1// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
5// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com
7#include <algorithm>
9#include "xfa/src/foxitlib.h"
10#include "fde_gedevice.h"
11#include "fde_geobject.h"
12#include "fde_devbasic.h"
13#ifndef _FDEPLUS
14#ifdef _cplusplus
15exten "C" {
17  FX_BOOL FDE_GetStockHatchMask(int32_t iHatchStyle, CFX_DIBitmap & hatchMask) {
18    FDE_LPCHATCHDATA pData = FDE_DEVGetHatchData(iHatchStyle);
19    if (!pData) {
20      return FALSE;
21    }
22    hatchMask.Create(pData->iWidth, pData->iHeight, FXDIB_1bppMask);
23    FXSYS_memcpy(hatchMask.GetBuffer(), pData->MaskBits,
24                 hatchMask.GetPitch() * pData->iHeight);
25    return TRUE;
26  }
27#ifdef _cplusplus
30IFDE_RenderDevice* IFDE_RenderDevice::Create(CFX_DIBitmap* pBitmap,
31                                             FX_BOOL bRgbByteOrder) {
32  if (pBitmap == NULL) {
33    return NULL;
34  }
35  CFX_FxgeDevice* pDevice = new CFX_FxgeDevice;
36  pDevice->Attach(pBitmap, 0, bRgbByteOrder);
37  return new CFDE_FxgeDevice(pDevice, TRUE);
39IFDE_RenderDevice* IFDE_RenderDevice::Create(CFX_RenderDevice* pDevice) {
40  return pDevice ? new CFDE_FxgeDevice(pDevice, FALSE) : nullptr;
42CFDE_FxgeDevice::CFDE_FxgeDevice(CFX_RenderDevice* pDevice,
43                                 FX_BOOL bOwnerDevice)
44    : m_pDevice(pDevice),
45      m_bOwnerDevice(bOwnerDevice),
46      m_pCharPos(NULL),
47      m_iCharCount(0) {
48  FXSYS_assert(pDevice != NULL);
49  FX_RECT rt = m_pDevice->GetClipBox();
50  m_rtClip.Set((FX_FLOAT)rt.left, (FX_FLOAT)rt.top, (FX_FLOAT)rt.Width(),
51               (FX_FLOAT)rt.Height());
53CFDE_FxgeDevice::~CFDE_FxgeDevice() {
54  FX_Free(m_pCharPos);
55  if (m_bOwnerDevice)
56    delete m_pDevice;
58int32_t CFDE_FxgeDevice::GetWidth() const {
59  return m_pDevice->GetWidth();
61int32_t CFDE_FxgeDevice::GetHeight() const {
62  return m_pDevice->GetHeight();
64FDE_HDEVICESTATE CFDE_FxgeDevice::SaveState() {
65  m_pDevice->SaveState();
66  return NULL;
68void CFDE_FxgeDevice::RestoreState(FDE_HDEVICESTATE hState) {
69  m_pDevice->RestoreState();
70  const FX_RECT& rt = m_pDevice->GetClipBox();
71  m_rtClip.Set((FX_FLOAT)rt.left, (FX_FLOAT)rt.top, (FX_FLOAT)rt.Width(),
72               (FX_FLOAT)rt.Height());
74FX_BOOL CFDE_FxgeDevice::SetClipRect(const CFX_RectF& rtClip) {
75  m_rtClip = rtClip;
76  FX_RECT rt((int32_t)FXSYS_floor(rtClip.left),
77             (int32_t)FXSYS_floor(rtClip.top),
78             (int32_t)FXSYS_ceil(rtClip.right()),
79             (int32_t)FXSYS_ceil(rtClip.bottom()));
80  return m_pDevice->SetClip_Rect(&rt);
82const CFX_RectF& CFDE_FxgeDevice::GetClipRect() {
83  return m_rtClip;
85FX_BOOL CFDE_FxgeDevice::SetClipPath(const IFDE_Path* pClip) {
86  return FALSE;
88IFDE_Path* CFDE_FxgeDevice::GetClipPath() const {
89  return NULL;
91FX_FLOAT CFDE_FxgeDevice::GetDpiX() const {
92  return 96;
94FX_FLOAT CFDE_FxgeDevice::GetDpiY() const {
95  return 96;
97FX_BOOL CFDE_FxgeDevice::DrawImage(CFX_DIBSource* pDib,
98                                   const CFX_RectF* pSrcRect,
99                                   const CFX_RectF& dstRect,
100                                   const CFX_Matrix* pImgMatrix,
101                                   const CFX_Matrix* pDevMatrix) {
102  FXSYS_assert(pDib != NULL);
103  CFX_RectF srcRect;
104  if (pSrcRect) {
105    srcRect = *pSrcRect;
106  } else {
107    srcRect.Set(0, 0, (FX_FLOAT)pDib->GetWidth(), (FX_FLOAT)pDib->GetHeight());
108  }
109  if (srcRect.IsEmpty()) {
110    return FALSE;
111  }
112  CFX_Matrix dib2fxdev;
113  if (pImgMatrix) {
114    dib2fxdev = *pImgMatrix;
115  } else {
116    dib2fxdev.SetIdentity();
117  }
118  dib2fxdev.a = dstRect.width;
119  dib2fxdev.d = -dstRect.height;
120  dib2fxdev.e = dstRect.left;
121  dib2fxdev.f = dstRect.bottom();
122  if (pDevMatrix) {
123    dib2fxdev.Concat(*pDevMatrix);
124  }
125  void* handle = NULL;
126  m_pDevice->StartDIBits(pDib, 255, 0, (const CFX_Matrix*)&dib2fxdev, 0,
127                         handle);
128  while (m_pDevice->ContinueDIBits(handle, NULL)) {
129  }
130  m_pDevice->CancelDIBits(handle);
131  return handle != NULL;
133FX_BOOL CFDE_FxgeDevice::DrawString(IFDE_Brush* pBrush,
134                                    IFX_Font* pFont,
135                                    const FXTEXT_CHARPOS* pCharPos,
136                                    int32_t iCount,
137                                    FX_FLOAT fFontSize,
138                                    const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) {
139  FXSYS_assert(pBrush != NULL && pFont != NULL && pCharPos != NULL &&
140               iCount > 0);
141  CFX_FontCache* pCache = CFX_GEModule::Get()->GetFontCache();
142  CFX_Font* pFxFont = (CFX_Font*)pFont->GetDevFont();
143  switch (pBrush->GetType()) {
144    case FDE_BRUSHTYPE_Solid: {
145      FX_ARGB argb = ((IFDE_SolidBrush*)pBrush)->GetColor();
146      if ((pFont->GetFontStyles() & FX_FONTSTYLE_Italic) != 0 &&
147          !pFxFont->IsItalic()) {
149        FX_FLOAT* pAM;
150        for (int32_t i = 0; i < iCount; ++i) {
151          static const FX_FLOAT mc = 0.267949f;
152          pAM = pCP->m_AdjustMatrix;
153          pAM[2] = mc * pAM[0] + pAM[2];
154          pAM[3] = mc * pAM[1] + pAM[3];
155          pCP++;
156        }
157      }
159      IFX_Font* pCurFont = NULL;
160      IFX_Font* pSTFont = NULL;
162      int32_t iCurCount = 0;
164      FX_DWORD dwFontStyle = pFont->GetFontStyles();
165      CFX_Font FxFont;
166      CFX_SubstFont SubstFxFont;
167      FxFont.SetSubstFont(&SubstFxFont);
168      SubstFxFont.m_Weight = dwFontStyle & FX_FONTSTYLE_Bold ? 700 : 400;
169      SubstFxFont.m_WeightCJK = SubstFxFont.m_Weight;
170      SubstFxFont.m_ItalicAngle = dwFontStyle & FX_FONTSTYLE_Italic ? -12 : 0;
171      SubstFxFont.m_bItlicCJK = !!(dwFontStyle & FX_FONTSTYLE_Italic);
173      for (int32_t i = 0; i < iCount; ++i) {
174        pSTFont = pFont->GetSubstFont((int32_t)pCP->m_GlyphIndex);
175        pCP->m_GlyphIndex &= 0x00FFFFFF;
176        pCP->m_bFontStyle = FALSE;
177        if (pCurFont != pSTFont) {
178          if (pCurFont != NULL) {
179            pFxFont = (CFX_Font*)pCurFont->GetDevFont();
181            FxFont.SetFace(pFxFont->GetFace());
182            m_pDevice->DrawNormalText(iCurCount, pCurCP, &FxFont, pCache,
183                                      -fFontSize, (const CFX_Matrix*)pMatrix,
184                                      argb, FXTEXT_CLEARTYPE);
186            m_pDevice->DrawNormalText(iCurCount, pCurCP, pFxFont, pCache,
187                                      -fFontSize, (const CFX_Matrix*)pMatrix,
188                                      argb, FXTEXT_CLEARTYPE);
190          }
191          pCurFont = pSTFont;
192          pCurCP = pCP;
193          iCurCount = 1;
194        } else {
195          iCurCount++;
196        }
197        pCP++;
198      }
199      if (pCurFont != NULL && iCurCount) {
200        pFxFont = (CFX_Font*)pCurFont->GetDevFont();
202        FxFont.SetFace(pFxFont->GetFace());
203        FX_BOOL bRet = m_pDevice->DrawNormalText(
204            iCurCount, pCurCP, &FxFont, pCache, -fFontSize,
205            (const CFX_Matrix*)pMatrix, argb, FXTEXT_CLEARTYPE);
206        FxFont.SetSubstFont(nullptr);
207        FxFont.SetFace(nullptr);
208        return bRet;
210        return m_pDevice->DrawNormalText(iCurCount, pCurCP, pFxFont, pCache,
211                                         -fFontSize, (const CFX_Matrix*)pMatrix,
212                                         argb, FXTEXT_CLEARTYPE);
214      }
216      FxFont.SetSubstFont(nullptr);
217      FxFont.SetFace(nullptr);
219      return TRUE;
220    } break;
221    default:
222      return FALSE;
223  }
225FX_BOOL CFDE_FxgeDevice::DrawBezier(IFDE_Pen* pPen,
226                                    FX_FLOAT fPenWidth,
227                                    const CFX_PointF& pt1,
228                                    const CFX_PointF& pt2,
229                                    const CFX_PointF& pt3,
230                                    const CFX_PointF& pt4,
231                                    const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) {
232  CFX_PointsF points;
233  points.Add(pt1);
234  points.Add(pt2);
235  points.Add(pt3);
236  points.Add(pt4);
237  CFDE_Path path;
238  path.AddBezier(points);
239  return DrawPath(pPen, fPenWidth, &path, pMatrix);
241FX_BOOL CFDE_FxgeDevice::DrawCurve(IFDE_Pen* pPen,
242                                   FX_FLOAT fPenWidth,
243                                   const CFX_PointsF& points,
244                                   FX_BOOL bClosed,
245                                   FX_FLOAT fTension,
246                                   const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) {
247  CFDE_Path path;
248  path.AddCurve(points, bClosed, fTension);
249  return DrawPath(pPen, fPenWidth, &path, pMatrix);
251FX_BOOL CFDE_FxgeDevice::DrawEllipse(IFDE_Pen* pPen,
252                                     FX_FLOAT fPenWidth,
253                                     const CFX_RectF& rect,
254                                     const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) {
255  CFDE_Path path;
256  path.AddEllipse(rect);
257  return DrawPath(pPen, fPenWidth, &path, pMatrix);
259FX_BOOL CFDE_FxgeDevice::DrawLines(IFDE_Pen* pPen,
260                                   FX_FLOAT fPenWidth,
261                                   const CFX_PointsF& points,
262                                   const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) {
263  CFDE_Path path;
264  path.AddLines(points);
265  return DrawPath(pPen, fPenWidth, &path, pMatrix);
267FX_BOOL CFDE_FxgeDevice::DrawLine(IFDE_Pen* pPen,
268                                  FX_FLOAT fPenWidth,
269                                  const CFX_PointF& pt1,
270                                  const CFX_PointF& pt2,
271                                  const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) {
272  CFDE_Path path;
273  path.AddLine(pt1, pt2);
274  return DrawPath(pPen, fPenWidth, &path, pMatrix);
276FX_BOOL CFDE_FxgeDevice::DrawPath(IFDE_Pen* pPen,
277                                  FX_FLOAT fPenWidth,
278                                  const IFDE_Path* pPath,
279                                  const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) {
280  CFDE_Path* pGePath = (CFDE_Path*)pPath;
281  if (pGePath == NULL) {
282    return FALSE;
283  }
284  CFX_GraphStateData graphState;
285  if (!CreatePen(pPen, fPenWidth, graphState)) {
286    return FALSE;
287  }
288  return m_pDevice->DrawPath(&pGePath->m_Path, (const CFX_Matrix*)pMatrix,
289                             &graphState, 0, pPen->GetColor(), 0);
291FX_BOOL CFDE_FxgeDevice::DrawPolygon(IFDE_Pen* pPen,
292                                     FX_FLOAT fPenWidth,
293                                     const CFX_PointsF& points,
294                                     const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) {
295  CFDE_Path path;
296  path.AddPolygon(points);
297  return DrawPath(pPen, fPenWidth, &path, pMatrix);
299FX_BOOL CFDE_FxgeDevice::DrawRectangle(IFDE_Pen* pPen,
300                                       FX_FLOAT fPenWidth,
301                                       const CFX_RectF& rect,
302                                       const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) {
303  CFDE_Path path;
304  path.AddRectangle(rect);
305  return DrawPath(pPen, fPenWidth, &path, pMatrix);
307FX_BOOL CFDE_FxgeDevice::FillClosedCurve(IFDE_Brush* pBrush,
308                                         const CFX_PointsF& points,
309                                         FX_FLOAT fTension,
310                                         const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) {
311  CFDE_Path path;
312  path.AddCurve(points, TRUE, fTension);
313  return FillPath(pBrush, &path, pMatrix);
315FX_BOOL CFDE_FxgeDevice::FillEllipse(IFDE_Brush* pBrush,
316                                     const CFX_RectF& rect,
317                                     const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) {
318  CFDE_Path path;
319  path.AddEllipse(rect);
320  return FillPath(pBrush, &path, pMatrix);
322FX_BOOL CFDE_FxgeDevice::FillPolygon(IFDE_Brush* pBrush,
323                                     const CFX_PointsF& points,
324                                     const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) {
325  CFDE_Path path;
326  path.AddPolygon(points);
327  return FillPath(pBrush, &path, pMatrix);
329FX_BOOL CFDE_FxgeDevice::FillRectangle(IFDE_Brush* pBrush,
330                                       const CFX_RectF& rect,
331                                       const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) {
332  CFDE_Path path;
333  path.AddRectangle(rect);
334  return FillPath(pBrush, &path, pMatrix);
336FX_BOOL CFDE_FxgeDevice::CreatePen(IFDE_Pen* pPen,
337                                   FX_FLOAT fPenWidth,
338                                   CFX_GraphStateData& graphState) {
339  if (pPen == NULL) {
340    return FALSE;
341  }
342  graphState.m_LineCap = (CFX_GraphStateData::LineCap)pPen->GetLineCap();
343  graphState.m_LineJoin = (CFX_GraphStateData::LineJoin)pPen->GetLineJoin();
344  graphState.m_LineWidth = fPenWidth;
345  graphState.m_MiterLimit = pPen->GetMiterLimit();
346  graphState.m_DashPhase = pPen->GetDashPhase();
347  CFX_FloatArray dashArray;
348  switch (pPen->GetDashStyle()) {
349    case FDE_DASHSTYLE_Dash:
350      dashArray.Add(3);
351      dashArray.Add(1);
352      break;
353    case FDE_DASHSTYLE_Dot:
354      dashArray.Add(1);
355      dashArray.Add(1);
356      break;
357    case FDE_DASHSTYLE_DashDot:
358      dashArray.Add(3);
359      dashArray.Add(1);
360      dashArray.Add(1);
361      dashArray.Add(1);
362      break;
363    case FDE_DASHSTYLE_DashDotDot:
364      dashArray.Add(3);
365      dashArray.Add(1);
366      dashArray.Add(1);
367      dashArray.Add(1);
368      dashArray.Add(1);
369      dashArray.Add(1);
370      break;
371    case FDE_DASHSTYLE_Customized:
372      pPen->GetDashArray(dashArray);
373      break;
374  }
375  int32_t iDashCount = dashArray.GetSize();
376  if (iDashCount > 0) {
377    graphState.SetDashCount(iDashCount);
378    for (int32_t i = 0; i < iDashCount; ++i) {
379      graphState.m_DashArray[i] = dashArray[i] * fPenWidth;
380    }
381  }
382  return TRUE;
384typedef FX_BOOL (CFDE_FxgeDevice::*pfFillPath)(IFDE_Brush* pBrush,
385                                               const CFX_PathData* pPath,
386                                               const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix);
387static const pfFillPath gs_FillPath[] = {
388    &CFDE_FxgeDevice::FillSolidPath, &CFDE_FxgeDevice::FillHatchPath,
389    &CFDE_FxgeDevice::FillTexturePath, &CFDE_FxgeDevice::FillLinearGradientPath,
391FX_BOOL CFDE_FxgeDevice::FillPath(IFDE_Brush* pBrush,
392                                  const IFDE_Path* pPath,
393                                  const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) {
394  CFDE_Path* pGePath = (CFDE_Path*)pPath;
395  if (pGePath == NULL) {
396    return FALSE;
397  }
398  if (pBrush == NULL) {
399    return FALSE;
400  }
401  int32_t iType = pBrush->GetType();
402  if (iType < 0 || iType > FDE_BRUSHTYPE_MAX) {
403    return FALSE;
404  }
405  return (this->*gs_FillPath[iType])(pBrush, &pGePath->m_Path, pMatrix);
407FX_BOOL CFDE_FxgeDevice::FillSolidPath(IFDE_Brush* pBrush,
408                                       const CFX_PathData* pPath,
409                                       const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) {
410  FXSYS_assert(pPath && pBrush && pBrush->GetType() == FDE_BRUSHTYPE_Solid);
411  IFDE_SolidBrush* pSolidBrush = (IFDE_SolidBrush*)pBrush;
412  return m_pDevice->DrawPath(pPath, (const CFX_Matrix*)pMatrix, NULL,
413                             pSolidBrush->GetColor(), 0, FXFILL_WINDING);
415FX_BOOL CFDE_FxgeDevice::FillHatchPath(IFDE_Brush* pBrush,
416                                       const CFX_PathData* pPath,
417                                       const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) {
418  FXSYS_assert(pPath && pBrush && pBrush->GetType() == FDE_BRUSHTYPE_Hatch);
419  IFDE_HatchBrush* pHatchBrush = (IFDE_HatchBrush*)pBrush;
420  int32_t iStyle = pHatchBrush->GetHatchStyle();
421  if (iStyle < FDE_HATCHSTYLE_Min || iStyle > FDE_HATCHSTYLE_Max) {
422    return FALSE;
423  }
424  CFX_DIBitmap mask;
425  if (!FDE_GetStockHatchMask(iStyle, mask)) {
426    return FALSE;
427  }
428  FX_ARGB dwForeColor = pHatchBrush->GetColor(TRUE);
429  FX_ARGB dwBackColor = pHatchBrush->GetColor(FALSE);
430  CFX_FloatRect rectf = pPath->GetBoundingBox();
431  if (pMatrix) {
432    rectf.Transform((const CFX_Matrix*)pMatrix);
433  }
434  FX_RECT rect(FXSYS_round(rectf.left), FXSYS_round(rectf.top),
435               FXSYS_round(rectf.right), FXSYS_round(rectf.bottom));
436  m_pDevice->SaveState();
437  m_pDevice->StartRendering();
438  m_pDevice->SetClip_PathFill(pPath, (const CFX_Matrix*)pMatrix,
439                              FXFILL_WINDING);
440  m_pDevice->FillRect(&rect, dwBackColor);
441  for (int32_t j = rect.bottom; j < rect.top; j += mask.GetHeight())
442    for (int32_t i = rect.left; i < rect.right; i += mask.GetWidth()) {
443      m_pDevice->SetBitMask(&mask, i, j, dwForeColor);
444    }
445  m_pDevice->EndRendering();
446  m_pDevice->RestoreState();
447  return TRUE;
449FX_BOOL CFDE_FxgeDevice::FillTexturePath(IFDE_Brush* pBrush,
450                                         const CFX_PathData* pPath,
451                                         const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) {
452  FXSYS_assert(pPath && pBrush && pBrush->GetType() == FDE_BRUSHTYPE_Texture);
453  IFDE_TextureBrush* pTextureBrush = (IFDE_TextureBrush*)pBrush;
454  IFDE_Image* pImage = (IFDE_Image*)pTextureBrush->GetImage();
455  if (pImage == NULL) {
456    return FALSE;
457  }
458  CFX_Size size;
459  size.Set(pImage->GetImageWidth(), pImage->GetImageHeight());
460  CFX_DIBitmap bmp;
461  bmp.Create(size.x, size.y, FXDIB_Argb);
462  if (!pImage->StartLoadImage(&bmp, 0, 0, size.x, size.y, 0, 0, size.x,
463                              size.y)) {
464    return FALSE;
465  }
466  if (pImage->DoLoadImage() < 100) {
467    return FALSE;
468  }
469  pImage->StopLoadImage();
470  return WrapTexture(pTextureBrush->GetWrapMode(), &bmp, pPath, pMatrix);
472FX_BOOL CFDE_FxgeDevice::WrapTexture(int32_t iWrapMode,
473                                     const CFX_DIBitmap* pBitmap,
474                                     const CFX_PathData* pPath,
475                                     const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) {
476  CFX_FloatRect rectf = pPath->GetBoundingBox();
477  if (pMatrix) {
478    rectf.Transform((const CFX_Matrix*)pMatrix);
479  }
480  FX_RECT rect(FXSYS_round(rectf.left), FXSYS_round(rectf.top),
481               FXSYS_round(rectf.right), FXSYS_round(rectf.bottom));
482  rect.Normalize();
483  if (rect.IsEmpty()) {
484    return FALSE;
485  }
486  m_pDevice->SaveState();
487  m_pDevice->StartRendering();
488  m_pDevice->SetClip_PathFill(pPath, (const CFX_Matrix*)pMatrix,
489                              FXFILL_WINDING);
490  switch (iWrapMode) {
491    case FDE_WRAPMODE_Tile:
492    case FDE_WRAPMODE_TileFlipX:
493    case FDE_WRAPMODE_TileFlipY:
494    case FDE_WRAPMODE_TileFlipXY: {
495      FX_BOOL bFlipX = iWrapMode == FDE_WRAPMODE_TileFlipXY ||
496                       iWrapMode == FDE_WRAPMODE_TileFlipX;
497      FX_BOOL bFlipY = iWrapMode == FDE_WRAPMODE_TileFlipXY ||
498                       iWrapMode == FDE_WRAPMODE_TileFlipY;
499      const CFX_DIBitmap* pFlip[2][2];
500      pFlip[0][0] = pBitmap;
501      pFlip[0][1] = bFlipX ? pBitmap->FlipImage(TRUE, FALSE) : pBitmap;
502      pFlip[1][0] = bFlipY ? pBitmap->FlipImage(FALSE, TRUE) : pBitmap;
503      pFlip[1][1] =
504          (bFlipX || bFlipY) ? pBitmap->FlipImage(bFlipX, bFlipY) : pBitmap;
505      int32_t iCounterY = 0;
506      for (int32_t j = rect.top; j < rect.bottom; j += pBitmap->GetHeight()) {
507        int32_t indexY = iCounterY++ % 2;
508        int32_t iCounterX = 0;
509        for (int32_t i = rect.left; i < rect.right; i += pBitmap->GetWidth()) {
510          int32_t indexX = iCounterX++ % 2;
511          m_pDevice->SetDIBits(pFlip[indexY][indexX], i, j);
512        }
513      }
514      if (pFlip[0][1] != pFlip[0][0]) {
515        delete pFlip[0][1];
516      }
517      if (pFlip[1][0] != pFlip[0][0]) {
518        delete pFlip[1][0];
519      }
520      if (pFlip[1][1] != pFlip[0][0]) {
521        delete pFlip[1][1];
522      }
523    } break;
524    case FDE_WRAPMODE_Clamp: {
525      m_pDevice->SetDIBits(pBitmap, rect.left, rect.bottom);
526    } break;
527  }
528  m_pDevice->EndRendering();
529  m_pDevice->RestoreState();
530  return TRUE;
532FX_BOOL CFDE_FxgeDevice::FillLinearGradientPath(IFDE_Brush* pBrush,
533                                                const CFX_PathData* pPath,
534                                                const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) {
535  FXSYS_assert(pPath && pBrush &&
536               pBrush->GetType() == FDE_BRUSHTYPE_LinearGradient);
537  IFDE_LinearGradientBrush* pLinearBrush = (IFDE_LinearGradientBrush*)pBrush;
538  CFX_PointF pt0, pt1;
539  pLinearBrush->GetLinearPoints(pt0, pt1);
540  CFX_VectorF fDiagonal;
541  fDiagonal.Set(pt0, pt1);
542  FX_FLOAT fTheta = FXSYS_atan2(fDiagonal.y, fDiagonal.x);
543  FX_FLOAT fLength = fDiagonal.Length();
544  FX_FLOAT fTotalX = fLength / FXSYS_cos(fTheta);
545  FX_FLOAT fTotalY = fLength / FXSYS_cos(FX_PI / 2 - fTheta);
546  FX_FLOAT fSteps = std::max(fTotalX, fTotalY);
547  FX_FLOAT dx = fTotalX / fSteps;
548  FX_FLOAT dy = fTotalY / fSteps;
549  FX_ARGB cr0, cr1;
550  pLinearBrush->GetLinearColors(cr0, cr1);
551  FX_FLOAT a0 = FXARGB_A(cr0);
552  FX_FLOAT r0 = FXARGB_R(cr0);
553  FX_FLOAT g0 = FXARGB_G(cr0);
554  FX_FLOAT b0 = FXARGB_B(cr0);
555  FX_FLOAT da = (FXARGB_A(cr1) - a0) / fSteps;
556  FX_FLOAT dr = (FXARGB_R(cr1) - r0) / fSteps;
557  FX_FLOAT dg = (FXARGB_G(cr1) - g0) / fSteps;
558  FX_FLOAT db = (FXARGB_B(cr1) - b0) / fSteps;
559  CFX_DIBitmap bmp;
560  bmp.Create(FXSYS_round(FXSYS_fabs(fDiagonal.x)),
561             FXSYS_round(FXSYS_fabs(fDiagonal.y)), FXDIB_Argb);
562  CFX_FxgeDevice dev;
563  dev.Attach(&bmp);
564  pt1 = pt0;
565  int32_t iSteps = FXSYS_round(FXSYS_ceil(fSteps));
566  while (--iSteps >= 0) {
567    cr0 = ArgbEncode(FXSYS_round(a0), FXSYS_round(r0), FXSYS_round(g0),
568                     FXSYS_round(b0));
569    dev.DrawCosmeticLine(pt0.x, pt0.y, pt1.x, pt1.y, cr0);
570    pt1.x += dx;
571    pt0.y += dy;
572    a0 += da;
573    r0 += dr;
574    g0 += dg;
575    b0 += db;
576  }
577  return WrapTexture(pLinearBrush->GetWrapMode(), &bmp, pPath, pMatrix);