2    Copyright (C) 2010-2013  <Roderick W. Smith>
4    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
7    (at your option) any later version.
9    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12    GNU General Public License for more details.
14    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
15    with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
16    51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
20/* This class implements an interactive text-mode interface atop the
21   GPTData class */
23#include <string.h>
24#include <errno.h>
25#include <stdint.h>
26#include <limits.h>
27#include <iostream>
28#include <fstream>
29#include <sstream>
30#include <cstdio>
31#include "attributes.h"
32#include "gpttext.h"
33#include "support.h"
35using namespace std;
38 *                                          *
39 * GPTDataText class and related structures *
40 *                                          *
41 ********************************************/
43GPTDataTextUI::GPTDataTextUI(void) : GPTData() {
44} // default constructor
46GPTDataTextUI::GPTDataTextUI(string filename) : GPTData(filename) {
47} // constructor passing filename
49GPTDataTextUI::~GPTDataTextUI(void) {
50} // default destructor
53 *                                                                   *
54 * The following functions are extended (interactive) versions of    *
55 * simpler functions in the base class....                           *
56 *                                                                   *
57 *********************************************************************/
59// Overridden function; calls base-class function and then makes
60// additional queries of the user, if the base-class function can't
61// decide what to do.
62WhichToUse GPTDataTextUI::UseWhichPartitions(void) {
63   WhichToUse which;
64   MBRValidity mbrState;
65   int answer;
67   which = GPTData::UseWhichPartitions();
68   if ((which != use_abort) || beQuiet)
69      return which;
71   // If we get past here, it means that the non-interactive tests were
72   // inconclusive, so we must ask the user which table to use....
73   mbrState = protectiveMBR.GetValidity();
75   if ((state == gpt_valid) && (mbrState == mbr)) {
76      cout << "Found valid MBR and GPT. Which do you want to use?\n";
77      answer = GetNumber(1, 3, 2, " 1 - MBR\n 2 - GPT\n 3 - Create blank GPT\n\nYour answer: ");
78      if (answer == 1) {
79         which = use_mbr;
80      } else if (answer == 2) {
81         which = use_gpt;
82         cout << "Using GPT and creating fresh protective MBR.\n";
83      } else which = use_new;
84   } // if
86   // Nasty decisions here -- GPT is present, but corrupt (bad CRCs or other
87   // problems)
88   if (state == gpt_corrupt) {
89      if ((mbrState == mbr) || (mbrState == hybrid)) {
90         cout << "Found valid MBR and corrupt GPT. Which do you want to use? (Using the\n"
91              << "GPT MAY permit recovery of GPT data.)\n";
92         answer = GetNumber(1, 3, 2, " 1 - MBR\n 2 - GPT\n 3 - Create blank GPT\n\nYour answer: ");
93         if (answer == 1) {
94            which = use_mbr;
95         } else if (answer == 2) {
96            which = use_gpt;
97         } else which = use_new;
98      } else if (mbrState == invalid) {
99         cout << "Found invalid MBR and corrupt GPT. What do you want to do? (Using the\n"
100              << "GPT MAY permit recovery of GPT data.)\n";
101         answer = GetNumber(1, 2, 1, " 1 - Use current GPT\n 2 - Create blank GPT\n\nYour answer: ");
102         if (answer == 1) {
103            which = use_gpt;
104         } else which = use_new;
105      } // if/else/else
106   } // if (corrupt GPT)
108   return which;
109} // UseWhichPartitions()
111// Ask the user for a partition number; and prompt for verification
112// if the requested partition isn't of a known BSD type.
113// Lets the base-class function do the work, and returns its value (the
114// number of converted partitions).
115int GPTDataTextUI::XFormDisklabel(void) {
116   uint32_t partNum;
117   uint16_t hexCode;
118   int goOn = 1, numDone = 0;
119   BSDData disklabel;
121   partNum = GetPartNum();
123   // Now see if the specified partition has a BSD type code....
124   hexCode = partitions[partNum].GetHexType();
125   if ((hexCode != 0xa500) && (hexCode != 0xa900)) {
126      cout << "Specified partition doesn't have a disklabel partition type "
127           << "code.\nContinue anyway? ";
128      goOn = (GetYN() == 'Y');
129   } // if
131   if (goOn)
132      numDone = GPTData::XFormDisklabel(partNum);
134   return numDone;
135} // GPTData::XFormDisklabel(void)
139 *                                                                   *
140 * Begin functions that obtain information from the users, and often *
141 * do something with that information (call other functions)         *
142 *                                                                   *
143 *********************************************************************/
145// Prompts user for partition number and returns the result. Returns "0"
146// (the first partition) if none are currently defined.
147uint32_t GPTDataTextUI::GetPartNum(void) {
148   uint32_t partNum;
149   uint32_t low, high;
150   ostringstream prompt;
152   if (GetPartRange(&low, &high) > 0) {
153      prompt << "Partition number (" << low + 1 << "-" << high + 1 << "): ";
154      partNum = GetNumber(low + 1, high + 1, low, prompt.str());
155   } else partNum = 1;
156   return (partNum - 1);
157} // GPTDataTextUI::GetPartNum()
159// What it says: Resize the partition table. (Default is 128 entries.)
160void GPTDataTextUI::ResizePartitionTable(void) {
161   int newSize;
162   ostringstream prompt;
163   uint32_t curLow, curHigh;
165   cout << "Current partition table size is " << numParts << ".\n";
166   GetPartRange(&curLow, &curHigh);
167   curHigh++; // since GetPartRange() returns numbers starting from 0...
168   // There's no point in having fewer than four partitions....
169   if (curHigh < (blockSize / GPT_SIZE))
170      curHigh = blockSize / GPT_SIZE;
171   prompt << "Enter new size (" << curHigh << " up, default " << NUM_GPT_ENTRIES << "): ";
172   newSize = GetNumber(4, 65535, 128, prompt.str());
173   if (newSize < 128) {
174      cout << "Caution: The partition table size should officially be 16KB or larger,\n"
175           << "which works out to 128 entries. In practice, smaller tables seem to\n"
176           << "work with most OSes, but this practice is risky. I'm proceeding with\n"
177           << "the resize, but you may want to reconsider this action and undo it.\n\n";
178   } // if
179   SetGPTSize(newSize);
180} // GPTDataTextUI::ResizePartitionTable()
182// Interactively create a partition
183void GPTDataTextUI::CreatePartition(void) {
184   uint64_t firstBlock, firstInLargest, lastBlock, sector, origSector;
185   uint32_t firstFreePart = 0;
186   ostringstream prompt1, prompt2, prompt3;
187   int partNum;
189   // Find first free partition...
190   while (partitions[firstFreePart].GetFirstLBA() != 0) {
191      firstFreePart++;
192   } // while
194   if (((firstBlock = FindFirstAvailable()) != 0) &&
195       (firstFreePart < numParts)) {
196      lastBlock = FindLastAvailable();
197      firstInLargest = FindFirstInLargest();
198      Align(&firstInLargest);
200      // Get partition number....
201      prompt1 << "Partition number (" << firstFreePart + 1 << "-" << numParts
202              << ", default " << firstFreePart + 1 << "): ";
203      do {
204         partNum = GetNumber(firstFreePart + 1, numParts,
205                             firstFreePart + 1, prompt1.str()) - 1;
206         if (partitions[partNum].GetFirstLBA() != 0)
207            cout << "partition " << partNum + 1 << " is in use.\n";
208      } while (partitions[partNum].GetFirstLBA() != 0);
210      // Get first block for new partition...
211      prompt2 << "First sector (" << firstBlock << "-" << lastBlock << ", default = "
212              << firstInLargest << ") or {+-}size{KMGTP}: ";
213      do {
214         sector = GetSectorNum(firstBlock, lastBlock, firstInLargest, blockSize, prompt2.str());
215      } while (IsFree(sector) == 0);
216      origSector = sector;
217      if (Align(&sector)) {
218         cout << "Information: Moved requested sector from " << origSector << " to "
219              << sector << " in\norder to align on " << sectorAlignment
220              << "-sector boundaries.\n";
221         if (!beQuiet)
222            cout << "Use 'l' on the experts' menu to adjust alignment\n";
223      } // if
224      //      Align(&sector); // Align sector to correct multiple
225      firstBlock = sector;
227      // Get last block for new partitions...
228      lastBlock = FindLastInFree(firstBlock);
229      prompt3 << "Last sector (" << firstBlock << "-" << lastBlock << ", default = "
230            << lastBlock << ") or {+-}size{KMGTP}: ";
231      do {
232         sector = GetSectorNum(firstBlock, lastBlock, lastBlock, blockSize, prompt3.str());
233      } while (IsFree(sector) == 0);
234      lastBlock = sector;
236      firstFreePart = GPTData::CreatePartition(partNum, firstBlock, lastBlock);
237      partitions[partNum].ChangeType();
238      partitions[partNum].SetDefaultDescription();
239   } else {
240      if (firstFreePart >= numParts)
241         cout << "No table partition entries left\n";
242      else
243         cout << "No free sectors available\n";
244   } // if/else
245} // GPTDataTextUI::CreatePartition()
247// Interactively delete a partition (duh!)
248void GPTDataTextUI::DeletePartition(void) {
249   int partNum;
250   uint32_t low, high;
251   ostringstream prompt;
253   if (GetPartRange(&low, &high) > 0) {
254      prompt << "Partition number (" << low + 1 << "-" << high + 1 << "): ";
255      partNum = GetNumber(low + 1, high + 1, low, prompt.str());
256      GPTData::DeletePartition(partNum - 1);
257   } else {
258      cout << "No partitions\n";
259   } // if/else
260} // GPTDataTextUI::DeletePartition()
262// Prompt user for a partition number, then change its type code
263void GPTDataTextUI::ChangePartType(void) {
264   int partNum;
265   uint32_t low, high;
267   if (GetPartRange(&low, &high) > 0) {
268      partNum = GetPartNum();
269      partitions[partNum].ChangeType();
270   } else {
271      cout << "No partitions\n";
272   } // if/else
273} // GPTDataTextUI::ChangePartType()
275// Prompt user for a partition number, then change its unique
276// GUID.
277void GPTDataTextUI::ChangeUniqueGuid(void) {
278   int partNum;
279   uint32_t low, high;
280   string guidStr;
282   if (GetPartRange(&low, &high) > 0) {
283      partNum = GetPartNum();
284      cout << "Enter the partition's new unique GUID ('R' to randomize): ";
285      guidStr = ReadString();
286      if ((guidStr.length() >= 32) || (guidStr[0] == 'R') || (guidStr[0] == 'r')) {
287         SetPartitionGUID(partNum, (GUIDData) guidStr);
288         cout << "New GUID is " << partitions[partNum].GetUniqueGUID() << "\n";
289      } else {
290         cout << "GUID is too short!\n";
291      } // if/else
292   } else
293      cout << "No partitions\n";
294} // GPTDataTextUI::ChangeUniqueGuid()
296// Partition attributes seem to be rarely used, but I want a way to
297// adjust them for completeness....
298void GPTDataTextUI::SetAttributes(uint32_t partNum) {
299   partitions[partNum].SetAttributes();
300} // GPTDataTextUI::SetAttributes()
302// Prompts the user for a partition name and sets the partition's
303// name. Returns 1 on success, 0 on failure (invalid partition
304// number). (Note that the function skips prompting when an
305// invalid partition number is detected.)
306int GPTDataTextUI::SetName(uint32_t partNum) {
307   UnicodeString theName = "";
308   int retval = 1;
310   if (IsUsedPartNum(partNum)) {
311      cout << "Enter name: ";
312#ifdef USE_UTF16
313      theName = ReadUString();
315      theName = ReadString();
317      partitions[partNum].SetName(theName);
318   } else {
319      cerr << "Invalid partition number (" << partNum << ")\n";
320      retval = 0;
321   } // if/else
323   return retval;
324} // GPTDataTextUI::SetName()
326// Ask user for two partition numbers and swap them in the table. Note that
327// this just reorders table entries; it doesn't adjust partition layout on
328// the disk.
329// Returns 1 if successful, 0 if not. (If user enters identical numbers, it
330// counts as successful.)
331int GPTDataTextUI::SwapPartitions(void) {
332   int partNum1, partNum2, didIt = 0;
333   uint32_t low, high;
334   ostringstream prompt;
335   GPTPart temp;
337   if (GetPartRange(&low, &high) > 0) {
338      partNum1 = GetPartNum();
339      if (high >= numParts - 1)
340         high = 0;
341      prompt << "New partition number (1-" << numParts
342             << ", default " << high + 2 << "): ";
343      partNum2 = GetNumber(1, numParts, high + 2, prompt.str()) - 1;
344      didIt = GPTData::SwapPartitions(partNum1, partNum2);
345   } else {
346      cout << "No partitions\n";
347   } // if/else
348   return didIt;
349} // GPTDataTextUI::SwapPartitionNumbers()
351// This function destroys the on-disk GPT structures. Returns 1 if the user
352// confirms destruction, 0 if the user aborts or if there's a disk error.
353int GPTDataTextUI::DestroyGPTwPrompt(void) {
354   int allOK = 1;
356   if ((apmFound) || (bsdFound)) {
357      cout << "WARNING: APM or BSD disklabel structures detected! This operation could\n"
358           << "damage any APM or BSD partitions on this disk!\n";
359   } // if APM or BSD
360   cout << "\a\aAbout to wipe out GPT on " << device << ". Proceed? ";
361   if (GetYN() == 'Y') {
362      if (DestroyGPT()) {
363         // Note on below: Touch the MBR only if the user wants it completely
364         // blanked out. Version 0.4.2 deleted the 0xEE partition and re-wrote
365         // the MBR, but this could wipe out a valid MBR that the program
366         // had subsequently discarded (say, if it conflicted with older GPT
367         // structures).
368         cout << "Blank out MBR? ";
369         if (GetYN() == 'Y') {
370            DestroyMBR();
371         } else {
372            cout << "MBR is unchanged. You may need to delete an EFI GPT (0xEE) partition\n"
373                 << "with fdisk or another tool.\n";
374         } // if/else
375      } else allOK = 0; // if GPT structures destroyed
376   } else allOK = 0; // if user confirms destruction
377   return (allOK);
378} // GPTDataTextUI::DestroyGPTwPrompt()
380// Get partition number from user and then call ShowPartDetails(partNum)
381// to show its detailed information
382void GPTDataTextUI::ShowDetails(void) {
383   int partNum;
384   uint32_t low, high;
386   if (GetPartRange(&low, &high) > 0) {
387      partNum = GetPartNum();
388      ShowPartDetails(partNum);
389   } else {
390      cout << "No partitions\n";
391   } // if/else
392} // GPTDataTextUI::ShowDetails()
394// Create a hybrid MBR -- an ugly, funky thing that helps GPT work with
395// OSes that don't understand GPT.
396void GPTDataTextUI::MakeHybrid(void) {
397   uint32_t partNums[3] = {0, 0, 0};
398   string line;
399   int numPartsToCvt = 0, numConverted = 0, i, j, mbrNum = 0;
400   unsigned int hexCode = 0;
401   MBRPart hybridPart;
402   MBRData hybridMBR;
403   char eeFirst = 'Y'; // Whether EFI GPT (0xEE) partition comes first in table
405   cout << "\nWARNING! Hybrid MBRs are flaky and dangerous! If you decide not to use one,\n"
406        << "just hit the Enter key at the below prompt and your MBR partition table will\n"
407        << "be untouched.\n\n\a";
409   // Use a local MBR structure, copying from protectiveMBR to keep its
410   // boot loader code intact....
411   hybridMBR = protectiveMBR;
412   hybridMBR.EmptyMBR(0);
414   // Now get the numbers of up to three partitions to add to the
415   // hybrid MBR....
416   cout << "Type from one to three GPT partition numbers, separated by spaces, to be\n"
417        << "added to the hybrid MBR, in sequence: ";
418   line = ReadString();
419   istringstream inLine(line);
420   do {
421      inLine >> partNums[numPartsToCvt];
422      if (partNums[numPartsToCvt] > 0)
423         numPartsToCvt++;
424   } while (!inLine.eof() && (numPartsToCvt < 3));
426   if (numPartsToCvt > 0) {
427      cout << "Place EFI GPT (0xEE) partition first in MBR (good for GRUB)? ";
428      eeFirst = GetYN();
429   } // if
431   for (i = 0; i < numPartsToCvt; i++) {
432      j = partNums[i] - 1;
433      if (partitions[j].IsUsed() && (partitions[j].IsSizedForMBR() != MBR_SIZED_BAD)) {
434         mbrNum = i + (eeFirst == 'Y');
435         cout << "\nCreating entry for GPT partition #" << j + 1
436              << " (MBR partition #" << mbrNum + 1 << ")\n";
437         hybridPart.SetType(GetMBRTypeCode(partitions[j].GetHexType() / 256));
438         hybridPart.SetLocation(partitions[j].GetFirstLBA(), partitions[j].GetLengthLBA());
439         hybridPart.SetInclusion(PRIMARY);
440         cout << "Set the bootable flag? ";
441         if (GetYN() == 'Y')
442            hybridPart.SetStatus(0x80);
443         else
444            hybridPart.SetStatus(0x00);
445         hybridPart.SetInclusion(PRIMARY);
446         if (partitions[j].IsSizedForMBR() == MBR_SIZED_IFFY)
447            WarnAboutIffyMBRPart(j + 1);
448         numConverted++;
449      } else {
450         cerr << "\nGPT partition #" << j + 1 << " does not exist or is too big; skipping.\n";
451      } // if/else
452      hybridMBR.AddPart(mbrNum, hybridPart);
453   } // for
455   if (numConverted > 0) { // User opted to create a hybrid MBR....
456      // Create EFI protective partition that covers the start of the disk.
457      // If this location (covering the main GPT data structures) is omitted,
458      // Linux won't find any partitions on the disk.
459      hybridPart.SetLocation(1, hybridMBR.FindLastInFree(1));
460      hybridPart.SetStatus(0);
461      hybridPart.SetType(0xEE);
462      hybridPart.SetInclusion(PRIMARY);
463      // newNote firstLBA and lastLBA are computed later...
464      if (eeFirst == 'Y') {
465         hybridMBR.AddPart(0, hybridPart);
466      } else {
467         hybridMBR.AddPart(numConverted, hybridPart);
468      } // else
469      hybridMBR.SetHybrid();
471      // ... and for good measure, if there are any partition spaces left,
472      // optionally create another protective EFI partition to cover as much
473      // space as possible....
474      if (hybridMBR.CountParts() < 4) { // unused entry....
475         cout << "\nUnused partition space(s) found. Use one to protect more partitions? ";
476         if (GetYN() == 'Y') {
477            cout << "Note: Default is 0xEE, but this may confuse Mac OS X.\n";
478            // Comment on above: Mac OS treats disks with more than one
479            // 0xEE MBR partition as MBR disks, not as GPT disks.
480            hexCode = GetMBRTypeCode(0xEE);
481            hybridMBR.MakeBiggestPart(3, hexCode);
482         } // if (GetYN() == 'Y')
483      } // if unused entry
484      protectiveMBR = hybridMBR;
485   } else {
486      cout << "\nNo partitions converted; original protective/hybrid MBR is unmodified!\n";
487   } // if/else (numConverted > 0)
488} // GPTDataTextUI::MakeHybrid()
490// Convert the GPT to MBR form, storing partitions in the protectiveMBR
491// variable. This function is necessarily limited; it may not be able to
492// convert all partitions, depending on the disk size and available space
493// before each partition (one free sector is required to create a logical
494// partition, which are necessary to convert more than four partitions).
495// Returns the number of converted partitions; if this value
496// is over 0, the calling function should call DestroyGPT() to destroy
497// the GPT data, call SaveMBR() to save the MBR, and then exit.
498int GPTDataTextUI::XFormToMBR(void) {
499   uint32_t i;
501   protectiveMBR.EmptyMBR(0);
502   for (i = 0; i < numParts; i++) {
503      if (partitions[i].IsUsed()) {
504         if (partitions[i].IsSizedForMBR() == MBR_SIZED_IFFY)
505            WarnAboutIffyMBRPart(i + 1);
506         // Note: MakePart() checks for oversized partitions, so don't
507         // bother checking other IsSizedForMBR() return values....
508         protectiveMBR.MakePart(i, partitions[i].GetFirstLBA(),
509                                partitions[i].GetLengthLBA(),
510                                partitions[i].GetHexType() / 0x0100, 0);
511      } // if
512   } // for
513   protectiveMBR.MakeItLegal();
514   return protectiveMBR.DoMenu();
515} // GPTDataTextUI::XFormToMBR()
518 *                                                    *
519 * Display informational messages for the user....    *
520 *                                                    *
521 ******************************************************/
523// Although an MBR partition that begins below sector 2^32 and is less than 2^32 sectors in
524// length is technically legal even if it ends above the 2^32-sector mark, such a partition
525// tends to confuse a lot of OSes, so warn the user about such partitions. This function is
526// called by XFormToMBR() and MakeHybrid(); it's a separate function just to consolidate the
527// lengthy message in one place.
528void GPTDataTextUI::WarnAboutIffyMBRPart(int partNum) {
529   cout << "\a\nWarning! GPT partition " << partNum << " ends after the 2^32 sector mark! The partition\n"
530        << "begins before this point, and is smaller than 2^32 sectors. This is technically\n"
531        << "legal, but will confuse some OSes. The partition IS being added to the MBR, but\n"
532        << "if your OS misbehaves or can't see the partition, the partition may simply be\n"
533        << "unusable in that OS and may need to be resized or omitted from the MBR.\n\n";
534} // GPTDataTextUI::WarnAboutIffyMBRPart()
537 *                                                                   *
538 * The following functions provide the main menus for the gdisk      *
539 * program....                                                       *
540 *                                                                   *
541 *********************************************************************/
543// Accept a command and execute it. Returns only when the user
544// wants to exit (such as after a 'w' or 'q' command).
545void GPTDataTextUI::MainMenu(string filename) {
546   int goOn = 1;
547   PartType typeHelper;
548   uint32_t temp1, temp2;
550   do {
551      cout << "\nCommand (? for help): ";
552      switch (ReadString()[0]) {
553         case '\0':
554            goOn = cin.good();
555            break;
556         case 'b': case 'B':
557            cout << "Enter backup filename to save: ";
558            SaveGPTBackup(ReadString());
559            break;
560         case 'c': case 'C':
561            if (GetPartRange(&temp1, &temp2) > 0)
562               SetName(GetPartNum());
563            else
564               cout << "No partitions\n";
565            break;
566         case 'd': case 'D':
567            DeletePartition();
568            break;
569         case 'i': case 'I':
570            ShowDetails();
571            break;
572         case 'l': case 'L':
573            typeHelper.ShowAllTypes();
574            break;
575         case 'n': case 'N':
576            CreatePartition();
577            break;
578         case 'o': case 'O':
579            cout << "This option deletes all partitions and creates a new protective MBR.\n"
580                 << "Proceed? ";
581            if (GetYN() == 'Y') {
582               ClearGPTData();
583               MakeProtectiveMBR();
584            } // if
585            break;
586         case 'p': case 'P':
587            DisplayGPTData();
588            break;
589         case 'q': case 'Q':
590            goOn = 0;
591            break;
592         case 'r': case 'R':
593            RecoveryMenu(filename);
594            goOn = 0;
595            break;
596         case 's': case 'S':
597            SortGPT();
598            cout << "You may need to edit /etc/fstab and/or your boot loader configuration!\n";
599            break;
600         case 't': case 'T':
601            ChangePartType();
602            break;
603         case 'v': case 'V':
604            Verify();
605            break;
606         case 'w': case 'W':
607            if (SaveGPTData() == 1)
608               goOn = 0;
609            break;
610         case 'x': case 'X':
611            ExpertsMenu(filename);
612            goOn = 0;
613            break;
614         default:
615            ShowCommands();
616            break;
617      } // switch
618   } while (goOn);
619} // GPTDataTextUI::MainMenu()
621void GPTDataTextUI::ShowCommands(void) {
622   cout << "b\tback up GPT data to a file\n";
623   cout << "c\tchange a partition's name\n";
624   cout << "d\tdelete a partition\n";
625   cout << "i\tshow detailed information on a partition\n";
626   cout << "l\tlist known partition types\n";
627   cout << "n\tadd a new partition\n";
628   cout << "o\tcreate a new empty GUID partition table (GPT)\n";
629   cout << "p\tprint the partition table\n";
630   cout << "q\tquit without saving changes\n";
631   cout << "r\trecovery and transformation options (experts only)\n";
632   cout << "s\tsort partitions\n";
633   cout << "t\tchange a partition's type code\n";
634   cout << "v\tverify disk\n";
635   cout << "w\twrite table to disk and exit\n";
636   cout << "x\textra functionality (experts only)\n";
637   cout << "?\tprint this menu\n";
638} // GPTDataTextUI::ShowCommands()
640// Accept a recovery & transformation menu command. Returns only when the user
641// issues an exit command, such as 'w' or 'q'.
642void GPTDataTextUI::RecoveryMenu(string filename) {
643   uint32_t numParts;
644   int goOn = 1, temp1;
646   do {
647      cout << "\nRecovery/transformation command (? for help): ";
648      switch (ReadString()[0]) {
649         case '\0':
650            goOn = cin.good();
651            break;
652         case 'b': case 'B':
653            RebuildMainHeader();
654            break;
655         case 'c': case 'C':
656            cout << "Warning! This will probably do weird things if you've converted an MBR to\n"
657            << "GPT form and haven't yet saved the GPT! Proceed? ";
658            if (GetYN() == 'Y')
659               LoadSecondTableAsMain();
660            break;
661         case 'd': case 'D':
662            RebuildSecondHeader();
663            break;
664         case 'e': case 'E':
665            cout << "Warning! This will probably do weird things if you've converted an MBR to\n"
666            << "GPT form and haven't yet saved the GPT! Proceed? ";
667            if (GetYN() == 'Y')
668               LoadMainTable();
669            break;
670         case 'f': case 'F':
671            cout << "Warning! This will destroy the currently defined partitions! Proceed? ";
672            if (GetYN() == 'Y') {
673               if (LoadMBR(filename) == 1) { // successful load
674                  XFormPartitions();
675               } else {
676                  cout << "Problem loading MBR! GPT is untouched; regenerating protective MBR!\n";
677                  MakeProtectiveMBR();
678               } // if/else
679            } // if
680            break;
681         case 'g': case 'G':
682            numParts = GetNumParts();
683            temp1 = XFormToMBR();
684            if (temp1 > 0)
685               cout << "\nConverted " << temp1 << " partitions. Finalize and exit? ";
686            if ((temp1 > 0) && (GetYN() == 'Y')) {
687               if ((DestroyGPT() > 0) && (SaveMBR())) {
688                  goOn = 0;
689               } // if
690            } else {
691               MakeProtectiveMBR();
692               SetGPTSize(numParts, 0);
693               cout << "Note: New protective MBR created\n\n";
694            } // if/else
695            break;
696         case 'h': case 'H':
697            MakeHybrid();
698            break;
699         case 'i': case 'I':
700            ShowDetails();
701            break;
702         case 'l': case 'L':
703            cout << "Enter backup filename to load: ";
704            LoadGPTBackup(ReadString());
705            break;
706         case 'm': case 'M':
707            MainMenu(filename);
708            goOn = 0;
709            break;
710         case 'o': case 'O':
711            DisplayMBRData();
712            break;
713         case 'p': case 'P':
714            DisplayGPTData();
715            break;
716         case 'q': case 'Q':
717            goOn = 0;
718            break;
719         case 't': case 'T':
720            XFormDisklabel();
721            break;
722         case 'v': case 'V':
723            Verify();
724            break;
725         case 'w': case 'W':
726            if (SaveGPTData() == 1) {
727               goOn = 0;
728            } // if
729            break;
730         case 'x': case 'X':
731            ExpertsMenu(filename);
732            goOn = 0;
733            break;
734         default:
735            ShowRecoveryCommands();
736            break;
737      } // switch
738   } while (goOn);
739} // GPTDataTextUI::RecoveryMenu()
741void GPTDataTextUI::ShowRecoveryCommands(void) {
742   cout << "b\tuse backup GPT header (rebuilding main)\n";
743   cout << "c\tload backup partition table from disk (rebuilding main)\n";
744   cout << "d\tuse main GPT header (rebuilding backup)\n";
745   cout << "e\tload main partition table from disk (rebuilding backup)\n";
746   cout << "f\tload MBR and build fresh GPT from it\n";
747   cout << "g\tconvert GPT into MBR and exit\n";
748   cout << "h\tmake hybrid MBR\n";
749   cout << "i\tshow detailed information on a partition\n";
750   cout << "l\tload partition data from a backup file\n";
751   cout << "m\treturn to main menu\n";
752   cout << "o\tprint protective MBR data\n";
753   cout << "p\tprint the partition table\n";
754   cout << "q\tquit without saving changes\n";
755   cout << "t\ttransform BSD disklabel partition\n";
756   cout << "v\tverify disk\n";
757   cout << "w\twrite table to disk and exit\n";
758   cout << "x\textra functionality (experts only)\n";
759   cout << "?\tprint this menu\n";
760} // GPTDataTextUI::ShowRecoveryCommands()
762// Accept an experts' menu command. Returns only after the user
763// selects an exit command, such as 'w' or 'q'.
764void GPTDataTextUI::ExpertsMenu(string filename) {
765   GPTData secondDevice;
766   uint32_t temp1, temp2;
767   int goOn = 1;
768   string guidStr, device;
769   GUIDData aGUID;
770   ostringstream prompt;
772   do {
773      cout << "\nExpert command (? for help): ";
774      switch (ReadString()[0]) {
775         case '\0':
776            goOn = cin.good();
777            break;
778         case 'a': case 'A':
779            if (GetPartRange(&temp1, &temp2) > 0)
780               SetAttributes(GetPartNum());
781            else
782               cout << "No partitions\n";
783            break;
784         case 'c': case 'C':
785            ChangeUniqueGuid();
786            break;
787         case 'd': case 'D':
788            cout << "Partitions will begin on " << GetAlignment()
789            << "-sector boundaries.\n";
790            break;
791         case 'e': case 'E':
792            cout << "Relocating backup data structures to the end of the disk\n";
793            MoveSecondHeaderToEnd();
794            break;
795         case 'f': case 'F':
796            RandomizeGUIDs();
797            break;
798         case 'g': case 'G':
799            cout << "Enter the disk's unique GUID ('R' to randomize): ";
800            guidStr = ReadString();
801            if ((guidStr.length() >= 32) || (guidStr[0] == 'R') || (guidStr[0] == 'r')) {
802               SetDiskGUID((GUIDData) guidStr);
803               cout << "The new disk GUID is " << GetDiskGUID() << "\n";
804            } else {
805               cout << "GUID is too short!\n";
806            } // if/else
807            break;
808         case 'h': case 'H':
809            RecomputeCHS();
810            break;
811         case 'i': case 'I':
812            ShowDetails();
813            break;
814         case 'l': case 'L':
815            prompt.seekp(0);
816            prompt << "Enter the sector alignment value (1-" << MAX_ALIGNMENT << ", default = "
817                   << DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT << "): ";
818            temp1 = GetNumber(1, MAX_ALIGNMENT, DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT, prompt.str());
819            SetAlignment(temp1);
820            break;
821         case 'm': case 'M':
822            MainMenu(filename);
823            goOn = 0;
824            break;
825         case 'n': case 'N':
826            MakeProtectiveMBR();
827            break;
828         case 'o': case 'O':
829            DisplayMBRData();
830            break;
831         case 'p': case 'P':
832            DisplayGPTData();
833            break;
834         case 'q': case 'Q':
835            goOn = 0;
836            break;
837         case 'r': case 'R':
838            RecoveryMenu(filename);
839            goOn = 0;
840            break;
841         case 's': case 'S':
842            ResizePartitionTable();
843            break;
844         case 't': case 'T':
845            SwapPartitions();
846            break;
847         case 'u': case 'U':
848            cout << "Type device filename, or press <Enter> to exit: ";
849            device = ReadString();
850            if (device.length() > 0) {
851               secondDevice = *this;
852               secondDevice.SetDisk(device);
853               secondDevice.SaveGPTData(0);
854            } // if
855            break;
856         case 'v': case 'V':
857            Verify();
858            break;
859         case 'w': case 'W':
860            if (SaveGPTData() == 1) {
861               goOn = 0;
862            } // if
863            break;
864         case 'z': case 'Z':
865            if (DestroyGPTwPrompt() == 1) {
866               goOn = 0;
867            }
868            break;
869         default:
870            ShowExpertCommands();
871            break;
872      } // switch
873   } while (goOn);
874} // GPTDataTextUI::ExpertsMenu()
876void GPTDataTextUI::ShowExpertCommands(void) {
877   cout << "a\tset attributes\n";
878   cout << "c\tchange partition GUID\n";
879   cout << "d\tdisplay the sector alignment value\n";
880   cout << "e\trelocate backup data structures to the end of the disk\n";
881   cout << "g\tchange disk GUID\n";
882   cout << "h\trecompute CHS values in protective/hybrid MBR\n";
883   cout << "i\tshow detailed information on a partition\n";
884   cout << "l\tset the sector alignment value\n";
885   cout << "m\treturn to main menu\n";
886   cout << "n\tcreate a new protective MBR\n";
887   cout << "o\tprint protective MBR data\n";
888   cout << "p\tprint the partition table\n";
889   cout << "q\tquit without saving changes\n";
890   cout << "r\trecovery and transformation options (experts only)\n";
891   cout << "s\tresize partition table\n";
892   cout << "t\ttranspose two partition table entries\n";
893   cout << "u\treplicate partition table on new device\n";
894   cout << "v\tverify disk\n";
895   cout << "w\twrite table to disk and exit\n";
896   cout << "z\tzap (destroy) GPT data structures and exit\n";
897   cout << "?\tprint this menu\n";
898} // GPTDataTextUI::ShowExpertCommands()
903 *                              *
904 * Non-class support functions. *
905 *                              *
906 ********************************/
908// GetMBRTypeCode() doesn't really belong in the class, since it's MBR-
909// specific, but it's also user I/O-related, so I want to keep it in
910// this file....
912// Get an MBR type code from the user and return it
913int GetMBRTypeCode(int defType) {
914   string line;
915   int typeCode;
917   cout.setf(ios::uppercase);
918   cout.fill('0');
919   do {
920      cout << "Enter an MBR hex code (default " << hex;
921      cout.width(2);
922      cout << defType << "): " << dec;
923      line = ReadString();
924      if (line[0] == '\0')
925         typeCode = defType;
926      else
927         typeCode = StrToHex(line, 0);
928   } while ((typeCode <= 0) || (typeCode > 255));
929   cout.fill(' ');
930   return typeCode;
931} // GetMBRTypeCode
933#ifdef USE_UTF16
934// Note: ReadUString() is here rather than in support.cc so that the ICU
935// libraries need not be linked to fixparts.
937// Reads a Unicode string from stdin, returning it as an ICU-style string.
938// Note that the returned string will NOT include the carriage return
939// entered by the user. Relies on the ICU constructor from a string
940// encoded in the current codepage to work.
941UnicodeString ReadUString(void) {
942   return ReadString().c_str();
943} // ReadUString()