2 * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
20#include <binder/IMemory.h>
21#include <binder/MemoryBase.h>
22#include <binder/MemoryHeapBase.h>
23#include <utils/RefBase.h>
24#include <ui/GraphicBuffer.h>
25#include <camera/Camera.h>
26#include <camera/CameraParameters.h>
27#include <system/window.h>
28#include <hardware/camera.h>
30namespace android {
32typedef void (*notify_callback)(int32_t msgType,
33                            int32_t ext1,
34                            int32_t ext2,
35                            void* user);
37typedef void (*data_callback)(int32_t msgType,
38                            const sp<IMemory> &dataPtr,
39                            camera_frame_metadata_t *metadata,
40                            void* user);
42typedef void (*data_callback_timestamp)(nsecs_t timestamp,
43                            int32_t msgType,
44                            const sp<IMemory> &dataPtr,
45                            void *user);
48 * CameraHardwareInterface.h defines the interface to the
49 * camera hardware abstraction layer, used for setting and getting
50 * parameters, live previewing, and taking pictures. It is used for
51 * HAL devices with version CAMERA_DEVICE_API_VERSION_1_0 only.
52 *
53 * It is a referenced counted interface with RefBase as its base class.
54 * CameraService calls openCameraHardware() to retrieve a strong pointer to the
55 * instance of this interface and may be called multiple times. The
56 * following steps describe a typical sequence:
57 *
58 *   -# After CameraService calls openCameraHardware(), getParameters() and
59 *      setParameters() are used to initialize the camera instance.
60 *   -# startPreview() is called.
61 *
62 * Prior to taking a picture, CameraService often calls autofocus(). When auto
63 * focusing has completed, the camera instance sends a CAMERA_MSG_FOCUS notification,
64 * which informs the application whether focusing was successful. The camera instance
65 * only sends this message once and it is up  to the application to call autoFocus()
66 * again if refocusing is desired.
67 *
68 * CameraService calls takePicture() to request the camera instance take a
69 * picture. At this point, if a shutter, postview, raw, and/or compressed
70 * callback is desired, the corresponding message must be enabled. Any memory
71 * provided in a data callback must be copied if it's needed after returning.
72 */
74class CameraHardwareInterface : public virtual RefBase {
76    CameraHardwareInterface(const char *name)
77    {
78        mDevice = 0;
79        mName = name;
80    }
82    ~CameraHardwareInterface()
83    {
84        ALOGI("Destroying camera %s", mName.string());
85        if(mDevice) {
86            int rc = mDevice->common.close(&mDevice->common);
87            if (rc != OK)
88                ALOGE("Could not close camera %s: %d", mName.string(), rc);
89        }
90    }
92    status_t initialize(CameraModule *module)
93    {
94        ALOGI("Opening camera %s", mName.string());
95        camera_info info;
96        status_t res = module->getCameraInfo(atoi(mName.string()), &info);
97        if (res != OK) return res;
99        int rc = OK;
100        if (module->getModuleApiVersion() >= CAMERA_MODULE_API_VERSION_2_3 &&
101            info.device_version > CAMERA_DEVICE_API_VERSION_1_0) {
102            // Open higher version camera device as HAL1.0 device.
103            rc = module->openLegacy(mName.string(),
104                                     CAMERA_DEVICE_API_VERSION_1_0,
105                                     (hw_device_t **)&mDevice);
106        } else {
107            rc = module->open(mName.string(), (hw_device_t **)&mDevice);
108        }
109        if (rc != OK) {
110            ALOGE("Could not open camera %s: %d", mName.string(), rc);
111            return rc;
112        }
113        initHalPreviewWindow();
114        return rc;
115    }
117    /** Set the ANativeWindow to which preview frames are sent */
118    status_t setPreviewWindow(const sp<ANativeWindow>& buf)
119    {
120        ALOGV("%s(%s) buf %p", __FUNCTION__, mName.string(), buf.get());
122        if (mDevice->ops->set_preview_window) {
123            mPreviewWindow = buf;
124            mHalPreviewWindow.user = this;
125            ALOGV("%s &mHalPreviewWindow %p mHalPreviewWindow.user %p", __FUNCTION__,
126                    &mHalPreviewWindow, mHalPreviewWindow.user);
127            return mDevice->ops->set_preview_window(mDevice,
128                    buf.get() ? &mHalPreviewWindow.nw : 0);
129        }
130        return INVALID_OPERATION;
131    }
133    /** Set the notification and data callbacks */
134    void setCallbacks(notify_callback notify_cb,
135                      data_callback data_cb,
136                      data_callback_timestamp data_cb_timestamp,
137                      void* user)
138    {
139        mNotifyCb = notify_cb;
140        mDataCb = data_cb;
141        mDataCbTimestamp = data_cb_timestamp;
142        mCbUser = user;
144        ALOGV("%s(%s)", __FUNCTION__, mName.string());
146        if (mDevice->ops->set_callbacks) {
147            mDevice->ops->set_callbacks(mDevice,
148                                   __notify_cb,
149                                   __data_cb,
150                                   __data_cb_timestamp,
151                                   __get_memory,
152                                   this);
153        }
154    }
156    /**
157     * The following three functions all take a msgtype,
158     * which is a bitmask of the messages defined in
159     * include/ui/Camera.h
160     */
162    /**
163     * Enable a message, or set of messages.
164     */
165    void enableMsgType(int32_t msgType)
166    {
167        ALOGV("%s(%s)", __FUNCTION__, mName.string());
168        if (mDevice->ops->enable_msg_type)
169            mDevice->ops->enable_msg_type(mDevice, msgType);
170    }
172    /**
173     * Disable a message, or a set of messages.
174     *
175     * Once received a call to disableMsgType(CAMERA_MSG_VIDEO_FRAME), camera hal
176     * should not rely on its client to call releaseRecordingFrame() to release
177     * video recording frames sent out by the cameral hal before and after the
178     * disableMsgType(CAMERA_MSG_VIDEO_FRAME) call. Camera hal clients must not
179     * modify/access any video recording frame after calling
180     * disableMsgType(CAMERA_MSG_VIDEO_FRAME).
181     */
182    void disableMsgType(int32_t msgType)
183    {
184        ALOGV("%s(%s)", __FUNCTION__, mName.string());
185        if (mDevice->ops->disable_msg_type)
186            mDevice->ops->disable_msg_type(mDevice, msgType);
187    }
189    /**
190     * Query whether a message, or a set of messages, is enabled.
191     * Note that this is operates as an AND, if any of the messages
192     * queried are off, this will return false.
193     */
194    int msgTypeEnabled(int32_t msgType)
195    {
196        ALOGV("%s(%s)", __FUNCTION__, mName.string());
197        if (mDevice->ops->msg_type_enabled)
198            return mDevice->ops->msg_type_enabled(mDevice, msgType);
199        return false;
200    }
202    /**
203     * Start preview mode.
204     */
205    status_t startPreview()
206    {
207        ALOGV("%s(%s)", __FUNCTION__, mName.string());
208        if (mDevice->ops->start_preview)
209            return mDevice->ops->start_preview(mDevice);
210        return INVALID_OPERATION;
211    }
213    /**
214     * Stop a previously started preview.
215     */
216    void stopPreview()
217    {
218        ALOGV("%s(%s)", __FUNCTION__, mName.string());
219        if (mDevice->ops->stop_preview)
220            mDevice->ops->stop_preview(mDevice);
221    }
223    /**
224     * Returns true if preview is enabled.
225     */
226    int previewEnabled()
227    {
228        ALOGV("%s(%s)", __FUNCTION__, mName.string());
229        if (mDevice->ops->preview_enabled)
230            return mDevice->ops->preview_enabled(mDevice);
231        return false;
232    }
234    /**
235     * Request the camera hal to store meta data or real YUV data in
236     * the video buffers send out via CAMERA_MSG_VIDEO_FRRAME for a
237     * recording session. If it is not called, the default camera
238     * hal behavior is to store real YUV data in the video buffers.
239     *
240     * This method should be called before startRecording() in order
241     * to be effective.
242     *
243     * If meta data is stored in the video buffers, it is up to the
244     * receiver of the video buffers to interpret the contents and
245     * to find the actual frame data with the help of the meta data
246     * in the buffer. How this is done is outside of the scope of
247     * this method.
248     *
249     * Some camera hal may not support storing meta data in the video
250     * buffers, but all camera hal should support storing real YUV data
251     * in the video buffers. If the camera hal does not support storing
252     * the meta data in the video buffers when it is requested to do
253     * do, INVALID_OPERATION must be returned. It is very useful for
254     * the camera hal to pass meta data rather than the actual frame
255     * data directly to the video encoder, since the amount of the
256     * uncompressed frame data can be very large if video size is large.
257     *
258     * @param enable if true to instruct the camera hal to store
259     *      meta data in the video buffers; false to instruct
260     *      the camera hal to store real YUV data in the video
261     *      buffers.
262     *
263     * @return OK on success.
264     */
266    status_t storeMetaDataInBuffers(int enable)
267    {
268        ALOGV("%s(%s)", __FUNCTION__, mName.string());
269        if (mDevice->ops->store_meta_data_in_buffers)
270            return mDevice->ops->store_meta_data_in_buffers(mDevice, enable);
271        return enable ? INVALID_OPERATION: OK;
272    }
274    /**
275     * Start record mode. When a record image is available a CAMERA_MSG_VIDEO_FRAME
276     * message is sent with the corresponding frame. Every record frame must be released
277     * by a cameral hal client via releaseRecordingFrame() before the client calls
278     * disableMsgType(CAMERA_MSG_VIDEO_FRAME). After the client calls
279     * disableMsgType(CAMERA_MSG_VIDEO_FRAME), it is camera hal's responsibility
280     * to manage the life-cycle of the video recording frames, and the client must
281     * not modify/access any video recording frames.
282     */
283    status_t startRecording()
284    {
285        ALOGV("%s(%s)", __FUNCTION__, mName.string());
286        if (mDevice->ops->start_recording)
287            return mDevice->ops->start_recording(mDevice);
288        return INVALID_OPERATION;
289    }
291    /**
292     * Stop a previously started recording.
293     */
294    void stopRecording()
295    {
296        ALOGV("%s(%s)", __FUNCTION__, mName.string());
297        if (mDevice->ops->stop_recording)
298            mDevice->ops->stop_recording(mDevice);
299    }
301    /**
302     * Returns true if recording is enabled.
303     */
304    int recordingEnabled()
305    {
306        ALOGV("%s(%s)", __FUNCTION__, mName.string());
307        if (mDevice->ops->recording_enabled)
308            return mDevice->ops->recording_enabled(mDevice);
309        return false;
310    }
312    /**
313     * Release a record frame previously returned by CAMERA_MSG_VIDEO_FRAME.
314     *
315     * It is camera hal client's responsibility to release video recording
316     * frames sent out by the camera hal before the camera hal receives
317     * a call to disableMsgType(CAMERA_MSG_VIDEO_FRAME). After it receives
318     * the call to disableMsgType(CAMERA_MSG_VIDEO_FRAME), it is camera hal's
319     * responsibility of managing the life-cycle of the video recording
320     * frames.
321     */
322    void releaseRecordingFrame(const sp<IMemory>& mem)
323    {
324        ALOGV("%s(%s)", __FUNCTION__, mName.string());
325        if (mDevice->ops->release_recording_frame) {
326            ssize_t offset;
327            size_t size;
328            sp<IMemoryHeap> heap = mem->getMemory(&offset, &size);
329            void *data = ((uint8_t *)heap->base()) + offset;
330            return mDevice->ops->release_recording_frame(mDevice, data);
331        }
332    }
334    /**
335     * Start auto focus, the notification callback routine is called
336     * with CAMERA_MSG_FOCUS once when focusing is complete. autoFocus()
337     * will be called again if another auto focus is needed.
338     */
339    status_t autoFocus()
340    {
341        ALOGV("%s(%s)", __FUNCTION__, mName.string());
342        if (mDevice->ops->auto_focus)
343            return mDevice->ops->auto_focus(mDevice);
344        return INVALID_OPERATION;
345    }
347    /**
348     * Cancels auto-focus function. If the auto-focus is still in progress,
349     * this function will cancel it. Whether the auto-focus is in progress
350     * or not, this function will return the focus position to the default.
351     * If the camera does not support auto-focus, this is a no-op.
352     */
353    status_t cancelAutoFocus()
354    {
355        ALOGV("%s(%s)", __FUNCTION__, mName.string());
356        if (mDevice->ops->cancel_auto_focus)
357            return mDevice->ops->cancel_auto_focus(mDevice);
358        return INVALID_OPERATION;
359    }
361    /**
362     * Take a picture.
363     */
364    status_t takePicture()
365    {
366        ALOGV("%s(%s)", __FUNCTION__, mName.string());
367        if (mDevice->ops->take_picture)
368            return mDevice->ops->take_picture(mDevice);
369        return INVALID_OPERATION;
370    }
372    /**
373     * Cancel a picture that was started with takePicture.  Calling this
374     * method when no picture is being taken is a no-op.
375     */
376    status_t cancelPicture()
377    {
378        ALOGV("%s(%s)", __FUNCTION__, mName.string());
379        if (mDevice->ops->cancel_picture)
380            return mDevice->ops->cancel_picture(mDevice);
381        return INVALID_OPERATION;
382    }
384    /**
385     * Set the camera parameters. This returns BAD_VALUE if any parameter is
386     * invalid or not supported. */
387    status_t setParameters(const CameraParameters &params)
388    {
389        ALOGV("%s(%s)", __FUNCTION__, mName.string());
390        if (mDevice->ops->set_parameters)
391            return mDevice->ops->set_parameters(mDevice,
392                                               params.flatten().string());
393        return INVALID_OPERATION;
394    }
396    /** Return the camera parameters. */
397    CameraParameters getParameters() const
398    {
399        ALOGV("%s(%s)", __FUNCTION__, mName.string());
400        CameraParameters parms;
401        if (mDevice->ops->get_parameters) {
402            char *temp = mDevice->ops->get_parameters(mDevice);
403            String8 str_parms(temp);
404            if (mDevice->ops->put_parameters)
405                mDevice->ops->put_parameters(mDevice, temp);
406            else
407                free(temp);
408            parms.unflatten(str_parms);
409        }
410        return parms;
411    }
413    /**
414     * Send command to camera driver.
415     */
416    status_t sendCommand(int32_t cmd, int32_t arg1, int32_t arg2)
417    {
418        ALOGV("%s(%s)", __FUNCTION__, mName.string());
419        if (mDevice->ops->send_command)
420            return mDevice->ops->send_command(mDevice, cmd, arg1, arg2);
421        return INVALID_OPERATION;
422    }
424    /**
425     * Release the hardware resources owned by this object.  Note that this is
426     * *not* done in the destructor.
427     */
428    void release() {
429        ALOGV("%s(%s)", __FUNCTION__, mName.string());
430        if (mDevice->ops->release)
431            mDevice->ops->release(mDevice);
432    }
434    /**
435     * Dump state of the camera hardware
436     */
437    status_t dump(int fd, const Vector<String16>& /*args*/) const
438    {
439        ALOGV("%s(%s)", __FUNCTION__, mName.string());
440        if (mDevice->ops->dump)
441            return mDevice->ops->dump(mDevice, fd);
442        return OK; // It's fine if the HAL doesn't implement dump()
443    }
446    camera_device_t *mDevice;
447    String8 mName;
449    static void __notify_cb(int32_t msg_type, int32_t ext1,
450                            int32_t ext2, void *user)
451    {
452        ALOGV("%s", __FUNCTION__);
453        CameraHardwareInterface *__this =
454                static_cast<CameraHardwareInterface *>(user);
455        __this->mNotifyCb(msg_type, ext1, ext2, __this->mCbUser);
456    }
458    static void __data_cb(int32_t msg_type,
459                          const camera_memory_t *data, unsigned int index,
460                          camera_frame_metadata_t *metadata,
461                          void *user)
462    {
463        ALOGV("%s", __FUNCTION__);
464        CameraHardwareInterface *__this =
465                static_cast<CameraHardwareInterface *>(user);
466        sp<CameraHeapMemory> mem(static_cast<CameraHeapMemory *>(data->handle));
467        if (index >= mem->mNumBufs) {
468            ALOGE("%s: invalid buffer index %d, max allowed is %d", __FUNCTION__,
469                 index, mem->mNumBufs);
470            return;
471        }
472        __this->mDataCb(msg_type, mem->mBuffers[index], metadata, __this->mCbUser);
473    }
475    static void __data_cb_timestamp(nsecs_t timestamp, int32_t msg_type,
476                             const camera_memory_t *data, unsigned index,
477                             void *user)
478    {
479        ALOGV("%s", __FUNCTION__);
480        CameraHardwareInterface *__this =
481                static_cast<CameraHardwareInterface *>(user);
482        // Start refcounting the heap object from here on.  When the clients
483        // drop all references, it will be destroyed (as well as the enclosed
484        // MemoryHeapBase.
485        sp<CameraHeapMemory> mem(static_cast<CameraHeapMemory *>(data->handle));
486        if (index >= mem->mNumBufs) {
487            ALOGE("%s: invalid buffer index %d, max allowed is %d", __FUNCTION__,
488                 index, mem->mNumBufs);
489            return;
490        }
491        __this->mDataCbTimestamp(timestamp, msg_type, mem->mBuffers[index], __this->mCbUser);
492    }
494    // This is a utility class that combines a MemoryHeapBase and a MemoryBase
495    // in one.  Since we tend to use them in a one-to-one relationship, this is
496    // handy.
498    class CameraHeapMemory : public RefBase {
499    public:
500        CameraHeapMemory(int fd, size_t buf_size, uint_t num_buffers = 1) :
501                         mBufSize(buf_size),
502                         mNumBufs(num_buffers)
503        {
504            mHeap = new MemoryHeapBase(fd, buf_size * num_buffers);
505            commonInitialization();
506        }
508        CameraHeapMemory(size_t buf_size, uint_t num_buffers = 1) :
509                         mBufSize(buf_size),
510                         mNumBufs(num_buffers)
511        {
512            mHeap = new MemoryHeapBase(buf_size * num_buffers);
513            commonInitialization();
514        }
516        void commonInitialization()
517        {
518            handle.data = mHeap->base();
519            handle.size = mBufSize * mNumBufs;
520            handle.handle = this;
522            mBuffers = new sp<MemoryBase>[mNumBufs];
523            for (uint_t i = 0; i < mNumBufs; i++)
524                mBuffers[i] = new MemoryBase(mHeap,
525                                             i * mBufSize,
526                                             mBufSize);
528            handle.release = __put_memory;
529        }
531        virtual ~CameraHeapMemory()
532        {
533            delete [] mBuffers;
534        }
536        size_t mBufSize;
537        uint_t mNumBufs;
538        sp<MemoryHeapBase> mHeap;
539        sp<MemoryBase> *mBuffers;
541        camera_memory_t handle;
542    };
544    static camera_memory_t* __get_memory(int fd, size_t buf_size, uint_t num_bufs,
545                                         void *user __attribute__((unused)))
546    {
547        CameraHeapMemory *mem;
548        if (fd < 0)
549            mem = new CameraHeapMemory(buf_size, num_bufs);
550        else
551            mem = new CameraHeapMemory(fd, buf_size, num_bufs);
552        mem->incStrong(mem);
553        return &mem->handle;
554    }
556    static void __put_memory(camera_memory_t *data)
557    {
558        if (!data)
559            return;
561        CameraHeapMemory *mem = static_cast<CameraHeapMemory *>(data->handle);
562        mem->decStrong(mem);
563    }
565    static ANativeWindow *__to_anw(void *user)
566    {
567        CameraHardwareInterface *__this =
568                reinterpret_cast<CameraHardwareInterface *>(user);
569        return __this->mPreviewWindow.get();
570    }
571#define anw(n) __to_anw(((struct camera_preview_window *)n)->user)
573    static int __dequeue_buffer(struct preview_stream_ops* w,
574                                buffer_handle_t** buffer, int *stride)
575    {
576        int rc;
577        ANativeWindow *a = anw(w);
578        ANativeWindowBuffer* anb;
579        rc = native_window_dequeue_buffer_and_wait(a, &anb);
580        if (!rc) {
581            *buffer = &anb->handle;
582            *stride = anb->stride;
583        }
584        return rc;
585    }
587#ifndef container_of
588#define container_of(ptr, type, member) ({                      \
589        const __typeof__(((type *) 0)->member) *__mptr = (ptr);     \
590        (type *) ((char *) __mptr - (char *)(&((type *)0)->member)); })
593    static int __lock_buffer(struct preview_stream_ops* w,
594                      buffer_handle_t* /*buffer*/)
595    {
596        ANativeWindow *a = anw(w);
597        (void)a;
598        return 0;
599    }
601    static int __enqueue_buffer(struct preview_stream_ops* w,
602                      buffer_handle_t* buffer)
603    {
604        ANativeWindow *a = anw(w);
605        return a->queueBuffer(a,
606                  container_of(buffer, ANativeWindowBuffer, handle), -1);
607    }
609    static int __cancel_buffer(struct preview_stream_ops* w,
610                      buffer_handle_t* buffer)
611    {
612        ANativeWindow *a = anw(w);
613        return a->cancelBuffer(a,
614                  container_of(buffer, ANativeWindowBuffer, handle), -1);
615    }
617    static int __set_buffer_count(struct preview_stream_ops* w, int count)
618    {
619        ANativeWindow *a = anw(w);
620        return native_window_set_buffer_count(a, count);
621    }
623    static int __set_buffers_geometry(struct preview_stream_ops* w,
624                      int width, int height, int format)
625    {
626        int rc;
627        ANativeWindow *a = anw(w);
629        rc = native_window_set_buffers_dimensions(a, width, height);
630        if (!rc) {
631            rc = native_window_set_buffers_format(a, format);
632        }
633        return rc;
634    }
636    static int __set_crop(struct preview_stream_ops *w,
637                      int left, int top, int right, int bottom)
638    {
639        ANativeWindow *a = anw(w);
640        android_native_rect_t crop;
641        crop.left = left;
642        crop.top = top;
643        crop.right = right;
644        crop.bottom = bottom;
645        return native_window_set_crop(a, &crop);
646    }
648    static int __set_timestamp(struct preview_stream_ops *w,
649                               int64_t timestamp) {
650        ANativeWindow *a = anw(w);
651        return native_window_set_buffers_timestamp(a, timestamp);
652    }
654    static int __set_usage(struct preview_stream_ops* w, int usage)
655    {
656        ANativeWindow *a = anw(w);
657        return native_window_set_usage(a, usage);
658    }
660    static int __set_swap_interval(struct preview_stream_ops *w, int interval)
661    {
662        ANativeWindow *a = anw(w);
663        return a->setSwapInterval(a, interval);
664    }
666    static int __get_min_undequeued_buffer_count(
667                      const struct preview_stream_ops *w,
668                      int *count)
669    {
670        ANativeWindow *a = anw(w);
671        return a->query(a, NATIVE_WINDOW_MIN_UNDEQUEUED_BUFFERS, count);
672    }
674    void initHalPreviewWindow()
675    {
676        mHalPreviewWindow.nw.cancel_buffer = __cancel_buffer;
677        mHalPreviewWindow.nw.lock_buffer = __lock_buffer;
678        mHalPreviewWindow.nw.dequeue_buffer = __dequeue_buffer;
679        mHalPreviewWindow.nw.enqueue_buffer = __enqueue_buffer;
680        mHalPreviewWindow.nw.set_buffer_count = __set_buffer_count;
681        mHalPreviewWindow.nw.set_buffers_geometry = __set_buffers_geometry;
682        mHalPreviewWindow.nw.set_crop = __set_crop;
683        mHalPreviewWindow.nw.set_timestamp = __set_timestamp;
684        mHalPreviewWindow.nw.set_usage = __set_usage;
685        mHalPreviewWindow.nw.set_swap_interval = __set_swap_interval;
687        mHalPreviewWindow.nw.get_min_undequeued_buffer_count =
688                __get_min_undequeued_buffer_count;
689    }
691    sp<ANativeWindow>        mPreviewWindow;
693    struct camera_preview_window {
694        struct preview_stream_ops nw;
695        void *user;
696    };
698    struct camera_preview_window mHalPreviewWindow;
700    notify_callback         mNotifyCb;
701    data_callback           mDataCb;
702    data_callback_timestamp mDataCbTimestamp;
703    void *mCbUser;
706};  // namespace android