1package libcore.java.math;
3import java.io.BufferedReader;
4import java.io.InputStreamReader;
5import java.util.Collections;
6import java.util.HashSet;
7import java.util.Set;
10 * Standard single-input test framework for csv math tests
11 */
12public abstract class CSVTest extends junit.framework.TestCase {
13    /*
14     * csv file should have the following format:
15     * function,expected_output,input,extra_info
16     * e.g. cos,-0x1.0000000000000p+0,0x1.921fb54442d18p+1,cos(pi)
17     * for two input: function,expected_output,input1,input2,extra
18     * vogar classpath: obj/JAVA_LIBRARIES/core-tests-support_intermediates/javalib.jar
19     */
21    /**
22     * This is a set of functions in java.Math/StrictMath that take two inputs.
23     * These functions will call run2InputTest; others will call runTest.
24     */
25    protected static final Set<String> twoInputFunctions;
26    static {
27        Set<String> twoInFunc = new HashSet<String>();
28        twoInFunc.add("atan2");
29        twoInFunc.add("copySign");
30        twoInFunc.add("hypot");
31        twoInFunc.add("IEEEremainder");
32        twoInFunc.add("max");
33        twoInFunc.add("min");
34        twoInFunc.add("nextAfter");
35        twoInFunc.add("pow");
36        twoInFunc.add("scalb");
37        twoInputFunctions = Collections.unmodifiableSet(twoInFunc);
38    }
40    void TestCSVInputs(String[] csvFileNames) throws Exception {
41        int totalTests = 0;
42        for (String csvFileName : csvFileNames) {
43            String line = "";
44            BufferedReader br = null;
46            try {
47                br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
48                        getClass().getResourceAsStream(csvFileName)));
49                while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
50                    if (line.charAt(0) != '#') {
51                        String[] testCase = line.split(",");
52                        runTest(testCase);
53                        totalTests++;
54                    }
55                }
56            } finally {
57                if (br != null) {
58                    br.close();
59                }
60            }
61        }
62        System.out.println("Completed running " + totalTests + " tests");
63    }
65    protected void runTest(String[] testCase) throws Exception {
66        String function = testCase[0];
67        double expectedOutput = Double.parseDouble(testCase[1]);
68        double input = Double.parseDouble(testCase[2]);
69        String extra = "";
70        if (twoInputFunctions.contains(function)) {
71            double input2 = Double.parseDouble(testCase[3]);
72            if (testCase.length > 4) {
73                extra = testCase[4];
74            }
75            run2InputTest(function, expectedOutput, input, input2, extra);
76        } else {
77            if (testCase.length > 3) {
78                extra = testCase[3];
79            }
80            runTest(function, expectedOutput, input, extra);
81        }
82    }
84    abstract void runTest(String func, double expectedOutput, double input,
85            String extra) throws Exception;
87    abstract void run2InputTest(String func, double expectedOutput, double input1, double input2, String extra) throws Exception;