2 * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
17package com.android.server.location;
19import java.io.FileDescriptor;
20import java.io.PrintWriter;
21import java.security.SecureRandom;
22import android.content.Context;
23import android.database.ContentObserver;
24import android.location.Location;
25import android.os.Handler;
26import android.os.SystemClock;
27import android.provider.Settings;
28import android.util.Log;
32 * Contains the logic to obfuscate (fudge) locations for coarse applications.
33 *
34 * <p>The goal is just to prevent applications with only
35 * the coarse location permission from receiving a fine location.
36 */
37public class LocationFudger {
38    private static final boolean D = false;
39    private static final String TAG = "LocationFudge";
41    /**
42     * Default coarse accuracy in meters.
43     */
44    private static final float DEFAULT_ACCURACY_IN_METERS = 2000.0f;
46    /**
47     * Minimum coarse accuracy in meters.
48     */
49    private static final float MINIMUM_ACCURACY_IN_METERS = 200.0f;
51    /**
52     * Secure settings key for coarse accuracy.
53     */
54    private static final String COARSE_ACCURACY_CONFIG_NAME = "locationCoarseAccuracy";
56    /**
57     * This is the fastest interval that applications can receive coarse
58     * locations.
59     */
60    public static final long FASTEST_INTERVAL_MS = 10 * 60 * 1000;  // 10 minutes
62    /**
63     * The duration until we change the random offset.
64     */
65    private static final long CHANGE_INTERVAL_MS = 60 * 60 * 1000;  // 1 hour
67    /**
68     * The percentage that we change the random offset at every interval.
69     *
70     * <p>0.0 indicates the random offset doesn't change. 1.0
71     * indicates the random offset is completely replaced every interval.
72     */
73    private static final double CHANGE_PER_INTERVAL = 0.03;  // 3% change
75    // Pre-calculated weights used to move the random offset.
76    //
77    // The goal is to iterate on the previous offset, but keep
78    // the resulting standard deviation the same. The variance of
79    // two gaussian distributions summed together is equal to the
80    // sum of the variance of each distribution. So some quick
81    // algebra results in the following sqrt calculation to
82    // weigh in a new offset while keeping the final standard
83    // deviation unchanged.
84    private static final double NEW_WEIGHT = CHANGE_PER_INTERVAL;
85    private static final double PREVIOUS_WEIGHT = Math.sqrt(1 - NEW_WEIGHT * NEW_WEIGHT);
87    /**
88     * This number actually varies because the earth is not round, but
89     * 111,000 meters is considered generally acceptable.
90     */
91    private static final int APPROXIMATE_METERS_PER_DEGREE_AT_EQUATOR = 111000;
93    /**
94     * Maximum latitude.
95     *
96     * <p>We pick a value 1 meter away from 90.0 degrees in order
97     * to keep cosine(MAX_LATITUDE) to a non-zero value, so that we avoid
98     * divide by zero fails.
99     */
100    private static final double MAX_LATITUDE = 90.0 -
103    private final Object mLock = new Object();
104    private final SecureRandom mRandom = new SecureRandom();
106    /**
107     * Used to monitor coarse accuracy secure setting for changes.
108     */
109    private final ContentObserver mSettingsObserver;
111    /**
112     * Used to resolve coarse accuracy setting.
113     */
114    private final Context mContext;
116    // all fields below protected by mLock
117    private double mOffsetLatitudeMeters;
118    private double mOffsetLongitudeMeters;
119    private long mNextInterval;
121    /**
122     * Best location accuracy allowed for coarse applications.
123     * This value should only be set by {@link #setAccuracyInMetersLocked(float)}.
124     */
125    private float mAccuracyInMeters;
127    /**
128     * The distance between grids for snap-to-grid. See {@link #createCoarse}.
129     * This value should only be set by {@link #setAccuracyInMetersLocked(float)}.
130     */
131    private double mGridSizeInMeters;
133    /**
134     * Standard deviation of the (normally distributed) random offset applied
135     * to coarse locations. It does not need to be as large as
136     * {@link #COARSE_ACCURACY_METERS} because snap-to-grid is the primary obfuscation
137     * method. See further details in the implementation.
138     * This value should only be set by {@link #setAccuracyInMetersLocked(float)}.
139     */
140    private double mStandardDeviationInMeters;
142    public LocationFudger(Context context, Handler handler) {
143        mContext = context;
144        mSettingsObserver = new ContentObserver(handler) {
145            @Override
146            public void onChange(boolean selfChange) {
147                setAccuracyInMeters(loadCoarseAccuracy());
148            }
149        };
150        mContext.getContentResolver().registerContentObserver(Settings.Secure.getUriFor(
151                COARSE_ACCURACY_CONFIG_NAME), false, mSettingsObserver);
153        float accuracy = loadCoarseAccuracy();
154        synchronized (mLock) {
155            setAccuracyInMetersLocked(accuracy);
156            mOffsetLatitudeMeters = nextOffsetLocked();
157            mOffsetLongitudeMeters = nextOffsetLocked();
158            mNextInterval = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() + CHANGE_INTERVAL_MS;
159        }
160    }
162    /**
163     * Get the cached coarse location, or generate a new one and cache it.
164     */
165    public Location getOrCreate(Location location) {
166        synchronized (mLock) {
167            Location coarse = location.getExtraLocation(Location.EXTRA_COARSE_LOCATION);
168            if (coarse == null) {
169                return addCoarseLocationExtraLocked(location);
170            }
171            if (coarse.getAccuracy() < mAccuracyInMeters) {
172                return addCoarseLocationExtraLocked(location);
173            }
174            return coarse;
175        }
176    }
178    private Location addCoarseLocationExtraLocked(Location location) {
179        Location coarse = createCoarseLocked(location);
180        location.setExtraLocation(Location.EXTRA_COARSE_LOCATION, coarse);
181        return coarse;
182    }
184    /**
185     * Create a coarse location.
186     *
187     * <p>Two techniques are used: random offsets and snap-to-grid.
188     *
189     * <p>First we add a random offset. This mitigates against detecting
190     * grid transitions. Without a random offset it is possible to detect
191     * a users position very accurately when they cross a grid boundary.
192     * The random offset changes very slowly over time, to mitigate against
193     * taking many location samples and averaging them out.
194     *
195     * <p>Second we snap-to-grid (quantize). This has the nice property of
196     * producing stable results, and mitigating against taking many samples
197     * to average out a random offset.
198     */
199    private Location createCoarseLocked(Location fine) {
200        Location coarse = new Location(fine);
202        // clean all the optional information off the location, because
203        // this can leak detailed location information
204        coarse.removeBearing();
205        coarse.removeSpeed();
206        coarse.removeAltitude();
207        coarse.setExtras(null);
209        double lat = coarse.getLatitude();
210        double lon = coarse.getLongitude();
212        // wrap
213        lat = wrapLatitude(lat);
214        lon = wrapLongitude(lon);
216        // Step 1) apply a random offset
217        //
218        // The goal of the random offset is to prevent the application
219        // from determining that the device is on a grid boundary
220        // when it crosses from one grid to the next.
221        //
222        // We apply the offset even if the location already claims to be
223        // inaccurate, because it may be more accurate than claimed.
224        updateRandomOffsetLocked();
225        // perform lon first whilst lat is still within bounds
226        lon += metersToDegreesLongitude(mOffsetLongitudeMeters, lat);
227        lat += metersToDegreesLatitude(mOffsetLatitudeMeters);
228        if (D) Log.d(TAG, String.format("applied offset of %.0f, %.0f (meters)",
229                mOffsetLongitudeMeters, mOffsetLatitudeMeters));
231        // wrap
232        lat = wrapLatitude(lat);
233        lon = wrapLongitude(lon);
235        // Step 2) Snap-to-grid (quantize)
236        //
237        // This is the primary means of obfuscation. It gives nice consistent
238        // results and is very effective at hiding the true location
239        // (as long as you are not sitting on a grid boundary, which
240        // step 1 mitigates).
241        //
242        // Note we quantize the latitude first, since the longitude
243        // quantization depends on the latitude value and so leaks information
244        // about the latitude
245        double latGranularity = metersToDegreesLatitude(mGridSizeInMeters);
246        lat = Math.round(lat / latGranularity) * latGranularity;
247        double lonGranularity = metersToDegreesLongitude(mGridSizeInMeters, lat);
248        lon = Math.round(lon / lonGranularity) * lonGranularity;
250        // wrap again
251        lat = wrapLatitude(lat);
252        lon = wrapLongitude(lon);
254        // apply
255        coarse.setLatitude(lat);
256        coarse.setLongitude(lon);
257        coarse.setAccuracy(Math.max(mAccuracyInMeters, coarse.getAccuracy()));
259        if (D) Log.d(TAG, "fudged " + fine + " to " + coarse);
260        return coarse;
261    }
263    /**
264     * Update the random offset over time.
265     *
266     * <p>If the random offset was new for every location
267     * fix then an application can more easily average location results
268     * over time,
269     * especially when the location is near a grid boundary. On the
270     * other hand if the random offset is constant then if an application
271     * found a way to reverse engineer the offset they would be able
272     * to detect location at grid boundaries very accurately. So
273     * we choose a random offset and then very slowly move it, to
274     * make both approaches very hard.
275     *
276     * <p>The random offset does not need to be large, because snap-to-grid
277     * is the primary obfuscation mechanism. It just needs to be large
278     * enough to stop information leakage as we cross grid boundaries.
279     */
280    private void updateRandomOffsetLocked() {
281        long now = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
282        if (now < mNextInterval) {
283            return;
284        }
286        if (D) Log.d(TAG, String.format("old offset: %.0f, %.0f (meters)",
287                mOffsetLongitudeMeters, mOffsetLatitudeMeters));
289        // ok, need to update the random offset
290        mNextInterval = now + CHANGE_INTERVAL_MS;
292        mOffsetLatitudeMeters *= PREVIOUS_WEIGHT;
293        mOffsetLatitudeMeters += NEW_WEIGHT * nextOffsetLocked();
294        mOffsetLongitudeMeters *= PREVIOUS_WEIGHT;
295        mOffsetLongitudeMeters += NEW_WEIGHT * nextOffsetLocked();
297        if (D) Log.d(TAG, String.format("new offset: %.0f, %.0f (meters)",
298                mOffsetLongitudeMeters, mOffsetLatitudeMeters));
299    }
301    private double nextOffsetLocked() {
302        return mRandom.nextGaussian() * mStandardDeviationInMeters;
303    }
305    private static double wrapLatitude(double lat) {
306         if (lat > MAX_LATITUDE) {
307             lat = MAX_LATITUDE;
308         }
309         if (lat < -MAX_LATITUDE) {
310             lat = -MAX_LATITUDE;
311         }
312         return lat;
313    }
315    private static double wrapLongitude(double lon) {
316        lon %= 360.0;  // wraps into range (-360.0, +360.0)
317        if (lon >= 180.0) {
318            lon -= 360.0;
319        }
320        if (lon < -180.0) {
321            lon += 360.0;
322        }
323        return lon;
324    }
326    private static double metersToDegreesLatitude(double distance) {
327        return distance / APPROXIMATE_METERS_PER_DEGREE_AT_EQUATOR;
328    }
330    /**
331     * Requires latitude since longitudinal distances change with distance from equator.
332     */
333    private static double metersToDegreesLongitude(double distance, double lat) {
334        return distance / APPROXIMATE_METERS_PER_DEGREE_AT_EQUATOR / Math.cos(Math.toRadians(lat));
335    }
337    public void dump(FileDescriptor fd, PrintWriter pw, String[] args) {
338        pw.println(String.format("offset: %.0f, %.0f (meters)", mOffsetLongitudeMeters,
339                mOffsetLatitudeMeters));
340    }
342    /**
343     * This is the main control: call this to set the best location accuracy
344     * allowed for coarse applications and all derived values.
345     */
346    private void setAccuracyInMetersLocked(float accuracyInMeters) {
347        mAccuracyInMeters = Math.max(accuracyInMeters, MINIMUM_ACCURACY_IN_METERS);
348        if (D) {
349            Log.d(TAG, "setAccuracyInMetersLocked: new accuracy = " + mAccuracyInMeters);
350        }
351        mGridSizeInMeters = mAccuracyInMeters;
352        mStandardDeviationInMeters = mGridSizeInMeters / 4.0;
353    }
355    /**
356     * Same as setAccuracyInMetersLocked without the pre-lock requirement.
357     */
358    private void setAccuracyInMeters(float accuracyInMeters) {
359        synchronized (mLock) {
360            setAccuracyInMetersLocked(accuracyInMeters);
361        }
362    }
364    /**
365     * Loads the coarse accuracy value from secure settings.
366     */
367    private float loadCoarseAccuracy() {
368        String newSetting = Settings.Secure.getString(mContext.getContentResolver(),
369                COARSE_ACCURACY_CONFIG_NAME);
370        if (D) {
371            Log.d(TAG, "loadCoarseAccuracy: newSetting = \"" + newSetting + "\"");
372        }
373        if (newSetting == null) {
374            return DEFAULT_ACCURACY_IN_METERS;
375        }
376        try {
377            return Float.parseFloat(newSetting);
378        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
379            return DEFAULT_ACCURACY_IN_METERS;
380        }
381    }