1// Copyright 2012 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
5#ifndef V8_DATE_H_
6#define V8_DATE_H_
8#include "src/allocation.h"
9#include "src/base/platform/platform.h"
10#include "src/globals.h"
13namespace v8 {
14namespace internal {
16class DateCache {
17 public:
18  static const int kMsPerMin = 60 * 1000;
19  static const int kSecPerDay = 24 * 60 * 60;
20  static const int64_t kMsPerDay = kSecPerDay * 1000;
21  static const int64_t kMsPerMonth = kMsPerDay * 30;
23  // The largest time that can be passed to OS date-time library functions.
24  static const int kMaxEpochTimeInSec = kMaxInt;
25  static const int64_t kMaxEpochTimeInMs =
26      static_cast<int64_t>(kMaxInt) * 1000;
28  // The largest time that can be stored in JSDate.
29  static const int64_t kMaxTimeInMs =
30      static_cast<int64_t>(864000000) * 10000000;
32  // Conservative upper bound on time that can be stored in JSDate
33  // before UTC conversion.
34  static const int64_t kMaxTimeBeforeUTCInMs = kMaxTimeInMs + kMsPerMonth;
36  // Sentinel that denotes an invalid local offset.
37  static const int kInvalidLocalOffsetInMs = kMaxInt;
38  // Sentinel that denotes an invalid cache stamp.
39  // It is an invariant of DateCache that cache stamp is non-negative.
40  static const int kInvalidStamp = -1;
42  DateCache() : stamp_(0), tz_cache_(base::OS::CreateTimezoneCache()) {
43    ResetDateCache();
44  }
46  virtual ~DateCache() {
47    base::OS::DisposeTimezoneCache(tz_cache_);
48    tz_cache_ = NULL;
49  }
52  // Clears cached timezone information and increments the cache stamp.
53  void ResetDateCache();
56  // Computes floor(time_ms / kMsPerDay).
57  static int DaysFromTime(int64_t time_ms) {
58    if (time_ms < 0) time_ms -= (kMsPerDay - 1);
59    return static_cast<int>(time_ms / kMsPerDay);
60  }
63  // Computes modulo(time_ms, kMsPerDay) given that
64  // days = floor(time_ms / kMsPerDay).
65  static int TimeInDay(int64_t time_ms, int days) {
66    return static_cast<int>(time_ms - days * kMsPerDay);
67  }
70  // Given the number of days since the epoch, computes the weekday.
71  // ECMA 262 -
72  int Weekday(int days) {
73    int result = (days + 4) % 7;
74    return result >= 0 ? result : result + 7;
75  }
78  bool IsLeap(int year) {
79    return year % 4 == 0 && (year % 100 != 0 || year % 400 == 0);
80  }
83  // ECMA 262 -
84  int LocalOffsetInMs() {
85    if (local_offset_ms_ == kInvalidLocalOffsetInMs)  {
86      local_offset_ms_ = GetLocalOffsetFromOS();
87    }
88    return local_offset_ms_;
89  }
92  const char* LocalTimezone(int64_t time_ms) {
93    if (time_ms < 0 || time_ms > kMaxEpochTimeInMs) {
94      time_ms = EquivalentTime(time_ms);
95    }
96    return base::OS::LocalTimezone(static_cast<double>(time_ms), tz_cache_);
97  }
99  // ECMA 262 -
100  int TimezoneOffset(int64_t time_ms) {
101    int64_t local_ms = ToLocal(time_ms);
102    return static_cast<int>((time_ms - local_ms) / kMsPerMin);
103  }
105  // ECMA 262 -
106  // LocalTime(t) = t + LocalTZA + DaylightSavingTA(t)
107  int64_t ToLocal(int64_t time_ms) {
108    return time_ms + LocalOffsetInMs() + DaylightSavingsOffsetInMs(time_ms);
109  }
111  // ECMA 262 -
112  // UTC(t) = t - LocalTZA - DaylightSavingTA(t - LocalTZA)
113  int64_t ToUTC(int64_t time_ms) {
114    // We need to compute UTC time that corresponds to the given local time.
115    // Literally following spec here leads to incorrect time computation at
116    // the points were we transition to and from DST.
117    //
118    // The following shows that using DST for (t - LocalTZA - hour) produces
119    // correct conversion.
120    //
121    // Consider transition to DST at local time L1.
122    // Let L0 = L1 - hour, L2 = L1 + hour,
123    //     U1 = UTC time that corresponds to L1,
124    //     U0 = U1 - hour.
125    // Transitioning to DST moves local clock one hour forward L1 => L2, so
126    // U0 = UTC time that corresponds to L0 = L0 - LocalTZA,
127    // U1 = UTC time that corresponds to L1 = L1 - LocalTZA,
128    // U1 = UTC time that corresponds to L2 = L2 - LocalTZA - hour.
129    // Note that DST(U0 - hour) = 0, DST(U0) = 0, DST(U1) = 1.
130    // U0 = L0 - LocalTZA - DST(L0 - LocalTZA - hour),
131    // U1 = L1 - LocalTZA - DST(L1 - LocalTZA - hour),
132    // U1 = L2 - LocalTZA - DST(L2 - LocalTZA - hour).
133    //
134    // Consider transition from DST at local time L1.
135    // Let L0 = L1 - hour,
136    //     U1 = UTC time that corresponds to L1,
137    //     U0 = U1 - hour, U2 = U1 + hour.
138    // Transitioning from DST moves local clock one hour back L1 => L0, so
139    // U0 = UTC time that corresponds to L0 (before transition)
140    //    = L0 - LocalTZA - hour.
141    // U1 = UTC time that corresponds to L0 (after transition)
142    //    = L0 - LocalTZA = L1 - LocalTZA - hour
143    // U2 = UTC time that corresponds to L1 = L1 - LocalTZA.
144    // Note that DST(U0) = 1, DST(U1) = 0, DST(U2) = 0.
145    // U0 = L0 - LocalTZA - DST(L0 - LocalTZA - hour) = L0 - LocalTZA - DST(U0).
146    // U2 = L1 - LocalTZA - DST(L1 - LocalTZA - hour) = L1 - LocalTZA - DST(U1).
147    // It is impossible to get U1 from local time.
149    const int kMsPerHour = 3600 * 1000;
150    time_ms -= LocalOffsetInMs();
151    return time_ms - DaylightSavingsOffsetInMs(time_ms - kMsPerHour);
152  }
155  // Computes a time equivalent to the given time according
156  // to ECMA 262 -
157  // The issue here is that some library calls don't work right for dates
158  // that cannot be represented using a non-negative signed 32 bit integer
159  // (measured in whole seconds based on the 1970 epoch).
160  // We solve this by mapping the time to a year with same leap-year-ness
161  // and same starting day for the year. The ECMAscript specification says
162  // we must do this, but for compatibility with other browsers, we use
163  // the actual year if it is in the range 1970..2037
164  int64_t EquivalentTime(int64_t time_ms) {
165    int days = DaysFromTime(time_ms);
166    int time_within_day_ms = static_cast<int>(time_ms - days * kMsPerDay);
167    int year, month, day;
168    YearMonthDayFromDays(days, &year, &month, &day);
169    int new_days = DaysFromYearMonth(EquivalentYear(year), month) + day - 1;
170    return static_cast<int64_t>(new_days) * kMsPerDay + time_within_day_ms;
171  }
173  // Returns an equivalent year in the range [2008-2035] matching
174  // - leap year,
175  // - week day of first day.
176  // ECMA 262 -
177  int EquivalentYear(int year) {
178    int week_day = Weekday(DaysFromYearMonth(year, 0));
179    int recent_year = (IsLeap(year) ? 1956 : 1967) + (week_day * 12) % 28;
180    // Find the year in the range 2008..2037 that is equivalent mod 28.
181    // Add 3*28 to give a positive argument to the modulus operator.
182    return 2008 + (recent_year + 3 * 28 - 2008) % 28;
183  }
185  // Given the number of days since the epoch, computes
186  // the corresponding year, month, and day.
187  void YearMonthDayFromDays(int days, int* year, int* month, int* day);
189  // Computes the number of days since the epoch for
190  // the first day of the given month in the given year.
191  int DaysFromYearMonth(int year, int month);
193  // Breaks down the time value.
194  void BreakDownTime(int64_t time_ms, int* year, int* month, int* day,
195                     int* weekday, int* hour, int* min, int* sec, int* ms);
197  // Cache stamp is used for invalidating caches in JSDate.
198  // We increment the stamp each time when the timezone information changes.
199  // JSDate objects perform stamp check and invalidate their caches if
200  // their saved stamp is not equal to the current stamp.
201  Smi* stamp() { return stamp_; }
202  void* stamp_address() { return &stamp_; }
204  // These functions are virtual so that we can override them when testing.
205  virtual int GetDaylightSavingsOffsetFromOS(int64_t time_sec) {
206    double time_ms = static_cast<double>(time_sec * 1000);
207    return static_cast<int>(
208        base::OS::DaylightSavingsOffset(time_ms, tz_cache_));
209  }
211  virtual int GetLocalOffsetFromOS() {
212    double offset = base::OS::LocalTimeOffset(tz_cache_);
213    DCHECK(offset < kInvalidLocalOffsetInMs);
214    return static_cast<int>(offset);
215  }
217 private:
218  // The implementation relies on the fact that no time zones have
219  // more than one daylight savings offset change per 19 days.
220  // In Egypt in 2010 they decided to suspend DST during Ramadan. This
221  // led to a short interval where DST is in effect from September 10 to
222  // September 30.
223  static const int kDefaultDSTDeltaInSec = 19 * kSecPerDay;
225  // Size of the Daylight Savings Time cache.
226  static const int kDSTSize = 32;
228  // Daylight Savings Time segment stores a segment of time where
229  // daylight savings offset does not change.
230  struct DST {
231    int start_sec;
232    int end_sec;
233    int offset_ms;
234    int last_used;
235  };
237  // Computes the daylight savings offset for the given time.
238  // ECMA 262 -
239  int DaylightSavingsOffsetInMs(int64_t time_ms);
241  // Sets the before_ and the after_ segments from the DST cache such that
242  // the before_ segment starts earlier than the given time and
243  // the after_ segment start later than the given time.
244  // Both segments might be invalid.
245  // The last_used counters of the before_ and after_ are updated.
246  void ProbeDST(int time_sec);
248  // Finds the least recently used segment from the DST cache that is not
249  // equal to the given 'skip' segment.
250  DST* LeastRecentlyUsedDST(DST* skip);
252  // Extends the after_ segment with the given point or resets it
253  // if it starts later than the given time + kDefaultDSTDeltaInSec.
254  inline void ExtendTheAfterSegment(int time_sec, int offset_ms);
256  // Makes the given segment invalid.
257  inline void ClearSegment(DST* segment);
259  bool InvalidSegment(DST* segment) {
260    return segment->start_sec > segment->end_sec;
261  }
263  Smi* stamp_;
265  // Daylight Saving Time cache.
266  DST dst_[kDSTSize];
267  int dst_usage_counter_;
268  DST* before_;
269  DST* after_;
271  int local_offset_ms_;
273  // Year/Month/Day cache.
274  bool ymd_valid_;
275  int ymd_days_;
276  int ymd_year_;
277  int ymd_month_;
278  int ymd_day_;
280  base::TimezoneCache* tz_cache_;
283}  // namespace internal
284}  // namespace v8