1#include <cstdlib>
2#include <fstream>
3#include <iostream>
4#include <limits>
5#include <string>
6#include <utility>
7#include <vector>
9#include <marisa.h>
11#include "./cmdopt.h"
13namespace {
15typedef std::pair<std::string, double> Key;
17int param_num_tries = MARISA_DEFAULT_NUM_TRIES;
18int param_trie = MARISA_DEFAULT_TRIE;
19int param_tail = MARISA_DEFAULT_TAIL;
20int param_order = MARISA_DEFAULT_ORDER;
21const char *output_filename = NULL;
23void print_help(const char *cmd) {
24  std::cerr << "Usage: " << cmd << " [OPTION]... [FILE]...\n\n"
25      "Options:\n"
26      "  -n, --num-tries=[N]  limits the number of tries to N"
27      " (default: 3)\n"
28      "  -P, --patricia-trie  build patricia tries (default)\n"
29      "  -p, --prefix-trie    build prefix tries\n"
30      "  -T, --text-tail      build a dictionary with text TAIL (default)\n"
31      "  -b, --binary-tail    build a dictionary with binary TAIL\n"
32      "  -t, --without-tail   build a dictionary without TAIL\n"
33      "  -w, --weight-order   arranges siblings in weight order (default)\n"
34      "  -l, --label-order    arranges siblings in label order\n"
35      "  -o, --output=[FILE]  write tries to FILE (default: stdout)\n"
36      "  -h, --help           print this help\n"
37      << std::endl;
40void read_keys(std::istream *input, std::vector<Key> *keys) {
41  Key key;
42  std::string line;
43  while (std::getline(*input, line)) {
44    const std::string::size_type delim_pos = line.find_last_of('\t');
45    if (delim_pos != line.npos) {
46      char *end_of_value;
47      key.second = std::strtod(&line[delim_pos + 1], &end_of_value);
48      if (*end_of_value == '\0') {
49        line.resize(delim_pos);
50      } else {
51        key.second = 1.0;
52      }
53    } else {
54      key.second = 1.0;
55    }
56    key.first = line;
57    keys->push_back(key);
58  }
61int build(const char * const *args, std::size_t num_args) {
62  std::vector<Key> keys;
63  if (num_args == 0) {
64    read_keys(&std::cin, &keys);
65  }
67  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < num_args; ++i) {
68    std::ifstream input_file(args[i], std::ios::binary);
69    if (!input_file) {
70      std::cerr << "error: failed to open a keyset file: "
71          << args[i] << std::endl;
72      return 10;
73    }
74    read_keys(&input_file, &keys);
75  }
77  marisa::Trie trie;
78  try {
79    trie.build(keys, NULL, param_num_tries
80        | param_trie | param_tail | param_order);
81  } catch (const marisa::Exception &ex) {
82    std::cerr << ex.filename() << ':' << ex.line() << ": " << ex.what()
83        << ": failed to build a dictionary" << std::endl;
84    return 20;
85  }
87  std::cerr << "#keys: " << trie.num_keys() << std::endl;
88  std::cerr << "#tries: " << trie.num_tries() << std::endl;
89  std::cerr << "#nodes: " << trie.num_nodes() << std::endl;
90  std::cerr << "size: " << trie.total_size() << std::endl;
92  if (output_filename != NULL) {
93    try {
94      trie.save(output_filename);
95    } catch (const marisa::Exception &ex) {
96      std::cerr << ex.filename() << ':' << ex.line() << ": " << ex.what()
97          << ": failed to write a dictionary to file: "
98          << output_filename << std::endl;
99      return 30;
100    }
101  } else {
102    try {
103      trie.write(std::cout);
104    } catch (const marisa::Exception &ex) {
105      std::cerr << ex.filename() << ':' << ex.line() << ": " << ex.what()
106          << ": failed to write a dictionary to standard output" << std::endl;
107      return 31;
108    }
109  }
110  return 0;
113}  // namespace
115int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
116  std::ios::sync_with_stdio(false);
118  ::cmdopt_option long_options[] = {
119    { "max-num-tries", 1, NULL, 'n' },
120    { "patricia-trie", 0, NULL, 'P' },
121    { "prefix-trie", 0, NULL, 'p' },
122    { "text-tail", 0, NULL, 'T' },
123    { "binary-tail", 0, NULL, 'b' },
124    { "without-tail", 0, NULL, 't' },
125    { "weight-order", 0, NULL, 'w' },
126    { "label-order", 0, NULL, 'l' },
127    { "output", 1, NULL, 'o' },
128    { "help", 0, NULL, 'h' },
129    { NULL, 0, NULL, 0 }
130  };
131  ::cmdopt_t cmdopt;
132  ::cmdopt_init(&cmdopt, argc, argv, "n:PpTbtwlo:h", long_options);
133  int label;
134  while ((label = ::cmdopt_get(&cmdopt)) != -1) {
135    switch (label) {
136      case 'n': {
137        char *end_of_value;
138        const long value = std::strtol(cmdopt.optarg, &end_of_value, 10);
139        if ((*end_of_value != '\0') || (value <= 0) ||
140            (value > MARISA_MAX_NUM_TRIES)) {
141          std::cerr << "error: option `-n' with an invalid argument: "
142              << cmdopt.optarg << std::endl;
143        }
144        param_num_tries = (int)value;
145        break;
146      }
147      case 'P': {
148        param_trie = MARISA_PATRICIA_TRIE;
149        break;
150      }
151      case 'p': {
152        param_trie = MARISA_PREFIX_TRIE;
153        break;
154      }
155      case 'T': {
156        param_tail = MARISA_TEXT_TAIL;
157        break;
158      }
159      case 'b': {
160        param_tail = MARISA_BINARY_TAIL;
161        break;
162      }
163      case 't': {
164        param_tail = MARISA_WITHOUT_TAIL;
165        break;
166      }
167      case 'w': {
168        param_order = MARISA_WEIGHT_ORDER;
169        break;
170      }
171      case 'l': {
172        param_order = MARISA_LABEL_ORDER;
173        break;
174      }
175      case 'o': {
176        output_filename = cmdopt.optarg;
177        break;
178      }
179      case 'h': {
180        print_help(argv[0]);
181        return 0;
182      }
183      default: {
184        return 1;
185      }
186    }
187  }
188  return build(cmdopt.argv + cmdopt.optind, cmdopt.argc - cmdopt.optind);