1relaying data between gdb and process ....
2vgdb-error value changed from 0 to 999999
3Breakpoint 1 at 0x........: file sleepers.c, line 72.
5[New Thread ....]
6Breakpoint 1, sleeper_or_burner (v=0x........) at sleepers.c:72
772	   int i = 0;
9[New Thread ....]
10Breakpoint 1, sleeper_or_burner (v=0x........) at sleepers.c:72
1172	   int i = 0;
13[New Thread ....]
14Breakpoint 1, sleeper_or_burner (v=0x........) at sleepers.c:72
1572	   int i = 0;
17Breakpoint 1, sleeper_or_burner (v=0x........) at sleepers.c:72
1872	   int i = 0;
20Program received signal SIGTRAP, Trace/breakpoint trap.
210x........ in do_burn () at sleepers.c:39
2239	   for (i = 0; i < burn; i++) loopnr++;
23[Switching to thread 1 (Thread ....)]
24#0  0x........ in do_burn ()
2539	   for (i = 0; i < burn; i++) loopnr++;
26$1 = void
27[Switching to thread 2 (Thread ....)]
28#0  0x........ in syscall ...
29Could not write register  "xxx"; remote failure reply 'E.
30ERROR changing register  xxx regno y
31gdb commands changing registers (pc, sp, ...) (e.g. 'jump',
32set pc, calling from gdb a function in the debugged process, ...)
33can only be accepted if the thread is VgTs_Runnable or VgTs_Yielding state
34Thread status is VgTs_WaitSys
36[Switching to thread 3 (Thread ....)]
37#0  0x........ in syscall ...
38Could not write register  "xxx"; remote failure reply 'E.
39ERROR changing register  xxx regno y
40gdb commands changing registers (pc, sp, ...) (e.g. 'jump',
41set pc, calling from gdb a function in the debugged process, ...)
42can only be accepted if the thread is VgTs_Runnable or VgTs_Yielding state
43Thread status is VgTs_WaitSys
45[Switching to thread 4 (Thread ....)]
46#0  0x........ in syscall ...
47Could not write register  "xxx"; remote failure reply 'E.
48ERROR changing register  xxx regno y
49gdb commands changing registers (pc, sp, ...) (e.g. 'jump',
50set pc, calling from gdb a function in the debugged process, ...)
51can only be accepted if the thread is VgTs_Runnable or VgTs_Yielding state
52Thread status is VgTs_WaitSys
54monitor command request to kill this process
55Remote connection closed