2Watches the key ``paste.httpserver.thread_pool`` to see how many
3threads there are and report on any wedged threads.
5import sys
6import cgi
7import time
8import traceback
9from cStringIO import StringIO
10from thread import get_ident
11from paste import httpexceptions
12from paste.request import construct_url, parse_formvars
13from paste.util.template import HTMLTemplate, bunch
15page_template = HTMLTemplate('''
17 <head>
18  <style type="text/css">
19   body {
20     font-family: sans-serif;
21   }
22   table.environ tr td {
23     border-bottom: #bbb 1px solid;
24   }
25   table.environ tr td.bottom {
26     border-bottom: none;
27   }
28   table.thread {
29     border: 1px solid #000;
30     margin-bottom: 1em;
31   }
32   table.thread tr td {
33     border-bottom: #999 1px solid;
34     padding-right: 1em;
35   }
36   table.thread tr td.bottom {
37     border-bottom: none;
38   }
39   table.thread tr.this_thread td {
40     background-color: #006;
41     color: #fff;
42   }
43   a.button {
44     background-color: #ddd;
45     border: #aaa outset 2px;
46     text-decoration: none;
47     margin-top: 10px;
48     font-size: 80%;
49     color: #000;
50   }
51   a.button:hover {
52     background-color: #eee;
53     border: #bbb outset 2px;
54   }
55   a.button:active {
56     border: #bbb inset 2px;
57   }
58  </style>
59  <title>{{title}}</title>
60 </head>
61 <body>
62  <h1>{{title}}</h1>
63  {{if kill_thread_id}}
64  <div style="background-color: #060; color: #fff;
65              border: 2px solid #000;">
66  Thread {{kill_thread_id}} killed
67  </div>
68  {{endif}}
69  <div>Pool size: {{nworkers}}
70       {{if actual_workers > nworkers}}
71         + {{actual_workers-nworkers}} extra
72       {{endif}}
73       ({{nworkers_used}} used including current request)<br>
74       idle: {{len(track_threads["idle"])}},
75       busy: {{len(track_threads["busy"])}},
76       hung: {{len(track_threads["hung"])}},
77       dying: {{len(track_threads["dying"])}},
78       zombie: {{len(track_threads["zombie"])}}</div>
80{{for thread in threads}}
82<table class="thread">
83 <tr {{if thread.thread_id == this_thread_id}}class="this_thread"{{endif}}>
84  <td>
85   <b>Thread</b>
86   {{if thread.thread_id == this_thread_id}}
87   (<i>this</i> request)
88   {{endif}}</td>
89  <td>
90   <b>{{thread.thread_id}}
91    {{if allow_kill}}
92    <form action="{{script_name}}/kill" method="POST"
93          style="display: inline">
94      <input type="hidden" name="thread_id" value="{{thread.thread_id}}">
95      <input type="submit" value="kill">
96    </form>
97    {{endif}}
98   </b>
99  </td>
100 </tr>
101 <tr>
102  <td>Time processing request</td>
103  <td>{{thread.time_html|html}}</td>
104 </tr>
105 <tr>
106  <td>URI</td>
107  <td>{{if thread.uri == 'unknown'}}
108      unknown
109      {{else}}<a href="{{thread.uri}}">{{thread.uri_short}}</a>
110      {{endif}}
111  </td>
112 <tr>
113  <td colspan="2" class="bottom">
114   <a href="#" class="button" style="width: 9em; display: block"
115      onclick="
116        var el = document.getElementById('environ-{{thread.thread_id}}');
117        if (el.style.display) {
118            el.style.display = '';
119            this.innerHTML = \'&#9662; Hide environ\';
120        } else {
121            el.style.display = 'none';
122            this.innerHTML = \'&#9656; Show environ\';
123        }
124        return false
125      ">&#9656; Show environ</a>
127   <div id="environ-{{thread.thread_id}}" style="display: none">
128    {{if thread.environ:}}
129    <table class="environ">
130     {{for loop, item in looper(sorted(thread.environ.items()))}}
131     {{py:key, value=item}}
132     <tr>
133      <td {{if loop.last}}class="bottom"{{endif}}>{{key}}</td>
134      <td {{if loop.last}}class="bottom"{{endif}}>{{value}}</td>
135     </tr>
136     {{endfor}}
137    </table>
138    {{else}}
139    Thread is in process of starting
140    {{endif}}
141   </div>
143   {{if thread.traceback}}
144   <a href="#" class="button" style="width: 9em; display: block"
145      onclick="
146        var el = document.getElementById('traceback-{{thread.thread_id}}');
147        if (el.style.display) {
148            el.style.display = '';
149            this.innerHTML = \'&#9662; Hide traceback\';
150        } else {
151            el.style.display = 'none';
152            this.innerHTML = \'&#9656; Show traceback\';
153        }
154        return false
155      ">&#9656; Show traceback</a>
157    <div id="traceback-{{thread.thread_id}}" style="display: none">
158      <pre class="traceback">{{thread.traceback}}</pre>
159    </div>
160    {{endif}}
162  </td>
163 </tr>
168 </body>
170''', name='watchthreads.page_template')
172class WatchThreads(object):
174    """
175    Application that watches the threads in ``paste.httpserver``,
176    showing the length each thread has been working on a request.
178    If allow_kill is true, then you can kill errant threads through
179    this application.
181    This application can expose private information (specifically in
182    the environment, like cookies), so it should be protected.
183    """
185    def __init__(self, allow_kill=False):
186        self.allow_kill = allow_kill
188    def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
189        if 'paste.httpserver.thread_pool' not in environ:
190            start_response('403 Forbidden', [('Content-type', 'text/plain')])
191            return ['You must use the threaded Paste HTTP server to use this application']
192        if environ.get('PATH_INFO') == '/kill':
193            return self.kill(environ, start_response)
194        else:
195            return self.show(environ, start_response)
197    def show(self, environ, start_response):
198        start_response('200 OK', [('Content-type', 'text/html')])
199        form = parse_formvars(environ)
200        if form.get('kill'):
201            kill_thread_id = form['kill']
202        else:
203            kill_thread_id = None
204        thread_pool = environ['paste.httpserver.thread_pool']
205        nworkers = thread_pool.nworkers
206        now = time.time()
209        workers = thread_pool.worker_tracker.items()
210        workers.sort(key=lambda v: v[1][0])
211        threads = []
212        for thread_id, (time_started, worker_environ) in workers:
213            thread = bunch()
214            threads.append(thread)
215            if worker_environ:
216                thread.uri = construct_url(worker_environ)
217            else:
218                thread.uri = 'unknown'
219            thread.thread_id = thread_id
220            thread.time_html = format_time(now-time_started)
221            thread.uri_short = shorten(thread.uri)
222            thread.environ = worker_environ
223            thread.traceback = traceback_thread(thread_id)
225        page = page_template.substitute(
226            title="Thread Pool Worker Tracker",
227            nworkers=nworkers,
228            actual_workers=len(thread_pool.workers),
229            nworkers_used=len(workers),
230            script_name=environ['SCRIPT_NAME'],
231            kill_thread_id=kill_thread_id,
232            allow_kill=self.allow_kill,
233            threads=threads,
234            this_thread_id=get_ident(),
235            track_threads=thread_pool.track_threads())
237        return [page]
239    def kill(self, environ, start_response):
240        if not self.allow_kill:
241            exc = httpexceptions.HTTPForbidden(
242                'Killing threads has not been enabled.  Shame on you '
243                'for trying!')
244            return exc(environ, start_response)
245        vars = parse_formvars(environ)
246        thread_id = int(vars['thread_id'])
247        thread_pool = environ['paste.httpserver.thread_pool']
248        if thread_id not in thread_pool.worker_tracker:
249            exc = httpexceptions.PreconditionFailed(
250                'You tried to kill thread %s, but it is not working on '
251                'any requests' % thread_id)
252            return exc(environ, start_response)
253        thread_pool.kill_worker(thread_id)
254        script_name = environ['SCRIPT_NAME'] or '/'
255        exc = httpexceptions.HTTPFound(
256            headers=[('Location', script_name+'?kill=%s' % thread_id)])
257        return exc(environ, start_response)
259def traceback_thread(thread_id):
260    """
261    Returns a plain-text traceback of the given thread, or None if it
262    can't get a traceback.
263    """
264    if not hasattr(sys, '_current_frames'):
265        # Only 2.5 has support for this, with this special function
266        return None
267    frames = sys._current_frames()
268    if not thread_id in frames:
269        return None
270    frame = frames[thread_id]
271    out = StringIO()
272    traceback.print_stack(frame, file=out)
273    return out.getvalue()
275hide_keys = ['paste.httpserver.thread_pool']
277def format_environ(environ):
278    if environ is None:
279        return environ_template.substitute(
280            key='---',
281            value='No environment registered for this thread yet')
282    environ_rows = []
283    for key, value in sorted(environ.items()):
284        if key in hide_keys:
285            continue
286        try:
287            if key.upper() != key:
288                value = repr(value)
289            environ_rows.append(
290                environ_template.substitute(
291                key=cgi.escape(str(key)),
292                value=cgi.escape(str(value))))
293        except Exception as e:
294            environ_rows.append(
295                environ_template.substitute(
296                key=cgi.escape(str(key)),
297                value='Error in <code>repr()</code>: %s' % e))
298    return ''.join(environ_rows)
300def format_time(time_length):
301    if time_length >= 60*60:
302        # More than an hour
303        time_string = '%i:%02i:%02i' % (int(time_length/60/60),
304                                        int(time_length/60) % 60,
305                                        time_length % 60)
306    elif time_length >= 120:
307        time_string = '%i:%02i' % (int(time_length/60),
308                                   time_length % 60)
309    elif time_length > 60:
310        time_string = '%i sec' % time_length
311    elif time_length > 1:
312        time_string = '%0.1f sec' % time_length
313    else:
314        time_string = '%0.2f sec' % time_length
315    if time_length < 5:
316        return time_string
317    elif time_length < 120:
318        return '<span style="color: #900">%s</span>' % time_string
319    else:
320        return '<span style="background-color: #600; color: #fff">%s</span>' % time_string
322def shorten(s):
323    if len(s) > 60:
324        return s[:40]+'...'+s[-10:]
325    else:
326        return s
328def make_watch_threads(global_conf, allow_kill=False):
329    from paste.deploy.converters import asbool
330    return WatchThreads(allow_kill=asbool(allow_kill))
331make_watch_threads.__doc__ = WatchThreads.__doc__
333def make_bad_app(global_conf, pause=0):
334    pause = int(pause)
335    def bad_app(environ, start_response):
336        import thread
337        if pause:
338            time.sleep(pause)
339        else:
340            count = 0
341            while 1:
342                print("I'm alive %s (%s)" % (count, thread.get_ident()))
343                time.sleep(10)
344                count += 1
345        start_response('200 OK', [('content-type', 'text/plain')])
346        return ['OK, paused %s seconds' % pause]
347    return bad_app