negative representation, digit grouping, decimal point,
19 * currency, and so on.
20 *
21 * <p>A <code>DigitList</code> is a representation of a finite numeric value.
22 * <code>DigitList</code> objects do not represent <code>NaN</code> or infinite
23 * values.  A <code>DigitList</code> value can be converted to a
24 * <code>BigDecimal</code> without loss of precision.  Conversion to other
25 * numeric formats may involve loss of precision, depending on the specific
26 * value.
27 *
28 * <p>The <code>DigitList</code> representation consists of a string of
29 * characters, which are the digits radix 10, from '0' to '9'.  It also has a
30 * base 10 exponent associated with it.  The value represented by a
31 * <code>DigitList</code> object can be computed by mulitplying the fraction
32 * <em>f</em>, where 0 <= <em>f</em> < 1, derived by placing all the digits of
33 * the list to the right of the decimal point, by 10^exponent.
34 *
35 * @see java.util.Locale
36 * @see java.text.Format
37 * @see NumberFormat
38 * @see DecimalFormat
39 * @see java.text.ChoiceFormat
40 * @see java.text.MessageFormat
41 * @version      1.18 08/12/98
42 * @author       Mark Davis, Alan Liu
43 * */
44final class DigitList {
45    /**
46     * The maximum number of significant digits in an IEEE 754 double, that
47     * is, in a Java double.  This must not be increased, or garbage digits
48     * will be generated, and should not be decreased, or accuracy will be lost.
49     */
50    public static final int MAX_LONG_DIGITS = 19; // == Long.toString(Long.MAX_VALUE).length()
51    public static final int DBL_DIG = 17;
53    /**
54     * These data members are intentionally public and can be set directly.
55     *
56     * The value represented is given by placing the decimal point before
57     * digits[decimalAt].  If decimalAt is < 0, then leading zeros between
58     * the decimal point and the first nonzero digit are implied.  If decimalAt
59     * is > count, then trailing zeros between the digits[count-1] and the
60     * decimal point are implied.
61     *
62     * Equivalently, the represented value is given by f * 10^decimalAt.  Here
63     * f is a value 0.1 <= f < 1 arrived at by placing the digits in Digits to
64     * the right of the decimal.
65     *
66     * DigitList is normalized, so if it is non-zero, figits[0] is non-zero.  We
67     * don't allow denormalized numbers because our exponent is effectively of
68     * unlimited magnitude.  The count value contains the number of significant
69     * digits present in digits[].
70     *
71     * Zero is represented by any DigitList with count == 0 or with each digits[i]
72     * for all i <= count == '0'.
73     */
74    public int decimalAt = 0;
75    public int count = 0;
76    public byte[] digits = new byte[MAX_LONG_DIGITS];
78    private final void ensureCapacity(int digitCapacity, int digitsToCopy) {
79        if (digitCapacity > digits.length) {
80            byte[] newDigits = new byte[digitCapacity * 2];
81            System.arraycopy(digits, 0, newDigits, 0, digitsToCopy);
82            digits = newDigits;
83        }
84    }
86    /**
87     * Return true if the represented number is zero.
88     */
89    boolean isZero()
90    {
91        for (int i=0; i<count; ++i) if (digits[i] != '0') return false;
92        return true;
93    }
95// Unused as of ICU 2.6 - alan
96//    /**
97//     * Clears out the digits.
98//     * Use before appending them.
99//     * Typically, you set a series of digits with append, then at the point
100//     * you hit the decimal point, you set myDigitList.decimalAt = myDigitList.count;
101//     * then go on appending digits.
102//     */
103//    public void clear () {
104//        decimalAt = 0;
105//        count = 0;
106//    }
108    /**
109     * Appends digits to the list.
110     */
111    public void append (int digit) {
112        ensureCapacity(count+1, count);
113        digits[count++] = (byte) digit;
114    }
116    public byte getDigitValue(int i) {
117        return (byte) (digits[i] - '0');
118    }
120    /**
121     * Utility routine to get the value of the digit list
122     * If (count == 0) this throws a NumberFormatException, which
123     * mimics Long.parseLong().
124     */
125    public final double getDouble() {
126        if (count == 0) return 0.0;
127        StringBuilder temp = new StringBuilder(count);
128        temp.append('.');
129        for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) temp.append((char)(digits[i]));
130        temp.append('E');
131        temp.append(Integer.toString(decimalAt));
132        return Double.valueOf(temp.toString()).doubleValue();
133        // long value = Long.parseLong(temp.toString());
134        // return (value * Math.pow(10, decimalAt - count));
135    }
137    /**
138     * Utility routine to get the value of the digit list.
139     * If (count == 0) this returns 0, unlike Long.parseLong().
140     */
141    public final long getLong() {
142        // for now, simple implementation; later, do proper IEEE native stuff
144        if (count == 0) return 0;
146        // We have to check for this, because this is the one NEGATIVE value
147        // we represent.  If we tried to just pass the digits off to parseLong,
148        // we'd get a parse failure.
149        if (isLongMIN_VALUE()) return Long.MIN_VALUE;
151        StringBuilder temp = new StringBuilder(count);
152        for (int i = 0; i < decimalAt; ++i)
153        {
154            temp.append((i < count) ? (char)(digits[i]) : '0');
155        }
156        return Long.parseLong(temp.toString());
157    }
159    /**
160     * Return a <code>BigInteger</code> representing the value stored in this
161     * <code>DigitList</code>.  This method assumes that this object contains
162     * an integral value; if not, it will return an incorrect value.
163     * [bnf]
164     * @param isPositive determines the sign of the returned result
165     * @return the value of this object as a <code>BigInteger</code>
166     */
167    public BigInteger getBigInteger(boolean isPositive) {
168        if (isZero()) return BigInteger.valueOf(0);
169        //Eclipse stated the following is "dead code"
170        /*if (false) {
171            StringBuilder stringRep = new StringBuilder(count);
172            if (!isPositive) {
173                stringRep.append('-');
174            }
175            for (int i=0; i<count; ++i) {
176                stringRep.append((char) digits[i]);
177            }
178            int d = decimalAt;
179            while (d-- > count) {
180                stringRep.append('0');
181            }
182            return new BigInteger(stringRep.toString());
183        } else*/ {
184            int len = decimalAt > count ? decimalAt : count;
185            if (!isPositive) {
186                len += 1;
187            }
188            char[] text = new char[len];
189            int n = 0;
190            if (!isPositive) {
191                text[0] = '-';
192                for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
193                    text[i+1] = (char)digits[i];
194                }
195                n = count+1;
196            } else {
197                for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
198                    text[i] = (char)digits[i];
199                }
200                n = count;
201            }
202            for (int i = n; i < text.length; ++i) {
203                text[i] = '0';
204            }
205            return new BigInteger(new String(text));
206        }
207    }
209    private String getStringRep(boolean isPositive) {
210        if (isZero()) return "0";
211        StringBuilder stringRep = new StringBuilder(count+1);
212        if (!isPositive) {
213            stringRep.append('-');
214        }
215        int d = decimalAt;
216        if (d < 0) {
217            stringRep.append('.');
218            while (d < 0) {
219                stringRep.append('0');
220                ++d;
221            }
222            d = -1;
223        }
224        for (int i=0; i<count; ++i) {
225            if (d == i) {
226                stringRep.append('.');
227            }
228            stringRep.append((char) digits[i]);
229        }
230        while (d-- > count) {
231            stringRep.append('0');
232        }
233        return stringRep.toString();
234    }
236    /**
237     * Return a <code>BigDecimal</code> representing the value stored in this
238     * <code>DigitList</code>.
239     * [bnf]
240     * @param isPositive determines the sign of the returned result
241     * @return the value of this object as a <code>BigDecimal</code>
242     */
243    ///CLOVER:OFF
244    // The method is in a protected class and is not called by anything
245    public java.math.BigDecimal getBigDecimal(boolean isPositive) {
246        if (isZero()) {
247            return java.math.BigDecimal.valueOf(0);
248        }
249        // if exponential notion is negative,
250        // we prefer to use BigDecimal constructor with scale,
251        // because it works better when extremely small value
252        // is used.  See #5698.
253        long scale = (long)count - (long)decimalAt;
254        if (scale > 0) {
255            int numDigits = count;
256            if (scale > (long)Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
257                // try to reduce the scale
258                long numShift = scale - (long)Integer.MAX_VALUE;
259                if (numShift < count) {
260                    numDigits -= numShift;
261                } else {
262                    // fallback to 0
263                    return new java.math.BigDecimal(0);
264                }
265            }
266            StringBuilder significantDigits = new StringBuilder(numDigits + 1);
267            if (!isPositive) {
268                significantDigits.append('-');
269            }
270            for (int i = 0; i < numDigits; i++) {
271                significantDigits.append((char)digits[i]);
272            }
273            BigInteger unscaledVal = new BigInteger(significantDigits.toString());
274            return new java.math.BigDecimal(unscaledVal, (int)scale);
275        } else {
276            // We should be able to use a negative scale value for a positive exponential
277            // value on JDK1.5.  But it is not supported by older JDK.  So, for now,
278            // we always use BigDecimal constructor which takes String.
279            return new java.math.BigDecimal(getStringRep(isPositive));
280        }
281    }
282    ///CLOVER:ON
284    /**
285     * Return an <code>ICU BigDecimal</code> representing the value stored in this
286     * <code>DigitList</code>.
287     * [bnf]
288     * @param isPositive determines the sign of the returned result
289     * @return the value of this object as a <code>BigDecimal</code>
290     */
291    public com.ibm.icu.math.BigDecimal getBigDecimalICU(boolean isPositive) {
292        if (isZero()) {
293            return com.ibm.icu.math.BigDecimal.valueOf(0);
294        }
295        // if exponential notion is negative,
296        // we prefer to use BigDecimal constructor with scale,
297        // because it works better when extremely small value
298        // is used.  See #5698.
299        long scale = (long)count - (long)decimalAt;
300        if (scale > 0) {
301            int numDigits = count;
302            if (scale > (long)Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
303                // try to reduce the scale
304                long numShift = scale - (long)Integer.MAX_VALUE;
305                if (numShift < count) {
306                    numDigits -= numShift;
307                } else {
308                    // fallback to 0
309                    return new com.ibm.icu.math.BigDecimal(0);
310                }
311            }
312            StringBuilder significantDigits = new StringBuilder(numDigits + 1);
313            if (!isPositive) {
314                significantDigits.append('-');
315            }
316            for (int i = 0; i < numDigits; i++) {
317                significantDigits.append((char)digits[i]);
318            }
319            BigInteger unscaledVal = new BigInteger(significantDigits.toString());
320            return new com.ibm.icu.math.BigDecimal(unscaledVal, (int)scale);
321        } else {
322            return new com.ibm.icu.math.BigDecimal(getStringRep(isPositive));
323        }
324    }
326    /**
327     * Return whether or not this objects represented value is an integer.
328     * [bnf]
329     * @return true if the represented value of this object is an integer
330     */
331    boolean isIntegral() {
332        // Trim trailing zeros.  This does not change the represented value.
333        while (count > 0 && digits[count - 1] == (byte)'0') --count;
334        return count == 0 || decimalAt >= count;
335    }
337// Unused as of ICU 2.6 - alan
338//    /**
339//     * Return true if the number represented by this object can fit into
340//     * a long.
341//     */
342//    boolean fitsIntoLong(boolean isPositive)
343//    {
344//        // Figure out if the result will fit in a long.  We have to
345//        // first look for nonzero digits after the decimal point;
346//        // then check the size.  If the digit count is 18 or less, then
347//        // the value can definitely be represented as a long.  If it is 19
348//        // then it may be too large.
350//        // Trim trailing zeros.  This does not change the represented value.
351//        while (count > 0 && digits[count - 1] == (byte)'0') --count;
353//        if (count == 0) {
354//            // Positive zero fits into a long, but negative zero can only
355//            // be represented as a double. - bug 4162852
356//            return isPositive;
357//        }
359//        if (decimalAt < count || decimalAt > MAX_LONG_DIGITS) return false;
361//        if (decimalAt < MAX_LONG_DIGITS) return true;
363//        // At this point we have decimalAt == count, and count == MAX_LONG_DIGITS.
364//        // The number will overflow if it is larger than 9223372036854775807
365//        // or smaller than -9223372036854775808.
366//        for (int i=0; i<count; ++i)
367//        {
368//            byte dig = digits[i], max = LONG_MIN_REP[i];
369//            if (dig > max) return false;
370//            if (dig < max) return true;
371//        }
373//        // At this point the first count digits match.  If decimalAt is less
374//        // than count, then the remaining digits are zero, and we return true.
375//        if (count < decimalAt) return true;
377//        // Now we have a representation of Long.MIN_VALUE, without the leading
378//        // negative sign.  If this represents a positive value, then it does
379//        // not fit; otherwise it fits.
380//        return !isPositive;
381//    }
383// Unused as of ICU 2.6 - alan
384//    /**
385//     * Set the digit list to a representation of the given double value.
386//     * This method supports fixed-point notation.
387//     * @param source Value to be converted; must not be Inf, -Inf, Nan,
388//     * or a value <= 0.
389//     * @param maximumFractionDigits The most fractional digits which should
390//     * be converted.
391//     */
392//    public final void set(double source, int maximumFractionDigits)
393//    {
394//        set(source, maximumFractionDigits, true);
395//    }
397    /**
398     * Set the digit list to a representation of the given double value.
399     * This method supports both fixed-point and exponential notation.
400     * @param source Value to be converted; must not be Inf, -Inf, Nan,
401     * or a value <= 0.
402     * @param maximumDigits The most fractional or total digits which should
403     * be converted.
404     * @param fixedPoint If true, then maximumDigits is the maximum
405     * fractional digits to be converted.  If false, total digits.
406     */
407    final void set(double source, int maximumDigits, boolean fixedPoint)
408    {
409        if (source == 0) source = 0;
410        // Generate a representation of the form DDDDD, DDDDD.DDDDD, or
411        // DDDDDE+/-DDDDD.
412        String rep = Double.toString(source);
414        set(rep, MAX_LONG_DIGITS);
416        if (fixedPoint) {
417            // The negative of the exponent represents the number of leading
418            // zeros between the decimal and the first non-zero digit, for
419            // a value < 0.1 (e.g., for 0.00123, -decimalAt == 2).  If this
420            // is more than the maximum fraction digits, then we have an underflow
421            // for the printed representation.
422            if (-decimalAt > maximumDigits) {
423                count = 0;
424                return;
425            } else if (-decimalAt == maximumDigits) {
426                if (shouldRoundUp(0)) {
427                    count = 1;
428                    ++decimalAt;
429                    digits[0] = (byte)'1';
430                } else {
431                    count = 0;
432                }
433                return;
434            }
435            // else fall through
436        }
438        // Eliminate trailing zeros.
439        while (count > 1 && digits[count - 1] == '0')
440            --count;
442        // Eliminate digits beyond maximum digits to be displayed.
443        // Round up if appropriate.
444        round(fixedPoint ? (maximumDigits + decimalAt) : maximumDigits == 0 ? -1 : maximumDigits);
445    }
447    /**
448     * Given a string representation of the form DDDDD, DDDDD.DDDDD,
449     * or DDDDDE+/-DDDDD, set this object's value to it.  Ignore
450     * any leading '-'.
451     */
452    private void set(String rep, int maxCount) {
453        decimalAt = -1;
454        count = 0;
455        int exponent = 0;
456        // Number of zeros between decimal point and first non-zero digit after
457        // decimal point, for numbers < 1.
458        int leadingZerosAfterDecimal = 0;
459        boolean nonZeroDigitSeen = false;
460        // Skip over leading '-'
461        int i=0;
462        if (rep.charAt(i) == '-') {
463            ++i;
464        }
465        for (; i < rep.length(); ++i) {
466            char c = rep.charAt(i);
467            if (c == '.') {
468                decimalAt = count;
469            } else if (c == 'e' || c == 'E') {
470                ++i;
471                // Integer.parseInt doesn't handle leading '+' signs
472                if (rep.charAt(i) == '+') {
473                    ++i;
474                }
475                exponent = Integer.valueOf(rep.substring(i)).intValue();
476                break;
477            } else if (count < maxCount) {
478                if (!nonZeroDigitSeen) {
479                    nonZeroDigitSeen = (c != '0');
480                    if (!nonZeroDigitSeen && decimalAt != -1) {
481                        ++leadingZerosAfterDecimal;
482                    }
483                }
485                if (nonZeroDigitSeen) {
486                    ensureCapacity(count+1, count);
487                    digits[count++] = (byte)c;
488                }
489            }
490        }
491        if (decimalAt == -1) {
492            decimalAt = count;
493        }
494        decimalAt += exponent - leadingZerosAfterDecimal;
495    }
497    /**
498     * Return true if truncating the representation to the given number
499     * of digits will result in an increment to the last digit.  This
500     * method implements half-even rounding, the default rounding mode.
501     * [bnf]
502     * @param maximumDigits the number of digits to keep, from 0 to
503     * <code>count-1</code>.  If 0, then all digits are rounded away, and
504     * this method returns true if a one should be generated (e.g., formatting
505     * 0.09 with "#.#").
506     * @return true if digit <code>maximumDigits-1</code> should be
507     * incremented
508     */
509    private boolean shouldRoundUp(int maximumDigits) {
510        // variable not used boolean increment = false;
511        // Implement IEEE half-even rounding
512        /*Bug 4243108
513          format(0.0) gives "0.1" if preceded by parse("99.99") [Richard/GCL]
514        */
515        if (maximumDigits < count) {
516            if (digits[maximumDigits] > '5') {
517                return true;
518            } else if (digits[maximumDigits] == '5' ) {
519                for (int i=maximumDigits+1; i<count; ++i) {
520                    if (digits[i] != '0') {
521                        return true;
522                    }
523                }
524                return maximumDigits > 0 && (digits[maximumDigits-1] % 2 != 0);
525            }
526        }
527        return false;
528    }
530    /**
531     * Round the representation to the given number of digits.
532     * @param maximumDigits The maximum number of digits to be shown.
533     * Upon return, count will be less than or equal to maximumDigits.
534     * This now performs rounding when maximumDigits is 0, formerly it did not.
535     */
536    public final void round(int maximumDigits) {
537        // Eliminate digits beyond maximum digits to be displayed.
538        // Round up if appropriate.
539        // [bnf] rewritten to fix 4179818
540        if (maximumDigits >= 0 && maximumDigits < count) {
541            if (shouldRoundUp(maximumDigits)) {
542                // Rounding up involves incrementing digits from LSD to MSD.
543                // In most cases this is simple, but in a worst case situation
544                // (9999..99) we have to adjust the decimalAt value.
545                for (;;)
546                {
547                    --maximumDigits;
548                    if (maximumDigits < 0)
549                    {
550                        // We have all 9's, so we increment to a single digit
551                        // of one and adjust the exponent.
552                        digits[0] = (byte) '1';
553                        ++decimalAt;
554                        maximumDigits = 0; // Adjust the count
555                        break;
556                    }
558                    ++digits[maximumDigits];
559                    if (digits[maximumDigits] <= '9') break;
560                    // digits[maximumDigits] = '0'; // Unnecessary since we'll truncate this
561                }
562                ++maximumDigits; // Increment for use as count
563            }
564            count = maximumDigits;
565        }
566        // Bug 4217661 DecimalFormat formats 1.001 to "1.00" instead of "1"
567        // Eliminate trailing zeros. [Richard/GCL]
568        // [dlf] moved outside if block, see ticket #6408
569        while (count > 1 && digits[count-1] == '0') {
570          --count;
571        }
572    }
574    /**
575     * Utility routine to set the value of the digit list from a long
576     */
577    public final void set(long source)
578    {
579        set(source, 0);
580    }
582    /**
583     * Set the digit list to a representation of the given long value.
584     * @param source Value to be converted; must be >= 0 or ==
585     * Long.MIN_VALUE.
586     * @param maximumDigits The most digits which should be converted.
587     * If maximumDigits is lower than the number of significant digits
588     * in source, the representation will be rounded.  Ignored if <= 0.
589     */
590    public final void set(long source, int maximumDigits)
591    {
592        // This method does not expect a negative number. However,
593        // "source" can be a Long.MIN_VALUE (-9223372036854775808),
594        // if the number being formatted is a Long.MIN_VALUE.  In that
595        // case, it will be formatted as -Long.MIN_VALUE, a number
596        // which is outside the legal range of a long, but which can
597        // be represented by DigitList.
598        // [NEW] Faster implementation
599        if (source <= 0) {
600            if (source == Long.MIN_VALUE) {
601                decimalAt = count = MAX_LONG_DIGITS;
602                System.arraycopy(LONG_MIN_REP, 0, digits, 0, count);
603            } else {
604                count = 0;
605                decimalAt = 0;
606            }
607        } else {
608            int left = MAX_LONG_DIGITS;
609            int right;
610            while (source > 0) {
611                digits[--left] = (byte) (((long) '0') + (source % 10));
612                source /= 10;
613            }
614            decimalAt = MAX_LONG_DIGITS-left;
615            // Don't copy trailing zeros
616            // we are guaranteed that there is at least one non-zero digit,
617            // so we don't have to check lower bounds
618            for (right = MAX_LONG_DIGITS - 1; digits[right] == (byte) '0'; --right) {}
619            count = right - left + 1;
620            System.arraycopy(digits, left, digits, 0, count);
621        }
622        if (maximumDigits > 0) round(maximumDigits);
623    }
625    /**
626     * Set the digit list to a representation of the given BigInteger value.
627     * [bnf]
628     * @param source Value to be converted
629     * @param maximumDigits The most digits which should be converted.
630     * If maximumDigits is lower than the number of significant digits
631     * in source, the representation will be rounded.  Ignored if <= 0.
632     */
633    public final void set(BigInteger source, int maximumDigits) {
634        String stringDigits = source.toString();
636        count = decimalAt = stringDigits.length();
638        // Don't copy trailing zeros
639        while (count > 1 && stringDigits.charAt(count - 1) == '0') --count;
641        int offset = 0;
642        if (stringDigits.charAt(0) == '-') {
643            ++offset;
644            --count;
645            --decimalAt;
646        }
648        ensureCapacity(count, 0);
649        for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
650            digits[i] = (byte) stringDigits.charAt(i + offset);
651        }
653        if (maximumDigits > 0) round(maximumDigits);
654    }
656    /**
657     * Internal method that sets this digit list to represent the
658     * given value.  The value is given as a String of the format
659     * returned by BigDecimal.
660     * @param stringDigits value to be represented with the following
661     * syntax, expressed as a regular expression: -?\d*.?\d*
662     * Must not be an empty string.
663     * @param maximumDigits The most digits which should be converted.
664     * If maximumDigits is lower than the number of significant digits
665     * in source, the representation will be rounded.  Ignored if <= 0.
666     * @param fixedPoint If true, then maximumDigits is the maximum
667     * fractional digits to be converted.  If false, total digits.
668     */
669    private void setBigDecimalDigits(String stringDigits,
670                                     int maximumDigits, boolean fixedPoint) {
671//|        // Find the first non-zero digit, the decimal, and the last non-zero digit.
672//|        int first=-1, last=stringDigits.length()-1, decimal=-1;
673//|        for (int i=0; (first<0 || decimal<0) && i<=last; ++i) {
674//|            char c = stringDigits.charAt(i);
675//|            if (c == '.') {
676//|                decimal = i;
677//|            } else if (first < 0 && (c >= '1' && c <= '9')) {
678//|                first = i;
679//|            }
680//|        }
682//|        if (first < 0) {
683//|            clear();
684//|            return;
685//|        }
687//|        // At this point we know there is at least one non-zero digit, so the
688//|        // following loop is safe.
689//|        for (;;) {
690//|            char c = stringDigits.charAt(last);
691//|            if (c != '0' && c != '.') {
692//|                break;
693//|            }
694//|            --last;
695//|        }
697//|        if (decimal < 0) {
698//|            decimal = stringDigits.length();
699//|        }
701//|        count = last - first;
702//|        if (decimal < first || decimal > last) {
703//|            ++count;
704//|        }
705//|        decimalAt = decimal - first;
706//|        if (decimalAt < 0) {
707//|            ++decimalAt;
708//|        }
710//|        ensureCapacity(count, 0);
711//|        for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
712//|            digits[i] = (byte) stringDigits.charAt(first++);
713//|            if (first == decimal) {
714//|                ++first;
715//|            }
716//|        }
718        // The maxDigits here could also be Integer.MAX_VALUE
719        set(stringDigits, stringDigits.length());
721        // Eliminate digits beyond maximum digits to be displayed.
722        // Round up if appropriate.
723    // {dlf} Some callers depend on passing '0' to round to mean 'don't round', but
724    // rather than pass that information explicitly, we rely on some magic with maximumDigits
725    // and decimalAt.  Unfortunately, this is no good, because there are cases where maximumDigits
726    // is zero and we do want to round, e.g. BigDecimal values -1 < x < 1.  So since round
727    // changed to perform rounding when the argument is 0, we now force the argument
728    // to -1 in the situations where it matters.
729        round(fixedPoint ? (maximumDigits + decimalAt) : maximumDigits == 0 ? -1 : maximumDigits);
730    }
732    /**
733     * Set the digit list to a representation of the given BigDecimal value.
734     * [bnf]
735     * @param source Value to be converted
736     * @param maximumDigits The most digits which should be converted.
737     * If maximumDigits is lower than the number of significant digits
738     * in source, the representation will be rounded.  Ignored if <= 0.
739     * @param fixedPoint If true, then maximumDigits is the maximum
740     * fractional digits to be converted.  If false, total digits.
741     */
742    public final void set(java.math.BigDecimal source,
743                          int maximumDigits, boolean fixedPoint) {
744        setBigDecimalDigits(source.toString(), maximumDigits, fixedPoint);
745    }
747    /*
748     * Set the digit list to a representation of the given BigDecimal value.
749     * [bnf]
750     * @param source Value to be converted
751     * @param maximumDigits The most digits which should be converted.
752     * If maximumDigits is lower than the number of significant digits
753     * in source, the representation will be rounded.  Ignored if <= 0.
754     * @param fixedPoint If true, then maximumDigits is the maximum
755     * fractional digits to be converted.  If false, total digits.
756     */
757    public final void set(com.ibm.icu.math.BigDecimal source,
758                          int maximumDigits, boolean fixedPoint) {
759        setBigDecimalDigits(source.toString(), maximumDigits, fixedPoint);
760    }
762    /**
763     * Returns true if this DigitList represents Long.MIN_VALUE;
764     * false, otherwise.  This is required so that getLong() works.
765     */
766    private boolean isLongMIN_VALUE()
767    {
768        if (decimalAt != count || count != MAX_LONG_DIGITS)
769            return false;
771            for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
772        {
773            if (digits[i] != LONG_MIN_REP[i]) return false;
774        }
776        return true;
777    }
779    private static byte[] LONG_MIN_REP;
781    static
782    {
783        // Store the representation of LONG_MIN without the leading '-'
784        String s = Long.toString(Long.MIN_VALUE);
785        LONG_MIN_REP = new byte[MAX_LONG_DIGITS];
786        for (int i=0; i < MAX_LONG_DIGITS; ++i)
787        {
788            LONG_MIN_REP[i] = (byte)s.charAt(i + 1);
789        }
790    }
792// Unused -- Alan 2003-05
793//    /**
794//     * Return the floor of the log base 10 of a given double.
795//     * This method compensates for inaccuracies which arise naturally when
796//     * computing logs, and always give the correct value.  The parameter
797//     * must be positive and finite.
798//     */
799//    private static final int log10(double d)
800//    {
801//        // The reason this routine is needed is that simply taking the
802//        // log and dividing by log10 yields a result which may be off
803//        // by 1 due to rounding errors.  For example, the naive log10
804//        // of 1.0e300 taken this way is 299, rather than 300.
805//        double log10 = Math.log(d) / LOG10;
806//        int ilog10 = (int)Math.floor(log10);
807//        // Positive logs could be too small, e.g. 0.99 instead of 1.0
808//        if (log10 > 0 && d >= Math.pow(10, ilog10 + 1))
809//        {
810//            ++ilog10;
811//        }
812//        // Negative logs could be too big, e.g. -0.99 instead of -1.0
813//        else if (log10 < 0 && d < Math.pow(10, ilog10))
814//        {
815//            --ilog10;
816//        }
817//        return ilog10;
818//    }
820//    private static final double LOG10 = Math.log(10.0);
822    // (The following boilerplate methods are currently not called,
823    // and cannot be called by tests since this class is
824    // package-private.  The methods may be useful in the future, so
825    // we do not delete them.  2003-06-11 ICU 2.6 Alan)
826    ///CLOVER:OFF
827    /**
828     * equality test between two digit lists.
829     */
830    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
831        if (this == obj)                      // quick check
832            return true;
833        if (!(obj instanceof DigitList))         // (1) same object?
834            return false;
835        DigitList other = (DigitList) obj;
836        if (count != other.count ||
837        decimalAt != other.decimalAt)
838            return false;
839        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
840            if (digits[i] != other.digits[i])
841                return false;
842        return true;
843    }
845    /**
846     * Generates the hash code for the digit list.
847     */
848    public int hashCode() {
849        int hashcode = decimalAt;
851        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
852            hashcode = hashcode * 37 + digits[i];
854        return hashcode;
855    }
857    public String toString()
858    {
859        if (isZero()) return "0";
860        StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder("0.");
861        for (int i=0; i<count; ++i) buf.append((char)digits[i]);
862        buf.append("x10^");
863        buf.append(decimalAt);
864        return buf.toString();
865    }
866    ///CLOVER:ON