History log of /packages/apps/Dialer/src/com/android/dialer/list/OnListFragmentScrolledListener.java
Revision Date Author Comments (<<< Hide modified files) (Show modified files >>>)
86e21f733049560e77b92f17a58474312d72ec3e 03-Apr-2014 Yorke Lee <yorkelee@google.com> Add actionbar to Dialer

Initial changes to replace the fake actionbar affordances in Dialer
with an actual actionBar. This puts the dialer in an intermediate
hybrid state where we are now using the system actionbar for search,
but the searchview is not yet themed to look like our old search
bar, so this is definitely still WIP UI.

This CL retains the fake action bar at the bottom of the screen to
continue allowing quick access to call history while other changes
are underway, but replaces the searchview and the overflow menu
with framework provided actionbar functionality.

Other related changes:
* The searchview (in the top actionbar) is hidden when scrolling to
devote the entire screen area to the speeddial list
* Functionality provided by the fake overflow menu has been moved to
the real actionbar overflow menu
* Various modifications to child fragments/listviews to take into
account the existence of an actionbar
* Cleaned up unneeded styles and related-dead code

Bug: 13933082

Change-Id: Ifd855bd67af7bf2d2a403ef9556ade54e8d57ee6
dfb2eee7d98f8540fd1614db66bb03e8e1f3a26a 27-Jun-2013 Yorke Lee <yorkelee@google.com> Initial commit of all new dialer activities, layouts and styles

As far as possible, this change does not modify any behavior/look
of the existing dialer. All modifications to classes/layouts/style attributes
that would affect functionality of the old dialer are instead done in
separate new files.

Added new versions of all activities, fragments, layouts, menus
and resources that have been rewritten or modified.

The activities do not have intent filters yet in order to not interfere
with the existing dialer.

Added some new values in colors/styles/dimens for the newly added

Added NewCallLogActivity to separate the CallLogFragment from
DialtactsActivity. All call log and voicemail entries are now presented
in a separate (New)CallLogActivity.

IntentProvider.getCallDetailIntent now takes a cursor instead of an
adapter for more flexibility.

Add OnListFragmentScrolledListener interface for DialtactsActivity
to receive callback when one of its children fragment is scrolled.

Added slide in and slide out animations for DialpadFragment.

Add slide up and hide animations for search view

All menu options now show up in a PopupMenu in NewPhoneFavoriteFragment.

Added call log adapter into NewPhoneFavoriteMergedAdapter.

Rewrote layout of DialpadFragment to show up as a fragment partially overlaying
the screen.
Removed some unused code in DialpadFragment (smart dialing, menu handling)

Add fragments and adapters for SmartDial.

- Update Dialer database to support highlight masking and record contact
data Uri, as well as photo uri
- Add a fragment and adapter for smart dialing
- Add SmartDialCursorLoader to load SmartDial results.
- Typing in the dialpad now returns smart dialing results instead of regular
search results

QuickContactTiles for all sub-adapters of PhoneFavoriteMergedAdapter now use
light theme instead of the the default dark theme.

Removed all redundant call log filter and contacts to display filter code

Moved Dialer specific UI list-related classes to the Dialer package

Change-Id: I34885813e4fa79b69e29ac870a87a56d6f08a5e7