History log of /art/runtime/gc/collector_type.h
Revision Date Author Comments
eb6c7c23a8065af665e71f3408980bacd8ecc529 05-Feb-2015 Igor Murashkin <iam@google.com> art: Try to fix parsed_options_test on the build server

(It works fine locally because environment variables are defined

Also some minor cleanup elsewhere pointed out in the previous code

Change-Id: I80650d2be6ce467b838db85eb130a0020d7c1480
aaebaa0121be3b9d9f13630585304482cbcaeb4b 26-Jan-2015 Igor Murashkin <iam@google.com> art: Refactor RuntimeOptions/ParsedOptions

Refactor the RuntimeOptions to be a
type-safe map (VariantMap, see runtime_options.h) and the ParsedOptions
to delegate the parsing to CmdlineParser (see cmdline/cmdline_parser.h).

This is the start of a command line parsing refactor, and may include
more in the future (dex2oat, patchoat, etc).

For more details of the command line parsing generator usage see cmdline/README.md

Change-Id: Ic67c6bca5e1f33bf2ec60e2e3ff8c366bab91563
f37a88b8e6db6c587fa449a12e40cb46be1689fc 10-Jul-2014 Zuo Wang <zuo.wang@intel.com> ART: Compacting ROS/DlMalloc spaces with semispace copy GC

Current semispace copy GC is mainly associated with bump pointer
spaces. Though it squeezes fragmentation most aggressively, an extra
copy is required to re-establish the data in the ROS/DlMalloc space to allow
CMS GCs to happen afterwards. As semispace copy GC is still stop-the-world,
this not only introduces unnecessary overheads but also longer response time.
Response time indicates the time duration between the start of transition
request and the start of transition animation, which may impact the user

Using semispace copy GC to compact the data in a ROS space to another ROS(or
DlMalloc space to another DlMalloc) space solves this problem. Although it
squeezes less fragmentation, CMS GCs can run immediately after the compaction.

We apply this algorithm in two cases:
1) Right before throwing an OOM if -XX:EnableHSpaceCompactForOOM is passed in
as true.
2) When app is switched to background if the -XX:BackgroundGC option has value

For case 1), OOMs are significantly delayed in the harmony GC stress test,
with compaction ratio up to 0.87. For case 2), compaction ratio around 0.5 is
observed in both built-in SMS and browser. Similar results have been obtained
on other apps as well.

Change-Id: Iad9eabc6d046659fda3535ae20f21bc31f89ded3
Signed-off-by: Wang, Zuo <zuo.wang@intel.com>
Signed-off-by: Chang, Yang <yang.chang@intel.com>
Signed-off-by: Lei Li <lei.l.li@intel.com>
Signed-off-by: Lin Zang <lin.zang@intel.com>
52e4b43d62896b56f8c2bd041e528472bb4a0d8d 10-Jun-2014 Mathieu Chartier <mathieuc@google.com> Add mark compact collector.

The mark compact collector is a 4 phase collection, doing a normal
full mark_sweep, calculating forwarding addresses of objects in the
from space, updating references of objects in the from space, and
moving the objects in the from space.

Support is diabled by default since it needs to have non movable
classes and field arrays. Performance numbers is around 50% as fast.

The main advantage that this has over semispace is that the worst
case memory usage is 50% since we only need one space isntead of two.

TODO: Make field arrays and classes movable. This causes complication
since Object::VisitReferences relies on these, so if we update the
fields of an object but another future object uses this object to
figure out what fields are reference fields it doesn't work.

Bug: 14059466

Change-Id: I661ed3b71ad4dde124ef80312c95696b4a5665a1
d5307ec41c8344be0c32273ec4f574064036187d 28-Mar-2014 Hiroshi Yamauchi <yamauchi@google.com> An empty collector skeleton for a read barrier-based collector.

Bug: 12687968

Change-Id: Ic2a3a7b9943ca64e7f60f4d6ed552a316ea4a6f3
d5a89ee74c00bd24a34b6e795828a0b86842630f 31-Jan-2014 Mathieu Chartier <mathieuc@google.com> Fix race conditions caused by StartGC.

Race1: Heap trimming could happen when we were transitioning the heap.
This caused the space to get deleted in the middle of the trim.

Race2: IncrementDisableCompactingGC needed to WaitForConcurrentGC if
we were running a moving GC or about to starting a moving GC.

Race3: The logic for whether or not we had a compacting GC was
calculated before StartGC in CollectGarbageInternal. This could cause
us to get blocked waiting for the GC to complete and come out of the
wait with a new collector_type_ due to a heap transition.

Change-Id: I07c36ae5df1820e9cca70cf239e46175c1eb9575
6f4ffe41649f1e6381e8cda087ad3749206806e5 13-Jan-2014 Hiroshi Yamauchi <yamauchi@google.com> Improve the generational mode.

- Turn the compile-time flags for generational mode into a command
line flag.

- In the generational mode, always collect the whole heap, as opposed
to the bump pointer space only, if a collection is an explicit,
native allocation-triggered or last attempt one.

Change-Id: I7a14a707cc47e6e3aa4a3292db62533409f17563
7bf82af01ec250a4ed2cee03a0e51d179fa820f9 07-Dec-2013 Mathieu Chartier <mathieuc@google.com> Fix memory usage regression and clean up collector changing code.

Memory usage regressed since we didn't properly update
concurrent_start_bytes_ when changing collectors.

Bug: 12034247

Change-Id: I1c69e71cd2919e0d3bf75485a4ac0b0aeca59278
7410f29b4dae223befac036ea567d7f33351dad1 24-Nov-2013 Mathieu Chartier <mathieuc@google.com> Fix dumpsys meminfo <pid>.

Added a case for BumpPointerSpaces. Confirmed working non-debug.
Should also work in debug builds.

Bug: 11830794
Change-Id: I12053ff16eec403dcd4a780e13095e3212a77132
0de9f73afe3e835b63f2ee0c1416930656449f3f 23-Nov-2013 Mathieu Chartier <mathieuc@google.com> Add -xGc: MS, CMS, SS options to specify which GC to use.

Can be used for running tests or benchmarks with semispace,
marksweep or concurrent marksweep.

Change-Id: Ic9ab1220150f2c7c9c30df4ffee45b9d303094b3