2 * Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
3 *
4 * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
5 * found in the LICENSE file.
6 */
8#include "Test.h"
11#include "GrContext.h"
12#include "GrDrawContext.h"
13#include "GrGpu.h"
14#include "GrRenderTarget.h"
15#include "GrTexture.h"
16#include "GrTextureProvider.h"
18static bool check_rect(GrDrawContext* dc, const SkIRect& rect, uint32_t expectedValue,
19                       uint32_t* actualValue, int* failX, int* failY) {
20    GrRenderTarget* rt = dc->accessRenderTarget();
21    int w = rect.width();
22    int h = rect.height();
23    SkAutoTDeleteArray<uint32_t> pixels(new uint32_t[w * h]);
24    memset(pixels.get(), ~expectedValue, sizeof(uint32_t) * w * h);
25    rt->readPixels(rect.fLeft, rect.fTop, w, h, kRGBA_8888_GrPixelConfig, pixels.get());
26    for (int y = 0; y < h; ++y) {
27        for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x) {
28            uint32_t pixel = pixels.get()[y * w + x];
29            if (pixel != expectedValue) {
30                *actualValue = pixel;
31                *failX = x + rect.fLeft;
32                *failY = y + rect.fTop;
33                return false;
34            }
35        }
36    }
37    return true;
40// We only really need the DC, but currently the DC doesn't own the RT so we also ref it, but that
41// could be dropped when DC is a proper owner of its RT.
42static bool reset_dc(SkAutoTUnref<GrDrawContext>* dc, SkAutoTUnref<GrSurface>* rtKeepAlive,
43                     GrContext* context, int w, int h) {
44    SkDEBUGCODE(uint32_t oldID = 0;)
45    if (*dc) {
46        SkDEBUGCODE(oldID = (*dc)->accessRenderTarget()->getUniqueID();)
47        rtKeepAlive->reset(nullptr);
48        dc->reset(nullptr);
49    }
50    context->freeGpuResources();
52    GrTextureDesc desc;
53    desc.fWidth = w;
54    desc.fHeight = h;
55    desc.fConfig = kRGBA_8888_GrPixelConfig;
56    desc.fFlags = kRenderTarget_GrSurfaceFlag;
58    rtKeepAlive->reset(context->textureProvider()->createTexture(desc, SkBudgeted::kYes));
59    if (!(*rtKeepAlive)) {
60        return false;
61    }
62    GrRenderTarget* rt = (*rtKeepAlive)->asRenderTarget();
63    SkASSERT(rt->getUniqueID() != oldID);
64    dc->reset(context->drawContext(rt));
65    return SkToBool(*dc);
68DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_RENDERING_CONTEXTS(ClearBatch, reporter, context) {
69    static const int kW = 10;
70    static const int kH = 10;
72    SkIRect fullRect = SkIRect::MakeWH(kW, kH);
73    SkAutoTUnref<GrDrawContext> drawContext;
74    SkAutoTUnref<GrSurface> rtKeepAlive;
76    // A rectangle that is inset by one on all sides and the 1-pixel wide rectangles that surround
77    // it.
78    SkIRect mid1Rect = SkIRect::MakeXYWH(1, 1, kW-2, kH-2);
79    SkIRect outerLeftEdge = SkIRect::MakeXYWH(0, 0, 1, kH);
80    SkIRect outerTopEdge = SkIRect::MakeXYWH(0, 0, kW, 1);
81    SkIRect outerRightEdge = SkIRect::MakeXYWH(kW-1, 0, 1, kH);
82    SkIRect outerBottomEdge = SkIRect::MakeXYWH(0, kH-1, kW, 1);
84    // A rectangle that is inset by two on all sides and the 1-pixel wide rectangles that surround
85    // it.
86    SkIRect mid2Rect = SkIRect::MakeXYWH(2, 2, kW-4, kH-4);
87    SkIRect innerLeftEdge = SkIRect::MakeXYWH(1, 1, 1, kH-2);
88    SkIRect innerTopEdge = SkIRect::MakeXYWH(1, 1, kW-2, 1);
89    SkIRect innerRightEdge = SkIRect::MakeXYWH(kW-2, 1, 1, kH-2);
90    SkIRect innerBottomEdge = SkIRect::MakeXYWH(1, kH-2, kW-2, 1);
92    uint32_t actualValue;
93    int failX, failY;
95    static const GrColor kColor1 = 0xABCDEF01;
96    static const GrColor kColor2 = ~kColor1;
98    if (!reset_dc(&drawContext, &rtKeepAlive, context, kW, kH)) {
99        ERRORF(reporter, "Could not create draw context.");
100        return;
101    }
102    // Check a full clear
103    drawContext->clear(&fullRect, kColor1, false);
104    if (!check_rect(drawContext, fullRect, kColor1, &actualValue, &failX, &failY)) {
105        ERRORF(reporter, "Expected 0x%08x but got 0x%08x at (%d, %d).", kColor1, actualValue,
106               failX, failY);
107    }
109    if (!reset_dc(&drawContext, &rtKeepAlive, context, kW, kH)) {
110        ERRORF(reporter, "Could not create draw context.");
111        return;
112    }
113    // Check two full clears, same color
114    drawContext->clear(&fullRect, kColor1, false);
115    drawContext->clear(&fullRect, kColor1, false);
116    if (!check_rect(drawContext, fullRect, kColor1, &actualValue, &failX, &failY)) {
117        ERRORF(reporter, "Expected 0x%08x but got 0x%08x at (%d, %d).", kColor1, actualValue,
118               failX, failY);
119    }
121    if (!reset_dc(&drawContext, &rtKeepAlive, context, kW, kH)) {
122        ERRORF(reporter, "Could not create draw context.");
123        return;
124    }
125    // Check two full clears, different colors
126    drawContext->clear(&fullRect, kColor1, false);
127    drawContext->clear(&fullRect, kColor2, false);
128    if (!check_rect(drawContext, fullRect, kColor2, &actualValue, &failX, &failY)) {
129        ERRORF(reporter, "Expected 0x%08x but got 0x%08x at (%d, %d).", kColor2, actualValue,
130               failX, failY);
131    }
133    if (!reset_dc(&drawContext, &rtKeepAlive, context, kW, kH)) {
134        ERRORF(reporter, "Could not create draw context.");
135        return;
136    }
137    // Test a full clear followed by a same color inset clear
138    drawContext->clear(&fullRect, kColor1, false);
139    drawContext->clear(&mid1Rect, kColor1, false);
140    if (!check_rect(drawContext, fullRect, kColor1, &actualValue, &failX, &failY)) {
141        ERRORF(reporter, "Expected 0x%08x but got 0x%08x at (%d, %d).", kColor1, actualValue,
142               failX, failY);
143    }
145    if (!reset_dc(&drawContext, &rtKeepAlive, context, kW, kH)) {
146        ERRORF(reporter, "Could not create draw context.");
147        return;
148    }
149    // Test a inset clear followed by same color full clear
150    drawContext->clear(&mid1Rect, kColor1, false);
151    drawContext->clear(&fullRect, kColor1, false);
152    if (!check_rect(drawContext, fullRect, kColor1, &actualValue, &failX, &failY)) {
153        ERRORF(reporter, "Expected 0x%08x but got 0x%08x at (%d, %d).", kColor1, actualValue,
154               failX, failY);
155    }
157    if (!reset_dc(&drawContext, &rtKeepAlive, context, kW, kH)) {
158        ERRORF(reporter, "Could not create draw context.");
159        return;
160    }
161    // Test a full clear followed by a different color inset clear
162    drawContext->clear(&fullRect, kColor1, false);
163    drawContext->clear(&mid1Rect, kColor2, false);
164    if (!check_rect(drawContext, mid1Rect, kColor2, &actualValue, &failX, &failY)) {
165        ERRORF(reporter, "Expected 0x%08x but got 0x%08x at (%d, %d).", kColor2, actualValue,
166               failX, failY);
167    }
168    if (!check_rect(drawContext, outerLeftEdge, kColor1, &actualValue, &failX, &failY) ||
169        !check_rect(drawContext, outerTopEdge, kColor1, &actualValue, &failX, &failY) ||
170        !check_rect(drawContext, outerRightEdge, kColor1, &actualValue, &failX, &failY) ||
171        !check_rect(drawContext, outerBottomEdge, kColor1, &actualValue, &failX, &failY)) {
172        ERRORF(reporter, "Expected 0x%08x but got 0x%08x at (%d, %d).", kColor1, actualValue,
173               failX, failY);
174    }
176    if (!reset_dc(&drawContext, &rtKeepAlive, context, kW, kH)) {
177        ERRORF(reporter, "Could not create draw context.");
178        return;
179    }
180    // Test a inset clear followed by a different full clear
181    drawContext->clear(&mid1Rect, kColor2, false);
182    drawContext->clear(&fullRect, kColor1, false);
183    if (!check_rect(drawContext, fullRect, kColor1, &actualValue, &failX, &failY)) {
184        ERRORF(reporter, "Expected 0x%08x but got 0x%08x at (%d, %d).", kColor1, actualValue,
185               failX, failY);
186    }
188    if (!reset_dc(&drawContext, &rtKeepAlive, context, kW, kH)) {
189        ERRORF(reporter, "Could not create draw context.");
190        return;
191    }
192    // Check three nested clears from largest to smallest where outermost and innermost are same
193    // color.
194    drawContext->clear(&fullRect, kColor1, false);
195    drawContext->clear(&mid1Rect, kColor2, false);
196    drawContext->clear(&mid2Rect, kColor1, false);
197    if (!check_rect(drawContext, mid2Rect, kColor1, &actualValue, &failX, &failY)) {
198        ERRORF(reporter, "Expected 0x%08x but got 0x%08x at (%d, %d).", kColor1, actualValue,
199               failX, failY);
200    }
201    if (!check_rect(drawContext, innerLeftEdge, kColor2, &actualValue, &failX, &failY) ||
202        !check_rect(drawContext, innerTopEdge, kColor2, &actualValue, &failX, &failY) ||
203        !check_rect(drawContext, innerRightEdge, kColor2, &actualValue, &failX, &failY) ||
204        !check_rect(drawContext, innerBottomEdge, kColor2, &actualValue, &failX, &failY)) {
205        ERRORF(reporter, "Expected 0x%08x but got 0x%08x at (%d, %d).", kColor2, actualValue,
206               failX, failY);
207    }
208    if (!check_rect(drawContext, outerLeftEdge, kColor1, &actualValue, &failX, &failY) ||
209        !check_rect(drawContext, outerTopEdge, kColor1, &actualValue, &failX, &failY) ||
210        !check_rect(drawContext, outerRightEdge, kColor1, &actualValue, &failX, &failY) ||
211        !check_rect(drawContext, outerBottomEdge, kColor1, &actualValue, &failX, &failY)) {
212        ERRORF(reporter, "Expected 0x%08x but got 0x%08x at (%d, %d).", kColor1, actualValue,
213               failX, failY);
214    }
216    if (!reset_dc(&drawContext, &rtKeepAlive, context, kW, kH)) {
217        ERRORF(reporter, "Could not create draw context.");
218        return;
219    }
220    // Swap the order of the second two clears in the above test.
221    drawContext->clear(&fullRect, kColor1, false);
222    drawContext->clear(&mid2Rect, kColor1, false);
223    drawContext->clear(&mid1Rect, kColor2, false);
224    if (!check_rect(drawContext, mid1Rect, kColor2, &actualValue, &failX, &failY)) {
225        ERRORF(reporter, "Expected 0x%08x but got 0x%08x at (%d, %d).", kColor2, actualValue,
226               failX, failY);
227    }
228    if (!check_rect(drawContext, outerLeftEdge, kColor1, &actualValue, &failX, &failY) ||
229        !check_rect(drawContext, outerTopEdge, kColor1, &actualValue, &failX, &failY) ||
230        !check_rect(drawContext, outerRightEdge, kColor1, &actualValue, &failX, &failY) ||
231        !check_rect(drawContext, outerBottomEdge, kColor1, &actualValue, &failX, &failY)) {
232        ERRORF(reporter, "Expected 0x%08x but got 0x%08x at (%d, %d).", kColor1, actualValue,
233               failX, failY);
234    }