2 * Copyright 2012, The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
17#include "bcc/Assert.h"
18#include "bcc/Renderscript/RSTransforms.h"
19#include "bcc/Renderscript/RSUtils.h"
21#include <cstdlib>
22#include <functional>
23#include <unordered_set>
25#include <llvm/IR/DerivedTypes.h>
26#include <llvm/IR/Function.h>
27#include <llvm/IR/Instructions.h>
28#include <llvm/IR/IRBuilder.h>
29#include <llvm/IR/MDBuilder.h>
30#include <llvm/IR/Module.h>
31#include <llvm/Pass.h>
32#include <llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h>
33#include <llvm/IR/DataLayout.h>
34#include <llvm/IR/Function.h>
35#include <llvm/IR/Type.h>
36#include <llvm/Transforms/Utils/BasicBlockUtils.h>
38#include "bcc/Config/Config.h"
39#include "bcc/Support/Log.h"
41#include "bcinfo/MetadataExtractor.h"
44// Only used in bccAssert()
45const int kNumExpandedForeachParams = 4;
46const int kNumExpandedReduceAccumulatorParams = 4;
49const char kRenderScriptTBAARootName[] = "RenderScript Distinct TBAA";
50const char kRenderScriptTBAANodeName[] = "RenderScript TBAA";
52using namespace bcc;
54namespace {
56static const bool gEnableRsTbaa = true;
58/* RSKernelExpandPass - This pass operates on functions that are able
59 * to be called via rsForEach(), "foreach_<NAME>", or
60 * "reduce_<NAME>". We create an inner loop for the function to be
61 * invoked over the appropriate data cells of the input/output
62 * allocations (adjusting other relevant parameters as we go). We
63 * support doing this for any forEach or reduce style compute
64 * kernels. The new function name is the original function name
65 * followed by ".expand". Note that we still generate code for the
66 * original function.
67 */
68class RSKernelExpandPass : public llvm::ModulePass {
70  static char ID;
73  static const size_t RS_KERNEL_INPUT_LIMIT = 8; // see frameworks/base/libs/rs/cpu_ref/rsCpuCoreRuntime.h
75  typedef std::unordered_set<llvm::Function *> FunctionSet;
77  enum RsLaunchDimensionsField {
78    RsLaunchDimensionsFieldX,
79    RsLaunchDimensionsFieldY,
80    RsLaunchDimensionsFieldZ,
81    RsLaunchDimensionsFieldLod,
82    RsLaunchDimensionsFieldFace,
83    RsLaunchDimensionsFieldArray,
85    RsLaunchDimensionsFieldCount
86  };
88  enum RsExpandKernelDriverInfoPfxField {
89    RsExpandKernelDriverInfoPfxFieldInPtr,
90    RsExpandKernelDriverInfoPfxFieldInStride,
91    RsExpandKernelDriverInfoPfxFieldInLen,
92    RsExpandKernelDriverInfoPfxFieldOutPtr,
93    RsExpandKernelDriverInfoPfxFieldOutStride,
94    RsExpandKernelDriverInfoPfxFieldOutLen,
95    RsExpandKernelDriverInfoPfxFieldDim,
96    RsExpandKernelDriverInfoPfxFieldCurrent,
97    RsExpandKernelDriverInfoPfxFieldUsr,
98    RsExpandKernelDriverInfoPfxFieldUsLenr,
100    RsExpandKernelDriverInfoPfxFieldCount
101  };
103  llvm::Module *Module;
104  llvm::LLVMContext *Context;
106  /*
107   * Pointers to LLVM type information for the the function signatures
108   * for expanded functions. These must be re-calculated for each module
109   * the pass is run on.
110   */
111  llvm::FunctionType *ExpandedForEachType;
112  llvm::Type *RsExpandKernelDriverInfoPfxTy;
114  uint32_t mExportForEachCount;
115  const char **mExportForEachNameList;
116  const uint32_t *mExportForEachSignatureList;
118  // Turns on optimization of allocation stride values.
119  bool mEnableStepOpt;
121  uint32_t getRootSignature(llvm::Function *Function) {
122    const llvm::NamedMDNode *ExportForEachMetadata =
123        Module->getNamedMetadata("#rs_export_foreach");
125    if (!ExportForEachMetadata) {
126      llvm::SmallVector<llvm::Type*, 8> RootArgTys;
127      for (llvm::Function::arg_iterator B = Function->arg_begin(),
128                                        E = Function->arg_end();
129           B != E;
130           ++B) {
131        RootArgTys.push_back(B->getType());
132      }
134      // For pre-ICS bitcode, we may not have signature information. In that
135      // case, we use the size of the RootArgTys to select the number of
136      // arguments.
137      return (1 << RootArgTys.size()) - 1;
138    }
140    if (ExportForEachMetadata->getNumOperands() == 0) {
141      return 0;
142    }
144    bccAssert(ExportForEachMetadata->getNumOperands() > 0);
146    // We only handle the case for legacy root() functions here, so this is
147    // hard-coded to look at only the first such function.
148    llvm::MDNode *SigNode = ExportForEachMetadata->getOperand(0);
149    if (SigNode != nullptr && SigNode->getNumOperands() == 1) {
150      llvm::Metadata *SigMD = SigNode->getOperand(0);
151      if (llvm::MDString *SigS = llvm::dyn_cast<llvm::MDString>(SigMD)) {
152        llvm::StringRef SigString = SigS->getString();
153        uint32_t Signature = 0;
154        if (SigString.getAsInteger(10, Signature)) {
155          ALOGE("Non-integer signature value '%s'", SigString.str().c_str());
156          return 0;
157        }
158        return Signature;
159      }
160    }
162    return 0;
163  }
165  bool isStepOptSupported(llvm::Type *AllocType) {
167    llvm::PointerType *PT = llvm::dyn_cast<llvm::PointerType>(AllocType);
168    llvm::Type *VoidPtrTy = llvm::Type::getInt8PtrTy(*Context);
170    if (mEnableStepOpt) {
171      return false;
172    }
174    if (AllocType == VoidPtrTy) {
175      return false;
176    }
178    if (!PT) {
179      return false;
180    }
182    // remaining conditions are 64-bit only
183    if (VoidPtrTy->getPrimitiveSizeInBits() == 32) {
184      return true;
185    }
187    // coerce suggests an upconverted struct type, which we can't support
188    if (AllocType->getStructName().find("coerce") != llvm::StringRef::npos) {
189      return false;
190    }
192    // 2xi64 and i128 suggest an upconverted struct type, which are also unsupported
193    llvm::Type *V2xi64Ty = llvm::VectorType::get(llvm::Type::getInt64Ty(*Context), 2);
194    llvm::Type *Int128Ty = llvm::Type::getIntNTy(*Context, 128);
195    if (AllocType == V2xi64Ty || AllocType == Int128Ty) {
196      return false;
197    }
199    return true;
200  }
202  // Get the actual value we should use to step through an allocation.
203  //
204  // Normally the value we use to step through an allocation is given to us by
205  // the driver. However, for certain primitive data types, we can derive an
206  // integer constant for the step value. We use this integer constant whenever
207  // possible to allow further compiler optimizations to take place.
208  //
209  // DL - Target Data size/layout information.
210  // T - Type of allocation (should be a pointer).
211  // OrigStep - Original step increment (root.expand() input from driver).
212  llvm::Value *getStepValue(llvm::DataLayout *DL, llvm::Type *AllocType,
213                            llvm::Value *OrigStep) {
214    bccAssert(DL);
215    bccAssert(AllocType);
216    bccAssert(OrigStep);
217    llvm::PointerType *PT = llvm::dyn_cast<llvm::PointerType>(AllocType);
218    if (isStepOptSupported(AllocType)) {
219      llvm::Type *ET = PT->getElementType();
220      uint64_t ETSize = DL->getTypeAllocSize(ET);
221      llvm::Type *Int32Ty = llvm::Type::getInt32Ty(*Context);
222      return llvm::ConstantInt::get(Int32Ty, ETSize);
223    } else {
224      return OrigStep;
225    }
226  }
228  /// Builds the types required by the pass for the given context.
229  void buildTypes(void) {
230    // Create the RsLaunchDimensionsTy and RsExpandKernelDriverInfoPfxTy structs.
232    llvm::Type *Int8Ty                   = llvm::Type::getInt8Ty(*Context);
233    llvm::Type *Int8PtrTy                = Int8Ty->getPointerTo();
234    llvm::Type *Int8PtrArrayInputLimitTy = llvm::ArrayType::get(Int8PtrTy, RS_KERNEL_INPUT_LIMIT);
235    llvm::Type *Int32Ty                  = llvm::Type::getInt32Ty(*Context);
236    llvm::Type *Int32ArrayInputLimitTy   = llvm::ArrayType::get(Int32Ty, RS_KERNEL_INPUT_LIMIT);
237    llvm::Type *VoidPtrTy                = llvm::Type::getInt8PtrTy(*Context);
238    llvm::Type *Int32Array4Ty            = llvm::ArrayType::get(Int32Ty, 4);
240    /* Defined in frameworks/base/libs/rs/cpu_ref/rsCpuCore.h:
241     *
242     * struct RsLaunchDimensions {
243     *   uint32_t x;
244     *   uint32_t y;
245     *   uint32_t z;
246     *   uint32_t lod;
247     *   uint32_t face;
248     *   uint32_t array[4];
249     * };
250     */
251    llvm::SmallVector<llvm::Type*, RsLaunchDimensionsFieldCount> RsLaunchDimensionsTypes;
252    RsLaunchDimensionsTypes.push_back(Int32Ty);       // uint32_t x
253    RsLaunchDimensionsTypes.push_back(Int32Ty);       // uint32_t y
254    RsLaunchDimensionsTypes.push_back(Int32Ty);       // uint32_t z
255    RsLaunchDimensionsTypes.push_back(Int32Ty);       // uint32_t lod
256    RsLaunchDimensionsTypes.push_back(Int32Ty);       // uint32_t face
257    RsLaunchDimensionsTypes.push_back(Int32Array4Ty); // uint32_t array[4]
258    llvm::StructType *RsLaunchDimensionsTy =
259        llvm::StructType::create(RsLaunchDimensionsTypes, "RsLaunchDimensions");
261    /* Defined as the beginning of RsExpandKernelDriverInfo in frameworks/base/libs/rs/cpu_ref/rsCpuCoreRuntime.h:
262     *
263     * struct RsExpandKernelDriverInfoPfx {
264     *     const uint8_t *inPtr[RS_KERNEL_INPUT_LIMIT];
265     *     uint32_t inStride[RS_KERNEL_INPUT_LIMIT];
266     *     uint32_t inLen;
267     *
268     *     uint8_t *outPtr[RS_KERNEL_INPUT_LIMIT];
269     *     uint32_t outStride[RS_KERNEL_INPUT_LIMIT];
270     *     uint32_t outLen;
271     *
272     *     // Dimension of the launch
273     *     RsLaunchDimensions dim;
274     *
275     *     // The walking iterator of the launch
276     *     RsLaunchDimensions current;
277     *
278     *     const void *usr;
279     *     uint32_t usrLen;
280     *
281     *     // Items below this line are not used by the compiler and can be change in the driver.
282     *     // So the compiler must assume there are an unknown number of fields of unknown type
283     *     // beginning here.
284     * };
285     *
286     * The name "RsExpandKernelDriverInfoPfx" is known to RSInvariantPass (RSInvariant.cpp).
287     */
288    llvm::SmallVector<llvm::Type*, RsExpandKernelDriverInfoPfxFieldCount> RsExpandKernelDriverInfoPfxTypes;
289    RsExpandKernelDriverInfoPfxTypes.push_back(Int8PtrArrayInputLimitTy); // const uint8_t *inPtr[RS_KERNEL_INPUT_LIMIT]
290    RsExpandKernelDriverInfoPfxTypes.push_back(Int32ArrayInputLimitTy);   // uint32_t inStride[RS_KERNEL_INPUT_LIMIT]
291    RsExpandKernelDriverInfoPfxTypes.push_back(Int32Ty);                  // uint32_t inLen
292    RsExpandKernelDriverInfoPfxTypes.push_back(Int8PtrArrayInputLimitTy); // uint8_t *outPtr[RS_KERNEL_INPUT_LIMIT]
293    RsExpandKernelDriverInfoPfxTypes.push_back(Int32ArrayInputLimitTy);   // uint32_t outStride[RS_KERNEL_INPUT_LIMIT]
294    RsExpandKernelDriverInfoPfxTypes.push_back(Int32Ty);                  // uint32_t outLen
295    RsExpandKernelDriverInfoPfxTypes.push_back(RsLaunchDimensionsTy);     // RsLaunchDimensions dim
296    RsExpandKernelDriverInfoPfxTypes.push_back(RsLaunchDimensionsTy);     // RsLaunchDimensions current
297    RsExpandKernelDriverInfoPfxTypes.push_back(VoidPtrTy);                // const void *usr
298    RsExpandKernelDriverInfoPfxTypes.push_back(Int32Ty);                  // uint32_t usrLen
299    RsExpandKernelDriverInfoPfxTy =
300        llvm::StructType::create(RsExpandKernelDriverInfoPfxTypes, "RsExpandKernelDriverInfoPfx");
302    // Create the function type for expanded kernels.
303    llvm::Type *VoidTy = llvm::Type::getVoidTy(*Context);
305    llvm::Type *RsExpandKernelDriverInfoPfxPtrTy = RsExpandKernelDriverInfoPfxTy->getPointerTo();
306    // void (const RsExpandKernelDriverInfoPfxTy *p, uint32_t x1, uint32_t x2, uint32_t outstep)
307    ExpandedForEachType = llvm::FunctionType::get(VoidTy,
308        {RsExpandKernelDriverInfoPfxPtrTy, Int32Ty, Int32Ty, Int32Ty}, false);
309  }
311  /// @brief Create skeleton of the expanded foreach kernel.
312  ///
313  /// This creates a function with the following signature:
314  ///
315  ///   void (const RsForEachStubParamStruct *p, uint32_t x1, uint32_t x2,
316  ///         uint32_t outstep)
317  ///
318  llvm::Function *createEmptyExpandedForEachKernel(llvm::StringRef OldName) {
319    llvm::Function *ExpandedFunction =
320      llvm::Function::Create(ExpandedForEachType,
321                             llvm::GlobalValue::ExternalLinkage,
322                             OldName + ".expand", Module);
323    bccAssert(ExpandedFunction->arg_size() == kNumExpandedForeachParams);
324    llvm::Function::arg_iterator AI = ExpandedFunction->arg_begin();
325    (AI++)->setName("p");
326    (AI++)->setName("x1");
327    (AI++)->setName("x2");
328    (AI++)->setName("arg_outstep");
329    llvm::BasicBlock *Begin = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(*Context, "Begin",
330                                                       ExpandedFunction);
331    llvm::IRBuilder<> Builder(Begin);
332    Builder.CreateRetVoid();
333    return ExpandedFunction;
334  }
336  // Create skeleton of a general reduce kernel's expanded accumulator.
337  //
338  // This creates a function with the following signature:
339  //
340  //  void @func.expand(%RsExpandKernelDriverInfoPfx* nocapture %p,
341  //                    i32 %x1, i32 %x2, accumType* nocapture %accum)
342  //
343  llvm::Function *createEmptyExpandedReduceAccumulator(llvm::StringRef OldName,
344                                                       llvm::Type *AccumArgTy) {
345    llvm::Type *Int32Ty = llvm::Type::getInt32Ty(*Context);
346    llvm::Type *VoidTy = llvm::Type::getVoidTy(*Context);
347    llvm::FunctionType *ExpandedReduceAccumulatorType =
348        llvm::FunctionType::get(VoidTy,
349                                {RsExpandKernelDriverInfoPfxTy->getPointerTo(),
350                                 Int32Ty, Int32Ty, AccumArgTy}, false);
351    llvm::Function *FnExpandedAccumulator =
352      llvm::Function::Create(ExpandedReduceAccumulatorType,
353                             llvm::GlobalValue::ExternalLinkage,
354                             OldName + ".expand", Module);
355    bccAssert(FnExpandedAccumulator->arg_size() == kNumExpandedReduceAccumulatorParams);
357    llvm::Function::arg_iterator AI = FnExpandedAccumulator->arg_begin();
359    using llvm::Attribute;
361    llvm::Argument *Arg_p = &(*AI++);
362    Arg_p->setName("p");
363    Arg_p->addAttr(llvm::AttributeSet::get(*Context, Arg_p->getArgNo() + 1,
364                                           llvm::makeArrayRef(Attribute::NoCapture)));
366    llvm::Argument *Arg_x1 = &(*AI++);
367    Arg_x1->setName("x1");
369    llvm::Argument *Arg_x2 = &(*AI++);
370    Arg_x2->setName("x2");
372    llvm::Argument *Arg_accum = &(*AI++);
373    Arg_accum->setName("accum");
374    Arg_accum->addAttr(llvm::AttributeSet::get(*Context, Arg_accum->getArgNo() + 1,
375                                               llvm::makeArrayRef(Attribute::NoCapture)));
377    llvm::BasicBlock *Begin = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(*Context, "Begin",
378                                                       FnExpandedAccumulator);
379    llvm::IRBuilder<> Builder(Begin);
380    Builder.CreateRetVoid();
382    return FnExpandedAccumulator;
383  }
385  /// @brief Create an empty loop
386  ///
387  /// Create a loop of the form:
388  ///
389  /// for (i = LowerBound; i < UpperBound; i++)
390  ///   ;
391  ///
392  /// After the loop has been created, the builder is set such that
393  /// instructions can be added to the loop body.
394  ///
395  /// @param Builder The builder to use to build this loop. The current
396  ///                position of the builder is the position the loop
397  ///                will be inserted.
398  /// @param LowerBound The first value of the loop iterator
399  /// @param UpperBound The maximal value of the loop iterator
400  /// @param LoopIV A reference that will be set to the loop iterator.
401  /// @return The BasicBlock that will be executed after the loop.
402  llvm::BasicBlock *createLoop(llvm::IRBuilder<> &Builder,
403                               llvm::Value *LowerBound,
404                               llvm::Value *UpperBound,
405                               llvm::Value **LoopIV) {
406    bccAssert(LowerBound->getType() == UpperBound->getType());
408    llvm::BasicBlock *CondBB, *AfterBB, *HeaderBB;
409    llvm::Value *Cond, *IVNext, *IV, *IVVar;
411    CondBB = Builder.GetInsertBlock();
412    AfterBB = llvm::SplitBlock(CondBB, &*Builder.GetInsertPoint(), nullptr, nullptr);
413    HeaderBB = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(*Context, "Loop", CondBB->getParent());
415    CondBB->getTerminator()->eraseFromParent();
416    Builder.SetInsertPoint(CondBB);
418    // decltype(LowerBound) *ivvar = alloca(sizeof(int))
419    // *ivvar = LowerBound
420    IVVar = Builder.CreateAlloca(LowerBound->getType(), nullptr, BCC_INDEX_VAR_NAME);
421    Builder.CreateStore(LowerBound, IVVar);
423    // if (LowerBound < Upperbound)
424    //   goto LoopHeader
425    // else
426    //   goto AfterBB
427    Cond = Builder.CreateICmpULT(LowerBound, UpperBound);
428    Builder.CreateCondBr(Cond, HeaderBB, AfterBB);
430    // LoopHeader:
431    //   iv = *ivvar
432    //   <insertion point here>
433    //   iv.next = iv + 1
434    //   *ivvar = iv.next
435    //   if (iv.next < Upperbound)
436    //     goto LoopHeader
437    //   else
438    //     goto AfterBB
439    // AfterBB:
440    Builder.SetInsertPoint(HeaderBB);
441    IV = Builder.CreateLoad(IVVar, "X");
442    IVNext = Builder.CreateNUWAdd(IV, Builder.getInt32(1));
443    Builder.CreateStore(IVNext, IVVar);
444    Cond = Builder.CreateICmpULT(IVNext, UpperBound);
445    Builder.CreateCondBr(Cond, HeaderBB, AfterBB);
446    AfterBB->setName("Exit");
447    Builder.SetInsertPoint(llvm::cast<llvm::Instruction>(IVNext));
449    // Record information about this loop.
450    *LoopIV = IV;
451    return AfterBB;
452  }
454  // Finish building the outgoing argument list for calling a ForEach-able function.
455  //
456  // ArgVector - on input, the non-special arguments
457  //             on output, the non-special arguments combined with the special arguments
458  //               from SpecialArgVector
459  // SpecialArgVector - special arguments (from ExpandSpecialArguments())
460  // SpecialArgContextIdx - return value of ExpandSpecialArguments()
461  //                          (position of context argument in SpecialArgVector)
462  // CalleeFunction - the ForEach-able function being called
463  // Builder - for inserting code into the caller function
464  template<unsigned int ArgVectorLen, unsigned int SpecialArgVectorLen>
465  void finishArgList(      llvm::SmallVector<llvm::Value *, ArgVectorLen>        &ArgVector,
466                     const llvm::SmallVector<llvm::Value *, SpecialArgVectorLen> &SpecialArgVector,
467                     const int SpecialArgContextIdx,
468                     const llvm::Function &CalleeFunction,
469                     llvm::IRBuilder<> &CallerBuilder) {
470    /* The context argument (if any) is a pointer to an opaque user-visible type that differs from
471     * the RsExpandKernelDriverInfoPfx type used in the function we are generating (although the
472     * two types represent the same thing).  Therefore, we must introduce a pointer cast when
473     * generating a call to the kernel function.
474     */
475    const int ArgContextIdx =
476        SpecialArgContextIdx >= 0 ? (ArgVector.size() + SpecialArgContextIdx) : SpecialArgContextIdx;
477    ArgVector.append(SpecialArgVector.begin(), SpecialArgVector.end());
478    if (ArgContextIdx >= 0) {
479      llvm::Type *ContextArgType = nullptr;
480      int ArgIdx = ArgContextIdx;
481      for (const auto &Arg : CalleeFunction.getArgumentList()) {
482        if (!ArgIdx--) {
483          ContextArgType = Arg.getType();
484          break;
485        }
486      }
487      bccAssert(ContextArgType);
488      ArgVector[ArgContextIdx] = CallerBuilder.CreatePointerCast(ArgVector[ArgContextIdx], ContextArgType);
489    }
490  }
492  // GEPHelper() returns a SmallVector of values suitable for passing
493  // to IRBuilder::CreateGEP(), and SmallGEPIndices is a typedef for
494  // the returned data type. It is sized so that the SmallVector
495  // returned by GEPHelper() never needs to do a heap allocation for
496  // any list of GEP indices it encounters in the code.
497  typedef llvm::SmallVector<llvm::Value *, 3> SmallGEPIndices;
499  // Helper for turning a list of constant integer GEP indices into a
500  // SmallVector of llvm::Value*. The return value is suitable for
501  // passing to a GetElementPtrInst constructor or IRBuilder::CreateGEP().
502  //
503  // Inputs:
504  //   I32Args should be integers which represent the index arguments
505  //   to a GEP instruction.
506  //
507  // Returns:
508  //   Returns a SmallVector of ConstantInts.
509  SmallGEPIndices GEPHelper(const std::initializer_list<int32_t> I32Args) {
510    SmallGEPIndices Out(I32Args.size());
511    llvm::IntegerType *I32Ty = llvm::Type::getInt32Ty(*Context);
512    std::transform(I32Args.begin(), I32Args.end(), Out.begin(),
513                   [I32Ty](int32_t Arg) { return llvm::ConstantInt::get(I32Ty, Arg); });
514    return Out;
515  }
518  RSKernelExpandPass(bool pEnableStepOpt = true)
519      : ModulePass(ID), Module(nullptr), Context(nullptr),
520        mEnableStepOpt(pEnableStepOpt) {
522  }
524  virtual void getAnalysisUsage(llvm::AnalysisUsage &AU) const override {
525    // This pass does not use any other analysis passes, but it does
526    // add/wrap the existing functions in the module (thus altering the CFG).
527  }
529  // Build contribution to outgoing argument list for calling a
530  // ForEach-able function or a general reduction accumulator
531  // function, based on the special parameters of that function.
532  //
533  // Signature - metadata bits for the signature of the callee
534  // X, Arg_p - values derived directly from expanded function,
535  //            suitable for computing arguments for the callee
536  // CalleeArgs - contribution is accumulated here
537  // Bump - invoked once for each contributed outgoing argument
538  // LoopHeaderInsertionPoint - an Instruction in the loop header, before which
539  //                            this function can insert loop-invariant loads
540  //
541  // Return value is the (zero-based) position of the context (Arg_p)
542  // argument in the CalleeArgs vector, or a negative value if the
543  // context argument is not placed in the CalleeArgs vector.
544  int ExpandSpecialArguments(uint32_t Signature,
545                             llvm::Value *X,
546                             llvm::Value *Arg_p,
547                             llvm::IRBuilder<> &Builder,
548                             llvm::SmallVector<llvm::Value*, 8> &CalleeArgs,
549                             std::function<void ()> Bump,
550                             llvm::Instruction *LoopHeaderInsertionPoint) {
552    bccAssert(CalleeArgs.empty());
554    int Return = -1;
555    if (bcinfo::MetadataExtractor::hasForEachSignatureCtxt(Signature)) {
556      CalleeArgs.push_back(Arg_p);
557      Bump();
558      Return = CalleeArgs.size() - 1;
559    }
561    if (bcinfo::MetadataExtractor::hasForEachSignatureX(Signature)) {
562      CalleeArgs.push_back(X);
563      Bump();
564    }
566    if (bcinfo::MetadataExtractor::hasForEachSignatureY(Signature) ||
567        bcinfo::MetadataExtractor::hasForEachSignatureZ(Signature)) {
568      bccAssert(LoopHeaderInsertionPoint);
570      // Y and Z are loop invariant, so they can be hoisted out of the
571      // loop. Set the IRBuilder insertion point to the loop header.
572      auto OldInsertionPoint = Builder.saveIP();
573      Builder.SetInsertPoint(LoopHeaderInsertionPoint);
575      if (bcinfo::MetadataExtractor::hasForEachSignatureY(Signature)) {
576        SmallGEPIndices YValueGEP(GEPHelper({0, RsExpandKernelDriverInfoPfxFieldCurrent,
577          RsLaunchDimensionsFieldY}));
578        llvm::Value *YAddr = Builder.CreateInBoundsGEP(Arg_p, YValueGEP, "Y.gep");
579        CalleeArgs.push_back(Builder.CreateLoad(YAddr, "Y"));
580        Bump();
581      }
583      if (bcinfo::MetadataExtractor::hasForEachSignatureZ(Signature)) {
584        SmallGEPIndices ZValueGEP(GEPHelper({0, RsExpandKernelDriverInfoPfxFieldCurrent,
585          RsLaunchDimensionsFieldZ}));
586        llvm::Value *ZAddr = Builder.CreateInBoundsGEP(Arg_p, ZValueGEP, "Z.gep");
587        CalleeArgs.push_back(Builder.CreateLoad(ZAddr, "Z"));
588        Bump();
589      }
591      Builder.restoreIP(OldInsertionPoint);
592    }
594    return Return;
595  }
597  // Generate loop-invariant input processing setup code for an expanded
598  // ForEach-able function or an expanded general reduction accumulator
599  // function.
600  //
601  // LoopHeader - block at the end of which the setup code will be inserted
602  // Arg_p - RSKernelDriverInfo pointer passed to the expanded function
603  // TBAAPointer - metadata for marking loads of pointer values out of RSKernelDriverInfo
604  // ArgIter - iterator pointing to first input of the UNexpanded function
605  // NumInputs - number of inputs (NOT number of ARGUMENTS)
606  //
607  // InTypes[] - this function saves input type, they will be used in ExpandInputsBody().
608  // InBufPtrs[] - this function sets each array element to point to the first cell / byte
609  //               (byte for x86, cell for other platforms) of the corresponding input allocation
610  // InStructTempSlots[] - this function sets each array element either to nullptr
611  //                       or to the result of an alloca (for the case where the
612  //                       calling convention dictates that a value must be passed
613  //                       by reference, and so we need a stacked temporary to hold
614  //                       a copy of that value)
615  void ExpandInputsLoopInvariant(llvm::IRBuilder<> &Builder, llvm::BasicBlock *LoopHeader,
616                                 llvm::Value *Arg_p,
617                                 llvm::MDNode *TBAAPointer,
618                                 llvm::Function::arg_iterator ArgIter,
619                                 const size_t NumInputs,
620                                 llvm::SmallVectorImpl<llvm::Type *> &InTypes,
621                                 llvm::SmallVectorImpl<llvm::Value *> &InBufPtrs,
622                                 llvm::SmallVectorImpl<llvm::Value *> &InStructTempSlots) {
623    bccAssert(NumInputs <= RS_KERNEL_INPUT_LIMIT);
625    // Extract information about input slots. The work done
626    // here is loop-invariant, so we can hoist the operations out of the loop.
627    auto OldInsertionPoint = Builder.saveIP();
628    Builder.SetInsertPoint(LoopHeader->getTerminator());
630    for (size_t InputIndex = 0; InputIndex < NumInputs; ++InputIndex, ArgIter++) {
631      llvm::Type *InType = ArgIter->getType();
633      /*
634       * AArch64 calling conventions dictate that structs of sufficient size
635       * get passed by pointer instead of passed by value.  This, combined
636       * with the fact that we don't allow kernels to operate on pointer
637       * data means that if we see a kernel with a pointer parameter we know
638       * that it is a struct input that has been promoted.  As such we don't
639       * need to convert its type to a pointer.  Later we will need to know
640       * to create a temporary copy on the stack, so we save this information
641       * in InStructTempSlots.
642       */
643      if (auto PtrType = llvm::dyn_cast<llvm::PointerType>(InType)) {
644        llvm::Type *ElementType = PtrType->getElementType();
645        InStructTempSlots.push_back(Builder.CreateAlloca(ElementType, nullptr,
646                                                         "input_struct_slot"));
647      } else {
648        InType = InType->getPointerTo();
649        InStructTempSlots.push_back(nullptr);
650      }
652      SmallGEPIndices InBufPtrGEP(GEPHelper({0, RsExpandKernelDriverInfoPfxFieldInPtr,
653                                             static_cast<int32_t>(InputIndex)}));
654      llvm::Value    *InBufPtrAddr = Builder.CreateInBoundsGEP(Arg_p, InBufPtrGEP, "input_buf.gep");
655      llvm::LoadInst *InBufPtr = Builder.CreateLoad(InBufPtrAddr, "input_buf");
657      llvm::Value *CastInBufPtr = nullptr;
658      if (Module->getTargetTriple() != DEFAULT_X86_TRIPLE_STRING) {
659        CastInBufPtr = Builder.CreatePointerCast(InBufPtr, InType, "casted_in");
660      } else {
661        // The disagreement between module and x86 target machine datalayout
662        // causes mismatched input/output data offset between slang reflected
663        // code and bcc codegen for GetElementPtr. To solve this issue, skip the
664        // cast to InType and leave CastInBufPtr as an int8_t*.  The buffer is
665        // later indexed with an explicit byte offset computed based on
666        // X86_CUSTOM_DL_STRING and then bitcast it to actual input type.
667        CastInBufPtr = InBufPtr;
668      }
670      if (gEnableRsTbaa) {
671        InBufPtr->setMetadata("tbaa", TBAAPointer);
672      }
674      InTypes.push_back(InType);
675      InBufPtrs.push_back(CastInBufPtr);
676    }
678    Builder.restoreIP(OldInsertionPoint);
679  }
681  // Generate loop-varying input processing code for an expanded ForEach-able function
682  // or an expanded general reduction accumulator function.  Also, for the call to the
683  // UNexpanded function, collect the portion of the argument list corresponding to the
684  // inputs.
685  //
686  // Arg_x1 - first X coordinate to be processed by the expanded function
687  // TBAAAllocation - metadata for marking loads of input values out of allocations
688  // NumInputs -- number of inputs (NOT number of ARGUMENTS)
689  // InTypes[] - this function uses the saved input types in ExpandInputsLoopInvariant()
690  //             to convert the pointer of byte InPtr to its real type.
691  // InBufPtrs[] - this function consumes the information produced by ExpandInputsLoopInvariant()
692  // InStructTempSlots[] - this function consumes the information produced by ExpandInputsLoopInvariant()
693  // IndVar - value of loop induction variable (X coordinate) for a given loop iteration
694  //
695  // RootArgs - this function sets this to the list of outgoing argument values corresponding
696  //            to the inputs
697  void ExpandInputsBody(llvm::IRBuilder<> &Builder,
698                        llvm::Value *Arg_x1,
699                        llvm::MDNode *TBAAAllocation,
700                        const size_t NumInputs,
701                        const llvm::SmallVectorImpl<llvm::Type *> &InTypes,
702                        const llvm::SmallVectorImpl<llvm::Value *> &InBufPtrs,
703                        const llvm::SmallVectorImpl<llvm::Value *> &InStructTempSlots,
704                        llvm::Value *IndVar,
705                        llvm::SmallVectorImpl<llvm::Value *> &RootArgs) {
706    llvm::Value *Offset = Builder.CreateSub(IndVar, Arg_x1);
707    llvm::Type *Int32Ty = llvm::Type::getInt32Ty(*Context);
709    for (size_t Index = 0; Index < NumInputs; ++Index) {
711      llvm::Value *InPtr = nullptr;
712      if (Module->getTargetTriple() != DEFAULT_X86_TRIPLE_STRING) {
713        InPtr = Builder.CreateInBoundsGEP(InBufPtrs[Index], Offset);
714      } else {
715        // Treat x86 input buffer as byte[], get indexed pointer with explicit
716        // byte offset computed using a datalayout based on
717        // X86_CUSTOM_DL_STRING, then bitcast it to actual input type.
718        llvm::DataLayout DL(X86_CUSTOM_DL_STRING);
719        llvm::Type *InTy = InTypes[Index];
720        uint64_t InStep = DL.getTypeAllocSize(InTy->getPointerElementType());
721        llvm::Value *OffsetInBytes = Builder.CreateMul(Offset, llvm::ConstantInt::get(Int32Ty, InStep));
722        InPtr = Builder.CreateInBoundsGEP(InBufPtrs[Index], OffsetInBytes);
723        InPtr = Builder.CreatePointerCast(InPtr, InTy);
724      }
726      llvm::Value *Input;
727      llvm::LoadInst *InputLoad = Builder.CreateLoad(InPtr, "input");
729      if (gEnableRsTbaa) {
730        InputLoad->setMetadata("tbaa", TBAAAllocation);
731      }
733      if (llvm::Value *TemporarySlot = InStructTempSlots[Index]) {
734        // Pass a pointer to a temporary on the stack, rather than
735        // passing a pointer to the original value. We do not want
736        // the kernel to potentially modify the input data.
738        // Note: don't annotate with TBAA, since the kernel might
739        // have its own TBAA annotations for the pointer argument.
740        Builder.CreateStore(InputLoad, TemporarySlot);
741        Input = TemporarySlot;
742      } else {
743        Input = InputLoad;
744      }
746      RootArgs.push_back(Input);
747    }
748  }
750  /* Performs the actual optimization on a selected function. On success, the
751   * Module will contain a new function of the name "<NAME>.expand" that
752   * invokes <NAME>() in a loop with the appropriate parameters.
753   */
754  bool ExpandOldStyleForEach(llvm::Function *Function, uint32_t Signature) {
755    ALOGV("Expanding ForEach-able Function %s",
756          Function->getName().str().c_str());
758    if (!Signature) {
759      Signature = getRootSignature(Function);
760      if (!Signature) {
761        // We couldn't determine how to expand this function based on its
762        // function signature.
763        return false;
764      }
765    }
767    llvm::DataLayout DL(Module);
768    if (Module->getTargetTriple() == DEFAULT_X86_TRIPLE_STRING) {
769      DL.reset(X86_CUSTOM_DL_STRING);
770    }
772    llvm::Function *ExpandedFunction =
773      createEmptyExpandedForEachKernel(Function->getName());
775    /*
776     * Extract the expanded function's parameters.  It is guaranteed by
777     * createEmptyExpandedForEachKernel that there will be four parameters.
778     */
780    bccAssert(ExpandedFunction->arg_size() == kNumExpandedForeachParams);
782    llvm::Function::arg_iterator ExpandedFunctionArgIter =
783      ExpandedFunction->arg_begin();
785    llvm::Value *Arg_p       = &*(ExpandedFunctionArgIter++);
786    llvm::Value *Arg_x1      = &*(ExpandedFunctionArgIter++);
787    llvm::Value *Arg_x2      = &*(ExpandedFunctionArgIter++);
788    llvm::Value *Arg_outstep = &*(ExpandedFunctionArgIter);
790    llvm::Value *InStep  = nullptr;
791    llvm::Value *OutStep = nullptr;
793    // Construct the actual function body.
794    llvm::IRBuilder<> Builder(&*ExpandedFunction->getEntryBlock().begin());
796    // Collect and construct the arguments for the kernel().
797    // Note that we load any loop-invariant arguments before entering the Loop.
798    llvm::Function::arg_iterator FunctionArgIter = Function->arg_begin();
800    llvm::Type  *InTy      = nullptr;
801    llvm::Value *InBufPtr = nullptr;
802    if (bcinfo::MetadataExtractor::hasForEachSignatureIn(Signature)) {
803      SmallGEPIndices InStepGEP(GEPHelper({0, RsExpandKernelDriverInfoPfxFieldInStride, 0}));
804      llvm::LoadInst *InStepArg  = Builder.CreateLoad(
805        Builder.CreateInBoundsGEP(Arg_p, InStepGEP, "instep_addr.gep"), "instep_addr");
807      InTy = (FunctionArgIter++)->getType();
808      InStep = getStepValue(&DL, InTy, InStepArg);
810      InStep->setName("instep");
812      SmallGEPIndices InputAddrGEP(GEPHelper({0, RsExpandKernelDriverInfoPfxFieldInPtr, 0}));
813      InBufPtr = Builder.CreateLoad(
814        Builder.CreateInBoundsGEP(Arg_p, InputAddrGEP, "input_buf.gep"), "input_buf");
815    }
817    llvm::Type *OutTy = nullptr;
818    llvm::Value *OutBasePtr = nullptr;
819    if (bcinfo::MetadataExtractor::hasForEachSignatureOut(Signature)) {
820      OutTy = (FunctionArgIter++)->getType();
821      OutStep = getStepValue(&DL, OutTy, Arg_outstep);
822      OutStep->setName("outstep");
823      SmallGEPIndices OutBaseGEP(GEPHelper({0, RsExpandKernelDriverInfoPfxFieldOutPtr, 0}));
824      OutBasePtr = Builder.CreateLoad(Builder.CreateInBoundsGEP(Arg_p, OutBaseGEP, "out_buf.gep"));
825    }
827    llvm::Value *UsrData = nullptr;
828    if (bcinfo::MetadataExtractor::hasForEachSignatureUsrData(Signature)) {
829      llvm::Type *UsrDataTy = (FunctionArgIter++)->getType();
830      llvm::Value *UsrDataPointerAddr = Builder.CreateStructGEP(nullptr, Arg_p, RsExpandKernelDriverInfoPfxFieldUsr);
831      UsrData = Builder.CreatePointerCast(Builder.CreateLoad(UsrDataPointerAddr), UsrDataTy);
832      UsrData->setName("UsrData");
833    }
835    llvm::BasicBlock *LoopHeader = Builder.GetInsertBlock();
836    llvm::Value *IV;
837    createLoop(Builder, Arg_x1, Arg_x2, &IV);
839    llvm::SmallVector<llvm::Value*, 8> CalleeArgs;
840    const int CalleeArgsContextIdx = ExpandSpecialArguments(Signature, IV, Arg_p, Builder, CalleeArgs,
841                                                            [&FunctionArgIter]() { FunctionArgIter++; },
842                                                            LoopHeader->getTerminator());
844    bccAssert(FunctionArgIter == Function->arg_end());
846    // Populate the actual call to kernel().
847    llvm::SmallVector<llvm::Value*, 8> RootArgs;
849    llvm::Value *InPtr  = nullptr;
850    llvm::Value *OutPtr = nullptr;
852    // Calculate the current input and output pointers
853    //
854    // We always calculate the input/output pointers with a GEP operating on i8
855    // values and only cast at the very end to OutTy. This is because the step
856    // between two values is given in bytes.
857    //
858    // TODO: We could further optimize the output by using a GEP operation of
859    // type 'OutTy' in cases where the element type of the allocation allows.
860    if (OutBasePtr) {
861      llvm::Value *OutOffset = Builder.CreateSub(IV, Arg_x1);
862      OutOffset = Builder.CreateMul(OutOffset, OutStep);
863      OutPtr = Builder.CreateInBoundsGEP(OutBasePtr, OutOffset);
864      OutPtr = Builder.CreatePointerCast(OutPtr, OutTy);
865    }
867    if (InBufPtr) {
868      llvm::Value *InOffset = Builder.CreateSub(IV, Arg_x1);
869      InOffset = Builder.CreateMul(InOffset, InStep);
870      InPtr = Builder.CreateInBoundsGEP(InBufPtr, InOffset);
871      InPtr = Builder.CreatePointerCast(InPtr, InTy);
872    }
874    if (InPtr) {
875      RootArgs.push_back(InPtr);
876    }
878    if (OutPtr) {
879      RootArgs.push_back(OutPtr);
880    }
882    if (UsrData) {
883      RootArgs.push_back(UsrData);
884    }
886    finishArgList(RootArgs, CalleeArgs, CalleeArgsContextIdx, *Function, Builder);
888    Builder.CreateCall(Function, RootArgs);
890    return true;
891  }
893  /* Expand a pass-by-value foreach kernel.
894   */
895  bool ExpandForEach(llvm::Function *Function, uint32_t Signature) {
896    bccAssert(bcinfo::MetadataExtractor::hasForEachSignatureKernel(Signature));
897    ALOGV("Expanding kernel Function %s", Function->getName().str().c_str());
899    // TODO: Refactor this to share functionality with ExpandOldStyleForEach.
900    llvm::DataLayout DL(Module);
901    if (Module->getTargetTriple() == DEFAULT_X86_TRIPLE_STRING) {
902      DL.reset(X86_CUSTOM_DL_STRING);
903    }
904    llvm::Type *Int32Ty = llvm::Type::getInt32Ty(*Context);
906    llvm::Function *ExpandedFunction =
907      createEmptyExpandedForEachKernel(Function->getName());
909    /*
910     * Extract the expanded function's parameters.  It is guaranteed by
911     * createEmptyExpandedForEachKernel that there will be four parameters.
912     */
914    bccAssert(ExpandedFunction->arg_size() == kNumExpandedForeachParams);
916    llvm::Function::arg_iterator ExpandedFunctionArgIter =
917      ExpandedFunction->arg_begin();
919    llvm::Value *Arg_p       = &*(ExpandedFunctionArgIter++);
920    llvm::Value *Arg_x1      = &*(ExpandedFunctionArgIter++);
921    llvm::Value *Arg_x2      = &*(ExpandedFunctionArgIter++);
922    // Arg_outstep is not used by expanded new-style forEach kernels.
924    // Construct the actual function body.
925    llvm::IRBuilder<> Builder(&*ExpandedFunction->getEntryBlock().begin());
927    // Create TBAA meta-data.
928    llvm::MDNode *TBAARenderScriptDistinct, *TBAARenderScript,
929                 *TBAAAllocation, *TBAAPointer;
930    llvm::MDBuilder MDHelper(*Context);
932    TBAARenderScriptDistinct =
933      MDHelper.createTBAARoot(kRenderScriptTBAARootName);
934    TBAARenderScript = MDHelper.createTBAANode(kRenderScriptTBAANodeName,
935        TBAARenderScriptDistinct);
936    TBAAAllocation = MDHelper.createTBAAScalarTypeNode("allocation",
937                                                       TBAARenderScript);
938    TBAAAllocation = MDHelper.createTBAAStructTagNode(TBAAAllocation,
939                                                      TBAAAllocation, 0);
940    TBAAPointer = MDHelper.createTBAAScalarTypeNode("pointer",
941                                                    TBAARenderScript);
942    TBAAPointer = MDHelper.createTBAAStructTagNode(TBAAPointer, TBAAPointer, 0);
944    /*
945     * Collect and construct the arguments for the kernel().
946     *
947     * Note that we load any loop-invariant arguments before entering the Loop.
948     */
949    size_t NumRemainingInputs = Function->arg_size();
951    // No usrData parameter on kernels.
952    bccAssert(
953        !bcinfo::MetadataExtractor::hasForEachSignatureUsrData(Signature));
955    llvm::Function::arg_iterator ArgIter = Function->arg_begin();
957    // Check the return type
958    llvm::Type     *OutTy            = nullptr;
959    llvm::LoadInst *OutBasePtr       = nullptr;
960    llvm::Value    *CastedOutBasePtr = nullptr;
962    bool PassOutByPointer = false;
964    if (bcinfo::MetadataExtractor::hasForEachSignatureOut(Signature)) {
965      llvm::Type *OutBaseTy = Function->getReturnType();
967      if (OutBaseTy->isVoidTy()) {
968        PassOutByPointer = true;
969        OutTy = ArgIter->getType();
971        ArgIter++;
972        --NumRemainingInputs;
973      } else {
974        // We don't increment Args, since we are using the actual return type.
975        OutTy = OutBaseTy->getPointerTo();
976      }
978      SmallGEPIndices OutBaseGEP(GEPHelper({0, RsExpandKernelDriverInfoPfxFieldOutPtr, 0}));
979      OutBasePtr = Builder.CreateLoad(Builder.CreateInBoundsGEP(Arg_p, OutBaseGEP, "out_buf.gep"));
981      if (gEnableRsTbaa) {
982        OutBasePtr->setMetadata("tbaa", TBAAPointer);
983      }
985      if (Module->getTargetTriple() != DEFAULT_X86_TRIPLE_STRING) {
986        CastedOutBasePtr = Builder.CreatePointerCast(OutBasePtr, OutTy, "casted_out");
987      } else {
988        // The disagreement between module and x86 target machine datalayout
989        // causes mismatched input/output data offset between slang reflected
990        // code and bcc codegen for GetElementPtr. To solve this issue, skip the
991        // cast to OutTy and leave CastedOutBasePtr as an int8_t*.  The buffer
992        // is later indexed with an explicit byte offset computed based on
993        // X86_CUSTOM_DL_STRING and then bitcast it to actual output type.
994        CastedOutBasePtr = OutBasePtr;
995      }
996    }
998    llvm::SmallVector<llvm::Type*,  8> InTypes;
999    llvm::SmallVector<llvm::Value*, 8> InBufPtrs;
1000    llvm::SmallVector<llvm::Value*, 8> InStructTempSlots;
1002    bccAssert(NumRemainingInputs <= RS_KERNEL_INPUT_LIMIT);
1004    // Create the loop structure.
1005    llvm::BasicBlock *LoopHeader = Builder.GetInsertBlock();
1006    llvm::Value *IV;
1007    createLoop(Builder, Arg_x1, Arg_x2, &IV);
1009    llvm::SmallVector<llvm::Value*, 8> CalleeArgs;
1010    const int CalleeArgsContextIdx =
1011      ExpandSpecialArguments(Signature, IV, Arg_p, Builder, CalleeArgs,
1012                             [&NumRemainingInputs]() { --NumRemainingInputs; },
1013                             LoopHeader->getTerminator());
1015    // After ExpandSpecialArguments() gets called, NumRemainingInputs
1016    // counts the number of arguments to the kernel that correspond to
1017    // an array entry from the InPtr field of the DriverInfo
1018    // structure.
1019    const size_t NumInPtrArguments = NumRemainingInputs;
1021    if (NumInPtrArguments > 0) {
1022      ExpandInputsLoopInvariant(Builder, LoopHeader, Arg_p, TBAAPointer, ArgIter, NumInPtrArguments,
1023                                InTypes, InBufPtrs, InStructTempSlots);
1024    }
1026    // Populate the actual call to kernel().
1027    llvm::SmallVector<llvm::Value*, 8> RootArgs;
1029    // Calculate the current input and output pointers.
1031    // Output
1033    llvm::Value *OutPtr = nullptr;
1034    if (CastedOutBasePtr) {
1035      llvm::Value *OutOffset = Builder.CreateSub(IV, Arg_x1);
1037      if (Module->getTargetTriple() != DEFAULT_X86_TRIPLE_STRING) {
1038        OutPtr = Builder.CreateInBoundsGEP(CastedOutBasePtr, OutOffset);
1039      } else {
1040        // Treat x86 output buffer as byte[], get indexed pointer with explicit
1041        // byte offset computed using a datalayout based on
1042        // X86_CUSTOM_DL_STRING, then bitcast it to actual output type.
1043        uint64_t OutStep = DL.getTypeAllocSize(OutTy->getPointerElementType());
1044        llvm::Value *OutOffsetInBytes = Builder.CreateMul(OutOffset, llvm::ConstantInt::get(Int32Ty, OutStep));
1045        OutPtr = Builder.CreateInBoundsGEP(CastedOutBasePtr, OutOffsetInBytes);
1046        OutPtr = Builder.CreatePointerCast(OutPtr, OutTy);
1047      }
1049      if (PassOutByPointer) {
1050        RootArgs.push_back(OutPtr);
1051      }
1052    }
1054    // Inputs
1056    if (NumInPtrArguments > 0) {
1057      ExpandInputsBody(Builder, Arg_x1, TBAAAllocation, NumInPtrArguments,
1058                       InTypes, InBufPtrs, InStructTempSlots, IV, RootArgs);
1059    }
1061    finishArgList(RootArgs, CalleeArgs, CalleeArgsContextIdx, *Function, Builder);
1063    llvm::Value *RetVal = Builder.CreateCall(Function, RootArgs);
1065    if (OutPtr && !PassOutByPointer) {
1066      RetVal->setName("call.result");
1067      llvm::StoreInst *Store = Builder.CreateStore(RetVal, OutPtr);
1068      if (gEnableRsTbaa) {
1069        Store->setMetadata("tbaa", TBAAAllocation);
1070      }
1071    }
1073    return true;
1074  }
1076  // Certain categories of functions that make up a general
1077  // reduce-style kernel are called directly from the driver with no
1078  // expansion needed.  For a function in such a category, we need to
1079  // promote linkage from static to external, to ensure that the
1080  // function is visible to the driver in the dynamic symbol table.
1081  // This promotion is safe because we don't have any kind of cross
1082  // translation unit linkage model (except for linking against
1083  // RenderScript libraries), so we do not risk name clashes.
1084  bool PromoteReduceFunction(const char *Name, FunctionSet &PromotedFunctions) {
1085    if (!Name)  // a presumably-optional function that is not present
1086      return false;
1088    llvm::Function *Fn = Module->getFunction(Name);
1089    bccAssert(Fn != nullptr);
1090    if (PromotedFunctions.insert(Fn).second) {
1091      bccAssert(Fn->getLinkage() == llvm::GlobalValue::InternalLinkage);
1092      Fn->setLinkage(llvm::GlobalValue::ExternalLinkage);
1093      return true;
1094    }
1096    return false;
1097  }
1099  // Expand the accumulator function for a general reduce-style kernel.
1100  //
1101  // The input is a function of the form
1102  //
1103  //   define void @func(accumType* %accum, foo1 in1[, ... fooN inN] [, special arguments])
1104  //
1105  // where all arguments except the first are the same as for a foreach kernel.
1106  //
1107  // The input accumulator function gets expanded into a function of the form
1108  //
1109  //   define void @func.expand(%RsExpandKernelDriverInfoPfx* %p, i32 %x1, i32 %x2, accumType* %accum)
1110  //
1111  // which performs a serial accumulaion of elements [x1, x2) into *%accum.
1112  //
1113  // In pseudocode, @func.expand does:
1114  //
1115  //   for (i = %x1; i < %x2; ++i) {
1116  //     func(%accum,
1117  //          *((foo1 *)p->inPtr[0] + i)[, ... *((fooN *)p->inPtr[N-1] + i)
1118  //          [, p] [, i] [, p->current.y] [, p->current.z]);
1119  //   }
1120  //
1121  // This is very similar to foreach kernel expansion with no output.
1122  bool ExpandReduceAccumulator(llvm::Function *FnAccumulator, uint32_t Signature, size_t NumInputs) {
1123    ALOGV("Expanding accumulator %s for general reduce kernel",
1124          FnAccumulator->getName().str().c_str());
1126    // Create TBAA meta-data.
1127    llvm::MDNode *TBAARenderScriptDistinct, *TBAARenderScript,
1128                 *TBAAAllocation, *TBAAPointer;
1129    llvm::MDBuilder MDHelper(*Context);
1130    TBAARenderScriptDistinct =
1131      MDHelper.createTBAARoot(kRenderScriptTBAARootName);
1132    TBAARenderScript = MDHelper.createTBAANode(kRenderScriptTBAANodeName,
1133        TBAARenderScriptDistinct);
1134    TBAAAllocation = MDHelper.createTBAAScalarTypeNode("allocation",
1135                                                       TBAARenderScript);
1136    TBAAAllocation = MDHelper.createTBAAStructTagNode(TBAAAllocation,
1137                                                      TBAAAllocation, 0);
1138    TBAAPointer = MDHelper.createTBAAScalarTypeNode("pointer",
1139                                                    TBAARenderScript);
1140    TBAAPointer = MDHelper.createTBAAStructTagNode(TBAAPointer, TBAAPointer, 0);
1142    auto AccumulatorArgIter = FnAccumulator->arg_begin();
1144    // Create empty accumulator function.
1145    llvm::Function *FnExpandedAccumulator =
1146        createEmptyExpandedReduceAccumulator(FnAccumulator->getName(),
1147                                             (AccumulatorArgIter++)->getType());
1149    // Extract the expanded accumulator's parameters.  It is
1150    // guaranteed by createEmptyExpandedReduceAccumulator that
1151    // there will be 4 parameters.
1152    bccAssert(FnExpandedAccumulator->arg_size() == kNumExpandedReduceAccumulatorParams);
1153    auto ExpandedAccumulatorArgIter = FnExpandedAccumulator->arg_begin();
1154    llvm::Value *Arg_p     = &*(ExpandedAccumulatorArgIter++);
1155    llvm::Value *Arg_x1    = &*(ExpandedAccumulatorArgIter++);
1156    llvm::Value *Arg_x2    = &*(ExpandedAccumulatorArgIter++);
1157    llvm::Value *Arg_accum = &*(ExpandedAccumulatorArgIter++);
1159    // Construct the actual function body.
1160    llvm::IRBuilder<> Builder(&*FnExpandedAccumulator->getEntryBlock().begin());
1162    // Create the loop structure.
1163    llvm::BasicBlock *LoopHeader = Builder.GetInsertBlock();
1164    llvm::Value *IndVar;
1165    createLoop(Builder, Arg_x1, Arg_x2, &IndVar);
1167    llvm::SmallVector<llvm::Value*, 8> CalleeArgs;
1168    const int CalleeArgsContextIdx =
1169        ExpandSpecialArguments(Signature, IndVar, Arg_p, Builder, CalleeArgs,
1170                               [](){}, LoopHeader->getTerminator());
1172    llvm::SmallVector<llvm::Type*,  8> InTypes;
1173    llvm::SmallVector<llvm::Value*, 8> InBufPtrs;
1174    llvm::SmallVector<llvm::Value*, 8> InStructTempSlots;
1175    ExpandInputsLoopInvariant(Builder, LoopHeader, Arg_p, TBAAPointer, AccumulatorArgIter, NumInputs,
1176                              InTypes, InBufPtrs, InStructTempSlots);
1178    // Populate the actual call to the original accumulator.
1179    llvm::SmallVector<llvm::Value*, 8> RootArgs;
1180    RootArgs.push_back(Arg_accum);
1181    ExpandInputsBody(Builder, Arg_x1, TBAAAllocation, NumInputs, InTypes, InBufPtrs, InStructTempSlots,
1182                     IndVar, RootArgs);
1183    finishArgList(RootArgs, CalleeArgs, CalleeArgsContextIdx, *FnAccumulator, Builder);
1184    Builder.CreateCall(FnAccumulator, RootArgs);
1186    return true;
1187  }
1189  // Create a combiner function for a general reduce-style kernel that lacks one,
1190  // by calling the accumulator function.
1191  //
1192  // The accumulator function must be of the form
1193  //
1194  //   define void @accumFn(accumType* %accum, accumType %in)
1195  //
1196  // A combiner function will be generated of the form
1197  //
1198  //   define void @accumFn.combiner(accumType* %accum, accumType* %other) {
1199  //     %1 = load accumType, accumType* %other
1200  //     call void @accumFn(accumType* %accum, accumType %1);
1201  //   }
1202  bool CreateReduceCombinerFromAccumulator(llvm::Function *FnAccumulator) {
1203    ALOGV("Creating combiner from accumulator %s for general reduce kernel",
1204          FnAccumulator->getName().str().c_str());
1206    using llvm::Attribute;
1208    bccAssert(FnAccumulator->arg_size() == 2);
1209    auto AccumulatorArgIter = FnAccumulator->arg_begin();
1210    llvm::Value *AccumulatorArg_accum = &*(AccumulatorArgIter++);
1211    llvm::Value *AccumulatorArg_in    = &*(AccumulatorArgIter++);
1212    llvm::Type *AccumulatorArgType = AccumulatorArg_accum->getType();
1213    bccAssert(AccumulatorArgType->isPointerTy());
1215    llvm::Type *VoidTy = llvm::Type::getVoidTy(*Context);
1216    llvm::FunctionType *CombinerType =
1217        llvm::FunctionType::get(VoidTy, { AccumulatorArgType, AccumulatorArgType }, false);
1218    llvm::Function *FnCombiner =
1219        llvm::Function::Create(CombinerType, llvm::GlobalValue::ExternalLinkage,
1220                               nameReduceCombinerFromAccumulator(FnAccumulator->getName()),
1221                               Module);
1223    auto CombinerArgIter = FnCombiner->arg_begin();
1225    llvm::Argument *CombinerArg_accum = &(*CombinerArgIter++);
1226    CombinerArg_accum->setName("accum");
1227    CombinerArg_accum->addAttr(llvm::AttributeSet::get(*Context, CombinerArg_accum->getArgNo() + 1,
1228                                                       llvm::makeArrayRef(Attribute::NoCapture)));
1230    llvm::Argument *CombinerArg_other = &(*CombinerArgIter++);
1231    CombinerArg_other->setName("other");
1232    CombinerArg_other->addAttr(llvm::AttributeSet::get(*Context, CombinerArg_other->getArgNo() + 1,
1233                                                       llvm::makeArrayRef(Attribute::NoCapture)));
1235    llvm::BasicBlock *BB = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(*Context, "BB", FnCombiner);
1236    llvm::IRBuilder<> Builder(BB);
1238    if (AccumulatorArg_in->getType()->isPointerTy()) {
1239      // Types of sufficient size get passed by pointer-to-copy rather
1240      // than passed by value.  An accumulator cannot take a pointer
1241      // at the user level; so if we see a pointer here, we know that
1242      // we have a pass-by-pointer-to-copy case.
1243      llvm::Type *ElementType = AccumulatorArg_in->getType()->getPointerElementType();
1244      llvm::Value *TempMem = Builder.CreateAlloca(ElementType, nullptr, "caller_copy");
1245      Builder.CreateStore(Builder.CreateLoad(CombinerArg_other), TempMem);
1246      Builder.CreateCall(FnAccumulator, { CombinerArg_accum, TempMem });
1247    } else {
1248      llvm::Value *TypeAdjustedOther = CombinerArg_other;
1249      if (AccumulatorArgType->getPointerElementType() != AccumulatorArg_in->getType()) {
1250        // Call lowering by frontend has done some type coercion
1251        TypeAdjustedOther = Builder.CreatePointerCast(CombinerArg_other,
1252                                                      AccumulatorArg_in->getType()->getPointerTo(),
1253                                                      "cast");
1254      }
1255      llvm::Value *DerefOther = Builder.CreateLoad(TypeAdjustedOther);
1256      Builder.CreateCall(FnAccumulator, { CombinerArg_accum, DerefOther });
1257    }
1258    Builder.CreateRetVoid();
1260    return true;
1261  }
1263  /// @brief Checks if pointers to allocation internals are exposed
1264  ///
1265  /// This function verifies if through the parameters passed to the kernel
1266  /// or through calls to the runtime library the script gains access to
1267  /// pointers pointing to data within a RenderScript Allocation.
1268  /// If we know we control all loads from and stores to data within
1269  /// RenderScript allocations and if we know the run-time internal accesses
1270  /// are all annotated with RenderScript TBAA metadata, only then we
1271  /// can safely use TBAA to distinguish between generic and from-allocation
1272  /// pointers.
1273  bool allocPointersExposed(llvm::Module &Module) {
1274    // Old style kernel function can expose pointers to elements within
1275    // allocations.
1276    // TODO: Extend analysis to allow simple cases of old-style kernels.
1277    for (size_t i = 0; i < mExportForEachCount; ++i) {
1278      const char *Name = mExportForEachNameList[i];
1279      uint32_t Signature = mExportForEachSignatureList[i];
1280      if (Module.getFunction(Name) &&
1281          !bcinfo::MetadataExtractor::hasForEachSignatureKernel(Signature)) {
1282        return true;
1283      }
1284    }
1286    // Check for library functions that expose a pointer to an Allocation or
1287    // that are not yet annotated with RenderScript-specific tbaa information.
1288    static const std::vector<const char *> Funcs{
1289      // rsGetElementAt(...)
1290      "_Z14rsGetElementAt13rs_allocationj",
1291      "_Z14rsGetElementAt13rs_allocationjj",
1292      "_Z14rsGetElementAt13rs_allocationjjj",
1294      // rsSetElementAt()
1295      "_Z14rsSetElementAt13rs_allocationPvj",
1296      "_Z14rsSetElementAt13rs_allocationPvjj",
1297      "_Z14rsSetElementAt13rs_allocationPvjjj",
1299      // rsGetElementAtYuv_uchar_Y()
1300      "_Z25rsGetElementAtYuv_uchar_Y13rs_allocationjj",
1302      // rsGetElementAtYuv_uchar_U()
1303      "_Z25rsGetElementAtYuv_uchar_U13rs_allocationjj",
1305      // rsGetElementAtYuv_uchar_V()
1306      "_Z25rsGetElementAtYuv_uchar_V13rs_allocationjj",
1307    };
1309    for (auto FI : Funcs) {
1310      llvm::Function *Function = Module.getFunction(FI);
1312      if (!Function) {
1313        ALOGE("Missing run-time function '%s'", FI);
1314        return true;
1315      }
1317      if (Function->getNumUses() > 0) {
1318        return true;
1319      }
1320    }
1322    return false;
1323  }
1325  /// @brief Connect RenderScript TBAA metadata to C/C++ metadata
1326  ///
1327  /// The TBAA metadata used to annotate loads/stores from RenderScript
1328  /// Allocations is generated in a separate TBAA tree with a
1329  /// "RenderScript Distinct TBAA" root node. LLVM does assume may-alias for
1330  /// all nodes in unrelated alias analysis trees. This function makes the
1331  /// "RenderScript TBAA" node (which is parented by the Distinct TBAA root),
1332  /// a subtree of the normal C/C++ TBAA tree aside of normal C/C++ types. With
1333  /// the connected trees every access to an Allocation is resolved to
1334  /// must-alias if compared to a normal C/C++ access.
1335  void connectRenderScriptTBAAMetadata(llvm::Module &Module) {
1336    llvm::MDBuilder MDHelper(*Context);
1337    llvm::MDNode *TBAARenderScriptDistinct =
1338      MDHelper.createTBAARoot("RenderScript Distinct TBAA");
1339    llvm::MDNode *TBAARenderScript = MDHelper.createTBAANode(
1340        "RenderScript TBAA", TBAARenderScriptDistinct);
1341    llvm::MDNode *TBAARoot     = MDHelper.createTBAARoot("Simple C/C++ TBAA");
1342    TBAARenderScript->replaceOperandWith(1, TBAARoot);
1343  }
1345  virtual bool runOnModule(llvm::Module &Module) {
1346    bool Changed  = false;
1347    this->Module  = &Module;
1348    Context = &Module.getContext();
1350    buildTypes();
1352    bcinfo::MetadataExtractor me(&Module);
1353    if (!me.extract()) {
1354      ALOGE("Could not extract metadata from module!");
1355      return false;
1356    }
1358    // Expand forEach_* style kernels.
1359    mExportForEachCount = me.getExportForEachSignatureCount();
1360    mExportForEachNameList = me.getExportForEachNameList();
1361    mExportForEachSignatureList = me.getExportForEachSignatureList();
1363    for (size_t i = 0; i < mExportForEachCount; ++i) {
1364      const char *name = mExportForEachNameList[i];
1365      uint32_t signature = mExportForEachSignatureList[i];
1366      llvm::Function *kernel = Module.getFunction(name);
1367      if (kernel) {
1368        if (bcinfo::MetadataExtractor::hasForEachSignatureKernel(signature)) {
1369          Changed |= ExpandForEach(kernel, signature);
1370          kernel->setLinkage(llvm::GlobalValue::InternalLinkage);
1371        } else if (kernel->getReturnType()->isVoidTy()) {
1372          Changed |= ExpandOldStyleForEach(kernel, signature);
1373          kernel->setLinkage(llvm::GlobalValue::InternalLinkage);
1374        } else {
1375          // There are some graphics root functions that are not
1376          // expanded, but that will be called directly. For those
1377          // functions, we can not set the linkage to internal.
1378        }
1379      }
1380    }
1382    // Process general reduce_* style functions.
1383    const size_t ExportReduceCount = me.getExportReduceCount();
1384    const bcinfo::MetadataExtractor::Reduce *ExportReduceList = me.getExportReduceList();
1385    //   Note that functions can be shared between kernels
1386    FunctionSet PromotedFunctions, ExpandedAccumulators, AccumulatorsForCombiners;
1388    for (size_t i = 0; i < ExportReduceCount; ++i) {
1389      Changed |= PromoteReduceFunction(ExportReduceList[i].mInitializerName, PromotedFunctions);
1390      Changed |= PromoteReduceFunction(ExportReduceList[i].mCombinerName, PromotedFunctions);
1391      Changed |= PromoteReduceFunction(ExportReduceList[i].mOutConverterName, PromotedFunctions);
1393      // Accumulator
1394      llvm::Function *accumulator = Module.getFunction(ExportReduceList[i].mAccumulatorName);
1395      bccAssert(accumulator != nullptr);
1396      if (ExpandedAccumulators.insert(accumulator).second)
1397        Changed |= ExpandReduceAccumulator(accumulator,
1398                                           ExportReduceList[i].mSignature,
1399                                           ExportReduceList[i].mInputCount);
1400      if (!ExportReduceList[i].mCombinerName) {
1401        if (AccumulatorsForCombiners.insert(accumulator).second)
1402          Changed |= CreateReduceCombinerFromAccumulator(accumulator);
1403      }
1404    }
1406    if (gEnableRsTbaa && !allocPointersExposed(Module)) {
1407      connectRenderScriptTBAAMetadata(Module);
1408    }
1410    return Changed;
1411  }
1413  virtual const char *getPassName() const {
1414    return "forEach_* and reduce_* function expansion";
1415  }
1417}; // end RSKernelExpandPass
1419} // end anonymous namespace
1421char RSKernelExpandPass::ID = 0;
1422static llvm::RegisterPass<RSKernelExpandPass> X("kernelexp", "Kernel Expand Pass");
1424namespace bcc {
1426const char BCC_INDEX_VAR_NAME[] = "rsIndex";
1428llvm::ModulePass *
1429createRSKernelExpandPass(bool pEnableStepOpt) {
1430  return new RSKernelExpandPass(pEnableStepOpt);
1433} // end namespace bcc