2 *  Copyright (c) 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
3 *
4 *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
5 *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
6 *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
7 *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
8 *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
9 */
14#include <string>
16#include "webrtc/base/checks.h"
17#include "webrtc/common_video/libyuv/include/scaler.h"
18#include "webrtc/common_video/libyuv/include/webrtc_libyuv.h"
19#include "webrtc/modules/video_coding/include/video_codec_interface.h"
20#include "webrtc/modules/video_coding/codecs/test/packet_manipulator.h"
21#include "webrtc/modules/video_coding/codecs/test/stats.h"
22#include "webrtc/system_wrappers/include/tick_util.h"
23#include "webrtc/test/testsupport/frame_reader.h"
24#include "webrtc/test/testsupport/frame_writer.h"
25#include "webrtc/video_frame.h"
27namespace webrtc {
28namespace test {
30// Defines which frame types shall be excluded from packet loss and when.
31enum ExcludeFrameTypes {
32  // Will exclude the first keyframe in the video sequence from packet loss.
33  // Following keyframes will be targeted for packet loss.
34  kExcludeOnlyFirstKeyFrame,
35  // Exclude all keyframes from packet loss, no matter where in the video
36  // sequence they occur.
37  kExcludeAllKeyFrames
39// Returns a string representation of the enum value.
40const char* ExcludeFrameTypesToStr(ExcludeFrameTypes e);
42// Test configuration for a test run
43struct TestConfig {
44  TestConfig();
45  ~TestConfig();
47  // Name of the test. This is purely metadata and does not affect
48  // the test in any way.
49  std::string name;
51  // More detailed description of the test. This is purely metadata and does
52  // not affect the test in any way.
53  std::string description;
55  // Number of this test. Useful if multiple runs of the same test with
56  // different configurations shall be managed.
57  int test_number;
59  // File to process for the test. This must be a video file in the YUV format.
60  std::string input_filename;
62  // File to write to during processing for the test. Will be a video file
63  // in the YUV format.
64  std::string output_filename;
66  // Path to the directory where encoded files will be put
67  // (absolute or relative to the executable). Default: "out".
68  std::string output_dir;
70  // Configurations related to networking.
71  NetworkingConfig networking_config;
73  // Decides how the packet loss simulations shall exclude certain frames
74  // from packet loss. Default: kExcludeOnlyFirstKeyFrame.
75  ExcludeFrameTypes exclude_frame_types;
77  // The length of a single frame of the input video file. This value is
78  // calculated out of the width and height according to the video format
79  // specification. Must be set before processing.
80  size_t frame_length_in_bytes;
82  // Force the encoder and decoder to use a single core for processing.
83  // Using a single core is necessary to get a deterministic behavior for the
84  // encoded frames - using multiple cores will produce different encoded frames
85  // since multiple cores are competing to consume the byte budget for each
86  // frame in parallel.
87  // If set to false, the maximum number of available cores will be used.
88  // Default: false.
89  bool use_single_core;
91  // If set to a value >0 this setting forces the encoder to create a keyframe
92  // every Nth frame. Note that the encoder may create a keyframe in other
93  // locations in addition to the interval that is set using this parameter.
94  // Forcing key frames may also affect encoder planning optimizations in
95  // a negative way, since it will suddenly be forced to produce an expensive
96  // key frame.
97  // Default: 0.
98  int keyframe_interval;
100  // The codec settings to use for the test (target bitrate, video size,
101  // framerate and so on). This struct must be created and filled in using
102  // the VideoCodingModule::Codec() method.
103  webrtc::VideoCodec* codec_settings;
105  // If printing of information to stdout shall be performed during processing.
106  bool verbose;
109// Returns a string representation of the enum value.
110const char* VideoCodecTypeToStr(webrtc::VideoCodecType e);
112// Handles encoding/decoding of video using the VideoEncoder/VideoDecoder
113// interfaces. This is done in a sequential manner in order to be able to
114// measure times properly.
115// The class processes a frame at the time for the configured input file.
116// It maintains state of where in the source input file the processing is at.
118// Regarding packet loss: Note that keyframes are excluded (first or all
119// depending on the ExcludeFrameTypes setting). This is because if key frames
120// would be altered, all the following delta frames would be pretty much
121// worthless. VP8 has an error-resilience feature that makes it able to handle
122// packet loss in key non-first keyframes, which is why only the first is
123// excluded by default.
124// Packet loss in such important frames is handled on a higher level in the
125// Video Engine, where signaling would request a retransmit of the lost packets,
126// since they're so important.
128// Note this class is not thread safe in any way and is meant for simple testing
129// purposes.
130class VideoProcessor {
131 public:
132  virtual ~VideoProcessor() {}
134  // Performs initial calculations about frame size, sets up callbacks etc.
135  // Returns false if an error has occurred, in addition to printing to stderr.
136  virtual bool Init() = 0;
138  // Processes a single frame. Returns true as long as there's more frames
139  // available in the source clip.
140  // Frame number must be an integer >=0.
141  virtual bool ProcessFrame(int frame_number) = 0;
143  // Updates the encoder with the target bit rate and the frame rate.
144  virtual void SetRates(int bit_rate, int frame_rate) = 0;
146  // Return the size of the encoded frame in bytes. Dropped frames by the
147  // encoder are regarded as zero size.
148  virtual size_t EncodedFrameSize() = 0;
150  // Return the encoded frame type (key or delta).
151  virtual FrameType EncodedFrameType() = 0;
153  // Return the number of dropped frames.
154  virtual int NumberDroppedFrames() = 0;
156  // Return the number of spatial resizes.
157  virtual int NumberSpatialResizes() = 0;
160class VideoProcessorImpl : public VideoProcessor {
161 public:
162  VideoProcessorImpl(webrtc::VideoEncoder* encoder,
163                     webrtc::VideoDecoder* decoder,
164                     FrameReader* frame_reader,
165                     FrameWriter* frame_writer,
166                     PacketManipulator* packet_manipulator,
167                     const TestConfig& config,
168                     Stats* stats);
169  virtual ~VideoProcessorImpl();
170  bool Init() override;
171  bool ProcessFrame(int frame_number) override;
173 private:
174  // Invoked by the callback when a frame has completed encoding.
175  void FrameEncoded(const webrtc::EncodedImage& encodedImage);
176  // Invoked by the callback when a frame has completed decoding.
177  void FrameDecoded(const webrtc::VideoFrame& image);
178  // Used for getting a 32-bit integer representing time
179  // (checks the size is within signed 32-bit bounds before casting it)
180  int GetElapsedTimeMicroseconds(const webrtc::TickTime& start,
181                                 const webrtc::TickTime& stop);
182  // Updates the encoder with the target bit rate and the frame rate.
183  void SetRates(int bit_rate, int frame_rate) override;
184  // Return the size of the encoded frame in bytes.
185  size_t EncodedFrameSize() override;
186  // Return the encoded frame type (key or delta).
187  FrameType EncodedFrameType() override;
188  // Return the number of dropped frames.
189  int NumberDroppedFrames() override;
190  // Return the number of spatial resizes.
191  int NumberSpatialResizes() override;
193  webrtc::VideoEncoder* encoder_;
194  webrtc::VideoDecoder* decoder_;
195  FrameReader* frame_reader_;
196  FrameWriter* frame_writer_;
197  PacketManipulator* packet_manipulator_;
198  const TestConfig& config_;
199  Stats* stats_;
201  EncodedImageCallback* encode_callback_;
202  DecodedImageCallback* decode_callback_;
203  // Buffer used for reading the source video file:
204  uint8_t* source_buffer_;
205  // Keep track of the last successful frame, since we need to write that
206  // when decoding fails:
207  uint8_t* last_successful_frame_buffer_;
208  webrtc::VideoFrame source_frame_;
209  // To keep track of if we have excluded the first key frame from packet loss:
210  bool first_key_frame_has_been_excluded_;
211  // To tell the decoder previous frame have been dropped due to packet loss:
212  bool last_frame_missing_;
213  // If Init() has executed successfully.
214  bool initialized_;
215  size_t encoded_frame_size_;
216  FrameType encoded_frame_type_;
217  int prev_time_stamp_;
218  int num_dropped_frames_;
219  int num_spatial_resizes_;
220  int last_encoder_frame_width_;
221  int last_encoder_frame_height_;
222  Scaler scaler_;
224  // Statistics
225  double bit_rate_factor_;  // multiply frame length with this to get bit rate
226  webrtc::TickTime encode_start_;
227  webrtc::TickTime decode_start_;
229  // Callback class required to implement according to the VideoEncoder API.
230  class VideoProcessorEncodeCompleteCallback
231      : public webrtc::EncodedImageCallback {
232   public:
233    explicit VideoProcessorEncodeCompleteCallback(VideoProcessorImpl* vp)
234        : video_processor_(vp) {}
235    int32_t Encoded(
236        const webrtc::EncodedImage& encoded_image,
237        const webrtc::CodecSpecificInfo* codec_specific_info,
238        const webrtc::RTPFragmentationHeader* fragmentation) override;
240   private:
241    VideoProcessorImpl* video_processor_;
242  };
244  // Callback class required to implement according to the VideoDecoder API.
245  class VideoProcessorDecodeCompleteCallback
246      : public webrtc::DecodedImageCallback {
247   public:
248    explicit VideoProcessorDecodeCompleteCallback(VideoProcessorImpl* vp)
249        : video_processor_(vp) {}
250    int32_t Decoded(webrtc::VideoFrame& image) override;
251    int32_t Decoded(webrtc::VideoFrame& image,
252                    int64_t decode_time_ms) override {
253      RTC_NOTREACHED();
254      return -1;
255    }
257   private:
258    VideoProcessorImpl* video_processor_;
259  };
262}  // namespace test
263}  // namespace webrtc