2 * Copyright 2011 See AUTHORS file.
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 ******************************************************************************/
17package com.badlogic.gdx.jnigen;
19import java.util.ArrayList;
21import com.badlogic.gdx.jnigen.BuildTarget.TargetOs;
22import com.badlogic.gdx.jnigen.FileDescriptor.FileType;
24public class AndroidNdkScriptGenerator {
25	public void generate (BuildConfig config, BuildTarget target) {
26		if (target.os != TargetOs.Android) throw new IllegalArgumentException("target os must be Android");
28		// create all the directories for outputing object files, shared libs and natives jar as well as build scripts.
29		if (!config.libsDir.exists()) {
30			if (!config.libsDir.mkdirs())
31				throw new RuntimeException("Couldn't create directory for shared library files in '" + config.libsDir + "'");
32		}
33		if (!config.jniDir.exists()) {
34			if (!config.jniDir.mkdirs())
35				throw new RuntimeException("Couldn't create native code directory '" + config.jniDir + "'");
36		}
38		ArrayList<FileDescriptor> files = new ArrayList<FileDescriptor>();
40		int idx = 0;
41		String[] includes = new String[target.cIncludes.length + target.cppIncludes.length];
42		for (String include : target.cIncludes)
43			includes[idx++] = config.jniDir + "/" + include;
44		for (String include : target.cppIncludes)
45			includes[idx++] = config.jniDir + "/" + include;
47		idx = 0;
48		String[] excludes = new String[target.cExcludes.length + target.cppExcludes.length + 1];
49		for (String exclude : target.cExcludes)
50			excludes[idx++] = config.jniDir + "/" + exclude;
51		for (String exclude : target.cppExcludes)
52			excludes[idx++] = config.jniDir + "/" + exclude;
53		excludes[idx] = "**/target/*";
55		gatherSourceFiles(config.jniDir, includes, excludes, files);
57		// create Application.mk file
58		FileDescriptor application = config.jniDir.child("Application.mk");
59		application.writeString(new FileDescriptor("com/badlogic/gdx/jnigen/resources/scripts/Application.mk.template",
60			FileType.Classpath).readString(), false);
62		// create Android.mk file
63		String template = new FileDescriptor("com/badlogic/gdx/jnigen/resources/scripts/Android.mk.template", FileType.Classpath)
64			.readString();
66		StringBuffer srcFiles = new StringBuffer();
67		for (int i = 0; i < files.size(); i++) {
68			if (i > 0) srcFiles.append("\t");
69			srcFiles.append(files.get(i).path().replace('\\', '/').replace(config.jniDir.toString() + "/", ""));
70			if (i < files.size() - 1)
71				srcFiles.append("\\\n");
72			else
73				srcFiles.append("\n");
74		}
76		StringBuffer headerDirs = new StringBuffer();
77		for (String headerDir : target.headerDirs) {
78			headerDirs.append(headerDir);
79			headerDirs.append(" ");
80		}
82		template = template.replace("%sharedLibName%", config.sharedLibName);
83		template = template.replace("%headerDirs%", headerDirs);
84		template = template.replace("%cFlags%", target.cFlags);
85		template = template.replace("%cppFlags%", target.cppFlags);
86		template = template.replace("%linkerFlags%", target.linkerFlags);
87		template = template.replace("%srcFiles%", srcFiles);
89		config.jniDir.child("Android.mk").writeString(template, false);
90	}
92	private void gatherSourceFiles (FileDescriptor file, String[] includes, String[] excludes, ArrayList<FileDescriptor> files) {
93		String fileName = file.path().replace('\\', '/');
94		if (file.isDirectory()) {
95			if (match(fileName, excludes)) return;
96			for (FileDescriptor child : file.list()) {
97				gatherSourceFiles(child, includes, excludes, files);
98			}
99		} else {
100			if (match(fileName, includes) && !match(fileName, excludes)) files.add(file);
101		}
102	}
104	private boolean match (String file, String[] patterns) {
105		return new AntPathMatcher().match(file, patterns);
106	}