2 * Copyright 2011 See AUTHORS file.
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 ******************************************************************************/
17package com.badlogic.gdx.utils;
19import java.text.MessageFormat;
20import java.util.Locale;
22/** {@code TextFormatter} is used by {@link I18NBundle} to perform argument replacement.
23 *
24 * @author davebaol */
25class TextFormatter {
27	private MessageFormat messageFormat;
28	private StringBuilder buffer;
30	public TextFormatter (Locale locale, boolean useMessageFormat) {
31		buffer = new StringBuilder();
32		if (useMessageFormat) messageFormat = new MessageFormat("", locale);
33	}
35	/** Formats the given {@code pattern} replacing its placeholders with the actual arguments specified by {@code args}.
36	 * <p>
37	 * If this {@code TextFormatter} has been instantiated with {@link #TextFormatter(Locale, boolean) TextFormatter(locale, true)}
38	 * {@link MessageFormat} is used to process the pattern, meaning that the actual arguments are properly localized with the
39	 * locale of this {@code TextFormatter}.
40	 * <p>
41	 * On the contrary, if this {@code TextFormatter} has been instantiated with {@link #TextFormatter(Locale, boolean)
42	 * TextFormatter(locale, false)} pattern's placeholders are expected to be in the simplified form {0}, {1}, {2} and so on and
43	 * they will be replaced with the corresponding object from {@code args} converted to a string with {@code toString()}, so
44	 * without taking into account the locale.
45	 * <p>
46	 * In both cases, there's only one simple escaping rule, i.e. a left curly bracket must be doubled if you want it to be part of
47	 * your string.
48	 * <p>
49	 * It's worth noting that the rules for using single quotes within {@link MessageFormat} patterns have shown to be somewhat
50	 * confusing. In particular, it isn't always obvious to localizers whether single quotes need to be doubled or not. For this
51	 * very reason we decided to offer the simpler escaping rule above without limiting the expressive power of message format
52	 * patterns. So, if you're used to MessageFormat's syntax, remember that with {@code TextFormatter} single quotes never need to
53	 * be escaped!
54	 *
55	 * @param pattern the pattern
56	 * @param args the arguments
57	 * @return the formatted pattern
58	 * @exception IllegalArgumentException if the pattern is invalid */
59	public String format (String pattern, Object... args) {
60		if (messageFormat != null) {
61			messageFormat.applyPattern(replaceEscapeChars(pattern));
62			return messageFormat.format(args);
63		}
64		return simpleFormat(pattern, args);
65	}
67	// This code is needed because a simple replacement like
68	// pattern.replace("'", "''").replace("{{", "'{'");
69	// can't properly manage some special cases.
70	// For example, the expected output for {{{{ is {{ but you get {'{ instead.
71	// Also this code is optimized since a new string is returned only if something has been replaced.
72	private String replaceEscapeChars (String pattern) {
73		buffer.setLength(0);
74		boolean changed = false;
75		int len = pattern.length();
76		for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
77			char ch = pattern.charAt(i);
78			if (ch == '\'') {
79				changed = true;
80				buffer.append("''");
81			} else if (ch == '{') {
82				int j = i + 1;
83				while (j < len && pattern.charAt(j) == '{')
84					j++;
85				int escaped = (j - i) / 2;
86				if (escaped > 0) {
87					changed = true;
88					buffer.append('\'');
89					do {
90						buffer.append('{');
91					} while ((--escaped) > 0);
92					buffer.append('\'');
93				}
94				if ((j - i) % 2 != 0) buffer.append('{');
95				i = j - 1;
96			} else {
97				buffer.append(ch);
98			}
99		}
100		return changed ? buffer.toString() : pattern;
101	}
103	/** Formats the given {@code pattern} replacing any placeholder of the form {0}, {1}, {2} and so on with the corresponding
104	 * object from {@code args} converted to a string with {@code toString()}, so without taking into account the locale.
105	 * <p>
106	 * This method only implements a small subset of the grammar supported by {@link java.text.MessageFormat}. Especially,
107	 * placeholder are only made up of an index; neither the type nor the style are supported.
108	 * <p>
109	 * If nothing has been replaced this implementation returns the pattern itself.
110	 *
111	 * @param pattern the pattern
112	 * @param args the arguments
113	 * @return the formatted pattern
114	 * @exception IllegalArgumentException if the pattern is invalid */
115	private String simpleFormat (String pattern, Object... args) {
116		buffer.setLength(0);
117		boolean changed = false;
118		int placeholder = -1;
119		int patternLength = pattern.length();
120		for (int i = 0; i < patternLength; ++i) {
121			char ch = pattern.charAt(i);
122			if (placeholder < 0) { // processing constant part
123				if (ch == '{') {
124					changed = true;
125					if (i + 1 < patternLength && pattern.charAt(i + 1) == '{') {
126						buffer.append(ch); // handle escaped '{'
127						++i;
128					} else {
129						placeholder = 0; // switch to placeholder part
130					}
131				} else {
132					buffer.append(ch);
133				}
134			} else { // processing placeholder part
135				if (ch == '}') {
136					if (placeholder >= args.length)
137						throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument index out of bounds: " + placeholder);
138					if (pattern.charAt(i - 1) == '{')
139						throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing argument index after a left curly brace");
140					if (args[placeholder] == null)
141						buffer.append("null"); // append null argument
142					else
143						buffer.append(args[placeholder].toString()); // append actual argument
144					placeholder = -1; // switch to constant part
145				} else {
146					if (ch < '0' || ch > '9')
147						throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected '" + ch + "' while parsing argument index");
148					placeholder = placeholder * 10 + (ch - '0');
149				}
150			}
151		}
152		if (placeholder >= 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unmatched braces in the pattern.");
154		return changed ? buffer.toString() : pattern;
155	}