2 * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
17package com.android.server.telecom;
19import android.content.Context;
20import android.net.Uri;
21import android.os.Bundle;
22import android.os.Handler;
23import android.os.Looper;
24import android.os.SystemProperties;
25import android.os.Trace;
26import android.provider.CallLog.Calls;
27import android.telecom.CallAudioState;
28import android.telecom.Conference;
29import android.telecom.Connection;
30import android.telecom.DisconnectCause;
31import android.telecom.GatewayInfo;
32import android.telecom.ParcelableConference;
33import android.telecom.ParcelableConnection;
34import android.telecom.PhoneAccount;
35import android.telecom.PhoneAccountHandle;
36import android.telecom.TelecomManager;
37import android.telecom.VideoProfile;
38import android.telephony.PhoneNumberUtils;
39import android.telephony.TelephonyManager;
40import android.text.TextUtils;
42import com.android.internal.annotations.VisibleForTesting;
43import com.android.internal.telephony.PhoneConstants;
44import com.android.internal.telephony.TelephonyProperties;
45import com.android.internal.util.IndentingPrintWriter;
47import java.util.Collection;
48import java.util.Collections;
49import java.util.HashSet;
50import java.util.List;
51import java.util.Objects;
52import java.util.Set;
53import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
56 * Singleton.
57 *
58 * NOTE: by design most APIs are package private, use the relevant adapter/s to allow
59 * access from other packages specifically refraining from passing the CallsManager instance
60 * beyond the com.android.server.telecom package boundary.
61 */
63public class CallsManager extends Call.ListenerBase implements VideoProviderProxy.Listener {
65    // TODO: Consider renaming this CallsManagerPlugin.
66    interface CallsManagerListener {
67        void onCallAdded(Call call);
68        void onCallRemoved(Call call);
69        void onCallStateChanged(Call call, int oldState, int newState);
70        void onConnectionServiceChanged(
71                Call call,
72                ConnectionServiceWrapper oldService,
73                ConnectionServiceWrapper newService);
74        void onIncomingCallAnswered(Call call);
75        void onIncomingCallRejected(Call call, boolean rejectWithMessage, String textMessage);
76        void onForegroundCallChanged(Call oldForegroundCall, Call newForegroundCall);
77        void onCallAudioStateChanged(CallAudioState oldAudioState, CallAudioState newAudioState);
78        void onRingbackRequested(Call call, boolean ringback);
79        void onIsConferencedChanged(Call call);
80        void onIsVoipAudioModeChanged(Call call);
81        void onVideoStateChanged(Call call);
82        void onCanAddCallChanged(boolean canAddCall);
83        void onSessionModifyRequestReceived(Call call, VideoProfile videoProfile);
84    }
86    private static final String TAG = "CallsManager";
88    private static final int MAXIMUM_LIVE_CALLS = 1;
89    private static final int MAXIMUM_HOLD_CALLS = 1;
90    private static final int MAXIMUM_RINGING_CALLS = 1;
91    private static final int MAXIMUM_DIALING_CALLS = 1;
92    private static final int MAXIMUM_OUTGOING_CALLS = 1;
93    private static final int MAXIMUM_TOP_LEVEL_CALLS = 2;
95    private static final int[] OUTGOING_CALL_STATES =
96            {CallState.CONNECTING, CallState.SELECT_PHONE_ACCOUNT, CallState.DIALING};
98    private static final int[] LIVE_CALL_STATES =
99            {CallState.CONNECTING, CallState.SELECT_PHONE_ACCOUNT, CallState.DIALING, CallState.ACTIVE};
101    /**
102     * The main call repository. Keeps an instance of all live calls. New incoming and outgoing
103     * calls are added to the map and removed when the calls move to the disconnected state.
104     *
105     * ConcurrentHashMap constructor params: 8 is initial table size, 0.9f is
106     * load factor before resizing, 1 means we only expect a single thread to
107     * access the map so make only a single shard
108     */
109    private final Set<Call> mCalls = Collections.newSetFromMap(
110            new ConcurrentHashMap<Call, Boolean>(8, 0.9f, 1));
112    private final ConnectionServiceRepository mConnectionServiceRepository;
113    private final DtmfLocalTonePlayer mDtmfLocalTonePlayer;
114    private final InCallController mInCallController;
115    private final CallAudioManager mCallAudioManager;
116    private RespondViaSmsManager mRespondViaSmsManager;
117    private final Ringer mRinger;
118    private final InCallWakeLockController mInCallWakeLockController;
119    // For this set initial table size to 16 because we add 13 listeners in
120    // the CallsManager constructor.
121    private final Set<CallsManagerListener> mListeners = Collections.newSetFromMap(
122            new ConcurrentHashMap<CallsManagerListener, Boolean>(16, 0.9f, 1));
123    private final HeadsetMediaButton mHeadsetMediaButton;
124    private final WiredHeadsetManager mWiredHeadsetManager;
125    private final DockManager mDockManager;
126    private final TtyManager mTtyManager;
127    private final ProximitySensorManager mProximitySensorManager;
128    private final PhoneStateBroadcaster mPhoneStateBroadcaster;
129    private final CallLogManager mCallLogManager;
130    private final Context mContext;
131    private final TelecomSystem.SyncRoot mLock;
132    private final ContactsAsyncHelper mContactsAsyncHelper;
133    private final CallerInfoAsyncQueryFactory mCallerInfoAsyncQueryFactory;
134    private final PhoneAccountRegistrar mPhoneAccountRegistrar;
135    private final MissedCallNotifier mMissedCallNotifier;
136    private final Set<Call> mLocallyDisconnectingCalls = new HashSet<>();
137    private final Set<Call> mPendingCallsToDisconnect = new HashSet<>();
138    /* Handler tied to thread in which CallManager was initialized. */
139    private final Handler mHandler = new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper());
141    private boolean mCanAddCall = true;
143    /**
144     * The call the user is currently interacting with. This is the call that should have audio
145     * focus and be visible in the in-call UI.
146     */
147    private Call mForegroundCall;
149    private Runnable mStopTone;
151    /**
152     * Initializes the required Telecom components.
153     */
154    CallsManager(
155            Context context,
156            TelecomSystem.SyncRoot lock,
157            ContactsAsyncHelper contactsAsyncHelper,
158            CallerInfoAsyncQueryFactory callerInfoAsyncQueryFactory,
159            MissedCallNotifier missedCallNotifier,
160            PhoneAccountRegistrar phoneAccountRegistrar,
161            HeadsetMediaButtonFactory headsetMediaButtonFactory,
162            ProximitySensorManagerFactory proximitySensorManagerFactory,
163            InCallWakeLockControllerFactory inCallWakeLockControllerFactory) {
164        mContext = context;
165        mLock = lock;
166        mContactsAsyncHelper = contactsAsyncHelper;
167        mCallerInfoAsyncQueryFactory = callerInfoAsyncQueryFactory;
168        mPhoneAccountRegistrar = phoneAccountRegistrar;
169        mMissedCallNotifier = missedCallNotifier;
170        StatusBarNotifier statusBarNotifier = new StatusBarNotifier(context, this);
171        mWiredHeadsetManager = new WiredHeadsetManager(context);
172        mDockManager = new DockManager(context);
173        mCallAudioManager = new CallAudioManager(
174                context, mLock, statusBarNotifier, mWiredHeadsetManager, mDockManager, this);
175        InCallTonePlayer.Factory playerFactory = new InCallTonePlayer.Factory(mCallAudioManager, lock);
176        mRinger = new Ringer(mCallAudioManager, this, playerFactory, context);
177        mHeadsetMediaButton = headsetMediaButtonFactory.create(context, this, mLock);
178        mTtyManager = new TtyManager(context, mWiredHeadsetManager);
179        mProximitySensorManager = proximitySensorManagerFactory.create(context, this);
180        mPhoneStateBroadcaster = new PhoneStateBroadcaster(this);
181        mCallLogManager = new CallLogManager(context);
182        mInCallController = new InCallController(context, mLock, this);
183        mDtmfLocalTonePlayer = new DtmfLocalTonePlayer(context);
184        mConnectionServiceRepository =
185                new ConnectionServiceRepository(mPhoneAccountRegistrar, mContext, mLock, this);
186        mInCallWakeLockController = inCallWakeLockControllerFactory.create(context, this);
188        mListeners.add(statusBarNotifier);
189        mListeners.add(mCallLogManager);
190        mListeners.add(mPhoneStateBroadcaster);
191        mListeners.add(mInCallController);
192        mListeners.add(mRinger);
193        mListeners.add(new RingbackPlayer(this, playerFactory));
194        mListeners.add(new InCallToneMonitor(playerFactory, this));
195        mListeners.add(mCallAudioManager);
196        mListeners.add(missedCallNotifier);
197        mListeners.add(mDtmfLocalTonePlayer);
198        mListeners.add(mHeadsetMediaButton);
199        mListeners.add(mProximitySensorManager);
201        mMissedCallNotifier.updateOnStartup(
202                mLock, this, mContactsAsyncHelper, mCallerInfoAsyncQueryFactory);
203    }
205    public void setRespondViaSmsManager(RespondViaSmsManager respondViaSmsManager) {
206        if (mRespondViaSmsManager != null) {
207            mListeners.remove(mRespondViaSmsManager);
208        }
209        mRespondViaSmsManager = respondViaSmsManager;
210        mListeners.add(respondViaSmsManager);
211    }
213    public RespondViaSmsManager getRespondViaSmsManager() {
214        return mRespondViaSmsManager;
215    }
217    @Override
218    public void onSuccessfulOutgoingCall(Call call, int callState) {
219        Log.v(this, "onSuccessfulOutgoingCall, %s", call);
221        setCallState(call, callState, "successful outgoing call");
222        if (!mCalls.contains(call)) {
223            // Call was not added previously in startOutgoingCall due to it being a potential MMI
224            // code, so add it now.
225            addCall(call);
226        }
228        // The call's ConnectionService has been updated.
229        for (CallsManagerListener listener : mListeners) {
230            listener.onConnectionServiceChanged(call, null, call.getConnectionService());
231        }
233        markCallAsDialing(call);
234    }
236    @Override
237    public void onFailedOutgoingCall(Call call, DisconnectCause disconnectCause) {
238        Log.v(this, "onFailedOutgoingCall, call: %s", call);
240        markCallAsRemoved(call);
241    }
243    @Override
244    public void onSuccessfulIncomingCall(Call incomingCall) {
245        Log.d(this, "onSuccessfulIncomingCall");
246        setCallState(incomingCall, CallState.RINGING, "successful incoming call");
248        if (hasMaximumRingingCalls() || hasMaximumDialingCalls()) {
249            incomingCall.reject(false, null);
250            // since the call was not added to the list of calls, we have to call the missed
251            // call notifier and the call logger manually.
252            mMissedCallNotifier.showMissedCallNotification(incomingCall);
253            mCallLogManager.logCall(incomingCall, Calls.MISSED_TYPE);
254        } else {
255            addCall(incomingCall);
256        }
257    }
259    @Override
260    public void onFailedIncomingCall(Call call) {
261        setCallState(call, CallState.DISCONNECTED, "failed incoming call");
262        call.removeListener(this);
263    }
265    @Override
266    public void onSuccessfulUnknownCall(Call call, int callState) {
267        setCallState(call, callState, "successful unknown call");
268        Log.i(this, "onSuccessfulUnknownCall for call %s", call);
269        addCall(call);
270    }
272    @Override
273    public void onFailedUnknownCall(Call call) {
274        Log.i(this, "onFailedUnknownCall for call %s", call);
275        setCallState(call, CallState.DISCONNECTED, "failed unknown call");
276        call.removeListener(this);
277    }
279    @Override
280    public void onRingbackRequested(Call call, boolean ringback) {
281        for (CallsManagerListener listener : mListeners) {
282            listener.onRingbackRequested(call, ringback);
283        }
284    }
286    @Override
287    public void onPostDialWait(Call call, String remaining) {
288        mInCallController.onPostDialWait(call, remaining);
289    }
291    @Override
292    public void onPostDialChar(final Call call, char nextChar) {
293        if (PhoneNumberUtils.is12Key(nextChar)) {
294            // Play tone if it is one of the dialpad digits, canceling out the previously queued
295            // up stopTone runnable since playing a new tone automatically stops the previous tone.
296            if (mStopTone != null) {
297                mHandler.removeCallbacks(mStopTone);
298            }
300            mDtmfLocalTonePlayer.playTone(call, nextChar);
302            // TODO: Create a LockedRunnable class that does the synchronization automatically.
303            mStopTone = new Runnable() {
304                @Override
305                public void run() {
306                    synchronized (mLock) {
307                        // Set a timeout to stop the tone in case there isn't another tone to follow.
308                        mDtmfLocalTonePlayer.stopTone(call);
309                    }
310                }
311            };
312            mHandler.postDelayed(
313                    mStopTone,
314                    Timeouts.getDelayBetweenDtmfTonesMillis(mContext.getContentResolver()));
315        } else if (nextChar == 0 || nextChar == TelecomManager.DTMF_CHARACTER_WAIT ||
316                nextChar == TelecomManager.DTMF_CHARACTER_PAUSE) {
317            // Stop the tone if a tone is playing, removing any other stopTone callbacks since
318            // the previous tone is being stopped anyway.
319            if (mStopTone != null) {
320                mHandler.removeCallbacks(mStopTone);
321            }
322            mDtmfLocalTonePlayer.stopTone(call);
323        } else {
324            Log.w(this, "onPostDialChar: invalid value %d", nextChar);
325        }
326    }
328    @Override
329    public void onParentChanged(Call call) {
330        // parent-child relationship affects which call should be foreground, so do an update.
331        updateCallsManagerState();
332        for (CallsManagerListener listener : mListeners) {
333            listener.onIsConferencedChanged(call);
334        }
335    }
337    @Override
338    public void onChildrenChanged(Call call) {
339        // parent-child relationship affects which call should be foreground, so do an update.
340        updateCallsManagerState();
341        for (CallsManagerListener listener : mListeners) {
342            listener.onIsConferencedChanged(call);
343        }
344    }
346    @Override
347    public void onIsVoipAudioModeChanged(Call call) {
348        for (CallsManagerListener listener : mListeners) {
349            listener.onIsVoipAudioModeChanged(call);
350        }
351    }
353    @Override
354    public void onVideoStateChanged(Call call) {
355        for (CallsManagerListener listener : mListeners) {
356            listener.onVideoStateChanged(call);
357        }
358    }
360    @Override
361    public boolean onCanceledViaNewOutgoingCallBroadcast(final Call call) {
362        mPendingCallsToDisconnect.add(call);
363        mHandler.postDelayed(new Runnable() {
364            @Override
365            public void run() {
366                synchronized (mLock) {
367                    if (mPendingCallsToDisconnect.remove(call)) {
368                        Log.i(this, "Delayed disconnection of call: %s", call);
369                        call.disconnect();
370                    }
371                }
372            }
373        }, Timeouts.getNewOutgoingCallCancelMillis(mContext.getContentResolver()));
375        return true;
376    }
378    /**
379     * Handles changes to the {@link Connection.VideoProvider} for a call.  Adds the
380     * {@link CallsManager} as a listener for the {@link VideoProviderProxy} which is created
381     * in {@link Call#setVideoProvider(IVideoProvider)}.  This allows the {@link CallsManager} to
382     * respond to callbacks from the {@link VideoProviderProxy}.
383     *
384     * @param call The call.
385     */
386    @Override
387    public void onVideoCallProviderChanged(Call call) {
388        VideoProviderProxy videoProviderProxy = call.getVideoProviderProxy();
390        if (videoProviderProxy == null) {
391            return;
392        }
394        videoProviderProxy.addListener(this);
395    }
397    /**
398     * Handles session modification requests received via the {@link TelecomVideoCallCallback} for
399     * a call.  Notifies listeners of the {@link CallsManager.CallsManagerListener} of the session
400     * modification request.
401     *
402     * @param call The call.
403     * @param videoProfile The {@link VideoProfile}.
404     */
405    @Override
406    public void onSessionModifyRequestReceived(Call call, VideoProfile videoProfile) {
407        int videoState = videoProfile != null ? videoProfile.getVideoState() :
408                VideoProfile.STATE_AUDIO_ONLY;
409        Log.v(TAG, "onSessionModifyRequestReceived : videoProfile = " + VideoProfile
410                .videoStateToString(videoState));
412        for (CallsManagerListener listener : mListeners) {
413            listener.onSessionModifyRequestReceived(call, videoProfile);
414        }
415    }
417    Collection<Call> getCalls() {
418        return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(mCalls);
419    }
421    Call getForegroundCall() {
422        return mForegroundCall;
423    }
425    Ringer getRinger() {
426        return mRinger;
427    }
429    InCallController getInCallController() {
430        return mInCallController;
431    }
433    boolean hasEmergencyCall() {
434        for (Call call : mCalls) {
435            if (call.isEmergencyCall()) {
436                return true;
437            }
438        }
439        return false;
440    }
442    boolean hasOnlyDisconnectedCalls() {
443        for (Call call : mCalls) {
444            if (!call.isDisconnected()) {
445                return false;
446            }
447        }
448        return true;
449    }
451    boolean hasVideoCall() {
452        for (Call call : mCalls) {
453            if (VideoProfile.isVideo(call.getVideoState())) {
454                return true;
455            }
456        }
457        return false;
458    }
460    CallAudioState getAudioState() {
461        return mCallAudioManager.getCallAudioState();
462    }
464    boolean isTtySupported() {
465        return mTtyManager.isTtySupported();
466    }
468    int getCurrentTtyMode() {
469        return mTtyManager.getCurrentTtyMode();
470    }
472    void addListener(CallsManagerListener listener) {
473        mListeners.add(listener);
474    }
476    void removeListener(CallsManagerListener listener) {
477        mListeners.remove(listener);
478    }
480    /**
481     * Starts the process to attach the call to a connection service.
482     *
483     * @param phoneAccountHandle The phone account which contains the component name of the
484     *        connection service to use for this call.
485     * @param extras The optional extras Bundle passed with the intent used for the incoming call.
486     */
487    void processIncomingCallIntent(PhoneAccountHandle phoneAccountHandle, Bundle extras) {
488        Log.d(this, "processIncomingCallIntent");
489        Uri handle = extras.getParcelable(TelecomManager.EXTRA_INCOMING_CALL_ADDRESS);
490        if (handle == null) {
491            // Required for backwards compatibility
492            handle = extras.getParcelable(TelephonyManager.EXTRA_INCOMING_NUMBER);
493        }
494        Call call = new Call(
495                mContext,
496                this,
497                mLock,
498                mConnectionServiceRepository,
499                mContactsAsyncHelper,
500                mCallerInfoAsyncQueryFactory,
501                handle,
502                null /* gatewayInfo */,
503                null /* connectionManagerPhoneAccount */,
504                phoneAccountHandle,
505                true /* isIncoming */,
506                false /* isConference */);
508        call.setIntentExtras(extras);
509        // TODO: Move this to be a part of addCall()
510        call.addListener(this);
511        call.startCreateConnection(mPhoneAccountRegistrar);
512    }
514    void addNewUnknownCall(PhoneAccountHandle phoneAccountHandle, Bundle extras) {
515        Uri handle = extras.getParcelable(TelecomManager.EXTRA_UNKNOWN_CALL_HANDLE);
516        Log.i(this, "addNewUnknownCall with handle: %s", Log.pii(handle));
517        Call call = new Call(
518                mContext,
519                this,
520                mLock,
521                mConnectionServiceRepository,
522                mContactsAsyncHelper,
523                mCallerInfoAsyncQueryFactory,
524                handle,
525                null /* gatewayInfo */,
526                null /* connectionManagerPhoneAccount */,
527                phoneAccountHandle,
528                // Use onCreateIncomingConnection in TelephonyConnectionService, so that we attach
529                // to the existing connection instead of trying to create a new one.
530                true /* isIncoming */,
531                false /* isConference */);
532        call.setIsUnknown(true);
533        call.setIntentExtras(extras);
534        call.addListener(this);
535        call.startCreateConnection(mPhoneAccountRegistrar);
536    }
538    private boolean areHandlesEqual(Uri handle1, Uri handle2) {
539        if (handle1 == null || handle2 == null) {
540            return handle1 == handle2;
541        }
543        if (!TextUtils.equals(handle1.getScheme(), handle2.getScheme())) {
544            return false;
545        }
547        final String number1 = PhoneNumberUtils.normalizeNumber(handle1.getSchemeSpecificPart());
548        final String number2 = PhoneNumberUtils.normalizeNumber(handle2.getSchemeSpecificPart());
549        return TextUtils.equals(number1, number2);
550    }
552    private Call getNewOutgoingCall(Uri handle) {
553        // First check to see if we can reuse any of the calls that are waiting to disconnect.
554        // See {@link Call#abort} and {@link #onCanceledViaNewOutgoingCall} for more information.
555        Call reusedCall = null;
556        for (Call pendingCall : mPendingCallsToDisconnect) {
557            if (reusedCall == null && areHandlesEqual(pendingCall.getHandle(), handle)) {
558                mPendingCallsToDisconnect.remove(pendingCall);
559                Log.i(this, "Reusing disconnected call %s", pendingCall);
560                reusedCall = pendingCall;
561            } else {
562                Log.i(this, "Not reusing disconnected call %s", pendingCall);
563                pendingCall.disconnect();
564            }
565        }
566        if (reusedCall != null) {
567            return reusedCall;
568        }
570        // Create a call with original handle. The handle may be changed when the call is attached
571        // to a connection service, but in most cases will remain the same.
572        return new Call(
573                mContext,
574                this,
575                mLock,
576                mConnectionServiceRepository,
577                mContactsAsyncHelper,
578                mCallerInfoAsyncQueryFactory,
579                handle,
580                null /* gatewayInfo */,
581                null /* connectionManagerPhoneAccount */,
582                null /* phoneAccountHandle */,
583                false /* isIncoming */,
584                false /* isConference */);
585    }
587    /**
588     * Kicks off the first steps to creating an outgoing call so that InCallUI can launch.
589     *
590     * @param handle Handle to connect the call with.
591     * @param phoneAccountHandle The phone account which contains the component name of the
592     *        connection service to use for this call.
593     * @param extras The optional extras Bundle passed with the intent used for the incoming call.
594     */
595    Call startOutgoingCall(Uri handle, PhoneAccountHandle phoneAccountHandle, Bundle extras) {
596        Call call = getNewOutgoingCall(handle);
598        List<PhoneAccountHandle> accounts =
599                mPhoneAccountRegistrar.getCallCapablePhoneAccounts(handle.getScheme(), false);
601        Log.v(this, "startOutgoingCall found accounts = " + accounts);
603        if (mForegroundCall != null) {
604            Call ongoingCall = mForegroundCall;
605            // If there is an ongoing call, use the same phone account to place this new call.
606            // If the ongoing call is a conference call, we fetch the phone account from the
607            // child calls because we don't have targetPhoneAccount set on Conference calls.
608            // TODO: Set targetPhoneAccount for all conference calls (b/23035408).
609            if (ongoingCall.getTargetPhoneAccount() == null &&
610                    !ongoingCall.getChildCalls().isEmpty()) {
611                ongoingCall = ongoingCall.getChildCalls().get(0);
612            }
613            if (ongoingCall.getTargetPhoneAccount() != null) {
614                phoneAccountHandle = ongoingCall.getTargetPhoneAccount();
615            }
616        }
618        // Only dial with the requested phoneAccount if it is still valid. Otherwise treat this call
619        // as if a phoneAccount was not specified (does the default behavior instead).
620        // Note: We will not attempt to dial with a requested phoneAccount if it is disabled.
621        if (phoneAccountHandle != null) {
622            if (!accounts.contains(phoneAccountHandle)) {
623                phoneAccountHandle = null;
624            }
625        }
627        if (phoneAccountHandle == null) {
628            // No preset account, check if default exists that supports the URI scheme for the
629            // handle.
630            phoneAccountHandle =
631                    mPhoneAccountRegistrar.getOutgoingPhoneAccountForScheme(handle.getScheme());
632        }
634        call.setTargetPhoneAccount(phoneAccountHandle);
636        boolean isPotentialInCallMMICode = isPotentialInCallMMICode(handle);
638        // Do not support any more live calls.  Our options are to move a call to hold, disconnect
639        // a call, or cancel this call altogether.
640        if (!isPotentialInCallMMICode && !makeRoomForOutgoingCall(call, call.isEmergencyCall())) {
641            // just cancel at this point.
642            Log.i(this, "No remaining room for outgoing call: %s", call);
643            if (mCalls.contains(call)) {
644                // This call can already exist if it is a reused call,
645                // See {@link #getNewOutgoingCall}.
646                call.disconnect();
647            }
648            return null;
649        }
651        boolean needsAccountSelection = phoneAccountHandle == null && accounts.size() > 1 &&
652                !call.isEmergencyCall();
654        if (needsAccountSelection) {
655            // This is the state where the user is expected to select an account
656            call.setState(CallState.SELECT_PHONE_ACCOUNT, "needs account selection");
657            // Create our own instance to modify (since extras may be Bundle.EMPTY)
658            extras = new Bundle(extras);
659            extras.putParcelableList(android.telecom.Call.AVAILABLE_PHONE_ACCOUNTS, accounts);
660        } else {
661            call.setState(
662                    CallState.CONNECTING,
663                    phoneAccountHandle == null ? "no-handle" : phoneAccountHandle.toString());
664        }
666        call.setIntentExtras(extras);
668        // Do not add the call if it is a potential MMI code.
669        if ((isPotentialMMICode(handle) || isPotentialInCallMMICode) && !needsAccountSelection) {
670            call.addListener(this);
671        } else if (!mCalls.contains(call)) {
672            // We check if mCalls already contains the call because we could potentially be reusing
673            // a call which was previously added (See {@link #getNewOutgoingCall}).
674            addCall(call);
675        }
677        return call;
678    }
680    /**
681     * Attempts to issue/connect the specified call.
682     *
683     * @param handle Handle to connect the call with.
684     * @param gatewayInfo Optional gateway information that can be used to route the call to the
685     *        actual dialed handle via a gateway provider. May be null.
686     * @param speakerphoneOn Whether or not to turn the speakerphone on once the call connects.
687     * @param videoState The desired video state for the outgoing call.
688     */
689    void placeOutgoingCall(Call call, Uri handle, GatewayInfo gatewayInfo, boolean speakerphoneOn,
690            int videoState) {
691        if (call == null) {
692            // don't do anything if the call no longer exists
693            Log.i(this, "Canceling unknown call.");
694            return;
695        }
697        final Uri uriHandle = (gatewayInfo == null) ? handle : gatewayInfo.getGatewayAddress();
699        if (gatewayInfo == null) {
700            Log.i(this, "Creating a new outgoing call with handle: %s", Log.piiHandle(uriHandle));
701        } else {
702            Log.i(this, "Creating a new outgoing call with gateway handle: %s, original handle: %s",
703                    Log.pii(uriHandle), Log.pii(handle));
704        }
706        call.setHandle(uriHandle);
707        call.setGatewayInfo(gatewayInfo);
708        call.setVideoState(videoState);
710        if (speakerphoneOn) {
711            Log.i(this, "%s Starting with speakerphone as requested", call);
712        } else {
713            Log.i(this, "%s Starting with speakerphone because car is docked.", call);
714        }
715        call.setStartWithSpeakerphoneOn(speakerphoneOn || mDockManager.isDocked());
717        if (call.isEmergencyCall()) {
718            // Emergency -- CreateConnectionProcessor will choose accounts automatically
719            call.setTargetPhoneAccount(null);
720        }
722        if (call.getTargetPhoneAccount() != null || call.isEmergencyCall()) {
723            // If the account has been set, proceed to place the outgoing call.
724            // Otherwise the connection will be initiated when the account is set by the user.
725            call.startCreateConnection(mPhoneAccountRegistrar);
726        }
727    }
729    /**
730     * Attempts to start a conference call for the specified call.
731     *
732     * @param call The call to conference.
733     * @param otherCall The other call to conference with.
734     */
735    void conference(Call call, Call otherCall) {
736        call.conferenceWith(otherCall);
737    }
739    /**
740     * Instructs Telecom to answer the specified call. Intended to be invoked by the in-call
741     * app through {@link InCallAdapter} after Telecom notifies it of an incoming call followed by
742     * the user opting to answer said call.
743     *
744     * @param call The call to answer.
745     * @param videoState The video state in which to answer the call.
746     */
747    void answerCall(Call call, int videoState) {
748        if (!mCalls.contains(call)) {
749            Log.i(this, "Request to answer a non-existent call %s", call);
750        } else {
751            // If the foreground call is not the ringing call and it is currently isActive() or
752            // STATE_DIALING, put it on hold before answering the call.
753            if (mForegroundCall != null && mForegroundCall != call &&
754                    (mForegroundCall.isActive() ||
755                     mForegroundCall.getState() == CallState.DIALING)) {
756                if (0 == (mForegroundCall.getConnectionCapabilities()
757                        & Connection.CAPABILITY_HOLD)) {
758                    // This call does not support hold.  If it is from a different connection
759                    // service, then disconnect it, otherwise allow the connection service to
760                    // figure out the right states.
761                    if (mForegroundCall.getConnectionService() != call.getConnectionService()) {
762                        mForegroundCall.disconnect();
763                    }
764                } else {
765                    Call heldCall = getHeldCall();
766                    if (heldCall != null) {
767                        Log.v(this, "Disconnecting held call %s before holding active call.",
768                                heldCall);
769                        heldCall.disconnect();
770                    }
772                    Log.v(this, "Holding active/dialing call %s before answering incoming call %s.",
773                            mForegroundCall, call);
774                    mForegroundCall.hold();
775                }
776                // TODO: Wait until we get confirmation of the active call being
777                // on-hold before answering the new call.
778                // TODO: Import logic from CallManager.acceptCall()
779            }
781            for (CallsManagerListener listener : mListeners) {
782                listener.onIncomingCallAnswered(call);
783            }
785            // We do not update the UI until we get confirmation of the answer() through
786            // {@link #markCallAsActive}.
787            call.answer(videoState);
788            if (VideoProfile.isVideo(videoState) &&
789                !mWiredHeadsetManager.isPluggedIn() &&
790                !mCallAudioManager.isBluetoothDeviceAvailable() &&
791                isSpeakerEnabledForVideoCalls()) {
792                call.setStartWithSpeakerphoneOn(true);
793            }
794        }
795    }
797    private static boolean isSpeakerEnabledForVideoCalls() {
798        return (SystemProperties.getInt(TelephonyProperties.PROPERTY_VIDEOCALL_AUDIO_OUTPUT,
799                PhoneConstants.AUDIO_OUTPUT_DEFAULT) ==
800                PhoneConstants.AUDIO_OUTPUT_ENABLE_SPEAKER);
801    }
803    /**
804     * Instructs Telecom to reject the specified call. Intended to be invoked by the in-call
805     * app through {@link InCallAdapter} after Telecom notifies it of an incoming call followed by
806     * the user opting to reject said call.
807     */
808    void rejectCall(Call call, boolean rejectWithMessage, String textMessage) {
809        if (!mCalls.contains(call)) {
810            Log.i(this, "Request to reject a non-existent call %s", call);
811        } else {
812            for (CallsManagerListener listener : mListeners) {
813                listener.onIncomingCallRejected(call, rejectWithMessage, textMessage);
814            }
815            call.reject(rejectWithMessage, textMessage);
816        }
817    }
819    /**
820     * Instructs Telecom to play the specified DTMF tone within the specified call.
821     *
822     * @param digit The DTMF digit to play.
823     */
824    void playDtmfTone(Call call, char digit) {
825        if (!mCalls.contains(call)) {
826            Log.i(this, "Request to play DTMF in a non-existent call %s", call);
827        } else {
828            call.playDtmfTone(digit);
829            mDtmfLocalTonePlayer.playTone(call, digit);
830        }
831    }
833    /**
834     * Instructs Telecom to stop the currently playing DTMF tone, if any.
835     */
836    void stopDtmfTone(Call call) {
837        if (!mCalls.contains(call)) {
838            Log.i(this, "Request to stop DTMF in a non-existent call %s", call);
839        } else {
840            call.stopDtmfTone();
841            mDtmfLocalTonePlayer.stopTone(call);
842        }
843    }
845    /**
846     * Instructs Telecom to continue (or not) the current post-dial DTMF string, if any.
847     */
848    void postDialContinue(Call call, boolean proceed) {
849        if (!mCalls.contains(call)) {
850            Log.i(this, "Request to continue post-dial string in a non-existent call %s", call);
851        } else {
852            call.postDialContinue(proceed);
853        }
854    }
856    /**
857     * Instructs Telecom to disconnect the specified call. Intended to be invoked by the
858     * in-call app through {@link InCallAdapter} for an ongoing call. This is usually triggered by
859     * the user hitting the end-call button.
860     */
861    void disconnectCall(Call call) {
862        Log.v(this, "disconnectCall %s", call);
864        if (!mCalls.contains(call)) {
865            Log.w(this, "Unknown call (%s) asked to disconnect", call);
866        } else {
867            mLocallyDisconnectingCalls.add(call);
868            call.disconnect();
869        }
870    }
872    /**
873     * Instructs Telecom to disconnect all calls.
874     */
875    void disconnectAllCalls() {
876        Log.v(this, "disconnectAllCalls");
878        for (Call call : mCalls) {
879            disconnectCall(call);
880        }
881    }
884    /**
885     * Instructs Telecom to put the specified call on hold. Intended to be invoked by the
886     * in-call app through {@link InCallAdapter} for an ongoing call. This is usually triggered by
887     * the user hitting the hold button during an active call.
888     */
889    void holdCall(Call call) {
890        if (!mCalls.contains(call)) {
891            Log.w(this, "Unknown call (%s) asked to be put on hold", call);
892        } else {
893            Log.d(this, "Putting call on hold: (%s)", call);
894            call.hold();
895        }
896    }
898    /**
899     * Instructs Telecom to release the specified call from hold. Intended to be invoked by
900     * the in-call app through {@link InCallAdapter} for an ongoing call. This is usually triggered
901     * by the user hitting the hold button during a held call.
902     */
903    void unholdCall(Call call) {
904        if (!mCalls.contains(call)) {
905            Log.w(this, "Unknown call (%s) asked to be removed from hold", call);
906        } else {
907            Log.d(this, "unholding call: (%s)", call);
908            for (Call c : mCalls) {
909                // Only attempt to hold parent calls and not the individual children.
910                if (c != null && c.isAlive() && c != call && c.getParentCall() == null) {
911                    c.hold();
912                }
913            }
914            call.unhold();
915        }
916    }
918    /** Called by the in-call UI to change the mute state. */
919    void mute(boolean shouldMute) {
920        mCallAudioManager.mute(shouldMute);
921    }
923    /**
924      * Called by the in-call UI to change the audio route, for example to change from earpiece to
925      * speaker phone.
926      */
927    void setAudioRoute(int route) {
928        mCallAudioManager.setAudioRoute(route);
929    }
931    /** Called by the in-call UI to turn the proximity sensor on. */
932    void turnOnProximitySensor() {
933        mProximitySensorManager.turnOn();
934    }
936    /**
937     * Called by the in-call UI to turn the proximity sensor off.
938     * @param screenOnImmediately If true, the screen will be turned on immediately. Otherwise,
939     *        the screen will be kept off until the proximity sensor goes negative.
940     */
941    void turnOffProximitySensor(boolean screenOnImmediately) {
942        mProximitySensorManager.turnOff(screenOnImmediately);
943    }
945    void phoneAccountSelected(Call call, PhoneAccountHandle account, boolean setDefault) {
946        if (!mCalls.contains(call)) {
947            Log.i(this, "Attempted to add account to unknown call %s", call);
948        } else {
949            // TODO: There is an odd race condition here. Since NewOutgoingCallIntentBroadcaster and
950            // the SELECT_PHONE_ACCOUNT sequence run in parallel, if the user selects an account before the
951            // NEW_OUTGOING_CALL sequence finishes, we'll start the call immediately without
952            // respecting a rewritten number or a canceled number. This is unlikely since
953            // NEW_OUTGOING_CALL sequence, in practice, runs a lot faster than the user selecting
954            // a phone account from the in-call UI.
955            call.setTargetPhoneAccount(account);
957            // Note: emergency calls never go through account selection dialog so they never
958            // arrive here.
959            if (makeRoomForOutgoingCall(call, false /* isEmergencyCall */)) {
960                call.startCreateConnection(mPhoneAccountRegistrar);
961            } else {
962                call.disconnect();
963            }
965            if (setDefault) {
966                mPhoneAccountRegistrar.setUserSelectedOutgoingPhoneAccount(account);
967            }
968        }
969    }
971    /** Called when the audio state changes. */
972    void onCallAudioStateChanged(CallAudioState oldAudioState, CallAudioState newAudioState) {
973        Log.v(this, "onAudioStateChanged, audioState: %s -> %s", oldAudioState, newAudioState);
974        for (CallsManagerListener listener : mListeners) {
975            listener.onCallAudioStateChanged(oldAudioState, newAudioState);
976        }
977    }
979    void markCallAsRinging(Call call) {
980        setCallState(call, CallState.RINGING, "ringing set explicitly");
981    }
983    void markCallAsDialing(Call call) {
984        setCallState(call, CallState.DIALING, "dialing set explicitly");
985        maybeMoveToSpeakerPhone(call);
986    }
988    void markCallAsActive(Call call) {
989        setCallState(call, CallState.ACTIVE, "active set explicitly");
990        maybeMoveToSpeakerPhone(call);
991    }
993    void markCallAsOnHold(Call call) {
994        setCallState(call, CallState.ON_HOLD, "on-hold set explicitly");
995    }
997    /**
998     * Marks the specified call as STATE_DISCONNECTED and notifies the in-call app. If this was the
999     * last live call, then also disconnect from the in-call controller.
1000     *
1001     * @param disconnectCause The disconnect cause, see {@link android.telecom.DisconnectCause}.
1002     */
1003    void markCallAsDisconnected(Call call, DisconnectCause disconnectCause) {
1004        call.setDisconnectCause(disconnectCause);
1005        setCallState(call, CallState.DISCONNECTED, "disconnected set explicitly");
1006    }
1008    /**
1009     * Removes an existing disconnected call, and notifies the in-call app.
1010     */
1011    void markCallAsRemoved(Call call) {
1012        removeCall(call);
1013        if (mLocallyDisconnectingCalls.contains(call)) {
1014            mLocallyDisconnectingCalls.remove(call);
1015            if (mForegroundCall != null && mForegroundCall.getState() == CallState.ON_HOLD) {
1016                mForegroundCall.unhold();
1017            }
1018        }
1019    }
1021    /**
1022     * Cleans up any calls currently associated with the specified connection service when the
1023     * service binder disconnects unexpectedly.
1024     *
1025     * @param service The connection service that disconnected.
1026     */
1027    void handleConnectionServiceDeath(ConnectionServiceWrapper service) {
1028        if (service != null) {
1029            for (Call call : mCalls) {
1030                if (call.getConnectionService() == service) {
1031                    if (call.getState() != CallState.DISCONNECTED) {
1032                        markCallAsDisconnected(call, new DisconnectCause(DisconnectCause.ERROR));
1033                    }
1034                    markCallAsRemoved(call);
1035                }
1036            }
1037        }
1038    }
1040    boolean hasAnyCalls() {
1041        return !mCalls.isEmpty();
1042    }
1044    boolean hasActiveOrHoldingCall() {
1045        return getFirstCallWithState(CallState.ACTIVE, CallState.ON_HOLD) != null;
1046    }
1048    boolean hasRingingCall() {
1049        return getFirstCallWithState(CallState.RINGING) != null;
1050    }
1052    boolean onMediaButton(int type) {
1053        if (hasAnyCalls()) {
1054            if (HeadsetMediaButton.SHORT_PRESS == type) {
1055                Call ringingCall = getFirstCallWithState(CallState.RINGING);
1056                if (ringingCall == null) {
1057                    mCallAudioManager.toggleMute();
1058                    return true;
1059                } else {
1060                    ringingCall.answer(ringingCall.getVideoState());
1061                    return true;
1062                }
1063            } else if (HeadsetMediaButton.LONG_PRESS == type) {
1064                Log.d(this, "handleHeadsetHook: longpress -> hangup");
1065                Call callToHangup = getFirstCallWithState(
1066                        CallState.RINGING, CallState.DIALING, CallState.ACTIVE, CallState.ON_HOLD);
1067                if (callToHangup != null) {
1068                    callToHangup.disconnect();
1069                    return true;
1070                }
1071            }
1072        }
1073        return false;
1074    }
1076    /**
1077     * Returns true if telecom supports adding another top-level call.
1078     */
1079    boolean canAddCall() {
1080        if (getFirstCallWithState(OUTGOING_CALL_STATES) != null) {
1081            return false;
1082        }
1084        int count = 0;
1085        for (Call call : mCalls) {
1086            if (call.isEmergencyCall()) {
1087                // We never support add call if one of the calls is an emergency call.
1088                return false;
1089            } else  if (!call.getChildCalls().isEmpty() && !call.can(Connection.CAPABILITY_HOLD)) {
1090                // This is to deal with CDMA conference calls. CDMA conference calls do not
1091                // allow the addition of another call when it is already in a 3 way conference.
1092                // So, we detect that it is a CDMA conference call by checking if the call has
1093                // some children and it does not support the CAPABILILTY_HOLD
1094                // TODO: This maybe cleaner if the lower layers can explicitly signal to telecom
1095                // about this limitation (b/22880180).
1096                return false;
1097            } else if (call.getParentCall() == null) {
1098                count++;
1099            }
1101            // We do not check states for canAddCall. We treat disconnected calls the same
1102            // and wait until they are removed instead. If we didn't count disconnected calls,
1103            // we could put InCallServices into a state where they are showing two calls but
1104            // also support add-call. Technically it's right, but overall looks better (UI-wise)
1105            // and acts better if we wait until the call is removed.
1106            if (count >= MAXIMUM_TOP_LEVEL_CALLS) {
1107                return false;
1108            }
1109        }
1110        return true;
1111    }
1113    @VisibleForTesting
1114    public Call getRingingCall() {
1115        return getFirstCallWithState(CallState.RINGING);
1116    }
1118    Call getActiveCall() {
1119        return getFirstCallWithState(CallState.ACTIVE);
1120    }
1122    Call getDialingCall() {
1123        return getFirstCallWithState(CallState.DIALING);
1124    }
1126    Call getHeldCall() {
1127        return getFirstCallWithState(CallState.ON_HOLD);
1128    }
1130    int getNumHeldCalls() {
1131        int count = 0;
1132        for (Call call : mCalls) {
1133            if (call.getParentCall() == null && call.getState() == CallState.ON_HOLD) {
1134                count++;
1135            }
1136        }
1137        return count;
1138    }
1140    Call getOutgoingCall() {
1141        return getFirstCallWithState(OUTGOING_CALL_STATES);
1142    }
1144    Call getFirstCallWithState(int... states) {
1145        return getFirstCallWithState(null, states);
1146    }
1148    /**
1149     * Returns the first call that it finds with the given states. The states are treated as having
1150     * priority order so that any call with the first state will be returned before any call with
1151     * states listed later in the parameter list.
1152     *
1153     * @param callToSkip Call that this method should skip while searching
1154     */
1155    Call getFirstCallWithState(Call callToSkip, int... states) {
1156        for (int currentState : states) {
1157            // check the foreground first
1158            if (mForegroundCall != null && mForegroundCall.getState() == currentState) {
1159                return mForegroundCall;
1160            }
1162            for (Call call : mCalls) {
1163                if (Objects.equals(callToSkip, call)) {
1164                    continue;
1165                }
1167                // Only operate on top-level calls
1168                if (call.getParentCall() != null) {
1169                    continue;
1170                }
1172                if (currentState == call.getState()) {
1173                    return call;
1174                }
1175            }
1176        }
1177        return null;
1178    }
1180    Call createConferenceCall(
1181            PhoneAccountHandle phoneAccount,
1182            ParcelableConference parcelableConference) {
1184        // If the parceled conference specifies a connect time, use it; otherwise default to 0,
1185        // which is the default value for new Calls.
1186        long connectTime =
1187                parcelableConference.getConnectTimeMillis() ==
1188                        Conference.CONNECT_TIME_NOT_SPECIFIED ? 0 :
1189                        parcelableConference.getConnectTimeMillis();
1191        Call call = new Call(
1192                mContext,
1193                this,
1194                mLock,
1195                mConnectionServiceRepository,
1196                mContactsAsyncHelper,
1197                mCallerInfoAsyncQueryFactory,
1198                null /* handle */,
1199                null /* gatewayInfo */,
1200                null /* connectionManagerPhoneAccount */,
1201                phoneAccount,
1202                false /* isIncoming */,
1203                true /* isConference */,
1204                connectTime);
1206        setCallState(call, Call.getStateFromConnectionState(parcelableConference.getState()),
1207                "new conference call");
1208        call.setConnectionCapabilities(parcelableConference.getConnectionCapabilities());
1209        call.setVideoState(parcelableConference.getVideoState());
1210        call.setVideoProvider(parcelableConference.getVideoProvider());
1211        call.setStatusHints(parcelableConference.getStatusHints());
1212        call.setExtras(parcelableConference.getExtras());
1214        // TODO: Move this to be a part of addCall()
1215        call.addListener(this);
1216        addCall(call);
1217        return call;
1218    }
1220    /**
1221     * @return the call state currently tracked by {@link PhoneStateBroadcaster}
1222     */
1223    int getCallState() {
1224        return mPhoneStateBroadcaster.getCallState();
1225    }
1227    /**
1228     * Retrieves the {@link PhoneAccountRegistrar}.
1229     *
1230     * @return The {@link PhoneAccountRegistrar}.
1231     */
1232    PhoneAccountRegistrar getPhoneAccountRegistrar() {
1233        return mPhoneAccountRegistrar;
1234    }
1236    /**
1237     * Retrieves the {@link MissedCallNotifier}
1238     * @return The {@link MissedCallNotifier}.
1239     */
1240    MissedCallNotifier getMissedCallNotifier() {
1241        return mMissedCallNotifier;
1242    }
1244    /**
1245     * Adds the specified call to the main list of live calls.
1246     *
1247     * @param call The call to add.
1248     */
1249    private void addCall(Call call) {
1250        Trace.beginSection("addCall");
1251        Log.v(this, "addCall(%s)", call);
1252        call.addListener(this);
1253        mCalls.add(call);
1255        // TODO: Update mForegroundCall prior to invoking
1256        // onCallAdded for calls which immediately take the foreground (like the first call).
1257        for (CallsManagerListener listener : mListeners) {
1258            if (Log.SYSTRACE_DEBUG) {
1259                Trace.beginSection(listener.getClass().toString() + " addCall");
1260            }
1261            listener.onCallAdded(call);
1262            if (Log.SYSTRACE_DEBUG) {
1263                Trace.endSection();
1264            }
1265        }
1266        updateCallsManagerState();
1267        Trace.endSection();
1268    }
1270    private void removeCall(Call call) {
1271        Trace.beginSection("removeCall");
1272        Log.v(this, "removeCall(%s)", call);
1274        call.setParentCall(null);  // need to clean up parent relationship before destroying.
1275        call.removeListener(this);
1276        call.clearConnectionService();
1278        boolean shouldNotify = false;
1279        if (mCalls.contains(call)) {
1280            mCalls.remove(call);
1281            shouldNotify = true;
1282        }
1284        call.destroy();
1286        // Only broadcast changes for calls that are being tracked.
1287        if (shouldNotify) {
1288            for (CallsManagerListener listener : mListeners) {
1289                if (Log.SYSTRACE_DEBUG) {
1290                    Trace.beginSection(listener.getClass().toString() + " onCallRemoved");
1291                }
1292                listener.onCallRemoved(call);
1293                if (Log.SYSTRACE_DEBUG) {
1294                    Trace.endSection();
1295                }
1296            }
1297            updateCallsManagerState();
1298        }
1299        Trace.endSection();
1300    }
1302    /**
1303     * Sets the specified state on the specified call.
1304     *
1305     * @param call The call.
1306     * @param newState The new state of the call.
1307     */
1308    private void setCallState(Call call, int newState, String tag) {
1309        if (call == null) {
1310            return;
1311        }
1312        int oldState = call.getState();
1313        Log.i(this, "setCallState %s -> %s, call: %s", CallState.toString(oldState),
1314                CallState.toString(newState), call);
1315        if (newState != oldState) {
1316            // Unfortunately, in the telephony world the radio is king. So if the call notifies
1317            // us that the call is in a particular state, we allow it even if it doesn't make
1318            // sense (e.g., STATE_ACTIVE -> STATE_RINGING).
1319            // TODO: Consider putting a stop to the above and turning CallState
1320            // into a well-defined state machine.
1321            // TODO: Define expected state transitions here, and log when an
1322            // unexpected transition occurs.
1323            call.setState(newState, tag);
1325            Trace.beginSection("onCallStateChanged");
1326            // Only broadcast state change for calls that are being tracked.
1327            if (mCalls.contains(call)) {
1328                for (CallsManagerListener listener : mListeners) {
1329                    if (Log.SYSTRACE_DEBUG) {
1330                        Trace.beginSection(listener.getClass().toString() + " onCallStateChanged");
1331                    }
1332                    listener.onCallStateChanged(call, oldState, newState);
1333                    if (Log.SYSTRACE_DEBUG) {
1334                        Trace.endSection();
1335                    }
1336                }
1337                updateCallsManagerState();
1338            }
1339            Trace.endSection();
1340        }
1341    }
1343    /**
1344     * Checks which call should be visible to the user and have audio focus.
1345     */
1346    private void updateForegroundCall() {
1347        Trace.beginSection("updateForegroundCall");
1348        Call newForegroundCall = null;
1349        for (Call call : mCalls) {
1350            // TODO: Foreground-ness needs to be explicitly set. No call, regardless
1351            // of its state will be foreground by default and instead the connection service should
1352            // be notified when its calls enter and exit foreground state. Foreground will mean that
1353            // the call should play audio and listen to microphone if it wants.
1355            // Only top-level calls can be in foreground
1356            if (call.getParentCall() != null) {
1357                continue;
1358            }
1360            // Active calls have priority.
1361            if (call.isActive()) {
1362                newForegroundCall = call;
1363                break;
1364            }
1366            if (call.isAlive() || call.getState() == CallState.RINGING) {
1367                newForegroundCall = call;
1368                // Don't break in case there's an active call that has priority.
1369            }
1370        }
1372        if (newForegroundCall != mForegroundCall) {
1373            Log.v(this, "Updating foreground call, %s -> %s.", mForegroundCall, newForegroundCall);
1374            Call oldForegroundCall = mForegroundCall;
1375            mForegroundCall = newForegroundCall;
1377            for (CallsManagerListener listener : mListeners) {
1378                if (Log.SYSTRACE_DEBUG) {
1379                    Trace.beginSection(listener.getClass().toString() + " updateForegroundCall");
1380                }
1381                listener.onForegroundCallChanged(oldForegroundCall, mForegroundCall);
1382                if (Log.SYSTRACE_DEBUG) {
1383                    Trace.endSection();
1384                }
1385            }
1386        }
1387        Trace.endSection();
1388    }
1390    private void updateCanAddCall() {
1391        boolean newCanAddCall = canAddCall();
1392        if (newCanAddCall != mCanAddCall) {
1393            mCanAddCall = newCanAddCall;
1394            for (CallsManagerListener listener : mListeners) {
1395                if (Log.SYSTRACE_DEBUG) {
1396                    Trace.beginSection(listener.getClass().toString() + " updateCanAddCall");
1397                }
1398                listener.onCanAddCallChanged(mCanAddCall);
1399                if (Log.SYSTRACE_DEBUG) {
1400                    Trace.endSection();
1401                }
1402            }
1403        }
1404    }
1406    private void updateCallsManagerState() {
1407        updateForegroundCall();
1408        updateCanAddCall();
1409    }
1411    private boolean isPotentialMMICode(Uri handle) {
1412        return (handle != null && handle.getSchemeSpecificPart() != null
1413                && handle.getSchemeSpecificPart().contains("#"));
1414    }
1416    /**
1417     * Determines if a dialed number is potentially an In-Call MMI code.  In-Call MMI codes are
1418     * MMI codes which can be dialed when one or more calls are in progress.
1419     * <P>
1420     * Checks for numbers formatted similar to the MMI codes defined in:
1421     * {@link com.android.internal.telephony.gsm.GSMPhone#handleInCallMmiCommands(String)}
1422     * and
1423     * {@link com.android.internal.telephony.imsphone.ImsPhone#handleInCallMmiCommands(String)}
1424     *
1425     * @param handle The URI to call.
1426     * @return {@code True} if the URI represents a number which could be an in-call MMI code.
1427     */
1428    private boolean isPotentialInCallMMICode(Uri handle) {
1429        if (handle != null && handle.getSchemeSpecificPart() != null &&
1430                handle.getScheme().equals(PhoneAccount.SCHEME_TEL)) {
1432            String dialedNumber = handle.getSchemeSpecificPart();
1433            return (dialedNumber.equals("0") ||
1434                    (dialedNumber.startsWith("1") && dialedNumber.length() <= 2) ||
1435                    (dialedNumber.startsWith("2") && dialedNumber.length() <= 2) ||
1436                    dialedNumber.equals("3") ||
1437                    dialedNumber.equals("4") ||
1438                    dialedNumber.equals("5"));
1439        }
1440        return false;
1441    }
1443    private int getNumCallsWithState(int... states) {
1444        int count = 0;
1445        for (int state : states) {
1446            for (Call call : mCalls) {
1447                if (call.getParentCall() == null && call.getState() == state) {
1448                    count++;
1449                }
1450            }
1451        }
1452        return count;
1453    }
1455    private boolean hasMaximumLiveCalls() {
1456        return MAXIMUM_LIVE_CALLS <= getNumCallsWithState(LIVE_CALL_STATES);
1457    }
1459    private boolean hasMaximumHoldingCalls() {
1460        return MAXIMUM_HOLD_CALLS <= getNumCallsWithState(CallState.ON_HOLD);
1461    }
1463    private boolean hasMaximumRingingCalls() {
1464        return MAXIMUM_RINGING_CALLS <= getNumCallsWithState(CallState.RINGING);
1465    }
1467    private boolean hasMaximumOutgoingCalls() {
1468        return MAXIMUM_OUTGOING_CALLS <= getNumCallsWithState(OUTGOING_CALL_STATES);
1469    }
1471    private boolean hasMaximumDialingCalls() {
1472        return MAXIMUM_DIALING_CALLS <= getNumCallsWithState(CallState.DIALING);
1473    }
1475    private boolean makeRoomForOutgoingCall(Call call, boolean isEmergency) {
1476        if (hasMaximumLiveCalls()) {
1477            // NOTE: If the amount of live calls changes beyond 1, this logic will probably
1478            // have to change.
1479            Call liveCall = getFirstCallWithState(call, LIVE_CALL_STATES);
1480            Log.i(this, "makeRoomForOutgoingCall call = " + call + " livecall = " +
1481                   liveCall);
1483            if (call == liveCall) {
1484                // If the call is already the foreground call, then we are golden.
1485                // This can happen after the user selects an account in the SELECT_PHONE_ACCOUNT
1486                // state since the call was already populated into the list.
1487                return true;
1488            }
1490            if (hasMaximumOutgoingCalls()) {
1491                Call outgoingCall = getFirstCallWithState(OUTGOING_CALL_STATES);
1492                if (isEmergency && !outgoingCall.isEmergencyCall()) {
1493                    // Disconnect the current outgoing call if it's not an emergency call. If the
1494                    // user tries to make two outgoing calls to different emergency call numbers,
1495                    // we will try to connect the first outgoing call.
1496                    outgoingCall.disconnect();
1497                    return true;
1498                }
1499                if (outgoingCall.getState() == CallState.SELECT_PHONE_ACCOUNT) {
1500                    // If there is an orphaned call in the {@link CallState#SELECT_PHONE_ACCOUNT}
1501                    // state, just disconnect it since the user has explicitly started a new call.
1502                    outgoingCall.disconnect();
1503                    return true;
1504                }
1505                return false;
1506            }
1508            if (hasMaximumHoldingCalls()) {
1509                // There is no more room for any more calls, unless it's an emergency.
1510                if (isEmergency) {
1511                    // Kill the current active call, this is easier then trying to disconnect a
1512                    // holding call and hold an active call.
1513                    liveCall.disconnect();
1514                    return true;
1515                }
1516                return false;  // No more room!
1517            }
1519            // We have room for at least one more holding call at this point.
1521            // TODO: Remove once b/23035408 has been corrected.
1522            // If the live call is a conference, it will not have a target phone account set.  This
1523            // means the check to see if the live call has the same target phone account as the new
1524            // call will not cause us to bail early.  As a result, we'll end up holding the
1525            // ongoing conference call.  However, the ConnectionService is already doing that.  This
1526            // has caused problems with some carriers.  As a workaround until b/23035408 is
1527            // corrected, we will try and get the target phone account for one of the conference's
1528            // children and use that instead.
1529            PhoneAccountHandle liveCallPhoneAccount = liveCall.getTargetPhoneAccount();
1530            if (liveCallPhoneAccount == null && liveCall.isConference() &&
1531                    !liveCall.getChildCalls().isEmpty()) {
1532                liveCallPhoneAccount = getFirstChildPhoneAccount(liveCall);
1533                Log.i(this, "makeRoomForOutgoingCall: using child call PhoneAccount = " +
1534                        liveCallPhoneAccount);
1535            }
1537            // First thing, if we are trying to make a call with the same phone account as the live
1538            // call, then allow it so that the connection service can make its own decision about
1539            // how to handle the new call relative to the current one.
1540            if (Objects.equals(liveCallPhoneAccount, call.getTargetPhoneAccount())) {
1541                Log.i(this, "makeRoomForOutgoingCall: phoneAccount matches.");
1542                return true;
1543            } else if (call.getTargetPhoneAccount() == null) {
1544                // Without a phone account, we can't say reliably that the call will fail.
1545                // If the user chooses the same phone account as the live call, then it's
1546                // still possible that the call can be made (like with CDMA calls not supporting
1547                // hold but they still support adding a call by going immediately into conference
1548                // mode). Return true here and we'll run this code again after user chooses an
1549                // account.
1550                return true;
1551            }
1553            // Try to hold the live call before attempting the new outgoing call.
1554            if (liveCall.can(Connection.CAPABILITY_HOLD)) {
1555                Log.i(this, "makeRoomForOutgoingCall: holding live call.");
1556                liveCall.hold();
1557                return true;
1558            }
1560            // The live call cannot be held so we're out of luck here.  There's no room.
1561            return false;
1562        }
1563        return true;
1564    }
1566    /**
1567     * Given a call, find the first non-null phone account handle of its children.
1568     *
1569     * @param parentCall The parent call.
1570     * @return The first non-null phone account handle of the children, or {@code null} if none.
1571     */
1572    private PhoneAccountHandle getFirstChildPhoneAccount(Call parentCall) {
1573        for (Call childCall : parentCall.getChildCalls()) {
1574            PhoneAccountHandle childPhoneAccount = childCall.getTargetPhoneAccount();
1575            if (childPhoneAccount != null) {
1576                return childPhoneAccount;
1577            }
1578        }
1579        return null;
1580    }
1582    /**
1583     * Checks to see if the call should be on speakerphone and if so, set it.
1584     */
1585    private void maybeMoveToSpeakerPhone(Call call) {
1586        if (call.getStartWithSpeakerphoneOn()) {
1587            setAudioRoute(CallAudioState.ROUTE_SPEAKER);
1588            call.setStartWithSpeakerphoneOn(false);
1589        }
1590    }
1592    /**
1593     * Creates a new call for an existing connection.
1594     *
1595     * @param callId The id of the new call.
1596     * @param connection The connection information.
1597     * @return The new call.
1598     */
1599    Call createCallForExistingConnection(String callId, ParcelableConnection connection) {
1600        Call call = new Call(
1601                mContext,
1602                this,
1603                mLock,
1604                mConnectionServiceRepository,
1605                mContactsAsyncHelper,
1606                mCallerInfoAsyncQueryFactory,
1607                connection.getHandle() /* handle */,
1608                null /* gatewayInfo */,
1609                null /* connectionManagerPhoneAccount */,
1610                connection.getPhoneAccount(), /* targetPhoneAccountHandle */
1611                false /* isIncoming */,
1612                false /* isConference */,
1613                connection.getConnectTimeMillis() /* connectTimeMillis */);
1615        setCallState(call, Call.getStateFromConnectionState(connection.getState()),
1616                "existing connection");
1617        call.setConnectionCapabilities(connection.getConnectionCapabilities());
1618        call.setCallerDisplayName(connection.getCallerDisplayName(),
1619                connection.getCallerDisplayNamePresentation());
1621        call.addListener(this);
1622        addCall(call);
1624        return call;
1625    }
1627    /**
1628     * Dumps the state of the {@link CallsManager}.
1629     *
1630     * @param pw The {@code IndentingPrintWriter} to write the state to.
1631     */
1632    public void dump(IndentingPrintWriter pw) {
1633        mContext.enforceCallingOrSelfPermission(android.Manifest.permission.DUMP, TAG);
1634        if (mCalls != null) {
1635            pw.println("mCalls: ");
1636            pw.increaseIndent();
1637            for (Call call : mCalls) {
1638                pw.println(call);
1639            }
1640            pw.decreaseIndent();
1641        }
1642        pw.println("mForegroundCall: " + (mForegroundCall == null ? "none" : mForegroundCall));
1644        if (mCallAudioManager != null) {
1645            pw.println("mCallAudioManager:");
1646            pw.increaseIndent();
1647            mCallAudioManager.dump(pw);
1648            pw.decreaseIndent();
1649        }
1651        if (mTtyManager != null) {
1652            pw.println("mTtyManager:");
1653            pw.increaseIndent();
1654            mTtyManager.dump(pw);
1655            pw.decreaseIndent();
1656        }
1658        if (mInCallController != null) {
1659            pw.println("mInCallController:");
1660            pw.increaseIndent();
1661            mInCallController.dump(pw);
1662            pw.decreaseIndent();
1663        }
1665        if (mConnectionServiceRepository != null) {
1666            pw.println("mConnectionServiceRepository:");
1667            pw.increaseIndent();
1668            mConnectionServiceRepository.dump(pw);
1669            pw.decreaseIndent();
1670        }
1671    }