1# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3# found in the LICENSE file.
5"""URI endpoint for nudging Anomaly entities and updating alert bug IDs."""
7import json
9from google.appengine.api import users
10from google.appengine.ext import ndb
12from dashboard import request_handler
13from dashboard import utils
14from dashboard import xsrf
17class EditAnomaliesHandler(request_handler.RequestHandler):
18  """Handles editing the bug IDs and revision range of Alerts."""
20  @xsrf.TokenRequired
21  def post(self):
22    """Allows adding or resetting bug IDs and invalid statuses to Alerts.
24    Additionally, this endpoint is also responsible for changing the start
25    and end revisions of Anomaly entities.
27    Request parameters:
28      keys: A comma-separated list of urlsafe keys of Anomaly entities.
29      bug_id: The new bug ID. This should be either the string REMOVE
30          (indicating resetting the bug ID to None), or an integer. A negative
31          integer indicates an invalid or ignored alert. If this is given, then
32          the start and end revision ranges are ignored.
33      new_start_revision: New start revision value for the alert.
34      new_end_revision: New end revision value for the alert.
36    Outputs:
37      JSON which indicates the result. If an error has occurred, the field
38      "error" should be in the result. If successful, the response is still
39      expected to be JSON.
40    """
41    if not utils.IsValidSheriffUser():
42      user = users.get_current_user()
43      self.ReportError('User "%s" not authorized.' % user, status=403)
44      return
46    # Get the list of alerts to modify.
47    urlsafe_keys = self.request.get('keys')
48    if not urlsafe_keys:
49      self.response.out.write(json.dumps({
50          'error': 'No alerts specified to add bugs to.'}))
51      return
52    keys = [ndb.Key(urlsafe=k) for k in urlsafe_keys.split(',')]
53    alert_entities = ndb.get_multi(keys)
55    # Get the parameters which specify the changes to make.
56    bug_id = self.request.get('bug_id')
57    new_start_revision = self.request.get('new_start_revision')
58    new_end_revision = self.request.get('new_end_revision')
59    if bug_id:
60      self.ChangeBugId(alert_entities, bug_id)
61    elif new_start_revision and new_end_revision:
62      self.NudgeAnomalies(alert_entities, new_start_revision, new_end_revision)
63    else:
64      self.response.out.write(
65          json.dumps({'error': 'No bug ID or new revision specified.'}))
67  def ChangeBugId(self, alert_entities, bug_id):
68    """Changes or resets the bug ID of all given alerts."""
69    # Change the bug ID if a new bug ID is specified and valid.
70    if bug_id == 'REMOVE':
71      bug_id = None
72    else:
73      try:
74        bug_id = int(bug_id)
75      except ValueError:
76        self.response.out.write(json.dumps({
77            'error': 'Invalid bug ID %s' % str(bug_id)}))
78        return
79    for a in alert_entities:
80      a.bug_id = bug_id
82    ndb.put_multi(alert_entities)
83    self.response.out.write(json.dumps({'bug_id': bug_id}))
85  def NudgeAnomalies(self, anomaly_entities, start, end):
86    # Change the revision range if a new revision range is specified and valid.
87    try:
88      start = int(start)
89      end = int(end)
90    except ValueError:
91      self.response.out.write(
92          json.dumps({'error': 'Invalid revisions %s, %s' % (start, end)}))
93      return
94    for a in anomaly_entities:
95      a.start_revision = start
96      a.end_revision = end
98    ndb.put_multi(anomaly_entities)
99    self.response.out.write(json.dumps({'success': 'Alerts nudged.'}))