History log of /packages/apps/Settings/src/com/android/settings/net/UidDetail.java
Revision Date Author Comments (<<< Hide modified files) (Show modified files >>>)
ebb36ec9207c9519f6ae6a1aa39909279aa1d0e9 23-Jul-2014 Zoltan Szatmary-Ban <szatmz@google.com> Badge texts correctly for accessibility in Settings

If an app is a managed profile's app then its label should read correctly by TalkBack.
Affected screens: Data Usage, Location, Battery.

Change-Id: I393c0ebf56917032d619b1e39b4bf141ee236981
b98c55bd097e006703352f84f0271dec5181160a 12-Sep-2011 Jeff Sharkey <jsharkey@android.com> Data usage performance, bugfixes.

Optimize launch times by removing unneeded extra work, including
reloading data and tightening chart invalidation. Fix invalidation
storm when sweeps overlap. Move chart history into loader instead of
blocking main thread.

Disable "Split 4G" mode until telephony support is ready, and combine
any existing split policies.

Async loading of application details. Remove alpha transitions to
speed up on some hardware. Hide menus in detail mode. Delay kicking
off force-poll. Fix inset padding on large devices.

Bug: 5284321, 5273918, 5263056
Change-Id: I746d79c05e2a6ea97bbdbdc5d807e208328d1373