History log of /external/expat/tests/chardata.c
Revision Date Author Comments (<<< Hide modified files) (Show modified files >>>)
cfc0bc59601e6289e9f1b836f11f5ab2cab60c81 04-May-2016 Paul Duffin <paulduffin@google.com> Upgrade to expat 2.1.1

Modified the import_expat.sh script as the archive is now
compressed using bzip2 instead of gzip and uses configure.ac
instead of configure.in.

Modified README.android to make the example command up to date
with respect to the new archive format and also to ensure that
it builds dependencies.

All the remaining changes are straight from upstream.

Bug: 27818751

(cherry picked from commit cee23496d017f13eccc125e2ab7044de53dec8da)

Change-Id: Ic75a6c455dbcc34aaa7c30c109dc1565c5c52b04
b80e287d54a028e744f9fe412840a89ec7f8084b 04-Mar-2009 The Android Open Source Project <initial-contribution@android.com> auto import from //depot/cupcake/@135843
f062c26c3f3a2e17d8d0a1280503efe008ce3d89 04-Mar-2009 The Android Open Source Project <initial-contribution@android.com> auto import from //depot/cupcake/@135843
5c19771335cf67c9955a5a58ea52dae9870a8035 12-Jan-1970 Upstream <upstream-import@none> external/expat 2.0.0