3/*--- The leak checker.                             mc_leakcheck.c ---*/
7   This file is part of MemCheck, a heavyweight Valgrind tool for
8   detecting memory errors.
10   Copyright (C) 2000-2015 Julian Seward
11      jseward@acm.org
13   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
14   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
15   published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
16   License, or (at your option) any later version.
18   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
19   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
21   General Public License for more details.
23   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
24   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
25   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
26   02111-1307, USA.
28   The GNU General Public License is contained in the file COPYING.
31#include "pub_tool_basics.h"
32#include "pub_tool_vki.h"
33#include "pub_tool_aspacehl.h"
34#include "pub_tool_aspacemgr.h"
35#include "pub_tool_execontext.h"
36#include "pub_tool_hashtable.h"
37#include "pub_tool_libcbase.h"
38#include "pub_tool_libcassert.h"
39#include "pub_tool_libcprint.h"
40#include "pub_tool_libcsignal.h"
41#include "pub_tool_machine.h"
42#include "pub_tool_mallocfree.h"
43#include "pub_tool_options.h"
44#include "pub_tool_oset.h"
45#include "pub_tool_poolalloc.h"
46#include "pub_tool_signals.h"       // Needed for mc_include.h
47#include "pub_tool_libcsetjmp.h"    // setjmp facilities
48#include "pub_tool_tooliface.h"     // Needed for mc_include.h
50#include "mc_include.h"
53/*--- An overview of leak checking.                        ---*/
56// Leak-checking is a directed-graph traversal problem.  The graph has
57// two kinds of nodes:
58// - root-set nodes:
59//   - GP registers of all threads;
60//   - valid, aligned, pointer-sized data words in valid client memory,
61//     including stacks, but excluding words within client heap-allocated
62//     blocks (they are excluded so that later on we can differentiate
63//     between heap blocks that are indirectly leaked vs. directly leaked).
64// - heap-allocated blocks.  A block is a mempool chunk or a malloc chunk
65//   that doesn't contain a mempool chunk.  Nb: the terms "blocks" and
66//   "chunks" are used interchangeably below.
68// There are two kinds of edges:
69// - start-pointers, i.e. pointers to the start of a block;
70// - interior-pointers, i.e. pointers to the interior of a block.
72// We use "pointers" rather than "edges" below.
74// Root set nodes only point to blocks.  Blocks only point to blocks;
75// a block can point to itself.
77// The aim is to traverse the graph and determine the status of each block.
79// There are 9 distinct cases.  See memcheck/docs/mc-manual.xml for details.
80// Presenting all nine categories to the user is probably too much.
81// Currently we do this:
82// - definitely lost:  case 3
83// - indirectly lost:  case 4, 9
84// - possibly lost:    cases 5..8
85// - still reachable:  cases 1, 2
87// It's far from clear that this is the best possible categorisation;  it's
88// accreted over time without any central guiding principle.
91/*--- XXX: Thoughts for improvement.                       ---*/
94// From the user's point of view:
95// - If they aren't using interior-pointers, they just have to fix the
96//   directly lost blocks, and the indirectly lost ones will be fixed as
97//   part of that.  Any possibly lost blocks will just be due to random
98//   pointer garbage and can be ignored.
100// - If they are using interior-pointers, the fact that they currently are not
101//   being told which ones might be directly lost vs. indirectly lost makes
102//   it hard to know where to begin.
104// All this makes me wonder if new option is warranted:
105// --follow-interior-pointers.  By default it would be off, the leak checker
106// wouldn't follow interior-pointers and there would only be 3 categories:
107// R, DL, IL.
109// If turned on, then it would show 7 categories (R, DL, IL, DR/DL, IR/IL,
110// IR/IL/DL, IL/DL).  That output is harder to understand but it's your own
111// damn fault for using interior-pointers...
113// ----
115// Also, why are two blank lines printed between each loss record?
116// [bug 197930]
118// ----
120// Also, --show-reachable is a bad name because it also turns on the showing
121// of indirectly leaked blocks(!)  It would be better named --show-all or
122// --show-all-heap-blocks, because that's the end result.
123// We now have the option --show-leak-kinds=... which allows to specify =all.
125// ----
129// better.
131// ----
134// they combine direct leaks and indirect leaks into one.  New, more precise
135// ones (they'll need new names) would be good.  If more categories are
136// used, as per the --follow-interior-pointers option, they should be
137// updated accordingly.  And they should use a struct to return the values.
139// ----
141// Also, for this case:
143//  (4)  p4      BBB ---> AAA
145// BBB is definitely directly lost.  AAA is definitely indirectly lost.
146// Here's the relevant loss records printed for a full check (each block is
147// 16 bytes):
149// ==20397== 16 bytes in 1 blocks are indirectly lost in loss record 9 of 15
150// ==20397==    at 0x4C2694E: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:177)
151// ==20397==    by 0x400521: mk (leak-cases.c:49)
152// ==20397==    by 0x400578: main (leak-cases.c:72)
154// ==20397== 32 (16 direct, 16 indirect) bytes in 1 blocks are definitely
155// lost in loss record 14 of 15
156// ==20397==    at 0x4C2694E: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:177)
157// ==20397==    by 0x400521: mk (leak-cases.c:49)
158// ==20397==    by 0x400580: main (leak-cases.c:72)
160// The first one is fine -- it describes AAA.
162// The second one is for BBB.  It's correct in that 16 bytes in 1 block are
163// directly lost. It's also correct that 16 are indirectly lost as a result,
164// but it means that AAA is being counted twice in the loss records.  (It's
165// not, thankfully, counted twice in the summary counts).  Argh.
167// This would be less confusing for the second one:
169// ==20397== 16 bytes in 1 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 14
170// of 15 (and 16 bytes in 1 block are indirectly lost as a result;  they
171// are mentioned elsewhere (if --show-reachable=yes or indirect is given
172// in --show-leak-kinds=... !))
173// ==20397==    at 0x4C2694E: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:177)
174// ==20397==    by 0x400521: mk (leak-cases.c:49)
175// ==20397==    by 0x400580: main (leak-cases.c:72)
177// But ideally we'd present the loss record for the directly lost block and
178// then the resultant indirectly lost blocks and make it clear the
179// dependence.  Double argh.
182/*--- The actual algorithm.                                ---*/
185// - Find all the blocks (a.k.a. chunks) to check.  Mempool chunks require
186//   some special treatment because they can be within malloc'd blocks.
187// - Scan every word in the root set (GP registers and valid
188//   non-heap memory words).
189//   - First, we skip if it doesn't point to valid memory.
190//   - Then, we see if it points to the start or interior of a block.  If
191//     so, we push the block onto the mark stack and mark it as having been
192//     reached.
193// - Then, we process the mark stack, repeating the scanning for each block;
194//   this can push more blocks onto the mark stack.  We repeat until the
195//   mark stack is empty.  Each block is marked as definitely or possibly
196//   reachable, depending on whether interior-pointers were required to
197//   reach it.
198// - At this point we know for every block if it's reachable or not.
199// - We then push each unreached block onto the mark stack, using the block
200//   number as the "clique" number.
201// - We process the mark stack again, this time grouping blocks into cliques
202//   in order to facilitate the directly/indirectly lost categorisation.
203// - We group blocks by their ExeContexts and categorisation, and print them
204//   if --leak-check=full.  We also print summary numbers.
206// A note on "cliques":
207// - A directly lost block is one with no pointers to it.  An indirectly
208//   lost block is one that is pointed to by a directly or indirectly lost
209//   block.
210// - Each directly lost block has zero or more indirectly lost blocks
211//   hanging off it.  All these blocks together form a "clique".  The
212//   directly lost block is called the "clique leader".  The clique number
213//   is the number (in lc_chunks[]) of the clique leader.
214// - Actually, a directly lost block may be pointed to if it's part of a
215//   cycle.  In that case, there may be more than one choice for the clique
216//   leader, and the choice is arbitrary.  Eg. if you have A-->B and B-->A
217//   either A or B could be the clique leader.
218// - Cliques cannot overlap, and will be truncated to avoid this.  Eg. if we
219//   have A-->C and B-->C, the two cliques will be {A,C} and {B}, or {A} and
220//   {B,C} (again the choice is arbitrary).  This is because we don't want
221//   to count a block as indirectly lost more than once.
223// A note on 'is_prior_definite':
224// - This is a boolean used in various places that indicates if the chain
225//   up to the prior node (prior to the one being considered) is definite.
226// - In the clique == -1 case:
227//   - if True it means that the prior node is a root-set node, or that the
228//     prior node is a block which is reachable from the root-set via
229//     start-pointers.
230//   - if False it means that the prior node is a block that is only
231//     reachable from the root-set via a path including at least one
232//     interior-pointer.
233// - In the clique != -1 case, currently it's always True because we treat
234//   start-pointers and interior-pointers the same for direct/indirect leak
235//   checking.  If we added a PossibleIndirectLeak state then this would
236//   change.
239// Define to debug the memory-leak-detector.
241#define VG_DEBUG_CLIQUE    0
245/*--- Getting the initial chunks, and searching them.      ---*/
248// Compare the MC_Chunks by 'data' (i.e. the address of the block).
249static Int compare_MC_Chunks(const void* n1, const void* n2)
251   const MC_Chunk* mc1 = *(const MC_Chunk *const *)n1;
252   const MC_Chunk* mc2 = *(const MC_Chunk *const *)n2;
253   if (mc1->data < mc2->data) return -1;
254   if (mc1->data > mc2->data) return  1;
255   return 0;
259// Used to sanity-check the fast binary-search mechanism.
261Int find_chunk_for_OLD ( Addr       ptr,
262                         MC_Chunk** chunks,
263                         Int        n_chunks )
266   Int  i;
267   Addr a_lo, a_hi;
269   for (i = 0; i < n_chunks; i++) {
271      a_lo = chunks[i]->data;
272      a_hi = ((Addr)chunks[i]->data) + chunks[i]->szB;
273      if (a_lo <= ptr && ptr < a_hi)
274         return i;
275   }
276   return -1;
280// Find the i such that ptr points at or inside the block described by
281// chunks[i].  Return -1 if none found.  This assumes that chunks[]
282// has been sorted on the 'data' field.
284Int find_chunk_for ( Addr       ptr,
285                     MC_Chunk** chunks,
286                     Int        n_chunks )
288   Addr a_mid_lo, a_mid_hi;
289   Int lo, mid, hi, retVal;
290   // VG_(printf)("find chunk for %p = ", ptr);
291   retVal = -1;
292   lo = 0;
293   hi = n_chunks-1;
294   while (True) {
295      // Invariant: current unsearched space is from lo to hi, inclusive.
296      if (lo > hi) break; // not found
298      mid      = (lo + hi) / 2;
299      a_mid_lo = chunks[mid]->data;
300      a_mid_hi = chunks[mid]->data + chunks[mid]->szB;
301      // Extent of block 'mid' is [a_mid_lo .. a_mid_hi).
302      // Special-case zero-sized blocks - treat them as if they had
303      // size 1.  Not doing so causes them to not cover any address
304      // range at all and so will never be identified as the target of
305      // any pointer, which causes them to be incorrectly reported as
306      // definitely leaked.
307      if (chunks[mid]->szB == 0)
308         a_mid_hi++;
310      if (ptr < a_mid_lo) {
311         hi = mid-1;
312         continue;
313      }
314      if (ptr >= a_mid_hi) {
315         lo = mid+1;
316         continue;
317      }
318      tl_assert(ptr >= a_mid_lo && ptr < a_mid_hi);
319      retVal = mid;
320      break;
321   }
324   tl_assert(retVal == find_chunk_for_OLD ( ptr, chunks, n_chunks ));
325#  endif
326   // VG_(printf)("%d\n", retVal);
327   return retVal;
331static MC_Chunk**
332find_active_chunks(Int* pn_chunks)
334   // Our goal is to construct a set of chunks that includes every
335   // mempool chunk, and every malloc region that *doesn't* contain a
336   // mempool chunk.
337   MC_Mempool *mp;
338   MC_Chunk **mallocs, **chunks, *mc;
339   UInt n_mallocs, n_chunks, m, s;
340   Bool *malloc_chunk_holds_a_pool_chunk;
342   // First we collect all the malloc chunks into an array and sort it.
343   // We do this because we want to query the chunks by interior
344   // pointers, requiring binary search.
345   mallocs = (MC_Chunk**) VG_(HT_to_array)( MC_(malloc_list), &n_mallocs );
346   if (n_mallocs == 0) {
347      tl_assert(mallocs == NULL);
348      *pn_chunks = 0;
349      return NULL;
350   }
351   VG_(ssort)(mallocs, n_mallocs, sizeof(VgHashNode*), compare_MC_Chunks);
353   // Then we build an array containing a Bool for each malloc chunk,
354   // indicating whether it contains any mempools.
355   malloc_chunk_holds_a_pool_chunk = VG_(calloc)( "mc.fas.1",
356                                                  n_mallocs, sizeof(Bool) );
357   n_chunks = n_mallocs;
359   // Then we loop over the mempool tables. For each chunk in each
360   // pool, we set the entry in the Bool array corresponding to the
361   // malloc chunk containing the mempool chunk.
362   VG_(HT_ResetIter)(MC_(mempool_list));
363   while ( (mp = VG_(HT_Next)(MC_(mempool_list))) ) {
364      VG_(HT_ResetIter)(mp->chunks);
365      while ( (mc = VG_(HT_Next)(mp->chunks)) ) {
367         // We'll need to record this chunk.
368         n_chunks++;
370         // Possibly invalidate the malloc holding the beginning of this chunk.
371         m = find_chunk_for(mc->data, mallocs, n_mallocs);
372         if (m != -1 && malloc_chunk_holds_a_pool_chunk[m] == False) {
373            tl_assert(n_chunks > 0);
374            n_chunks--;
375            malloc_chunk_holds_a_pool_chunk[m] = True;
376         }
378         // Possibly invalidate the malloc holding the end of this chunk.
379         if (mc->szB > 1) {
380            m = find_chunk_for(mc->data + (mc->szB - 1), mallocs, n_mallocs);
381            if (m != -1 && malloc_chunk_holds_a_pool_chunk[m] == False) {
382               tl_assert(n_chunks > 0);
383               n_chunks--;
384               malloc_chunk_holds_a_pool_chunk[m] = True;
385            }
386         }
387      }
388   }
389   tl_assert(n_chunks > 0);
391   // Create final chunk array.
392   chunks = VG_(malloc)("mc.fas.2", sizeof(VgHashNode*) * (n_chunks));
393   s = 0;
395   // Copy the mempool chunks and the non-marked malloc chunks into a
396   // combined array of chunks.
397   VG_(HT_ResetIter)(MC_(mempool_list));
398   while ( (mp = VG_(HT_Next)(MC_(mempool_list))) ) {
399      VG_(HT_ResetIter)(mp->chunks);
400      while ( (mc = VG_(HT_Next)(mp->chunks)) ) {
401         tl_assert(s < n_chunks);
402         chunks[s++] = mc;
403      }
404   }
405   for (m = 0; m < n_mallocs; ++m) {
406      if (!malloc_chunk_holds_a_pool_chunk[m]) {
407         tl_assert(s < n_chunks);
408         chunks[s++] = mallocs[m];
409      }
410   }
411   tl_assert(s == n_chunks);
413   // Free temporaries.
414   VG_(free)(mallocs);
415   VG_(free)(malloc_chunk_holds_a_pool_chunk);
417   *pn_chunks = n_chunks;
419   return chunks;
423/*--- The leak detector proper.                            ---*/
426// Holds extra info about each block during leak checking.
428   struct {
429      UInt  state:2;    // Reachedness.
430      UInt  pending:1;  // Scan pending.
431      UInt  heuristic: (sizeof(UInt)*8)-3;
432      // Heuristic with which this block was considered reachable.
433      // LchNone if state != Reachable or no heuristic needed to
434      // consider it reachable.
436      union {
437         SizeT indirect_szB;
438         // If Unreached, how many bytes are unreachable from here.
439         SizeT  clique;
440         // if IndirectLeak, clique leader to which it belongs.
441      } IorC;
442   }
443   LC_Extra;
445// An array holding pointers to every chunk we're checking.  Sorted by address.
446// lc_chunks is initialised during leak search. It is kept after leak search
447// to support printing the list of blocks belonging to a loss record.
448// lc_chunk array can only be used validly till the next "free" operation
449// (as a free operation potentially destroys one or more chunks).
450// To detect lc_chunk is valid, we store the nr of frees operations done
451// when lc_chunk was build : lc_chunks (and lc_extras) stays valid as
452// long as no free operations has been done since lc_chunks building.
453static MC_Chunk** lc_chunks;
454// How many chunks we're dealing with.
455static Int        lc_n_chunks;
456static SizeT lc_chunks_n_frees_marker;
457// This has the same number of entries as lc_chunks, and each entry
458// in lc_chunks corresponds with the entry here (ie. lc_chunks[i] and
459// lc_extras[i] describe the same block).
460static LC_Extra* lc_extras;
462// chunks will be converted and merged in loss record, maintained in lr_table
463// lr_table elements are kept from one leak_search to another to implement
464// the "print new/changed leaks" client request
465static OSet*        lr_table;
466// Array of sorted loss record (produced during last leak search).
467static LossRecord** lr_array;
469// Value of the heuristics parameter used in the current (or last) leak check.
470static UInt detect_memory_leaks_last_heuristics;
472// DeltaMode used the last time we called detect_memory_leaks.
473// The recorded leak errors are output using a logic based on this delta_mode.
474// The below avoids replicating the delta_mode in each LossRecord.
475LeakCheckDeltaMode MC_(detect_memory_leaks_last_delta_mode);
477// Each leak search run increments the below generation counter.
478// A used suppression during a leak search will contain this
479// generation number.
480UInt MC_(leak_search_gen);
482// Records chunks that are currently being processed.  Each element in the
483// stack is an index into lc_chunks and lc_extras.  Its size is
484// 'lc_n_chunks' because in the worst case that's how many chunks could be
485// pushed onto it (actually I think the maximum is lc_n_chunks-1 but let's
486// be conservative).
487static Int* lc_markstack;
488// The index of the top element of the stack; -1 if the stack is empty, 0 if
489// the stack has one element, 1 if it has two, etc.
490static Int  lc_markstack_top;
492// Keeps track of how many bytes of memory we've scanned, for printing.
493// (Nb: We don't keep track of how many register bytes we've scanned.)
494static SizeT lc_scanned_szB;
495// Keeps track of how many bytes we have not scanned due to read errors that
496// caused a signal such as SIGSEGV.
497static SizeT lc_sig_skipped_szB;
500SizeT MC_(bytes_leaked)     = 0;
501SizeT MC_(bytes_indirect)   = 0;
502SizeT MC_(bytes_dubious)    = 0;
503SizeT MC_(bytes_reachable)  = 0;
504SizeT MC_(bytes_suppressed) = 0;
506SizeT MC_(blocks_leaked)     = 0;
507SizeT MC_(blocks_indirect)   = 0;
508SizeT MC_(blocks_dubious)    = 0;
509SizeT MC_(blocks_reachable)  = 0;
510SizeT MC_(blocks_suppressed) = 0;
512// Subset of MC_(bytes_reachable) and MC_(blocks_reachable) which
513// are considered reachable due to the corresponding heuristic.
514static SizeT MC_(bytes_heuristically_reachable)[N_LEAK_CHECK_HEURISTICS]
515                                               = {0,0,0,0};
516static SizeT MC_(blocks_heuristically_reachable)[N_LEAK_CHECK_HEURISTICS]
517                                                = {0,0,0,0};
519// Determines if a pointer is to a chunk.  Returns the chunk number et al
520// via call-by-reference.
521static Bool
522lc_is_a_chunk_ptr(Addr ptr, Int* pch_no, MC_Chunk** pch, LC_Extra** pex)
524   Int ch_no;
525   MC_Chunk* ch;
526   LC_Extra* ex;
528   // Quick filter. Note: implemented with am, not with get_vabits2
529   // as ptr might be random data pointing anywhere. On 64 bit
530   // platforms, getting va bits for random data can be quite costly
531   // due to the secondary map.
532   if (!VG_(am_is_valid_for_client)(ptr, 1, VKI_PROT_READ)) {
533      return False;
534   } else {
535      ch_no = find_chunk_for(ptr, lc_chunks, lc_n_chunks);
536      tl_assert(ch_no >= -1 && ch_no < lc_n_chunks);
538      if (ch_no == -1) {
539         return False;
540      } else {
541         // Ok, we've found a pointer to a chunk.  Get the MC_Chunk and its
542         // LC_Extra.
543         ch = lc_chunks[ch_no];
544         ex = &(lc_extras[ch_no]);
546         tl_assert(ptr >= ch->data);
547         tl_assert(ptr < ch->data + ch->szB + (ch->szB==0  ? 1  : 0));
549         if (VG_DEBUG_LEAKCHECK)
550            VG_(printf)("ptr=%#lx -> block %d\n", ptr, ch_no);
552         *pch_no = ch_no;
553         *pch    = ch;
554         *pex    = ex;
556         return True;
557      }
558   }
561// Push a chunk (well, just its index) onto the mark stack.
562static void lc_push(Int ch_no, MC_Chunk* ch)
564   if (!lc_extras[ch_no].pending) {
565      if (0) {
566         VG_(printf)("pushing %#lx-%#lx\n", ch->data, ch->data + ch->szB);
567      }
568      lc_markstack_top++;
569      tl_assert(lc_markstack_top < lc_n_chunks);
570      lc_markstack[lc_markstack_top] = ch_no;
571      tl_assert(!lc_extras[ch_no].pending);
572      lc_extras[ch_no].pending = True;
573   }
576// Return the index of the chunk on the top of the mark stack, or -1 if
577// there isn't one.
578static Bool lc_pop(Int* ret)
580   if (-1 == lc_markstack_top) {
581      return False;
582   } else {
583      tl_assert(0 <= lc_markstack_top && lc_markstack_top < lc_n_chunks);
584      *ret = lc_markstack[lc_markstack_top];
585      lc_markstack_top--;
586      tl_assert(lc_extras[*ret].pending);
587      lc_extras[*ret].pending = False;
588      return True;
589   }
592static const HChar* pp_heuristic(LeakCheckHeuristic h)
594   switch(h) {
595   case LchNone:                return "none";
596   case LchStdString:           return "stdstring";
597   case LchLength64:            return "length64";
598   case LchNewArray:            return "newarray";
599   case LchMultipleInheritance: return "multipleinheritance";
600   default:                     return "???invalid heuristic???";
601   }
604// True if ptr looks like the address of a vtable, i.e. if ptr
605// points to an array of pointers to functions.
606// It is assumed the only caller of this function is heuristic_reachedness
607// which must check that ptr is aligned and above page 0.
608// Checking that ptr is above page 0 is an optimisation : it is assumed
609// that no vtable is located in the page 0. So, all small integer values
610// encountered during the scan will not incur the cost of calling this
611// function.
612static Bool aligned_ptr_above_page0_is_vtable_addr(Addr ptr)
614   // ??? If performance problem:
615   // ??? maybe implement a cache (array indexed by ptr % primenr)
616   // ??? of "I am a vtable ptr" ???
618   // ??? Maybe the debug info could (efficiently?) be used to detect vtables ?
620   // We consider ptr as a vtable ptr if it points to a table
621   // where we find only NULL pointers or pointers pointing at an
622   // executable region. We must find at least 2 non NULL pointers
623   // before considering ptr as a vtable pointer.
624   // We scan a maximum of VTABLE_MAX_CHECK words for these 2 non NULL
625   // pointers.
626#define VTABLE_MAX_CHECK 20
628   NSegment const *seg;
629   UInt nr_fn_ptrs = 0;
630   Addr scan;
631   Addr scan_max;
633   // First verify ptr points inside a client mapped file section.
634   // ??? is a vtable always in a file mapped readable section ?
635   seg = VG_(am_find_nsegment) (ptr);
636   if (seg == NULL
637       || seg->kind != SkFileC
638       || !seg->hasR)
639      return False;
641   // Check potential function pointers, up to a maximum of VTABLE_MAX_CHECK.
642   scan_max = ptr + VTABLE_MAX_CHECK*sizeof(Addr);
643   // If ptr is near the end of seg, avoid scan_max exceeding the end of seg:
644   if (scan_max > seg->end - sizeof(Addr))
645      scan_max = seg->end - sizeof(Addr);
646   for (scan = ptr; scan <= scan_max; scan+=sizeof(Addr)) {
647      Addr pot_fn = *((Addr *)scan);
648      if (pot_fn == 0)
649         continue; // NULL fn pointer. Seems it can happen in vtable.
650      seg = VG_(am_find_nsegment) (pot_fn);
651#if defined(VGA_ppc64be)
652      // ppc64BE uses a thunk table (function descriptors), so we have one
653      // more level of indirection to follow.
654      if (seg == NULL
655          || seg->kind != SkFileC
656          || !seg->hasR
657          || !seg->hasW)
658         return False; // ptr to nowhere, or not a ptr to thunks.
659      pot_fn = *((Addr *)pot_fn);
660      if (pot_fn == 0)
661         continue; // NULL fn pointer. Seems it can happen in vtable.
662      seg = VG_(am_find_nsegment) (pot_fn);
664      if (seg == NULL
665          || seg->kind != SkFileC
666          || !seg->hasT)
667         return False; // ptr to nowhere, or not a fn ptr.
668      nr_fn_ptrs++;
669      if (nr_fn_ptrs == 2)
670         return True;
671   }
673   return False;
676// true if a is properly aligned and points to 64bits of valid memory
677static Bool is_valid_aligned_ULong ( Addr a )
679   if (sizeof(Word) == 8)
680      return MC_(is_valid_aligned_word)(a);
682   return MC_(is_valid_aligned_word)(a)
683      && MC_(is_valid_aligned_word)(a + 4);
686/* The below leak_search_fault_catcher is used to catch memory access
687   errors happening during leak_search.  During the scan, we check
688   with aspacemgr and/or VA bits that each page or dereferenced location is
689   readable and belongs to the client.  However, we still protect
690   against SIGSEGV and SIGBUS e.g. in case aspacemgr is desynchronised
691   with the real page mappings.  Such a desynchronisation could happen
692   due to an aspacemgr bug.  Note that if the application is using
693   mprotect(NONE), then a page can be unreadable but have addressable
694   and defined VA bits (see mc_main.c function mc_new_mem_mprotect).
695   Currently, 2 functions are dereferencing client memory during leak search:
696   heuristic_reachedness and lc_scan_memory.
697   Each such function has its own fault catcher, that will call
698   leak_search_fault_catcher with the proper 'who' and jmpbuf parameters. */
699static volatile Addr bad_scanned_addr;
701void leak_search_fault_catcher ( Int sigNo, Addr addr,
702                                 const HChar *who, VG_MINIMAL_JMP_BUF(jmpbuf) )
704   vki_sigset_t sigmask;
706   if (0)
707      VG_(printf)("OUCH! sig=%d addr=%#lx who=%s\n", sigNo, addr, who);
709   /* Signal handler runs with the signal masked.
710      Unmask the handled signal before longjmp-ing or return-ing.
711      Note that during leak search, we expect only SIGSEGV or SIGBUS
712      and we do not expect another occurence until we longjmp-ed!return-ed
713      to resume the leak search. So, it is safe to unmask the signal
714      here. */
715   /* First get current mask (by passing NULL as first arg) */
716   VG_(sigprocmask)(VKI_SIG_SETMASK, NULL, &sigmask);
717   /* Then set a new sigmask, with this signal removed from the mask. */
718   VG_(sigdelset)(&sigmask, sigNo);
719   VG_(sigprocmask)(VKI_SIG_SETMASK, &sigmask, NULL);
721   if (sigNo == VKI_SIGSEGV || sigNo == VKI_SIGBUS) {
722      bad_scanned_addr = addr;
723      VG_MINIMAL_LONGJMP(jmpbuf);
724   } else {
725      /* ??? During leak search, we are not supposed to receive any
726         other sync signal that these 2.
727         In theory, we should not call VG_(umsg) in a signal handler,
728         but better (try to) report this unexpected behaviour. */
729      VG_(umsg)("leak_search_fault_catcher:"
730                " unexpected signal %d, catcher %s ???\n",
731                sigNo, who);
732   }
735// jmpbuf and fault_catcher used during heuristic_reachedness
736static VG_MINIMAL_JMP_BUF(heuristic_reachedness_jmpbuf);
738void heuristic_reachedness_fault_catcher ( Int sigNo, Addr addr )
740   leak_search_fault_catcher (sigNo, addr,
741                              "heuristic_reachedness_fault_catcher",
742                              heuristic_reachedness_jmpbuf);
745// If ch is heuristically reachable via an heuristic member of heur_set,
746// returns this heuristic.
747// If ch cannot be considered reachable using one of these heuristics,
748// return LchNone.
749// This should only be called when ptr is an interior ptr to ch.
750// The StdString/NewArray/MultipleInheritance heuristics are directly
751// inspired from DrMemory:
752//  see http://www.burningcutlery.com/derek/docs/drmem-CGO11.pdf [section VI,C]
753//  and bug 280271.
754static LeakCheckHeuristic heuristic_reachedness (Addr ptr,
755                                                 MC_Chunk *ch, LC_Extra *ex,
756                                                 UInt heur_set)
759   fault_catcher_t prev_catcher;
761   prev_catcher = VG_(set_fault_catcher)(heuristic_reachedness_fault_catcher);
763   // See leak_search_fault_catcher
764   if (VG_MINIMAL_SETJMP(heuristic_reachedness_jmpbuf) != 0) {
765      VG_(set_fault_catcher) (prev_catcher);
766      return LchNone;
767   }
769   if (HiS(LchStdString, heur_set)) {
770      // Detects inner pointers to Std::String for layout being
771      //     length capacity refcount char_array[] \0
772      // where ptr points to the beginning of the char_array.
773      // Note: we check definedness for length and capacity but
774      // not for refcount, as refcount size might be smaller than
775      // a SizeT, giving a uninitialised hole in the first 3 SizeT.
776      if ( ptr == ch->data + 3 * sizeof(SizeT)
777           && MC_(is_valid_aligned_word)(ch->data + sizeof(SizeT))) {
778         const SizeT capacity = *((SizeT*)(ch->data + sizeof(SizeT)));
779         if (3 * sizeof(SizeT) + capacity + 1 == ch->szB
780            && MC_(is_valid_aligned_word)(ch->data)) {
781            const SizeT length = *((SizeT*)ch->data);
782            if (length <= capacity) {
783               // ??? could check there is no null byte from ptr to ptr+length-1
784               // ???    and that there is a null byte at ptr+length.
785               // ???
786               // ??? could check that ch->allockind is MC_AllocNew ???
787               // ??? probably not a good idea, as I guess stdstring
788               // ??? allocator can be done via custom allocator
789               // ??? or even a call to malloc ????
790               VG_(set_fault_catcher) (prev_catcher);
791               return LchStdString;
792            }
793         }
794      }
795   }
797   if (HiS(LchLength64, heur_set)) {
798      // Detects inner pointers that point at 64bit offset (8 bytes) into a
799      // block following the length of the remaining as 64bit number
800      // (=total block size - 8).
801      // This is used e.g. by sqlite for tracking the total size of allocated
802      // memory.
803      // Note that on 64bit platforms, a block matching LchLength64 will
804      // also be matched by LchNewArray.
805      if ( ptr == ch->data + sizeof(ULong)
806          && is_valid_aligned_ULong(ch->data)) {
807         const ULong size = *((ULong*)ch->data);
808         if (size > 0 && (ch->szB - sizeof(ULong)) == size) {
809            VG_(set_fault_catcher) (prev_catcher);
810            return LchLength64;
811         }
812      }
813   }
815   if (HiS(LchNewArray, heur_set)) {
816      // Detects inner pointers at second word of new[] array, following
817      // a plausible nr of elements.
818      // Such inner pointers are used for arrays of elements
819      // having a destructor, as the delete[] of the array must know
820      // how many elements to destroy.
821      //
822      // We have a strange/wrong case for 'ptr = new MyClass[0];' :
823      // For such a case, the returned ptr points just outside the
824      // allocated chunk. This chunk is then seen as a definite
825      // leak by Valgrind, as it is not considered an interior pointer.
826      // It is the c++ equivalent of bug 99923 (malloc(0) wrongly considered
827      // as definitely leaked). See the trick in find_chunk_for handling
828      // 0-sized block. This trick does not work for 'new MyClass[0]'
829      // because a chunk "word-sized" is allocated to store the (0) nr
830      // of elements.
831      if ( ptr == ch->data + sizeof(SizeT)
832           && MC_(is_valid_aligned_word)(ch->data)) {
833         const SizeT nr_elts = *((SizeT*)ch->data);
834         if (nr_elts > 0 && (ch->szB - sizeof(SizeT)) % nr_elts == 0) {
835            // ??? could check that ch->allockind is MC_AllocNewVec ???
836            VG_(set_fault_catcher) (prev_catcher);
837            return LchNewArray;
838         }
839      }
840   }
842   if (HiS(LchMultipleInheritance, heur_set)) {
843      // Detect inner pointer used for multiple inheritance.
844      // Assumption is that the vtable pointers are before the object.
845      if (VG_IS_WORD_ALIGNED(ptr)
846          && MC_(is_valid_aligned_word)(ptr)) {
847         Addr first_addr;
848         Addr inner_addr;
850         // Avoid the call to is_vtable_addr when the addr is not
851         // aligned or points in the page0, as it is unlikely
852         // a vtable is located in this page. This last optimisation
853         // avoids to call aligned_ptr_above_page0_is_vtable_addr
854         // for all small integers.
855         // Note: we could possibly also avoid calling this function
856         // for small negative integers, as no vtable should be located
857         // in the last page.
858         inner_addr = *((Addr*)ptr);
859         if (VG_IS_WORD_ALIGNED(inner_addr)
860             && inner_addr >= (Addr)VKI_PAGE_SIZE
861             && MC_(is_valid_aligned_word)(ch->data)) {
862            first_addr = *((Addr*)ch->data);
863            if (VG_IS_WORD_ALIGNED(first_addr)
864                && first_addr >= (Addr)VKI_PAGE_SIZE
865                && aligned_ptr_above_page0_is_vtable_addr(inner_addr)
866                && aligned_ptr_above_page0_is_vtable_addr(first_addr)) {
867               // ??? could check that ch->allockind is MC_AllocNew ???
868               VG_(set_fault_catcher) (prev_catcher);
869               return LchMultipleInheritance;
870            }
871         }
872      }
873   }
875   VG_(set_fault_catcher) (prev_catcher);
876   return LchNone;
880// If 'ptr' is pointing to a heap-allocated block which hasn't been seen
881// before, push it onto the mark stack.
882static void
883lc_push_without_clique_if_a_chunk_ptr(Addr ptr, Bool is_prior_definite)
885   Int ch_no;
886   MC_Chunk* ch;
887   LC_Extra* ex;
888   Reachedness ch_via_ptr; // Is ch reachable via ptr, and how ?
890   if ( ! lc_is_a_chunk_ptr(ptr, &ch_no, &ch, &ex) )
891      return;
893   if (ex->state == Reachable) {
894      if (ex->heuristic && ptr == ch->data)
895         // If block was considered reachable via an heuristic, and it is now
896         // directly reachable via ptr, clear the heuristic field.
897         ex->heuristic = LchNone;
898      return;
899   }
901   // Possibly upgrade the state, ie. one of:
902   // - Unreached --> Possible
903   // - Unreached --> Reachable
904   // - Possible  --> Reachable
906   if (ptr == ch->data)
907      ch_via_ptr = Reachable;
908   else if (detect_memory_leaks_last_heuristics) {
909      ex->heuristic
910         = heuristic_reachedness (ptr, ch, ex,
911                                  detect_memory_leaks_last_heuristics);
912      if (ex->heuristic)
913         ch_via_ptr = Reachable;
914      else
915         ch_via_ptr = Possible;
916   } else
917      ch_via_ptr = Possible;
919   if (ch_via_ptr == Reachable && is_prior_definite) {
920      // 'ptr' points to the start of the block or is to be considered as
921      // pointing to the start of the block, and the prior node is
922      // definite, which means that this block is definitely reachable.
923      ex->state = Reachable;
925      // State has changed to Reachable so (re)scan the block to make
926      // sure any blocks it points to are correctly marked.
927      lc_push(ch_no, ch);
929   } else if (ex->state == Unreached) {
930      // Either 'ptr' is a interior-pointer, or the prior node isn't definite,
931      // which means that we can only mark this block as possibly reachable.
932      ex->state = Possible;
934      // State has changed to Possible so (re)scan the block to make
935      // sure any blocks it points to are correctly marked.
936      lc_push(ch_no, ch);
937   }
940static void
941lc_push_if_a_chunk_ptr_register(ThreadId tid, const HChar* regname, Addr ptr)
943   lc_push_without_clique_if_a_chunk_ptr(ptr, /*is_prior_definite*/True);
946// If ptr is pointing to a heap-allocated block which hasn't been seen
947// before, push it onto the mark stack.  Clique is the index of the
948// clique leader.
949static void
950lc_push_with_clique_if_a_chunk_ptr(Addr ptr, Int clique, Int cur_clique)
952   Int ch_no;
953   MC_Chunk* ch;
954   LC_Extra* ex;
956   tl_assert(0 <= clique && clique < lc_n_chunks);
958   if ( ! lc_is_a_chunk_ptr(ptr, &ch_no, &ch, &ex) )
959      return;
961   // If it's not Unreached, it's already been handled so ignore it.
962   // If ch_no==clique, it's the clique leader, which means this is a cyclic
963   // structure;  again ignore it because it's already been handled.
964   if (ex->state == Unreached && ch_no != clique) {
965      // Note that, unlike reachable blocks, we currently don't distinguish
966      // between start-pointers and interior-pointers here.  We probably
967      // should, though.
968      lc_push(ch_no, ch);
970      // Add the block to the clique, and add its size to the
971      // clique-leader's indirect size.  Also, if the new block was
972      // itself a clique leader, it isn't any more, so add its
973      // indirect_szB to the new clique leader.
974      if (VG_DEBUG_CLIQUE) {
975         if (ex->IorC.indirect_szB > 0)
976            VG_(printf)("  clique %d joining clique %d adding %lu+%lu\n",
977                        ch_no, clique, (SizeT)ch->szB, ex->IorC.indirect_szB);
978         else
979            VG_(printf)("  block %d joining clique %d adding %lu\n",
980                        ch_no, clique, (SizeT)ch->szB);
981      }
983      lc_extras[clique].IorC.indirect_szB += ch->szB;
984      lc_extras[clique].IorC.indirect_szB += ex->IorC.indirect_szB;
985      ex->state = IndirectLeak;
986      ex->IorC.clique = (SizeT) cur_clique;
987   }
990static void
991lc_push_if_a_chunk_ptr(Addr ptr,
992                       Int clique, Int cur_clique, Bool is_prior_definite)
994   if (-1 == clique)
995      lc_push_without_clique_if_a_chunk_ptr(ptr, is_prior_definite);
996   else
997      lc_push_with_clique_if_a_chunk_ptr(ptr, clique, cur_clique);
1001static VG_MINIMAL_JMP_BUF(lc_scan_memory_jmpbuf);
1003void lc_scan_memory_fault_catcher ( Int sigNo, Addr addr )
1005   leak_search_fault_catcher (sigNo, addr,
1006                              "lc_scan_memory_fault_catcher",
1007                              lc_scan_memory_jmpbuf);
1010// lc_scan_memory has 2 modes:
1012// 1. Leak check mode (searched == 0).
1013// -----------------------------------
1014// Scan a block of memory between [start, start+len).  This range may
1015// be bogus, inaccessible, or otherwise strange; we deal with it.  For each
1016// valid aligned word we assume it's a pointer to a chunk a push the chunk
1017// onto the mark stack if so.
1018// clique is the "highest level clique" in which indirectly leaked blocks have
1019// to be collected. cur_clique is the current "lower" level clique through which
1020// the memory to be scanned has been found.
1021// Example: in the below tree if A is leaked, the top level clique will
1022//   be A, while lower level cliques will be B and C.
1024           A
1025         /   \
1026        B     C
1027       / \   / \
1028      D   E F   G
1030// Proper handling of top and lowest level clique allows block_list of a loss
1031// record to describe the hierarchy of indirectly leaked blocks.
1033// 2. Search ptr mode (searched != 0).
1034// -----------------------------------
1035// In this mode, searches for pointers to a specific address range
1036// In such a case, lc_scan_memory just scans [start..start+len[ for pointers
1037// to searched and outputs the places where searched is found.
1038// It does not recursively scans the found memory.
1039static void
1040lc_scan_memory(Addr start, SizeT len, Bool is_prior_definite,
1041               Int clique, Int cur_clique,
1042               Addr searched, SizeT szB)
1044   /* memory scan is based on the assumption that valid pointers are aligned
1045      on a multiple of sizeof(Addr). So, we can (and must) skip the begin and
1046      end portions of the block if they are not aligned on sizeof(Addr):
1047      These cannot be a valid pointer, and calls to MC_(is_valid_aligned_word)
1048      will assert for a non aligned address. */
1049#if defined(VGA_s390x)
1050   // Define ptr as volatile, as on this platform, the value of ptr
1051   // is read in code executed via a longjmp.
1052   volatile
1054   Addr ptr = VG_ROUNDUP(start, sizeof(Addr));
1055   const Addr end = VG_ROUNDDN(start+len, sizeof(Addr));
1056   fault_catcher_t prev_catcher;
1059      VG_(printf)("scan %#lx-%#lx (%lu)\n", start, end, len);
1061   prev_catcher = VG_(set_fault_catcher)(lc_scan_memory_fault_catcher);
1063   /* Optimisation: the loop below will check for each begin
1064      of SM chunk if the chunk is fully unaddressable. The idea is to
1065      skip efficiently such fully unaddressable SM chunks.
1066      So, we preferably start the loop on a chunk boundary.
1067      If the chunk is not fully unaddressable, we might be in
1068      an unaddressable page. Again, the idea is to skip efficiently
1069      such unaddressable page : this is the "else" part.
1070      We use an "else" so that two consecutive fully unaddressable
1071      SM chunks will be skipped efficiently: first one is skipped
1072      by this piece of code. The next SM chunk will be skipped inside
1073      the loop. */
1074   if ( ! MC_(is_within_valid_secondary)(ptr) ) {
1075      // Skip an invalid SM chunk till the beginning of the next SM Chunk.
1076      ptr = VG_ROUNDUP(ptr+1, SM_SIZE);
1077   } else if (!VG_(am_is_valid_for_client)(ptr, sizeof(Addr), VKI_PROT_READ)) {
1078      // else we are in a (at least partially) valid SM chunk.
1079      // We might be in the middle of an unreadable page.
1080      // Do a cheap check to see if it's valid;
1081      // if not, skip onto the next page.
1082      ptr = VG_PGROUNDUP(ptr+1);        // First page is bad - skip it.
1083   }
1084   /* The above optimisation and below loop is based on some relationships
1085      between VKI_PAGE_SIZE, SM_SIZE and sizeof(Addr) which are asserted in
1086      MC_(detect_memory_leaks). */
1088   // See leak_search_fault_catcher
1089   if (VG_MINIMAL_SETJMP(lc_scan_memory_jmpbuf) != 0) {
1090      // Catch read error ...
1091#     if defined(VGA_s390x)
1092      // For a SIGSEGV, s390 delivers the page address of the bad address.
1093      // For a SIGBUS, old s390 kernels deliver a NULL address.
1094      // bad_scanned_addr can thus not be used.
1095      // So, on this platform, we always skip a full page from ptr.
1096      // The below implies to mark ptr as volatile, as we read the value
1097      // after a longjmp to here.
1098      lc_sig_skipped_szB += VKI_PAGE_SIZE;
1099      ptr = ptr + VKI_PAGE_SIZE; // Unaddressable, - skip it.
1100#     else
1101      // On other platforms, just skip one Addr.
1102      lc_sig_skipped_szB += sizeof(Addr);
1103      tl_assert(bad_scanned_addr >= VG_ROUNDUP(start, sizeof(Addr)));
1104      tl_assert(bad_scanned_addr < VG_ROUNDDN(start+len, sizeof(Addr)));
1105      ptr = bad_scanned_addr + sizeof(Addr); // Unaddressable, - skip it.
1107   }
1108   while (ptr < end) {
1109      Addr addr;
1111      // Skip invalid chunks.
1112      if (UNLIKELY((ptr % SM_SIZE) == 0)) {
1113         if (! MC_(is_within_valid_secondary)(ptr) ) {
1114            ptr = VG_ROUNDUP(ptr+1, SM_SIZE);
1115            continue;
1116         }
1117      }
1119      // Look to see if this page seems reasonable.
1120      if (UNLIKELY((ptr % VKI_PAGE_SIZE) == 0)) {
1121         if (!VG_(am_is_valid_for_client)(ptr, sizeof(Addr), VKI_PROT_READ)) {
1122            ptr += VKI_PAGE_SIZE;      // Bad page - skip it.
1123            continue;
1124         }
1125      }
1127      if ( MC_(is_valid_aligned_word)(ptr) ) {
1128         lc_scanned_szB += sizeof(Addr);
1129         // If the below read fails, we will longjmp to the loop begin.
1130         addr = *(Addr *)ptr;
1131         // If we get here, the scanned word is in valid memory.  Now
1132         // let's see if its contents point to a chunk.
1133         if (UNLIKELY(searched)) {
1134            if (addr >= searched && addr < searched + szB) {
1135               if (addr == searched) {
1136                  VG_(umsg)("*%#lx points at %#lx\n", ptr, searched);
1137                  MC_(pp_describe_addr) (ptr);
1138               } else {
1139                  Int ch_no;
1140                  MC_Chunk *ch;
1141                  LC_Extra *ex;
1142                  VG_(umsg)("*%#lx interior points at %lu bytes inside %#lx\n",
1143                            ptr, (long unsigned) addr - searched, searched);
1144                  MC_(pp_describe_addr) (ptr);
1145                  if (lc_is_a_chunk_ptr(addr, &ch_no, &ch, &ex) ) {
1146                     Int h;
1147                     for (h = LchStdString; h < N_LEAK_CHECK_HEURISTICS; h++) {
1148                        if (heuristic_reachedness(addr, ch, ex, H2S(h)) == h) {
1149                           VG_(umsg)("block at %#lx considered reachable "
1150                                     "by ptr %#lx using %s heuristic\n",
1151                                     ch->data, addr, pp_heuristic(h));
1152                        }
1153                     }
1154                     // Verify the loop above has properly scanned all
1155                     // heuristics. If the below fails, it probably means the
1156                     // LeakCheckHeuristic enum is not in sync anymore with the
1157                     // above loop and/or with N_LEAK_CHECK_HEURISTICS.
1158                     tl_assert (h == N_LEAK_CHECK_HEURISTICS);
1159                  }
1160               }
1161            }
1162         } else {
1163            lc_push_if_a_chunk_ptr(addr, clique, cur_clique, is_prior_definite);
1164         }
1165      } else if (0 && VG_DEBUG_LEAKCHECK) {
1166         VG_(printf)("%#lx not valid\n", ptr);
1167      }
1168      ptr += sizeof(Addr);
1169   }
1171   VG_(set_fault_catcher)(prev_catcher);
1175// Process the mark stack until empty.
1176static void lc_process_markstack(Int clique)
1178   Int  top = -1;    // shut gcc up
1179   Bool is_prior_definite;
1181   while (lc_pop(&top)) {
1182      tl_assert(top >= 0 && top < lc_n_chunks);
1184      // See comment about 'is_prior_definite' at the top to understand this.
1185      is_prior_definite = ( Possible != lc_extras[top].state );
1187      lc_scan_memory(lc_chunks[top]->data, lc_chunks[top]->szB,
1188                     is_prior_definite, clique, (clique == -1 ? -1 : top),
1189                     /*searched*/ 0, 0);
1190   }
1193static Word cmp_LossRecordKey_LossRecord(const void* key, const void* elem)
1195   const LossRecordKey* a = key;
1196   const LossRecordKey* b = &(((const LossRecord*)elem)->key);
1198   // Compare on states first because that's fast.
1199   if (a->state < b->state) return -1;
1200   if (a->state > b->state) return  1;
1201   // Ok, the states are equal.  Now compare the locations, which is slower.
1202   if (VG_(eq_ExeContext)(
1203            MC_(clo_leak_resolution), a->allocated_at, b->allocated_at))
1204      return 0;
1205   // Different locations.  Ordering is arbitrary, just use the ec pointer.
1206   if (a->allocated_at < b->allocated_at) return -1;
1207   if (a->allocated_at > b->allocated_at) return  1;
1208   VG_(tool_panic)("bad LossRecord comparison");
1211static Int cmp_LossRecords(const void* va, const void* vb)
1213   const LossRecord* lr_a = *(const LossRecord *const *)va;
1214   const LossRecord* lr_b = *(const LossRecord *const *)vb;
1215   SizeT total_szB_a = lr_a->szB + lr_a->indirect_szB;
1216   SizeT total_szB_b = lr_b->szB + lr_b->indirect_szB;
1218   // First compare by sizes.
1219   if (total_szB_a < total_szB_b) return -1;
1220   if (total_szB_a > total_szB_b) return  1;
1221   // If size are equal, compare by states.
1222   if (lr_a->key.state < lr_b->key.state) return -1;
1223   if (lr_a->key.state > lr_b->key.state) return  1;
1224   // If they're still equal here, it doesn't matter that much, but we keep
1225   // comparing other things so that regtests are as deterministic as
1226   // possible.  So:  compare num_blocks.
1227   if (lr_a->num_blocks < lr_b->num_blocks) return -1;
1228   if (lr_a->num_blocks > lr_b->num_blocks) return  1;
1229   // Finally, compare ExeContext addresses... older ones are likely to have
1230   // lower addresses.
1231   if (lr_a->key.allocated_at < lr_b->key.allocated_at) return -1;
1232   if (lr_a->key.allocated_at > lr_b->key.allocated_at) return  1;
1233   return 0;
1236// allocates or reallocates lr_array, and set its elements to the loss records
1237// contains in lr_table.
1238static UInt get_lr_array_from_lr_table(void) {
1239   UInt         i, n_lossrecords;
1240   LossRecord*  lr;
1242   n_lossrecords = VG_(OSetGen_Size)(lr_table);
1244   // (re-)create the array of pointers to the loss records.
1245   // lr_array is kept to allow producing the block list from gdbserver.
1246   if (lr_array != NULL)
1247      VG_(free)(lr_array);
1248   lr_array = VG_(malloc)("mc.pr.2", n_lossrecords * sizeof(LossRecord*));
1249   i = 0;
1250   VG_(OSetGen_ResetIter)(lr_table);
1251   while ( (lr = VG_(OSetGen_Next)(lr_table)) ) {
1252      lr_array[i++] = lr;
1253   }
1254   tl_assert(i == n_lossrecords);
1255   return n_lossrecords;
1259static void get_printing_rules(LeakCheckParams* lcp,
1260                               LossRecord*  lr,
1261                               Bool* count_as_error,
1262                               Bool* print_record)
1264   // Rules for printing:
1265   // - We don't show suppressed loss records ever (and that's controlled
1266   //   within the error manager).
1267   // - We show non-suppressed loss records that are specified in
1268   //   --show-leak-kinds=... if --leak-check=yes.
1270   Bool delta_considered;
1272   switch (lcp->deltamode) {
1273   case LCD_Any:
1274      delta_considered = lr->num_blocks > 0;
1275      break;
1276   case LCD_Increased:
1277      delta_considered
1278         = lr->szB > lr->old_szB
1279         || lr->indirect_szB > lr->old_indirect_szB
1280         || lr->num_blocks > lr->old_num_blocks;
1281      break;
1282   case LCD_Changed:
1283      delta_considered = lr->szB != lr->old_szB
1284         || lr->indirect_szB != lr->old_indirect_szB
1285         || lr->num_blocks != lr->old_num_blocks;
1286      break;
1287   default:
1288      tl_assert(0);
1289   }
1291   *print_record = lcp->mode == LC_Full && delta_considered
1292      && RiS(lr->key.state,lcp->show_leak_kinds);
1293   // We don't count a leaks as errors with lcp->mode==LC_Summary.
1294   // Otherwise you can get high error counts with few or no error
1295   // messages, which can be confusing.  Otherwise, we count as errors
1296   // the leak kinds requested by --errors-for-leak-kinds=...
1297   *count_as_error = lcp->mode == LC_Full && delta_considered
1298      && RiS(lr->key.state,lcp->errors_for_leak_kinds);
1301static void print_results(ThreadId tid, LeakCheckParams* lcp)
1303   Int          i, n_lossrecords, start_lr_output_scan;
1304   LossRecord*  lr;
1305   Bool         is_suppressed;
1306   /* old_* variables are used to report delta in summary.  */
1307   SizeT        old_bytes_leaked      = MC_(bytes_leaked);
1308   SizeT        old_bytes_indirect    = MC_(bytes_indirect);
1309   SizeT        old_bytes_dubious     = MC_(bytes_dubious);
1310   SizeT        old_bytes_reachable   = MC_(bytes_reachable);
1311   SizeT        old_bytes_suppressed  = MC_(bytes_suppressed);
1312   SizeT        old_blocks_leaked     = MC_(blocks_leaked);
1313   SizeT        old_blocks_indirect   = MC_(blocks_indirect);
1314   SizeT        old_blocks_dubious    = MC_(blocks_dubious);
1315   SizeT        old_blocks_reachable  = MC_(blocks_reachable);
1316   SizeT        old_blocks_suppressed = MC_(blocks_suppressed);
1318   SizeT old_bytes_heuristically_reachable[N_LEAK_CHECK_HEURISTICS];
1319   SizeT old_blocks_heuristically_reachable[N_LEAK_CHECK_HEURISTICS];
1321   for (i = 0; i < N_LEAK_CHECK_HEURISTICS; i++) {
1322      old_bytes_heuristically_reachable[i]
1323         =  MC_(bytes_heuristically_reachable)[i];
1324      MC_(bytes_heuristically_reachable)[i] = 0;
1325      old_blocks_heuristically_reachable[i]
1326         =  MC_(blocks_heuristically_reachable)[i];
1327      MC_(blocks_heuristically_reachable)[i] = 0;
1328   }
1330   if (lr_table == NULL)
1331      // Create the lr_table, which holds the loss records.
1332      // If the lr_table already exists, it means it contains
1333      // loss_records from the previous leak search. The old_*
1334      // values in these records are used to implement the
1335      // leak check delta mode
1336      lr_table =
1337         VG_(OSetGen_Create)(offsetof(LossRecord, key),
1338                             cmp_LossRecordKey_LossRecord,
1339                             VG_(malloc), "mc.pr.1",
1340                             VG_(free));
1342   // If we have loss records from a previous search, reset values to have
1343   // proper printing of the deltas between previous search and this search.
1344   n_lossrecords = get_lr_array_from_lr_table();
1345   for (i = 0; i < n_lossrecords; i++) {
1346      if (lr_array[i]->num_blocks == 0) {
1347         // remove from lr_table the old loss_records with 0 bytes found
1348         VG_(OSetGen_Remove) (lr_table, &lr_array[i]->key);
1349         VG_(OSetGen_FreeNode)(lr_table, lr_array[i]);
1350      } else {
1351         // move the leak sizes to old_* and zero the current sizes
1352         // for next leak search
1353         lr_array[i]->old_szB          = lr_array[i]->szB;
1354         lr_array[i]->old_indirect_szB = lr_array[i]->indirect_szB;
1355         lr_array[i]->old_num_blocks   = lr_array[i]->num_blocks;
1356         lr_array[i]->szB              = 0;
1357         lr_array[i]->indirect_szB     = 0;
1358         lr_array[i]->num_blocks       = 0;
1359      }
1360   }
1361   // lr_array now contains "invalid" loss records => free it.
1362   // lr_array will be re-created below with the kept and new loss records.
1363   VG_(free) (lr_array);
1364   lr_array = NULL;
1366   // Convert the chunks into loss records, merging them where appropriate.
1367   for (i = 0; i < lc_n_chunks; i++) {
1368      MC_Chunk*     ch = lc_chunks[i];
1369      LC_Extra*     ex = &(lc_extras)[i];
1370      LossRecord*   old_lr;
1371      LossRecordKey lrkey;
1372      lrkey.state        = ex->state;
1373      lrkey.allocated_at = MC_(allocated_at)(ch);
1375     if (ex->heuristic) {
1376        MC_(bytes_heuristically_reachable)[ex->heuristic] += ch->szB;
1377        MC_(blocks_heuristically_reachable)[ex->heuristic]++;
1378        if (VG_DEBUG_LEAKCHECK)
1379           VG_(printf)("heuristic %s %#lx len %lu\n",
1380                       pp_heuristic(ex->heuristic),
1381                       ch->data, (SizeT)ch->szB);
1382     }
1384      old_lr = VG_(OSetGen_Lookup)(lr_table, &lrkey);
1385      if (old_lr) {
1386         // We found an existing loss record matching this chunk.  Update the
1387         // loss record's details in-situ.  This is safe because we don't
1388         // change the elements used as the OSet key.
1389         old_lr->szB          += ch->szB;
1390         if (ex->state == Unreached)
1391            old_lr->indirect_szB += ex->IorC.indirect_szB;
1392         old_lr->num_blocks++;
1393      } else {
1394         // No existing loss record matches this chunk.  Create a new loss
1395         // record, initialise it from the chunk, and insert it into lr_table.
1396         lr = VG_(OSetGen_AllocNode)(lr_table, sizeof(LossRecord));
1397         lr->key              = lrkey;
1398         lr->szB              = ch->szB;
1399         if (ex->state == Unreached)
1400            lr->indirect_szB     = ex->IorC.indirect_szB;
1401         else
1402            lr->indirect_szB     = 0;
1403         lr->num_blocks       = 1;
1404         lr->old_szB          = 0;
1405         lr->old_indirect_szB = 0;
1406         lr->old_num_blocks   = 0;
1407         VG_(OSetGen_Insert)(lr_table, lr);
1408      }
1409   }
1411   // (re-)create the array of pointers to the (new) loss records.
1412   n_lossrecords = get_lr_array_from_lr_table ();
1413   tl_assert(VG_(OSetGen_Size)(lr_table) == n_lossrecords);
1415   // Sort the array by loss record sizes.
1416   VG_(ssort)(lr_array, n_lossrecords, sizeof(LossRecord*),
1417              cmp_LossRecords);
1419   // Zero totals.
1420   MC_(blocks_leaked)     = MC_(bytes_leaked)     = 0;
1421   MC_(blocks_indirect)   = MC_(bytes_indirect)   = 0;
1422   MC_(blocks_dubious)    = MC_(bytes_dubious)    = 0;
1423   MC_(blocks_reachable)  = MC_(bytes_reachable)  = 0;
1424   MC_(blocks_suppressed) = MC_(bytes_suppressed) = 0;
1426   // If there is a maximum nr of loss records we can output, then first
1427   // compute from where the output scan has to start.
1428   // By default, start from the first loss record. Compute a higher
1429   // value if there is a maximum to respect. We need to print the last
1430   // records, as the one with the biggest sizes are more interesting.
1431   start_lr_output_scan = 0;
1432   if (lcp->mode == LC_Full && lcp->max_loss_records_output < n_lossrecords) {
1433      Int nr_printable_records = 0;
1434      for (i = n_lossrecords - 1; i >= 0 && start_lr_output_scan == 0; i--) {
1435         Bool count_as_error, print_record;
1436         lr = lr_array[i];
1437         get_printing_rules (lcp, lr, &count_as_error, &print_record);
1438         // Do not use get_printing_rules results for is_suppressed, as we
1439         // only want to check if the record would be suppressed.
1440         is_suppressed =
1441            MC_(record_leak_error) ( tid, i+1, n_lossrecords, lr,
1442                                     False /* print_record */,
1443                                     False /* count_as_error */);
1444         if (print_record && !is_suppressed) {
1445            nr_printable_records++;
1446            if (nr_printable_records == lcp->max_loss_records_output)
1447               start_lr_output_scan = i;
1448         }
1449      }
1450   }
1452   // Print the loss records (in size order) and collect summary stats.
1453   for (i = start_lr_output_scan; i < n_lossrecords; i++) {
1454      Bool count_as_error, print_record;
1455      lr = lr_array[i];
1456      get_printing_rules(lcp, lr, &count_as_error, &print_record);
1457      is_suppressed =
1458         MC_(record_leak_error) ( tid, i+1, n_lossrecords, lr, print_record,
1459                                  count_as_error );
1461      if (is_suppressed) {
1462         MC_(blocks_suppressed) += lr->num_blocks;
1463         MC_(bytes_suppressed)  += lr->szB;
1465      } else if (Unreached == lr->key.state) {
1466         MC_(blocks_leaked)     += lr->num_blocks;
1467         MC_(bytes_leaked)      += lr->szB;
1469      } else if (IndirectLeak == lr->key.state) {
1470         MC_(blocks_indirect)   += lr->num_blocks;
1471         MC_(bytes_indirect)    += lr->szB;
1473      } else if (Possible == lr->key.state) {
1474         MC_(blocks_dubious)    += lr->num_blocks;
1475         MC_(bytes_dubious)     += lr->szB;
1477      } else if (Reachable == lr->key.state) {
1478         MC_(blocks_reachable)  += lr->num_blocks;
1479         MC_(bytes_reachable)   += lr->szB;
1481      } else {
1482         VG_(tool_panic)("unknown loss mode");
1483      }
1484   }
1486   if (VG_(clo_verbosity) > 0 && !VG_(clo_xml)) {
1487      HChar d_bytes[31];
1488      HChar d_blocks[31];
1489#     define DBY(new,old) \
1490      MC_(snprintf_delta) (d_bytes, sizeof(d_bytes), (new), (old), \
1491                           lcp->deltamode)
1492#     define DBL(new,old) \
1493      MC_(snprintf_delta) (d_blocks, sizeof(d_blocks), (new), (old), \
1494                           lcp->deltamode)
1496      VG_(umsg)("LEAK SUMMARY:\n");
1497      VG_(umsg)("   definitely lost: %'lu%s bytes in %'lu%s blocks\n",
1498                MC_(bytes_leaked),
1499                DBY (MC_(bytes_leaked), old_bytes_leaked),
1500                MC_(blocks_leaked),
1501                DBL (MC_(blocks_leaked), old_blocks_leaked));
1502      VG_(umsg)("   indirectly lost: %'lu%s bytes in %'lu%s blocks\n",
1503                MC_(bytes_indirect),
1504                DBY (MC_(bytes_indirect), old_bytes_indirect),
1505                MC_(blocks_indirect),
1506                DBL (MC_(blocks_indirect), old_blocks_indirect));
1507      VG_(umsg)("     possibly lost: %'lu%s bytes in %'lu%s blocks\n",
1508                MC_(bytes_dubious),
1509                DBY (MC_(bytes_dubious), old_bytes_dubious),
1510                MC_(blocks_dubious),
1511                DBL (MC_(blocks_dubious), old_blocks_dubious));
1512      VG_(umsg)("   still reachable: %'lu%s bytes in %'lu%s blocks\n",
1513                MC_(bytes_reachable),
1514                DBY (MC_(bytes_reachable), old_bytes_reachable),
1515                MC_(blocks_reachable),
1516                DBL (MC_(blocks_reachable), old_blocks_reachable));
1517      for (i = 0; i < N_LEAK_CHECK_HEURISTICS; i++)
1518         if (old_blocks_heuristically_reachable[i] > 0
1519             || MC_(blocks_heuristically_reachable)[i] > 0) {
1520            VG_(umsg)("                      of which "
1521                      "reachable via heuristic:\n");
1522            break;
1523         }
1524      for (i = 0; i < N_LEAK_CHECK_HEURISTICS; i++)
1525         if (old_blocks_heuristically_reachable[i] > 0
1526             || MC_(blocks_heuristically_reachable)[i] > 0)
1527            VG_(umsg)("                        %-19s: "
1528                      "%'lu%s bytes in %'lu%s blocks\n",
1529                      pp_heuristic(i),
1530                      MC_(bytes_heuristically_reachable)[i],
1531                      DBY (MC_(bytes_heuristically_reachable)[i],
1532                           old_bytes_heuristically_reachable[i]),
1533                      MC_(blocks_heuristically_reachable)[i],
1534                      DBL (MC_(blocks_heuristically_reachable)[i],
1535                           old_blocks_heuristically_reachable[i]));
1536      VG_(umsg)("        suppressed: %'lu%s bytes in %'lu%s blocks\n",
1537                MC_(bytes_suppressed),
1538                DBY (MC_(bytes_suppressed), old_bytes_suppressed),
1539                MC_(blocks_suppressed),
1540                DBL (MC_(blocks_suppressed), old_blocks_suppressed));
1541      if (lcp->mode != LC_Full &&
1542          (MC_(blocks_leaked) + MC_(blocks_indirect) +
1543           MC_(blocks_dubious) + MC_(blocks_reachable)) > 0) {
1544         if (lcp->requested_by_monitor_command)
1545            VG_(umsg)("To see details of leaked memory, "
1546                      "give 'full' arg to leak_check\n");
1547         else
1548            VG_(umsg)("Rerun with --leak-check=full to see details "
1549                      "of leaked memory\n");
1550      }
1551      if (lcp->mode == LC_Full &&
1552          MC_(blocks_reachable) > 0 && !RiS(Reachable,lcp->show_leak_kinds)) {
1553         VG_(umsg)("Reachable blocks (those to which a pointer "
1554                   "was found) are not shown.\n");
1555         if (lcp->requested_by_monitor_command)
1556            VG_(umsg)("To see them, add 'reachable any' args to leak_check\n");
1557         else
1558            VG_(umsg)("To see them, rerun with: --leak-check=full "
1559                      "--show-leak-kinds=all\n");
1560      }
1561      VG_(umsg)("\n");
1562      #undef DBL
1563      #undef DBY
1564   }
1567// print recursively all indirectly leaked blocks collected in clique.
1568// Printing stops when *remaining reaches 0.
1569static void print_clique (Int clique, UInt level, UInt *remaining)
1571   Int ind;
1572   UInt i,  n_lossrecords;
1574   n_lossrecords = VG_(OSetGen_Size)(lr_table);
1576   for (ind = 0; ind < lc_n_chunks && *remaining > 0; ind++) {
1577      LC_Extra*     ind_ex = &(lc_extras)[ind];
1578      if (ind_ex->state == IndirectLeak
1579          && ind_ex->IorC.clique == (SizeT) clique) {
1580         MC_Chunk*    ind_ch = lc_chunks[ind];
1581         LossRecord*  ind_lr;
1582         LossRecordKey ind_lrkey;
1583         UInt lr_i;
1584         ind_lrkey.state = ind_ex->state;
1585         ind_lrkey.allocated_at = MC_(allocated_at)(ind_ch);
1586         ind_lr = VG_(OSetGen_Lookup)(lr_table, &ind_lrkey);
1587         for (lr_i = 0; lr_i < n_lossrecords; lr_i++)
1588            if (ind_lr == lr_array[lr_i])
1589               break;
1590         for (i = 0; i < level; i++)
1591            VG_(umsg)("  ");
1592         VG_(umsg)("%p[%lu] indirect loss record %u\n",
1593                   (void *)ind_ch->data, (SizeT)ind_ch->szB,
1594                   lr_i+1); // lr_i+1 for user numbering.
1595         (*remaining)--;
1596         if (lr_i >= n_lossrecords)
1597            VG_(umsg)
1598               ("error: no indirect loss record found for %p[%lu]?????\n",
1599                (void *)ind_ch->data, (SizeT)ind_ch->szB);
1600         print_clique(ind, level+1, remaining);
1601      }
1602   }
1603 }
1605Bool MC_(print_block_list) ( UInt loss_record_nr_from,
1606                             UInt loss_record_nr_to,
1607                             UInt max_blocks,
1608                             UInt heuristics)
1610   UInt loss_record_nr;
1611   UInt         i,  n_lossrecords;
1612   LossRecord*  lr;
1613   Bool lr_printed;
1614   UInt remaining = max_blocks;
1616   if (lr_table == NULL || lc_chunks == NULL || lc_extras == NULL) {
1617      VG_(umsg)("Can't print block list : no valid leak search result\n");
1618      return False;
1619   }
1621   if (lc_chunks_n_frees_marker != MC_(get_cmalloc_n_frees)()) {
1622      VG_(umsg)("Can't print obsolete block list : redo a leak search first\n");
1623      return False;
1624   }
1626   n_lossrecords = VG_(OSetGen_Size)(lr_table);
1627   if (loss_record_nr_from >= n_lossrecords)
1628      return False; // Invalid starting loss record nr.
1630   if (loss_record_nr_to >= n_lossrecords)
1631      loss_record_nr_to = n_lossrecords - 1;
1633   tl_assert (lr_array);
1635   for (loss_record_nr = loss_record_nr_from;
1636        loss_record_nr <= loss_record_nr_to && remaining > 0;
1637        loss_record_nr++) {
1638      lr = lr_array[loss_record_nr];
1639      lr_printed = False;
1641      /* If user asks to print a specific loss record, we print
1642         the block details, even if no block will be shown for this lr.
1643         If user asks to print a range of lr, we only print lr details
1644         when at least one block is shown. */
1645      if (loss_record_nr_from == loss_record_nr_to) {
1646         /* (+1 on loss_record_nr as user numbering for loss records
1647            starts at 1). */
1648         MC_(pp_LossRecord)(loss_record_nr+1, n_lossrecords, lr);
1649         lr_printed = True;
1650      }
1652      // Match the chunks with loss records.
1653      for (i = 0; i < lc_n_chunks && remaining > 0; i++) {
1654         MC_Chunk*     ch = lc_chunks[i];
1655         LC_Extra*     ex = &(lc_extras)[i];
1656         LossRecord*   old_lr;
1657         LossRecordKey lrkey;
1658         lrkey.state        = ex->state;
1659         lrkey.allocated_at = MC_(allocated_at)(ch);
1661         old_lr = VG_(OSetGen_Lookup)(lr_table, &lrkey);
1662         if (old_lr) {
1663            // We found an existing loss record matching this chunk.
1664            // If this is the loss record we are looking for, output the
1665            // pointer.
1666            if (old_lr == lr_array[loss_record_nr]
1667                && (heuristics == 0 || HiS(ex->heuristic, heuristics))) {
1668               if (!lr_printed) {
1669                  MC_(pp_LossRecord)(loss_record_nr+1, n_lossrecords, lr);
1670                  lr_printed = True;
1671               }
1673               if (ex->heuristic)
1674                  VG_(umsg)("%p[%lu] (found via heuristic %s)\n",
1675                            (void *)ch->data, (SizeT)ch->szB,
1676                            pp_heuristic (ex->heuristic));
1677               else
1678                  VG_(umsg)("%p[%lu]\n",
1679                            (void *)ch->data, (SizeT)ch->szB);
1680               remaining--;
1681               if (ex->state != Reachable) {
1682                  // We can print the clique in all states, except Reachable.
1683                  // In Unreached state, lc_chunk[i] is the clique leader.
1684                  // In IndirectLeak, lc_chunk[i] might have been a clique
1685                  // leader which was later collected in another clique.
1686                  // For Possible, lc_chunk[i] might be the top of a clique
1687                  // or an intermediate clique.
1688                  print_clique(i, 1, &remaining);
1689               }
1690            }
1691         } else {
1692            // No existing loss record matches this chunk ???
1693            VG_(umsg)("error: no loss record found for %p[%lu]?????\n",
1694                      (void *)ch->data, (SizeT)ch->szB);
1695         }
1696      }
1697   }
1698   return True;
1701// If searched = 0, scan memory root set, pushing onto the mark stack the blocks
1702// encountered.
1703// Otherwise (searched != 0), scan the memory root set searching for ptr
1704// pointing inside [searched, searched+szB[.
1705static void scan_memory_root_set(Addr searched, SizeT szB)
1707   Int   i;
1708   Int   n_seg_starts;
1709   Addr* seg_starts = VG_(get_segment_starts)( SkFileC | SkAnonC | SkShmC,
1710                                               &n_seg_starts );
1712   tl_assert(seg_starts && n_seg_starts > 0);
1714   lc_scanned_szB = 0;
1715   lc_sig_skipped_szB = 0;
1717   // VG_(am_show_nsegments)( 0, "leakcheck");
1718   for (i = 0; i < n_seg_starts; i++) {
1719      SizeT seg_size;
1720      NSegment const* seg = VG_(am_find_nsegment)( seg_starts[i] );
1721      tl_assert(seg);
1722      tl_assert(seg->kind == SkFileC || seg->kind == SkAnonC ||
1723                seg->kind == SkShmC);
1725      if (!(seg->hasR && seg->hasW))                    continue;
1726      if (seg->isCH)                                    continue;
1728      // Don't poke around in device segments as this may cause
1729      // hangs.  Include /dev/zero just in case someone allocated
1730      // memory by explicitly mapping /dev/zero.
1731      if (seg->kind == SkFileC
1732          && (VKI_S_ISCHR(seg->mode) || VKI_S_ISBLK(seg->mode))) {
1733         const HChar* dev_name = VG_(am_get_filename)( seg );
1734         if (dev_name && 0 == VG_(strcmp)(dev_name, "/dev/zero")) {
1735            // Don't skip /dev/zero.
1736         } else {
1737            // Skip this device mapping.
1738            continue;
1739         }
1740      }
1742      if (0)
1743         VG_(printf)("ACCEPT %2d  %#lx %#lx\n", i, seg->start, seg->end);
1745      // Scan the segment.  We use -1 for the clique number, because this
1746      // is a root-set.
1747      seg_size = seg->end - seg->start + 1;
1748      if (VG_(clo_verbosity) > 2) {
1749         VG_(message)(Vg_DebugMsg,
1750                      "  Scanning root segment: %#lx..%#lx (%lu)\n",
1751                      seg->start, seg->end, seg_size);
1752      }
1753      lc_scan_memory(seg->start, seg_size, /*is_prior_definite*/True,
1754                     /*clique*/-1, /*cur_clique*/-1,
1755                     searched, szB);
1756   }
1757   VG_(free)(seg_starts);
1761/*--- Top-level entry point.                               ---*/
1764void MC_(detect_memory_leaks) ( ThreadId tid, LeakCheckParams* lcp)
1766   Int i, j;
1768   tl_assert(lcp->mode != LC_Off);
1770   // Verify some assertions which are used in lc_scan_memory.
1771   tl_assert((VKI_PAGE_SIZE % sizeof(Addr)) == 0);
1772   tl_assert((SM_SIZE % sizeof(Addr)) == 0);
1773   // Above two assertions are critical, while below assertion
1774   // ensures that the optimisation in the loop is done in the
1775   // correct order : the loop checks for (big) SM chunk skipping
1776   // before checking for (smaller) page skipping.
1777   tl_assert((SM_SIZE % VKI_PAGE_SIZE) == 0);
1779   MC_(leak_search_gen)++;
1780   MC_(detect_memory_leaks_last_delta_mode) = lcp->deltamode;
1781   detect_memory_leaks_last_heuristics = lcp->heuristics;
1783   // Get the chunks, stop if there were none.
1784   if (lc_chunks) {
1785      VG_(free)(lc_chunks);
1786      lc_chunks = NULL;
1787   }
1788   lc_chunks = find_active_chunks(&lc_n_chunks);
1789   lc_chunks_n_frees_marker = MC_(get_cmalloc_n_frees)();
1790   if (lc_n_chunks == 0) {
1791      tl_assert(lc_chunks == NULL);
1792      if (lr_table != NULL) {
1793         // forget the previous recorded LossRecords as next leak search
1794         // can in any case just create new leaks.
1795         // Maybe it would be better to rather call print_result ?
1796         // (at least when leak decreases are requested)
1797         // This will then output all LossRecords with a size decreasing to 0
1798         VG_(OSetGen_Destroy) (lr_table);
1799         lr_table = NULL;
1800      }
1801      if (VG_(clo_verbosity) >= 1 && !VG_(clo_xml)) {
1802         VG_(umsg)("All heap blocks were freed -- no leaks are possible\n");
1803         VG_(umsg)("\n");
1804      }
1805      return;
1806   }
1808   // Sort the array so blocks are in ascending order in memory.
1809   VG_(ssort)(lc_chunks, lc_n_chunks, sizeof(VgHashNode*), compare_MC_Chunks);
1811   // Sanity check -- make sure they're in order.
1812   for (i = 0; i < lc_n_chunks-1; i++) {
1813      tl_assert( lc_chunks[i]->data <= lc_chunks[i+1]->data);
1814   }
1816   // Sanity check -- make sure they don't overlap.  The one exception is that
1817   // we allow a MALLOCLIKE block to sit entirely within a malloc() block.
1818   // This is for bug 100628.  If this occurs, we ignore the malloc() block
1819   // for leak-checking purposes.  This is a hack and probably should be done
1820   // better, but at least it's consistent with mempools (which are treated
1821   // like this in find_active_chunks).  Mempools have a separate VgHashTable
1822   // for mempool chunks, but if custom-allocated blocks are put in a separate
1823   // table from normal heap blocks it makes free-mismatch checking more
1824   // difficult.
1825   //
1826   // If this check fails, it probably means that the application
1827   // has done something stupid with VALGRIND_MALLOCLIKE_BLOCK client
1828   // requests, eg. has made overlapping requests (which are
1829   // nonsensical), or used VALGRIND_MALLOCLIKE_BLOCK for stack locations;
1830   // again nonsensical.
1831   //
1832   for (i = 0; i < lc_n_chunks-1; i++) {
1833      MC_Chunk* ch1 = lc_chunks[i];
1834      MC_Chunk* ch2 = lc_chunks[i+1];
1836      Addr start1    = ch1->data;
1837      Addr start2    = ch2->data;
1838      Addr end1      = ch1->data + ch1->szB - 1;
1839      Addr end2      = ch2->data + ch2->szB - 1;
1840      Bool isCustom1 = ch1->allockind == MC_AllocCustom;
1841      Bool isCustom2 = ch2->allockind == MC_AllocCustom;
1843      if (end1 < start2) {
1844         // Normal case - no overlap.
1846      // We used to allow exact duplicates, I'm not sure why.  --njn
1847      //} else if (start1 == start2 && end1 == end2) {
1848         // Degenerate case: exact duplicates.
1850      } else if (start1 >= start2 && end1 <= end2 && isCustom1 && !isCustom2) {
1851         // Block i is MALLOCLIKE and entirely within block i+1.
1852         // Remove block i+1.
1853         for (j = i+1; j < lc_n_chunks-1; j++) {
1854            lc_chunks[j] = lc_chunks[j+1];
1855         }
1856         lc_n_chunks--;
1858      } else if (start2 >= start1 && end2 <= end1 && isCustom2 && !isCustom1) {
1859         // Block i+1 is MALLOCLIKE and entirely within block i.
1860         // Remove block i.
1861         for (j = i; j < lc_n_chunks-1; j++) {
1862            lc_chunks[j] = lc_chunks[j+1];
1863         }
1864         lc_n_chunks--;
1866      } else {
1867         VG_(umsg)("Block 0x%lx..0x%lx overlaps with block 0x%lx..0x%lx\n",
1868                   start1, end1, start2, end2);
1869         VG_(umsg)("Blocks allocation contexts:\n"),
1870         VG_(pp_ExeContext)( MC_(allocated_at)(ch1));
1871         VG_(umsg)("\n"),
1872         VG_(pp_ExeContext)(  MC_(allocated_at)(ch2));
1873         VG_(umsg)("This is usually caused by using VALGRIND_MALLOCLIKE_BLOCK");
1874         VG_(umsg)("in an inappropriate way.\n");
1875         tl_assert (0);
1876      }
1877   }
1879   // Initialise lc_extras.
1880   if (lc_extras) {
1881      VG_(free)(lc_extras);
1882      lc_extras = NULL;
1883   }
1884   lc_extras = VG_(malloc)( "mc.dml.2", lc_n_chunks * sizeof(LC_Extra) );
1885   for (i = 0; i < lc_n_chunks; i++) {
1886      lc_extras[i].state        = Unreached;
1887      lc_extras[i].pending      = False;
1888      lc_extras[i].heuristic = LchNone;
1889      lc_extras[i].IorC.indirect_szB = 0;
1890   }
1892   // Initialise lc_markstack.
1893   lc_markstack = VG_(malloc)( "mc.dml.2", lc_n_chunks * sizeof(Int) );
1894   for (i = 0; i < lc_n_chunks; i++) {
1895      lc_markstack[i] = -1;
1896   }
1897   lc_markstack_top = -1;
1899   // Verbosity.
1900   if (VG_(clo_verbosity) > 1 && !VG_(clo_xml)) {
1901      VG_(umsg)( "Searching for pointers to %'d not-freed blocks\n",
1902                 lc_n_chunks );
1903   }
1905   // Scan the memory root-set, pushing onto the mark stack any blocks
1906   // pointed to.
1907   scan_memory_root_set(/*searched*/0, 0);
1909   // Scan GP registers for chunk pointers.
1910   VG_(apply_to_GP_regs)(lc_push_if_a_chunk_ptr_register);
1912   // Process the pushed blocks.  After this, every block that is reachable
1913   // from the root-set has been traced.
1914   lc_process_markstack(/*clique*/-1);
1916   if (VG_(clo_verbosity) > 1 && !VG_(clo_xml)) {
1917      VG_(umsg)("Checked %'lu bytes\n", lc_scanned_szB);
1918      if (lc_sig_skipped_szB > 0)
1919         VG_(umsg)("Skipped %'lu bytes due to read errors\n",
1920                   lc_sig_skipped_szB);
1921      VG_(umsg)( "\n" );
1922   }
1924   // Trace all the leaked blocks to determine which are directly leaked and
1925   // which are indirectly leaked.  For each Unreached block, push it onto
1926   // the mark stack, and find all the as-yet-Unreached blocks reachable
1927   // from it.  These form a clique and are marked IndirectLeak, and their
1928   // size is added to the clique leader's indirect size.  If one of the
1929   // found blocks was itself a clique leader (from a previous clique), then
1930   // the cliques are merged.
1931   for (i = 0; i < lc_n_chunks; i++) {
1932      MC_Chunk* ch = lc_chunks[i];
1933      LC_Extra* ex = &(lc_extras[i]);
1935      if (VG_DEBUG_CLIQUE)
1936         VG_(printf)("cliques: %d at %#lx -> Loss state %d\n",
1937                     i, ch->data, ex->state);
1939      tl_assert(lc_markstack_top == -1);
1941      if (ex->state == Unreached) {
1942         if (VG_DEBUG_CLIQUE)
1943            VG_(printf)("%d: gathering clique %#lx\n", i, ch->data);
1945         // Push this Unreached block onto the stack and process it.
1946         lc_push(i, ch);
1947         lc_process_markstack(/*clique*/i);
1949         tl_assert(lc_markstack_top == -1);
1950         tl_assert(ex->state == Unreached);
1951      }
1952   }
1954   print_results( tid, lcp);
1956   VG_(free) ( lc_markstack );
1957   lc_markstack = NULL;
1958   // lc_chunks, lc_extras, lr_array and lr_table are kept (needed if user
1959   // calls MC_(print_block_list)). lr_table also used for delta leak reporting
1960   // between this leak search and the next leak search.
1963static Addr searched_wpa;
1964static SizeT searched_szB;
1965static void
1966search_address_in_GP_reg(ThreadId tid, const HChar* regname, Addr addr_in_reg)
1968   if (addr_in_reg >= searched_wpa
1969       && addr_in_reg < searched_wpa + searched_szB) {
1970      if (addr_in_reg == searched_wpa)
1971         VG_(umsg)
1972            ("tid %u register %s pointing at %#lx\n",
1973             tid, regname, searched_wpa);
1974      else
1975         VG_(umsg)
1976            ("tid %u register %s interior pointing %lu bytes inside %#lx\n",
1977             tid, regname, (long unsigned) addr_in_reg - searched_wpa,
1978             searched_wpa);
1979   }
1982void MC_(who_points_at) ( Addr address, SizeT szB)
1984   MC_Chunk** chunks;
1985   Int        n_chunks;
1986   Int        i;
1988   if (szB == 1)
1989      VG_(umsg) ("Searching for pointers to %#lx\n", address);
1990   else
1991      VG_(umsg) ("Searching for pointers pointing in %lu bytes from %#lx\n",
1992                 szB, address);
1994   chunks = find_active_chunks(&n_chunks);
1996   // Scan memory root-set, searching for ptr pointing in address[szB]
1997   scan_memory_root_set(address, szB);
1999   // Scan active malloc-ed chunks
2000   for (i = 0; i < n_chunks; i++) {
2001      lc_scan_memory(chunks[i]->data, chunks[i]->szB,
2002                     /*is_prior_definite*/True,
2003                     /*clique*/-1, /*cur_clique*/-1,
2004                     address, szB);
2005   }
2006   VG_(free) ( chunks );
2008   // Scan GP registers for pointers to address range.
2009   searched_wpa = address;
2010   searched_szB = szB;
2011   VG_(apply_to_GP_regs)(search_address_in_GP_reg);
2016/*--- end                                                          ---*/