2 * hextile.c
3 *
4 * Routines to implement Hextile Encoding
5 */
8 *  OSXvnc Copyright (C) 2001 Dan McGuirk <mcguirk@incompleteness.net>.
9 *  Original Xvnc code Copyright (C) 1999 AT&T Laboratories Cambridge.
10 *  All Rights Reserved.
11 *
12 *  This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
13 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
14 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
15 *  (at your option) any later version.
16 *
17 *  This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
18 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
21 *
22 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
23 *  along with this software; if not, write to the Free Software
24 *  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307,
25 *  USA.
26 */
28#include <rfb/rfb.h>
30static rfbBool sendHextiles8(rfbClientPtr cl, int x, int y, int w, int h);
31static rfbBool sendHextiles16(rfbClientPtr cl, int x, int y, int w, int h);
32static rfbBool sendHextiles32(rfbClientPtr cl, int x, int y, int w, int h);
36 * rfbSendRectEncodingHextile - send a rectangle using hextile encoding.
37 */
40rfbSendRectEncodingHextile(rfbClientPtr cl,
41                           int x,
42                           int y,
43                           int w,
44                           int h)
46    rfbFramebufferUpdateRectHeader rect;
48    if (cl->ublen + sz_rfbFramebufferUpdateRectHeader > UPDATE_BUF_SIZE) {
49        if (!rfbSendUpdateBuf(cl))
50            return FALSE;
51    }
53    rect.r.x = Swap16IfLE(x);
54    rect.r.y = Swap16IfLE(y);
55    rect.r.w = Swap16IfLE(w);
56    rect.r.h = Swap16IfLE(h);
57    rect.encoding = Swap32IfLE(rfbEncodingHextile);
59    memcpy(&cl->updateBuf[cl->ublen], (char *)&rect,
60           sz_rfbFramebufferUpdateRectHeader);
61    cl->ublen += sz_rfbFramebufferUpdateRectHeader;
63    rfbStatRecordEncodingSent(cl, rfbEncodingHextile,
64          sz_rfbFramebufferUpdateRectHeader,
65          sz_rfbFramebufferUpdateRectHeader + w * (cl->format.bitsPerPixel / 8) * h);
67    switch (cl->format.bitsPerPixel) {
68    case 8:
69        return sendHextiles8(cl, x, y, w, h);
70    case 16:
71        return sendHextiles16(cl, x, y, w, h);
72    case 32:
73        return sendHextiles32(cl, x, y, w, h);
74    }
76    rfbLog("rfbSendRectEncodingHextile: bpp %d?\n", cl->format.bitsPerPixel);
77    return FALSE;
81#define PUT_PIXEL8(pix) (cl->updateBuf[cl->ublen++] = (pix))
83#define PUT_PIXEL16(pix) (cl->updateBuf[cl->ublen++] = ((char*)&(pix))[0], \
84                          cl->updateBuf[cl->ublen++] = ((char*)&(pix))[1])
86#define PUT_PIXEL32(pix) (cl->updateBuf[cl->ublen++] = ((char*)&(pix))[0], \
87                          cl->updateBuf[cl->ublen++] = ((char*)&(pix))[1], \
88                          cl->updateBuf[cl->ublen++] = ((char*)&(pix))[2], \
89                          cl->updateBuf[cl->ublen++] = ((char*)&(pix))[3])
92#define DEFINE_SEND_HEXTILES(bpp)                                               \
93                                                                                \
94                                                                                \
95static rfbBool subrectEncode##bpp(rfbClientPtr cli, uint##bpp##_t *data,        \
96		int w, int h, uint##bpp##_t bg, uint##bpp##_t fg, rfbBool mono);\
97static void testColours##bpp(uint##bpp##_t *data, int size, rfbBool *mono,      \
98                  rfbBool *solid, uint##bpp##_t *bg, uint##bpp##_t *fg);        \
99                                                                                \
100                                                                                \
101/*                                                                              \
102 * rfbSendHextiles                                                              \
103 */                                                                             \
104                                                                                \
105static rfbBool                                                                  \
106sendHextiles##bpp(rfbClientPtr cl, int rx, int ry, int rw, int rh) {            \
107    int x, y, w, h;                                                             \
108    int startUblen;                                                             \
109    char *fbptr;                                                                \
110    uint##bpp##_t bg = 0, fg = 0, newBg, newFg;                                 \
111    rfbBool mono, solid;                                                        \
112    rfbBool validBg = FALSE;                                                    \
113    rfbBool validFg = FALSE;                                                    \
114    uint##bpp##_t clientPixelData[16*16*(bpp/8)];                               \
115                                                                                \
116    for (y = ry; y < ry+rh; y += 16) {                                          \
117        for (x = rx; x < rx+rw; x += 16) {                                      \
118            w = h = 16;                                                         \
119            if (rx+rw - x < 16)                                                 \
120                w = rx+rw - x;                                                  \
121            if (ry+rh - y < 16)                                                 \
122                h = ry+rh - y;                                                  \
123                                                                                \
124            if ((cl->ublen + 1 + (2 + 16 * 16) * (bpp/8)) >                     \
125                UPDATE_BUF_SIZE) {                                              \
126                if (!rfbSendUpdateBuf(cl))                                      \
127                    return FALSE;                                               \
128            }                                                                   \
129                                                                                \
130            fbptr = (cl->scaledScreen->frameBuffer + (cl->scaledScreen->paddedWidthInBytes * y)   \
131                     + (x * (cl->scaledScreen->bitsPerPixel / 8)));                   \
132                                                                                \
133            (*cl->translateFn)(cl->translateLookupTable, &(cl->screen->serverFormat),      \
134                               &cl->format, fbptr, (char *)clientPixelData,     \
135                               cl->scaledScreen->paddedWidthInBytes, w, h);           \
136                                                                                \
137            startUblen = cl->ublen;                                             \
138            cl->updateBuf[startUblen] = 0;                                      \
139            cl->ublen++;                                                        \
140            rfbStatRecordEncodingSentAdd(cl, rfbEncodingHextile, 1);            \
141                                                                                \
142            testColours##bpp(clientPixelData, w * h,                            \
143                             &mono, &solid, &newBg, &newFg);                    \
144                                                                                \
145            if (!validBg || (newBg != bg)) {                                    \
146                validBg = TRUE;                                                 \
147                bg = newBg;                                                     \
148                cl->updateBuf[startUblen] |= rfbHextileBackgroundSpecified;     \
149                PUT_PIXEL##bpp(bg);                                             \
150            }                                                                   \
151                                                                                \
152            if (solid) {                                                        \
153                continue;                                                       \
154            }                                                                   \
155                                                                                \
156            cl->updateBuf[startUblen] |= rfbHextileAnySubrects;                 \
157                                                                                \
158            if (mono) {                                                         \
159                if (!validFg || (newFg != fg)) {                                \
160                    validFg = TRUE;                                             \
161                    fg = newFg;                                                 \
162                    cl->updateBuf[startUblen] |= rfbHextileForegroundSpecified; \
163                    PUT_PIXEL##bpp(fg);                                         \
164                }                                                               \
165            } else {                                                            \
166                validFg = FALSE;                                                \
167                cl->updateBuf[startUblen] |= rfbHextileSubrectsColoured;        \
168            }                                                                   \
169                                                                                \
170            if (!subrectEncode##bpp(cl, clientPixelData, w, h, bg, fg, mono)) { \
171                /* encoding was too large, use raw */                           \
172                validBg = FALSE;                                                \
173                validFg = FALSE;                                                \
174                cl->ublen = startUblen;                                         \
175                cl->updateBuf[cl->ublen++] = rfbHextileRaw;                     \
176                (*cl->translateFn)(cl->translateLookupTable,                    \
177                                   &(cl->screen->serverFormat), &cl->format, fbptr,        \
178                                   (char *)clientPixelData,                     \
179                                   cl->scaledScreen->paddedWidthInBytes, w, h); \
180                                                                                \
181                memcpy(&cl->updateBuf[cl->ublen], (char *)clientPixelData,      \
182                       w * h * (bpp/8));                                        \
183                                                                                \
184                cl->ublen += w * h * (bpp/8);                                   \
185                rfbStatRecordEncodingSentAdd(cl, rfbEncodingHextile,            \
186                             w * h * (bpp/8));                                  \
187            }                                                                   \
188        }                                                                       \
189    }                                                                           \
190                                                                                \
191    return TRUE;                                                                \
192}                                                                               \
193                                                                                \
194                                                                                \
195static rfbBool                                                                  \
196subrectEncode##bpp(rfbClientPtr cl, uint##bpp##_t *data, int w, int h,          \
197                   uint##bpp##_t bg, uint##bpp##_t fg, rfbBool mono)            \
198{                                                                               \
199    uint##bpp##_t cl2;                                                          \
200    int x,y;                                                                    \
201    int i,j;                                                                    \
202    int hx=0,hy,vx=0,vy;                                                        \
203    int hyflag;                                                                 \
204    uint##bpp##_t *seg;                                                         \
205    uint##bpp##_t *line;                                                        \
206    int hw,hh,vw,vh;                                                            \
207    int thex,they,thew,theh;                                                    \
208    int numsubs = 0;                                                            \
209    int newLen;                                                                 \
210    int nSubrectsUblen;                                                         \
211                                                                                \
212    nSubrectsUblen = cl->ublen;                                                 \
213    cl->ublen++;                                                                \
214    rfbStatRecordEncodingSentAdd(cl, rfbEncodingHextile, 1);                    \
215                                                                                \
216    for (y=0; y<h; y++) {                                                       \
217        line = data+(y*w);                                                      \
218        for (x=0; x<w; x++) {                                                   \
219            if (line[x] != bg) {                                                \
220                cl2 = line[x];                                                  \
221                hy = y-1;                                                       \
222                hyflag = 1;                                                     \
223                for (j=y; j<h; j++) {                                           \
224                    seg = data+(j*w);                                           \
225                    if (seg[x] != cl2) {break;}                                 \
226                    i = x;                                                      \
227                    while ((seg[i] == cl2) && (i < w)) i += 1;                  \
228                    i -= 1;                                                     \
229                    if (j == y) vx = hx = i;                                    \
230                    if (i < vx) vx = i;                                         \
231                    if ((hyflag > 0) && (i >= hx)) {                            \
232                        hy += 1;                                                \
233                    } else {                                                    \
234                        hyflag = 0;                                             \
235                    }                                                           \
236                }                                                               \
237                vy = j-1;                                                       \
238                                                                                \
239                /* We now have two possible subrects: (x,y,hx,hy) and           \
240                 * (x,y,vx,vy).  We'll choose the bigger of the two.            \
241                 */                                                             \
242                hw = hx-x+1;                                                    \
243                hh = hy-y+1;                                                    \
244                vw = vx-x+1;                                                    \
245                vh = vy-y+1;                                                    \
246                                                                                \
247                thex = x;                                                       \
248                they = y;                                                       \
249                                                                                \
250                if ((hw*hh) > (vw*vh)) {                                        \
251                    thew = hw;                                                  \
252                    theh = hh;                                                  \
253                } else {                                                        \
254                    thew = vw;                                                  \
255                    theh = vh;                                                  \
256                }                                                               \
257                                                                                \
258                if (mono) {                                                     \
259                    newLen = cl->ublen - nSubrectsUblen + 2;                    \
260                } else {                                                        \
261                    newLen = cl->ublen - nSubrectsUblen + bpp/8 + 2;            \
262                }                                                               \
263                                                                                \
264                if (newLen > (w * h * (bpp/8)))                                 \
265                    return FALSE;                                               \
266                                                                                \
267                numsubs += 1;                                                   \
268                                                                                \
269                if (!mono) PUT_PIXEL##bpp(cl2);                                 \
270                                                                                \
271                cl->updateBuf[cl->ublen++] = rfbHextilePackXY(thex,they);       \
272                cl->updateBuf[cl->ublen++] = rfbHextilePackWH(thew,theh);       \
273                rfbStatRecordEncodingSentAdd(cl, rfbEncodingHextile, 1);        \
274                                                                                \
275                /*                                                              \
276                 * Now mark the subrect as done.                                \
277                 */                                                             \
278                for (j=they; j < (they+theh); j++) {                            \
279                    for (i=thex; i < (thex+thew); i++) {                        \
280                        data[j*w+i] = bg;                                       \
281                    }                                                           \
282                }                                                               \
283            }                                                                   \
284        }                                                                       \
285    }                                                                           \
286                                                                                \
287    cl->updateBuf[nSubrectsUblen] = numsubs;                                    \
288                                                                                \
289    return TRUE;                                                                \
290}                                                                               \
291                                                                                \
292                                                                                \
293/*                                                                              \
294 * testColours() tests if there are one (solid), two (mono) or more             \
295 * colours in a tile and gets a reasonable guess at the best background         \
296 * pixel, and the foreground pixel for mono.                                    \
297 */                                                                             \
298                                                                                \
299static void                                                                     \
300testColours##bpp(uint##bpp##_t *data, int size, rfbBool *mono, rfbBool *solid,  \
301                 uint##bpp##_t *bg, uint##bpp##_t *fg) {                        \
302    uint##bpp##_t colour1 = 0, colour2 = 0;                                     \
303    int n1 = 0, n2 = 0;                                                         \
304    *mono = TRUE;                                                               \
305    *solid = TRUE;                                                              \
306                                                                                \
307    for (; size > 0; size--, data++) {                                          \
308                                                                                \
309        if (n1 == 0)                                                            \
310            colour1 = *data;                                                    \
311                                                                                \
312        if (*data == colour1) {                                                 \
313            n1++;                                                               \
314            continue;                                                           \
315        }                                                                       \
316                                                                                \
317        if (n2 == 0) {                                                          \
318            *solid = FALSE;                                                     \
319            colour2 = *data;                                                    \
320        }                                                                       \
321                                                                                \
322        if (*data == colour2) {                                                 \
323            n2++;                                                               \
324            continue;                                                           \
325        }                                                                       \
326                                                                                \
327        *mono = FALSE;                                                          \
328        break;                                                                  \
329    }                                                                           \
330                                                                                \
331    if (n1 > n2) {                                                              \
332        *bg = colour1;                                                          \
333        *fg = colour2;                                                          \
334    } else {                                                                    \
335        *bg = colour2;                                                          \
336        *fg = colour1;                                                          \
337    }                                                                           \