1// Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
3// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
4// that can be found in the COPYING file in the root of the source
5// tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
6// in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
7// be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
8// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
10// WebPPicture utils for colorspace conversion
12// Author: Skal (pascal.massimino@gmail.com)
14#include <assert.h>
15#include <stdlib.h>
16#include <math.h>
18#include "./vp8enci.h"
19#include "../utils/random.h"
20#include "../utils/utils.h"
21#include "../dsp/yuv.h"
23// Uncomment to disable gamma-compression during RGB->U/V averaging
26// If defined, use table to compute x / alpha.
29static const union {
30  uint32_t argb;
31  uint8_t  bytes[4];
32} test_endian = { 0xff000000u };
33#define ALPHA_IS_LAST (test_endian.bytes[3] == 0xff)
35static WEBP_INLINE uint32_t MakeARGB32(int a, int r, int g, int b) {
36  return (((uint32_t)a << 24) | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b);
40// Detection of non-trivial transparency
42// Returns true if alpha[] has non-0xff values.
43static int CheckNonOpaque(const uint8_t* alpha, int width, int height,
44                          int x_step, int y_step) {
45  if (alpha == NULL) return 0;
46  while (height-- > 0) {
47    int x;
48    for (x = 0; x < width * x_step; x += x_step) {
49      if (alpha[x] != 0xff) return 1;  // TODO(skal): check 4/8 bytes at a time.
50    }
51    alpha += y_step;
52  }
53  return 0;
56// Checking for the presence of non-opaque alpha.
57int WebPPictureHasTransparency(const WebPPicture* picture) {
58  if (picture == NULL) return 0;
59  if (!picture->use_argb) {
60    return CheckNonOpaque(picture->a, picture->width, picture->height,
61                          1, picture->a_stride);
62  } else {
63    int x, y;
64    const uint32_t* argb = picture->argb;
65    if (argb == NULL) return 0;
66    for (y = 0; y < picture->height; ++y) {
67      for (x = 0; x < picture->width; ++x) {
68        if (argb[x] < 0xff000000u) return 1;   // test any alpha values != 0xff
69      }
70      argb += picture->argb_stride;
71    }
72  }
73  return 0;
77// Code for gamma correction
81// gamma-compensates loss of resolution during chroma subsampling
82#define kGamma 0.80      // for now we use a different gamma value than kGammaF
83#define kGammaFix 12     // fixed-point precision for linear values
84#define kGammaScale ((1 << kGammaFix) - 1)
85#define kGammaTabFix 7   // fixed-point fractional bits precision
86#define kGammaTabScale (1 << kGammaTabFix)
87#define kGammaTabRounder (kGammaTabScale >> 1)
88#define kGammaTabSize (1 << (kGammaFix - kGammaTabFix))
90static int kLinearToGammaTab[kGammaTabSize + 1];
91static uint16_t kGammaToLinearTab[256];
92static int kGammaTablesOk = 0;
94static void InitGammaTables(void) {
95  if (!kGammaTablesOk) {
96    int v;
97    const double scale = (double)(1 << kGammaTabFix) / kGammaScale;
98    const double norm = 1. / 255.;
99    for (v = 0; v <= 255; ++v) {
100      kGammaToLinearTab[v] =
101          (uint16_t)(pow(norm * v, kGamma) * kGammaScale + .5);
102    }
103    for (v = 0; v <= kGammaTabSize; ++v) {
104      kLinearToGammaTab[v] = (int)(255. * pow(scale * v, 1. / kGamma) + .5);
105    }
106    kGammaTablesOk = 1;
107  }
110static WEBP_INLINE uint32_t GammaToLinear(uint8_t v) {
111  return kGammaToLinearTab[v];
114static WEBP_INLINE int Interpolate(int v) {
115  const int tab_pos = v >> (kGammaTabFix + 2);    // integer part
116  const int x = v & ((kGammaTabScale << 2) - 1);  // fractional part
117  const int v0 = kLinearToGammaTab[tab_pos];
118  const int v1 = kLinearToGammaTab[tab_pos + 1];
119  const int y = v1 * x + v0 * ((kGammaTabScale << 2) - x);   // interpolate
120  assert(tab_pos + 1 < kGammaTabSize + 1);
121  return y;
124// Convert a linear value 'v' to YUV_FIX+2 fixed-point precision
125// U/V value, suitable for RGBToU/V calls.
126static WEBP_INLINE int LinearToGamma(uint32_t base_value, int shift) {
127  const int y = Interpolate(base_value << shift);   // final uplifted value
128  return (y + kGammaTabRounder) >> kGammaTabFix;    // descale
133static void InitGammaTables(void) {}
134static WEBP_INLINE uint32_t GammaToLinear(uint8_t v) { return v; }
135static WEBP_INLINE int LinearToGamma(uint32_t base_value, int shift) {
136  return (int)(base_value << shift);
142// RGB -> YUV conversion
144static int RGBToY(int r, int g, int b, VP8Random* const rg) {
145  return (rg == NULL) ? VP8RGBToY(r, g, b, YUV_HALF)
146                      : VP8RGBToY(r, g, b, VP8RandomBits(rg, YUV_FIX));
149static int RGBToU(int r, int g, int b, VP8Random* const rg) {
150  return (rg == NULL) ? VP8RGBToU(r, g, b, YUV_HALF << 2)
151                      : VP8RGBToU(r, g, b, VP8RandomBits(rg, YUV_FIX + 2));
154static int RGBToV(int r, int g, int b, VP8Random* const rg) {
155  return (rg == NULL) ? VP8RGBToV(r, g, b, YUV_HALF << 2)
156                      : VP8RGBToV(r, g, b, VP8RandomBits(rg, YUV_FIX + 2));
160// Smart RGB->YUV conversion
162static const int kNumIterations = 6;
163static const int kMinDimensionIterativeConversion = 4;
165// We use a-priori a different precision for storing RGB and Y/W components
166// We could use YFIX=0 and only uint8_t for fixed_y_t, but it produces some
167// banding sometimes. Better use extra precision.
168// TODO(skal): cleanup once TFIX/YFIX values are fixed.
170typedef int16_t fixed_t;      // signed type with extra TFIX precision for UV
171typedef uint16_t fixed_y_t;   // unsigned type with extra YFIX precision for W
172#define TFIX 6   // fixed-point precision of RGB
173#define YFIX 2   // fixed point precision for Y/W
175#define THALF ((1 << TFIX) >> 1)
176#define MAX_Y_T ((256 << YFIX) - 1)
177#define TROUNDER (1 << (YUV_FIX + TFIX - 1))
181// float variant of gamma-correction
182// We use tables of different size and precision, along with a 'real-world'
183// Gamma value close to ~2.
184#define kGammaF 2.2
185static float kGammaToLinearTabF[MAX_Y_T + 1];   // size scales with Y_FIX
186static float kLinearToGammaTabF[kGammaTabSize + 2];
187static int kGammaTablesFOk = 0;
189static void InitGammaTablesF(void) {
190  if (!kGammaTablesFOk) {
191    int v;
192    const double norm = 1. / MAX_Y_T;
193    const double scale = 1. / kGammaTabSize;
194    for (v = 0; v <= MAX_Y_T; ++v) {
195      kGammaToLinearTabF[v] = (float)pow(norm * v, kGammaF);
196    }
197    for (v = 0; v <= kGammaTabSize; ++v) {
198      kLinearToGammaTabF[v] = (float)(MAX_Y_T * pow(scale * v, 1. / kGammaF));
199    }
200    // to prevent small rounding errors to cause read-overflow:
201    kLinearToGammaTabF[kGammaTabSize + 1] = kLinearToGammaTabF[kGammaTabSize];
202    kGammaTablesFOk = 1;
203  }
206static WEBP_INLINE float GammaToLinearF(int v) {
207  return kGammaToLinearTabF[v];
210static WEBP_INLINE float LinearToGammaF(float value) {
211  const float v = value * kGammaTabSize;
212  const int tab_pos = (int)v;
213  const float x = v - (float)tab_pos;      // fractional part
214  const float v0 = kLinearToGammaTabF[tab_pos + 0];
215  const float v1 = kLinearToGammaTabF[tab_pos + 1];
216  const float y = v1 * x + v0 * (1.f - x);  // interpolate
217  return y;
222static void InitGammaTablesF(void) {}
223static WEBP_INLINE float GammaToLinearF(int v) {
224  const float norm = 1.f / MAX_Y_T;
225  return norm * v;
227static WEBP_INLINE float LinearToGammaF(float value) {
228  return MAX_Y_T * value;
235// precision: YFIX -> TFIX
236static WEBP_INLINE int FixedYToW(int v) {
237#if TFIX == YFIX
238  return v;
239#elif TFIX >= YFIX
240  return v << (TFIX - YFIX);
242  return v >> (YFIX - TFIX);
246static WEBP_INLINE int FixedWToY(int v) {
247#if TFIX == YFIX
248  return v;
249#elif YFIX >= TFIX
250  return v << (YFIX - TFIX);
252  return v >> (TFIX - YFIX);
256static uint8_t clip_8b(fixed_t v) {
257  return (!(v & ~0xff)) ? (uint8_t)v : (v < 0) ? 0u : 255u;
260static fixed_y_t clip_y(int y) {
261  return (!(y & ~MAX_Y_T)) ? (fixed_y_t)y : (y < 0) ? 0 : MAX_Y_T;
264// precision: TFIX -> YFIX
265static fixed_y_t clip_fixed_t(fixed_t v) {
266  const int y = FixedWToY(v);
267  const fixed_y_t w = clip_y(y);
268  return w;
273static int RGBToGray(int r, int g, int b) {
274  const int luma = 19595 * r + 38470 * g + 7471 * b + YUV_HALF;
275  return (luma >> YUV_FIX);
278static float RGBToGrayF(float r, float g, float b) {
279  return 0.299f * r + 0.587f * g + 0.114f * b;
282static float ScaleDown(int a, int b, int c, int d) {
283  const float A = GammaToLinearF(a);
284  const float B = GammaToLinearF(b);
285  const float C = GammaToLinearF(c);
286  const float D = GammaToLinearF(d);
287  return LinearToGammaF(0.25f * (A + B + C + D));
290static WEBP_INLINE void UpdateW(const fixed_y_t* src, fixed_y_t* dst, int len) {
291  while (len-- > 0) {
292    const float R = GammaToLinearF(src[0]);
293    const float G = GammaToLinearF(src[1]);
294    const float B = GammaToLinearF(src[2]);
295    const float Y = RGBToGrayF(R, G, B);
296    *dst++ = (fixed_y_t)(LinearToGammaF(Y) + .5);
297    src += 3;
298  }
301static WEBP_INLINE void UpdateChroma(const fixed_y_t* src1,
302                                     const fixed_y_t* src2,
303                                     fixed_t* dst, fixed_y_t* tmp, int len) {
304  while (len--> 0) {
305    const float r = ScaleDown(src1[0], src1[3], src2[0], src2[3]);
306    const float g = ScaleDown(src1[1], src1[4], src2[1], src2[4]);
307    const float b = ScaleDown(src1[2], src1[5], src2[2], src2[5]);
308    const float W = RGBToGrayF(r, g, b);
309    dst[0] = (fixed_t)FixedYToW((int)(r - W));
310    dst[1] = (fixed_t)FixedYToW((int)(g - W));
311    dst[2] = (fixed_t)FixedYToW((int)(b - W));
312    dst += 3;
313    src1 += 6;
314    src2 += 6;
315    if (tmp != NULL) {
316      tmp[0] = tmp[1] = clip_y((int)(W + .5));
317      tmp += 2;
318    }
319  }
324static WEBP_INLINE int Filter(const fixed_t* const A, const fixed_t* const B,
325                              int rightwise) {
326  int v;
327  if (!rightwise) {
328    v = (A[0] * 9 + A[-3] * 3 + B[0] * 3 + B[-3]);
329  } else {
330    v = (A[0] * 9 + A[+3] * 3 + B[0] * 3 + B[+3]);
331  }
332  return (v + 8) >> 4;
335static WEBP_INLINE int Filter2(int A, int B) { return (A * 3 + B + 2) >> 2; }
339// 8bit -> YFIX
340static WEBP_INLINE fixed_y_t UpLift(uint8_t a) {
341  return ((fixed_y_t)a << YFIX) | (1 << (YFIX - 1));
344static void ImportOneRow(const uint8_t* const r_ptr,
345                         const uint8_t* const g_ptr,
346                         const uint8_t* const b_ptr,
347                         int step,
348                         int pic_width,
349                         fixed_y_t* const dst) {
350  int i;
351  for (i = 0; i < pic_width; ++i) {
352    const int off = i * step;
353    dst[3 * i + 0] = UpLift(r_ptr[off]);
354    dst[3 * i + 1] = UpLift(g_ptr[off]);
355    dst[3 * i + 2] = UpLift(b_ptr[off]);
356  }
357  if (pic_width & 1) {  // replicate rightmost pixel
358    memcpy(dst + 3 * pic_width, dst + 3 * (pic_width - 1), 3 * sizeof(*dst));
359  }
362static void InterpolateTwoRows(const fixed_y_t* const best_y,
363                               const fixed_t* const prev_uv,
364                               const fixed_t* const cur_uv,
365                               const fixed_t* const next_uv,
366                               int w,
367                               fixed_y_t* const out1,
368                               fixed_y_t* const out2) {
369  int i, k;
370  {  // special boundary case for i==0
371    const int W0 = FixedYToW(best_y[0]);
372    const int W1 = FixedYToW(best_y[w]);
373    for (k = 0; k <= 2; ++k) {
374      out1[k] = clip_fixed_t(Filter2(cur_uv[k], prev_uv[k]) + W0);
375      out2[k] = clip_fixed_t(Filter2(cur_uv[k], next_uv[k]) + W1);
376    }
377  }
378  for (i = 1; i < w - 1; ++i) {
379    const int W0 = FixedYToW(best_y[i + 0]);
380    const int W1 = FixedYToW(best_y[i + w]);
381    const int off = 3 * (i >> 1);
382    for (k = 0; k <= 2; ++k) {
383      const int tmp0 = Filter(cur_uv + off + k, prev_uv + off + k, i & 1);
384      const int tmp1 = Filter(cur_uv + off + k, next_uv + off + k, i & 1);
385      out1[3 * i + k] = clip_fixed_t(tmp0 + W0);
386      out2[3 * i + k] = clip_fixed_t(tmp1 + W1);
387    }
388  }
389  {  // special boundary case for i == w - 1
390    const int W0 = FixedYToW(best_y[i + 0]);
391    const int W1 = FixedYToW(best_y[i + w]);
392    const int off = 3 * (i >> 1);
393    for (k = 0; k <= 2; ++k) {
394      out1[3 * i + k] =
395          clip_fixed_t(Filter2(cur_uv[off + k], prev_uv[off + k]) + W0);
396      out2[3 * i + k] =
397          clip_fixed_t(Filter2(cur_uv[off + k], next_uv[off + k]) + W1);
398    }
399  }
402static WEBP_INLINE uint8_t ConvertRGBToY(int r, int g, int b) {
403  const int luma = 16839 * r + 33059 * g + 6420 * b + TROUNDER;
404  return clip_8b(16 + (luma >> (YUV_FIX + TFIX)));
407static WEBP_INLINE uint8_t ConvertRGBToU(int r, int g, int b) {
408  const int u =  -9719 * r - 19081 * g + 28800 * b + TROUNDER;
409  return clip_8b(128 + (u >> (YUV_FIX + TFIX)));
412static WEBP_INLINE uint8_t ConvertRGBToV(int r, int g, int b) {
413  const int v = +28800 * r - 24116 * g -  4684 * b + TROUNDER;
414  return clip_8b(128 + (v >> (YUV_FIX + TFIX)));
417static int ConvertWRGBToYUV(const fixed_y_t* const best_y,
418                            const fixed_t* const best_uv,
419                            WebPPicture* const picture) {
420  int i, j;
421  const int w = (picture->width + 1) & ~1;
422  const int h = (picture->height + 1) & ~1;
423  const int uv_w = w >> 1;
424  const int uv_h = h >> 1;
425  for (j = 0; j < picture->height; ++j) {
426    for (i = 0; i < picture->width; ++i) {
427      const int off = 3 * ((i >> 1) + (j >> 1) * uv_w);
428      const int off2 = i + j * picture->y_stride;
429      const int W = FixedYToW(best_y[i + j * w]);
430      const int r = best_uv[off + 0] + W;
431      const int g = best_uv[off + 1] + W;
432      const int b = best_uv[off + 2] + W;
433      picture->y[off2] = ConvertRGBToY(r, g, b);
434    }
435  }
436  for (j = 0; j < uv_h; ++j) {
437    uint8_t* const dst_u = picture->u + j * picture->uv_stride;
438    uint8_t* const dst_v = picture->v + j * picture->uv_stride;
439    for (i = 0; i < uv_w; ++i) {
440      const int off = 3 * (i + j * uv_w);
441      const int r = best_uv[off + 0];
442      const int g = best_uv[off + 1];
443      const int b = best_uv[off + 2];
444      dst_u[i] = ConvertRGBToU(r, g, b);
445      dst_v[i] = ConvertRGBToV(r, g, b);
446    }
447  }
448  return 1;
452// Main function
454#define SAFE_ALLOC(W, H, T) ((T*)WebPSafeMalloc((W) * (H), sizeof(T)))
456static int PreprocessARGB(const uint8_t* const r_ptr,
457                          const uint8_t* const g_ptr,
458                          const uint8_t* const b_ptr,
459                          int step, int rgb_stride,
460                          WebPPicture* const picture) {
461  // we expand the right/bottom border if needed
462  const int w = (picture->width + 1) & ~1;
463  const int h = (picture->height + 1) & ~1;
464  const int uv_w = w >> 1;
465  const int uv_h = h >> 1;
466  int i, j, iter;
468  // TODO(skal): allocate one big memory chunk. But for now, it's easier
469  // for valgrind debugging to have several chunks.
470  fixed_y_t* const tmp_buffer = SAFE_ALLOC(w * 3, 2, fixed_y_t);   // scratch
471  fixed_y_t* const best_y = SAFE_ALLOC(w, h, fixed_y_t);
472  fixed_y_t* const target_y = SAFE_ALLOC(w, h, fixed_y_t);
473  fixed_y_t* const best_rgb_y = SAFE_ALLOC(w, 2, fixed_y_t);
474  fixed_t* const best_uv = SAFE_ALLOC(uv_w * 3, uv_h, fixed_t);
475  fixed_t* const target_uv = SAFE_ALLOC(uv_w * 3, uv_h, fixed_t);
476  fixed_t* const best_rgb_uv = SAFE_ALLOC(uv_w * 3, 1, fixed_t);
477  int ok;
479  if (best_y == NULL || best_uv == NULL ||
480      target_y == NULL || target_uv == NULL ||
481      best_rgb_y == NULL || best_rgb_uv == NULL ||
482      tmp_buffer == NULL) {
483    ok = WebPEncodingSetError(picture, VP8_ENC_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY);
484    goto End;
485  }
486  assert(picture->width >= kMinDimensionIterativeConversion);
487  assert(picture->height >= kMinDimensionIterativeConversion);
489  // Import RGB samples to W/RGB representation.
490  for (j = 0; j < picture->height; j += 2) {
491    const int is_last_row = (j == picture->height - 1);
492    fixed_y_t* const src1 = tmp_buffer;
493    fixed_y_t* const src2 = tmp_buffer + 3 * w;
494    const int off1 = j * rgb_stride;
495    const int off2 = off1 + rgb_stride;
496    const int uv_off = (j >> 1) * 3 * uv_w;
497    fixed_y_t* const dst_y = best_y + j * w;
499    // prepare two rows of input
500    ImportOneRow(r_ptr + off1, g_ptr + off1, b_ptr + off1,
501                 step, picture->width, src1);
502    if (!is_last_row) {
503      ImportOneRow(r_ptr + off2, g_ptr + off2, b_ptr + off2,
504                   step, picture->width, src2);
505    } else {
506      memcpy(src2, src1, 3 * w * sizeof(*src2));
507    }
508    UpdateW(src1, target_y + (j + 0) * w, w);
509    UpdateW(src2, target_y + (j + 1) * w, w);
510    UpdateChroma(src1, src2, target_uv + uv_off, dst_y, uv_w);
511    memcpy(best_uv + uv_off, target_uv + uv_off, 3 * uv_w * sizeof(*best_uv));
512    memcpy(dst_y + w, dst_y, w * sizeof(*dst_y));
513  }
515  // Iterate and resolve clipping conflicts.
516  for (iter = 0; iter < kNumIterations; ++iter) {
517    int k;
518    const fixed_t* cur_uv = best_uv;
519    const fixed_t* prev_uv = best_uv;
520    for (j = 0; j < h; j += 2) {
521      fixed_y_t* const src1 = tmp_buffer;
522      fixed_y_t* const src2 = tmp_buffer + 3 * w;
524      {
525        const fixed_t* const next_uv = cur_uv + ((j < h - 2) ? 3 * uv_w : 0);
526        InterpolateTwoRows(best_y + j * w, prev_uv, cur_uv, next_uv,
527                           w, src1, src2);
528        prev_uv = cur_uv;
529        cur_uv = next_uv;
530      }
532      UpdateW(src1, best_rgb_y + 0 * w, w);
533      UpdateW(src2, best_rgb_y + 1 * w, w);
534      UpdateChroma(src1, src2, best_rgb_uv, NULL, uv_w);
536      // update two rows of Y and one row of RGB
537      for (i = 0; i < 2 * w; ++i) {
538        const int off = i + j * w;
539        const int diff_y = target_y[off] - best_rgb_y[i];
540        const int new_y = (int)best_y[off] + diff_y;
541        best_y[off] = clip_y(new_y);
542      }
543      for (i = 0; i < uv_w; ++i) {
544        const int off = 3 * (i + (j >> 1) * uv_w);
545        int W;
546        for (k = 0; k <= 2; ++k) {
547          const int diff_uv = (int)target_uv[off + k] - best_rgb_uv[3 * i + k];
548          best_uv[off + k] += diff_uv;
549        }
550        W = RGBToGray(best_uv[off + 0], best_uv[off + 1], best_uv[off + 2]);
551        for (k = 0; k <= 2; ++k) {
552          best_uv[off + k] -= W;
553        }
554      }
555    }
556    // TODO(skal): add early-termination criterion
557  }
559  // final reconstruction
560  ok = ConvertWRGBToYUV(best_y, best_uv, picture);
562 End:
563  WebPSafeFree(best_y);
564  WebPSafeFree(best_uv);
565  WebPSafeFree(target_y);
566  WebPSafeFree(target_uv);
567  WebPSafeFree(best_rgb_y);
568  WebPSafeFree(best_rgb_uv);
569  WebPSafeFree(tmp_buffer);
570  return ok;
572#undef SAFE_ALLOC
575// "Fast" regular RGB->YUV
577#define SUM4(ptr, step) LinearToGamma(                     \
578    GammaToLinear((ptr)[0]) +                              \
579    GammaToLinear((ptr)[(step)]) +                         \
580    GammaToLinear((ptr)[rgb_stride]) +                     \
581    GammaToLinear((ptr)[rgb_stride + (step)]), 0)          \
583#define SUM2(ptr) \
584    LinearToGamma(GammaToLinear((ptr)[0]) + GammaToLinear((ptr)[rgb_stride]), 1)
586#define SUM2ALPHA(ptr) ((ptr)[0] + (ptr)[rgb_stride])
587#define SUM4ALPHA(ptr) (SUM2ALPHA(ptr) + SUM2ALPHA((ptr) + 4))
591static const int kAlphaFix = 19;
592// Following table is (1 << kAlphaFix) / a. The (v * kInvAlpha[a]) >> kAlphaFix
593// formula is then equal to v / a in most (99.6%) cases. Note that this table
594// and constant are adjusted very tightly to fit 32b arithmetic.
595// In particular, they use the fact that the operands for 'v / a' are actually
596// derived as v = (a0.p0 + a1.p1 + a2.p2 + a3.p3) and a = a0 + a1 + a2 + a3
597// with ai in [0..255] and pi in [0..1<<kGammaFix). The constraint to avoid
598// overflow is: kGammaFix + kAlphaFix <= 31.
599static const uint32_t kInvAlpha[4 * 0xff + 1] = {
600  0,  /* alpha = 0 */
601  524288, 262144, 174762, 131072, 104857, 87381, 74898, 65536,
602  58254, 52428, 47662, 43690, 40329, 37449, 34952, 32768,
603  30840, 29127, 27594, 26214, 24966, 23831, 22795, 21845,
604  20971, 20164, 19418, 18724, 18078, 17476, 16912, 16384,
605  15887, 15420, 14979, 14563, 14169, 13797, 13443, 13107,
606  12787, 12483, 12192, 11915, 11650, 11397, 11155, 10922,
607  10699, 10485, 10280, 10082, 9892, 9709, 9532, 9362,
608  9198, 9039, 8886, 8738, 8594, 8456, 8322, 8192,
609  8065, 7943, 7825, 7710, 7598, 7489, 7384, 7281,
610  7182, 7084, 6990, 6898, 6808, 6721, 6636, 6553,
611  6472, 6393, 6316, 6241, 6168, 6096, 6026, 5957,
612  5890, 5825, 5761, 5698, 5637, 5577, 5518, 5461,
613  5405, 5349, 5295, 5242, 5190, 5140, 5090, 5041,
614  4993, 4946, 4899, 4854, 4809, 4766, 4723, 4681,
615  4639, 4599, 4559, 4519, 4481, 4443, 4405, 4369,
616  4332, 4297, 4262, 4228, 4194, 4161, 4128, 4096,
617  4064, 4032, 4002, 3971, 3942, 3912, 3883, 3855,
618  3826, 3799, 3771, 3744, 3718, 3692, 3666, 3640,
619  3615, 3591, 3566, 3542, 3518, 3495, 3472, 3449,
620  3426, 3404, 3382, 3360, 3339, 3318, 3297, 3276,
621  3256, 3236, 3216, 3196, 3177, 3158, 3139, 3120,
622  3102, 3084, 3066, 3048, 3030, 3013, 2995, 2978,
623  2962, 2945, 2928, 2912, 2896, 2880, 2864, 2849,
624  2833, 2818, 2803, 2788, 2774, 2759, 2744, 2730,
625  2716, 2702, 2688, 2674, 2661, 2647, 2634, 2621,
626  2608, 2595, 2582, 2570, 2557, 2545, 2532, 2520,
627  2508, 2496, 2484, 2473, 2461, 2449, 2438, 2427,
628  2416, 2404, 2394, 2383, 2372, 2361, 2351, 2340,
629  2330, 2319, 2309, 2299, 2289, 2279, 2269, 2259,
630  2250, 2240, 2231, 2221, 2212, 2202, 2193, 2184,
631  2175, 2166, 2157, 2148, 2139, 2131, 2122, 2114,
632  2105, 2097, 2088, 2080, 2072, 2064, 2056, 2048,
633  2040, 2032, 2024, 2016, 2008, 2001, 1993, 1985,
634  1978, 1971, 1963, 1956, 1949, 1941, 1934, 1927,
635  1920, 1913, 1906, 1899, 1892, 1885, 1879, 1872,
636  1865, 1859, 1852, 1846, 1839, 1833, 1826, 1820,
637  1814, 1807, 1801, 1795, 1789, 1783, 1777, 1771,
638  1765, 1759, 1753, 1747, 1741, 1736, 1730, 1724,
639  1718, 1713, 1707, 1702, 1696, 1691, 1685, 1680,
640  1675, 1669, 1664, 1659, 1653, 1648, 1643, 1638,
641  1633, 1628, 1623, 1618, 1613, 1608, 1603, 1598,
642  1593, 1588, 1583, 1579, 1574, 1569, 1565, 1560,
643  1555, 1551, 1546, 1542, 1537, 1533, 1528, 1524,
644  1519, 1515, 1510, 1506, 1502, 1497, 1493, 1489,
645  1485, 1481, 1476, 1472, 1468, 1464, 1460, 1456,
646  1452, 1448, 1444, 1440, 1436, 1432, 1428, 1424,
647  1420, 1416, 1413, 1409, 1405, 1401, 1398, 1394,
648  1390, 1387, 1383, 1379, 1376, 1372, 1368, 1365,
649  1361, 1358, 1354, 1351, 1347, 1344, 1340, 1337,
650  1334, 1330, 1327, 1323, 1320, 1317, 1314, 1310,
651  1307, 1304, 1300, 1297, 1294, 1291, 1288, 1285,
652  1281, 1278, 1275, 1272, 1269, 1266, 1263, 1260,
653  1257, 1254, 1251, 1248, 1245, 1242, 1239, 1236,
654  1233, 1230, 1227, 1224, 1222, 1219, 1216, 1213,
655  1210, 1208, 1205, 1202, 1199, 1197, 1194, 1191,
656  1188, 1186, 1183, 1180, 1178, 1175, 1172, 1170,
657  1167, 1165, 1162, 1159, 1157, 1154, 1152, 1149,
658  1147, 1144, 1142, 1139, 1137, 1134, 1132, 1129,
659  1127, 1125, 1122, 1120, 1117, 1115, 1113, 1110,
660  1108, 1106, 1103, 1101, 1099, 1096, 1094, 1092,
661  1089, 1087, 1085, 1083, 1081, 1078, 1076, 1074,
662  1072, 1069, 1067, 1065, 1063, 1061, 1059, 1057,
663  1054, 1052, 1050, 1048, 1046, 1044, 1042, 1040,
664  1038, 1036, 1034, 1032, 1030, 1028, 1026, 1024,
665  1022, 1020, 1018, 1016, 1014, 1012, 1010, 1008,
666  1006, 1004, 1002, 1000, 998, 996, 994, 992,
667  991, 989, 987, 985, 983, 981, 979, 978,
668  976, 974, 972, 970, 969, 967, 965, 963,
669  961, 960, 958, 956, 954, 953, 951, 949,
670  948, 946, 944, 942, 941, 939, 937, 936,
671  934, 932, 931, 929, 927, 926, 924, 923,
672  921, 919, 918, 916, 914, 913, 911, 910,
673  908, 907, 905, 903, 902, 900, 899, 897,
674  896, 894, 893, 891, 890, 888, 887, 885,
675  884, 882, 881, 879, 878, 876, 875, 873,
676  872, 870, 869, 868, 866, 865, 863, 862,
677  860, 859, 858, 856, 855, 853, 852, 851,
678  849, 848, 846, 845, 844, 842, 841, 840,
679  838, 837, 836, 834, 833, 832, 830, 829,
680  828, 826, 825, 824, 823, 821, 820, 819,
681  817, 816, 815, 814, 812, 811, 810, 809,
682  807, 806, 805, 804, 802, 801, 800, 799,
683  798, 796, 795, 794, 793, 791, 790, 789,
684  788, 787, 786, 784, 783, 782, 781, 780,
685  779, 777, 776, 775, 774, 773, 772, 771,
686  769, 768, 767, 766, 765, 764, 763, 762,
687  760, 759, 758, 757, 756, 755, 754, 753,
688  752, 751, 750, 748, 747, 746, 745, 744,
689  743, 742, 741, 740, 739, 738, 737, 736,
690  735, 734, 733, 732, 731, 730, 729, 728,
691  727, 726, 725, 724, 723, 722, 721, 720,
692  719, 718, 717, 716, 715, 714, 713, 712,
693  711, 710, 709, 708, 707, 706, 705, 704,
694  703, 702, 701, 700, 699, 699, 698, 697,
695  696, 695, 694, 693, 692, 691, 690, 689,
696  688, 688, 687, 686, 685, 684, 683, 682,
697  681, 680, 680, 679, 678, 677, 676, 675,
698  674, 673, 673, 672, 671, 670, 669, 668,
699  667, 667, 666, 665, 664, 663, 662, 661,
700  661, 660, 659, 658, 657, 657, 656, 655,
701  654, 653, 652, 652, 651, 650, 649, 648,
702  648, 647, 646, 645, 644, 644, 643, 642,
703  641, 640, 640, 639, 638, 637, 637, 636,
704  635, 634, 633, 633, 632, 631, 630, 630,
705  629, 628, 627, 627, 626, 625, 624, 624,
706  623, 622, 621, 621, 620, 619, 618, 618,
707  617, 616, 616, 615, 614, 613, 613, 612,
708  611, 611, 610, 609, 608, 608, 607, 606,
709  606, 605, 604, 604, 603, 602, 601, 601,
710  600, 599, 599, 598, 597, 597, 596, 595,
711  595, 594, 593, 593, 592, 591, 591, 590,
712  589, 589, 588, 587, 587, 586, 585, 585,
713  584, 583, 583, 582, 581, 581, 580, 579,
714  579, 578, 578, 577, 576, 576, 575, 574,
715  574, 573, 572, 572, 571, 571, 570, 569,
716  569, 568, 568, 567, 566, 566, 565, 564,
717  564, 563, 563, 562, 561, 561, 560, 560,
718  559, 558, 558, 557, 557, 556, 555, 555,
719  554, 554, 553, 553, 552, 551, 551, 550,
720  550, 549, 548, 548, 547, 547, 546, 546,
721  545, 544, 544, 543, 543, 542, 542, 541,
722  541, 540, 539, 539, 538, 538, 537, 537,
723  536, 536, 535, 534, 534, 533, 533, 532,
724  532, 531, 531, 530, 530, 529, 529, 528,
725  527, 527, 526, 526, 525, 525, 524, 524,
726  523, 523, 522, 522, 521, 521, 520, 520,
727  519, 519, 518, 518, 517, 517, 516, 516,
728  515, 515, 514, 514
731// Note that LinearToGamma() expects the values to be premultiplied by 4,
732// so we incorporate this factor 4 inside the DIVIDE_BY_ALPHA macro directly.
733#define DIVIDE_BY_ALPHA(sum, a)  (((sum) * kInvAlpha[(a)]) >> (kAlphaFix - 2))
737#define DIVIDE_BY_ALPHA(sum, a) (4 * (sum) / (a))
741static WEBP_INLINE int LinearToGammaWeighted(const uint8_t* src,
742                                             const uint8_t* a_ptr,
743                                             uint32_t total_a, int step,
744                                             int rgb_stride) {
745  const uint32_t sum =
746      a_ptr[0] * GammaToLinear(src[0]) +
747      a_ptr[step] * GammaToLinear(src[step]) +
748      a_ptr[rgb_stride] * GammaToLinear(src[rgb_stride]) +
749      a_ptr[rgb_stride + step] * GammaToLinear(src[rgb_stride + step]);
750  assert(total_a > 0 && total_a <= 4 * 0xff);
752  assert((uint64_t)sum * kInvAlpha[total_a] < ((uint64_t)1 << 32));
754  return LinearToGamma(DIVIDE_BY_ALPHA(sum, total_a), 0);
757static WEBP_INLINE void ConvertRowToY(const uint8_t* const r_ptr,
758                                      const uint8_t* const g_ptr,
759                                      const uint8_t* const b_ptr,
760                                      int step,
761                                      uint8_t* const dst_y,
762                                      int width,
763                                      VP8Random* const rg) {
764  int i, j;
765  for (i = 0, j = 0; i < width; ++i, j += step) {
766    dst_y[i] = RGBToY(r_ptr[j], g_ptr[j], b_ptr[j], rg);
767  }
770static WEBP_INLINE void ConvertRowsToUVWithAlpha(const uint8_t* const r_ptr,
771                                                 const uint8_t* const g_ptr,
772                                                 const uint8_t* const b_ptr,
773                                                 const uint8_t* const a_ptr,
774                                                 int rgb_stride,
775                                                 uint8_t* const dst_u,
776                                                 uint8_t* const dst_v,
777                                                 int width,
778                                                 VP8Random* const rg) {
779  int i, j;
780  // we loop over 2x2 blocks and produce one U/V value for each.
781  for (i = 0, j = 0; i < (width >> 1); ++i, j += 2 * sizeof(uint32_t)) {
782    const uint32_t a = SUM4ALPHA(a_ptr + j);
783    int r, g, b;
784    if (a == 4 * 0xff || a == 0) {
785      r = SUM4(r_ptr + j, 4);
786      g = SUM4(g_ptr + j, 4);
787      b = SUM4(b_ptr + j, 4);
788    } else {
789      r = LinearToGammaWeighted(r_ptr + j, a_ptr + j, a, 4, rgb_stride);
790      g = LinearToGammaWeighted(g_ptr + j, a_ptr + j, a, 4, rgb_stride);
791      b = LinearToGammaWeighted(b_ptr + j, a_ptr + j, a, 4, rgb_stride);
792    }
793    dst_u[i] = RGBToU(r, g, b, rg);
794    dst_v[i] = RGBToV(r, g, b, rg);
795  }
796  if (width & 1) {
797    const uint32_t a = 2u * SUM2ALPHA(a_ptr + j);
798    int r, g, b;
799    if (a == 4 * 0xff || a == 0) {
800      r = SUM2(r_ptr + j);
801      g = SUM2(g_ptr + j);
802      b = SUM2(b_ptr + j);
803    } else {
804      r = LinearToGammaWeighted(r_ptr + j, a_ptr + j, a, 0, rgb_stride);
805      g = LinearToGammaWeighted(g_ptr + j, a_ptr + j, a, 0, rgb_stride);
806      b = LinearToGammaWeighted(b_ptr + j, a_ptr + j, a, 0, rgb_stride);
807    }
808    dst_u[i] = RGBToU(r, g, b, rg);
809    dst_v[i] = RGBToV(r, g, b, rg);
810  }
813static WEBP_INLINE void ConvertRowsToUV(const uint8_t* const r_ptr,
814                                        const uint8_t* const g_ptr,
815                                        const uint8_t* const b_ptr,
816                                        int step, int rgb_stride,
817                                        uint8_t* const dst_u,
818                                        uint8_t* const dst_v,
819                                        int width,
820                                        VP8Random* const rg) {
821  int i, j;
822  for (i = 0, j = 0; i < (width >> 1); ++i, j += 2 * step) {
823    const int r = SUM4(r_ptr + j, step);
824    const int g = SUM4(g_ptr + j, step);
825    const int b = SUM4(b_ptr + j, step);
826    dst_u[i] = RGBToU(r, g, b, rg);
827    dst_v[i] = RGBToV(r, g, b, rg);
828  }
829  if (width & 1) {
830    const int r = SUM2(r_ptr + j);
831    const int g = SUM2(g_ptr + j);
832    const int b = SUM2(b_ptr + j);
833    dst_u[i] = RGBToU(r, g, b, rg);
834    dst_v[i] = RGBToV(r, g, b, rg);
835  }
838static int ImportYUVAFromRGBA(const uint8_t* const r_ptr,
839                              const uint8_t* const g_ptr,
840                              const uint8_t* const b_ptr,
841                              const uint8_t* const a_ptr,
842                              int step,         // bytes per pixel
843                              int rgb_stride,   // bytes per scanline
844                              float dithering,
845                              int use_iterative_conversion,
846                              WebPPicture* const picture) {
847  int y;
848  const int width = picture->width;
849  const int height = picture->height;
850  const int has_alpha = CheckNonOpaque(a_ptr, width, height, step, rgb_stride);
852  picture->colorspace = has_alpha ? WEBP_YUV420A : WEBP_YUV420;
853  picture->use_argb = 0;
855  // disable smart conversion if source is too small (overkill).
856  if (width < kMinDimensionIterativeConversion ||
857      height < kMinDimensionIterativeConversion) {
858    use_iterative_conversion = 0;
859  }
861  if (!WebPPictureAllocYUVA(picture, width, height)) {
862    return 0;
863  }
864  if (has_alpha) {
865    WebPInitAlphaProcessing();
866    assert(step == 4);
868    assert(kAlphaFix + kGammaFix <= 31);
870  }
872  if (use_iterative_conversion) {
873    InitGammaTablesF();
874    if (!PreprocessARGB(r_ptr, g_ptr, b_ptr, step, rgb_stride, picture)) {
875      return 0;
876    }
877    if (has_alpha) {
878      WebPExtractAlpha(a_ptr, rgb_stride, width, height,
879                       picture->a, picture->a_stride);
880    }
881  } else {
882    uint8_t* dst_y = picture->y;
883    uint8_t* dst_u = picture->u;
884    uint8_t* dst_v = picture->v;
885    uint8_t* dst_a = picture->a;
887    VP8Random base_rg;
888    VP8Random* rg = NULL;
889    if (dithering > 0.) {
890      VP8InitRandom(&base_rg, dithering);
891      rg = &base_rg;
892    }
894    InitGammaTables();
896    // Downsample Y/U/V planes, two rows at a time
897    for (y = 0; y < (height >> 1); ++y) {
898      int rows_have_alpha = has_alpha;
899      const int off1 = (2 * y + 0) * rgb_stride;
900      const int off2 = (2 * y + 1) * rgb_stride;
901      ConvertRowToY(r_ptr + off1, g_ptr + off1, b_ptr + off1, step,
902                    dst_y, width, rg);
903      ConvertRowToY(r_ptr + off2, g_ptr + off2, b_ptr + off2, step,
904                    dst_y + picture->y_stride, width, rg);
905      dst_y += 2 * picture->y_stride;
906      if (has_alpha) {
907        rows_have_alpha &= !WebPExtractAlpha(a_ptr + off1, rgb_stride,
908                                             width, 2,
909                                             dst_a, picture->a_stride);
910        dst_a += 2 * picture->a_stride;
911      }
912      if (!rows_have_alpha) {
913        ConvertRowsToUV(r_ptr + off1, g_ptr + off1, b_ptr + off1,
914                        step, rgb_stride, dst_u, dst_v, width, rg);
915      } else {
916        ConvertRowsToUVWithAlpha(r_ptr + off1, g_ptr + off1, b_ptr + off1,
917                                 a_ptr + off1, rgb_stride,
918                                 dst_u, dst_v, width, rg);
919      }
920      dst_u += picture->uv_stride;
921      dst_v += picture->uv_stride;
922    }
923    if (height & 1) {    // extra last row
924      const int off = 2 * y * rgb_stride;
925      int row_has_alpha = has_alpha;
926      ConvertRowToY(r_ptr + off, g_ptr + off, b_ptr + off, step,
927                    dst_y, width, rg);
928      if (row_has_alpha) {
929        row_has_alpha &= !WebPExtractAlpha(a_ptr + off, 0, width, 1, dst_a, 0);
930      }
931      if (!row_has_alpha) {
932        ConvertRowsToUV(r_ptr + off, g_ptr + off, b_ptr + off,
933                        step, 0, dst_u, dst_v, width, rg);
934      } else {
935        ConvertRowsToUVWithAlpha(r_ptr + off, g_ptr + off, b_ptr + off,
936                                 a_ptr + off, 0,
937                                 dst_u, dst_v, width, rg);
938      }
939    }
940  }
941  return 1;
944#undef SUM4
945#undef SUM2
946#undef SUM4ALPHA
947#undef SUM2ALPHA
950// call for ARGB->YUVA conversion
952static int PictureARGBToYUVA(WebPPicture* picture, WebPEncCSP colorspace,
953                             float dithering, int use_iterative_conversion) {
954  if (picture == NULL) return 0;
955  if (picture->argb == NULL) {
956    return WebPEncodingSetError(picture, VP8_ENC_ERROR_NULL_PARAMETER);
957  } else if ((colorspace & WEBP_CSP_UV_MASK) != WEBP_YUV420) {
958    return WebPEncodingSetError(picture, VP8_ENC_ERROR_INVALID_CONFIGURATION);
959  } else {
960    const uint8_t* const argb = (const uint8_t*)picture->argb;
961    const uint8_t* const r = ALPHA_IS_LAST ? argb + 2 : argb + 1;
962    const uint8_t* const g = ALPHA_IS_LAST ? argb + 1 : argb + 2;
963    const uint8_t* const b = ALPHA_IS_LAST ? argb + 0 : argb + 3;
964    const uint8_t* const a = ALPHA_IS_LAST ? argb + 3 : argb + 0;
966    picture->colorspace = WEBP_YUV420;
967    return ImportYUVAFromRGBA(r, g, b, a, 4, 4 * picture->argb_stride,
968                              dithering, use_iterative_conversion, picture);
969  }
972int WebPPictureARGBToYUVADithered(WebPPicture* picture, WebPEncCSP colorspace,
973                                  float dithering) {
974  return PictureARGBToYUVA(picture, colorspace, dithering, 0);
977int WebPPictureARGBToYUVA(WebPPicture* picture, WebPEncCSP colorspace) {
978  return PictureARGBToYUVA(picture, colorspace, 0.f, 0);
982int WebPPictureSmartARGBToYUVA(WebPPicture* picture) {
983  return PictureARGBToYUVA(picture, WEBP_YUV420, 0.f, 1);
988// call for YUVA -> ARGB conversion
990int WebPPictureYUVAToARGB(WebPPicture* picture) {
991  if (picture == NULL) return 0;
992  if (picture->y == NULL || picture->u == NULL || picture->v == NULL) {
993    return WebPEncodingSetError(picture, VP8_ENC_ERROR_NULL_PARAMETER);
994  }
995  if ((picture->colorspace & WEBP_CSP_ALPHA_BIT) && picture->a == NULL) {
996    return WebPEncodingSetError(picture, VP8_ENC_ERROR_NULL_PARAMETER);
997  }
998  if ((picture->colorspace & WEBP_CSP_UV_MASK) != WEBP_YUV420) {
999    return WebPEncodingSetError(picture, VP8_ENC_ERROR_INVALID_CONFIGURATION);
1000  }
1001  // Allocate a new argb buffer (discarding the previous one).
1002  if (!WebPPictureAllocARGB(picture, picture->width, picture->height)) return 0;
1003  picture->use_argb = 1;
1005  // Convert
1006  {
1007    int y;
1008    const int width = picture->width;
1009    const int height = picture->height;
1010    const int argb_stride = 4 * picture->argb_stride;
1011    uint8_t* dst = (uint8_t*)picture->argb;
1012    const uint8_t *cur_u = picture->u, *cur_v = picture->v, *cur_y = picture->y;
1013    WebPUpsampleLinePairFunc upsample = WebPGetLinePairConverter(ALPHA_IS_LAST);
1015    // First row, with replicated top samples.
1016    upsample(cur_y, NULL, cur_u, cur_v, cur_u, cur_v, dst, NULL, width);
1017    cur_y += picture->y_stride;
1018    dst += argb_stride;
1019    // Center rows.
1020    for (y = 1; y + 1 < height; y += 2) {
1021      const uint8_t* const top_u = cur_u;
1022      const uint8_t* const top_v = cur_v;
1023      cur_u += picture->uv_stride;
1024      cur_v += picture->uv_stride;
1025      upsample(cur_y, cur_y + picture->y_stride, top_u, top_v, cur_u, cur_v,
1026               dst, dst + argb_stride, width);
1027      cur_y += 2 * picture->y_stride;
1028      dst += 2 * argb_stride;
1029    }
1030    // Last row (if needed), with replicated bottom samples.
1031    if (height > 1 && !(height & 1)) {
1032      upsample(cur_y, NULL, cur_u, cur_v, cur_u, cur_v, dst, NULL, width);
1033    }
1034    // Insert alpha values if needed, in replacement for the default 0xff ones.
1035    if (picture->colorspace & WEBP_CSP_ALPHA_BIT) {
1036      for (y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
1037        uint32_t* const argb_dst = picture->argb + y * picture->argb_stride;
1038        const uint8_t* const src = picture->a + y * picture->a_stride;
1039        int x;
1040        for (x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
1041          argb_dst[x] = (argb_dst[x] & 0x00ffffffu) | ((uint32_t)src[x] << 24);
1042        }
1043      }
1044    }
1045  }
1046  return 1;
1050// automatic import / conversion
1052static int Import(WebPPicture* const picture,
1053                  const uint8_t* const rgb, int rgb_stride,
1054                  int step, int swap_rb, int import_alpha) {
1055  int y;
1056  const uint8_t* const r_ptr = rgb + (swap_rb ? 2 : 0);
1057  const uint8_t* const g_ptr = rgb + 1;
1058  const uint8_t* const b_ptr = rgb + (swap_rb ? 0 : 2);
1059  const uint8_t* const a_ptr = import_alpha ? rgb + 3 : NULL;
1060  const int width = picture->width;
1061  const int height = picture->height;
1063  if (!picture->use_argb) {
1064    return ImportYUVAFromRGBA(r_ptr, g_ptr, b_ptr, a_ptr, step, rgb_stride,
1065                              0.f /* no dithering */, 0, picture);
1066  }
1067  if (!WebPPictureAlloc(picture)) return 0;
1069  assert(step >= (import_alpha ? 4 : 3));
1070  for (y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
1071    uint32_t* const dst = &picture->argb[y * picture->argb_stride];
1072    int x;
1073    for (x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
1074      const int offset = step * x + y * rgb_stride;
1075      dst[x] = MakeARGB32(import_alpha ? a_ptr[offset] : 0xff,
1076                          r_ptr[offset], g_ptr[offset], b_ptr[offset]);
1077    }
1078  }
1079  return 1;
1082// Public API
1084int WebPPictureImportRGB(WebPPicture* picture,
1085                         const uint8_t* rgb, int rgb_stride) {
1086  return (picture != NULL) ? Import(picture, rgb, rgb_stride, 3, 0, 0) : 0;
1089int WebPPictureImportBGR(WebPPicture* picture,
1090                         const uint8_t* rgb, int rgb_stride) {
1091  return (picture != NULL) ? Import(picture, rgb, rgb_stride, 3, 1, 0) : 0;
1094int WebPPictureImportRGBA(WebPPicture* picture,
1095                          const uint8_t* rgba, int rgba_stride) {
1096  return (picture != NULL) ? Import(picture, rgba, rgba_stride, 4, 0, 1) : 0;
1099int WebPPictureImportBGRA(WebPPicture* picture,
1100                          const uint8_t* rgba, int rgba_stride) {
1101  return (picture != NULL) ? Import(picture, rgba, rgba_stride, 4, 1, 1) : 0;
1104int WebPPictureImportRGBX(WebPPicture* picture,
1105                          const uint8_t* rgba, int rgba_stride) {
1106  return (picture != NULL) ? Import(picture, rgba, rgba_stride, 4, 0, 0) : 0;
1109int WebPPictureImportBGRX(WebPPicture* picture,
1110                          const uint8_t* rgba, int rgba_stride) {
1111  return (picture != NULL) ? Import(picture, rgba, rgba_stride, 4, 1, 0) : 0;