History log of /packages/apps/Contacts/src/com/android/contacts/ContactsApplication.java
Revision Date Author Comments (<<< Hide modified files) (Show modified files >>>)
9deead63f39d6891385b29d8f76c07136d89699a 28-Mar-2016 Tingting Wang <tingtingw@google.com> Using Proguard to shrink apk size.

Contacts proguard.flags change, add keep class for tests.

BUG 27314641

Change-Id: I4a169e50602ebdcea197baa54f4f887a76acdeb5
(cherry picked from commit 6035674bd506f3c9bdb49c9ce271747d7eff229e)
457f865b7080218c7253337b667d64d7e51ec11c 08-Jan-2016 Walter Jang <wjang@google.com> Log contacts screen events to clearcut 1/2

* Allow the ContactsApplication to be exteneded
* Add an abstract Logger class to be the primary
utility to log events. Currently it goes to both
clearcut and google analytics (like Dialer).
* Fix a broken intent in the all intents test

Bug 18388581

Change-Id: I8f2d555b06484fecc2fdb6517847c12a0874fd2f
dccfa943899e16aac8f4436916361bfabed3132f 24-Jul-2015 Walter Jang <wjang@google.com> Delay AccountTypeManager init until we have the Contacts permission 1/2

Bug 22690336

Change-Id: Ibaaea466183ebbc361c40c55185b4409ff17d423
f26fd6d6c6de1f75b33557c6297ee6b5a6e1c112 27-Mar-2015 Andrew Lee <anwlee@google.com> Don't return contact photos manager as service.

Initiliaze people activity test by specifying the underlying instance
to be a MockContactPhotosManager.

Bug: 19372817
Change-Id: Ib38a7917df7d0a34e5146e71655bba1ff43a8c16
a3e498a1d189010791f98183c1267d869f0d941b 27-Oct-2014 Brian Attwell <brianattwell@google.com> Fix analytics in Contacts app

Remove dependencies on old analytics code.
Initialize analytics inside ContactsApplication.

Improving analytics CL #3/4

Bug: 18039620
Change-Id: I115315519ad245ff199bcf532270f56b9a2d6b61
7039633999b3a46a87c851fa06d9168897ccc54b 28-May-2014 Yorke Lee <yorkelee@google.com> Fix broken contacts tests

Change-Id: Ie9c803ede45b300f20a03a25d6a646cd6eb1f39e
28daa7d3e7f81e92ebc134b19ae7fe2d902aa531 29-May-2014 Ed Heyl <edheyl@google.com> Fix build breakage: Revert "Fix broken contacts tests"

This reverts commit 90ef577763f3ccb2d43fda1d21c62533acbbecdb.

Change-Id: If98147879e1658c3a48d04b855c033d191fec2f6
90ef577763f3ccb2d43fda1d21c62533acbbecdb 28-May-2014 Yorke Lee <yorkelee@google.com> Fix broken contacts tests

Change-Id: I0edda45234edb7fe4e322138ad48af426133634f
cd321f65f1e50409812976380ad1f0fdb3fa35cb 28-Oct-2013 Yorke Lee <yorkelee@google.com> Move ContactLoader related code to ContactsCommon

This CL simply moves classes from Contacts into ContactsCommon.

This is needed so that Dialer can use ContactLoader related code
for b/11294679. A ContactLoader will also be needed in the future
to allow InCallUI to download hi-res photos while in call.
Bug: 11294679

Change-Id: Ia033f3ea2406a907a4e71290c9ce810a5583dab8
0d5588da244d0992c3ff8f25d0875fdf95a8c644 27-Nov-2012 Chiao Cheng <chiaocheng@google.com> Move AccountTypeManager to ContactsCommon.

Moving AccountTypeManager to ContactsCommon so it can be shared by Contacts
and Dialer.

Bug: 6993891
Change-Id: I9526ac7cda758290caecabfcaebe620238d8dd6b
d9eab4da8b9946b76a2091e5cce6c858663ef1bb 15-Nov-2012 Chiao Cheng <chiaocheng@google.com> Final move of AccountTypeManager dependencies.

After this change, AccountTypeManager can be moved into ContactsCommon.

Bug: 6993891
Change-Id: I26d6a9916bc20a0865d2bd1c765350928b7987ef
dabac3f99c85bd6af90681a774796748c2775beb 02-Nov-2012 Chiao Cheng <chiaocheng@google.com> Move AccountTypeManager singleton out of app context.

Put singleton directly into AccountTypeManager class instead of pulling it
from the custom context ContactsApplication class.

Bug: 6993891
Change-Id: Icc1b9736dff8916407c923ceaebb7844fca3e097
79a6b5d3a885bc508b4b98c92a946fe12643c444 16-Oct-2012 Chiao Cheng <chiaocheng@google.com> Sharing ContactPhotoManager between dialer and people.

Move ContactPhotoManager and dependent classes to ContactsCommon so it can be
shared by dialer and people.

Bug: 6993891
Change-Id: Ib37af58718850d6d5515bbf3e46aca9fb95f9ee8
a2180f32d3c5d6842c421adb5aa2f85c69caccfb 18-Aug-2012 Chiao Cheng <chiaocheng@google.com> Initial removal of dialer features.

- Moved main activities and classes out including all necessary dependencies
for a first working version.
- There are still dialer dependencies in contacts after this check-in. Further
separation coming.

Bug: 6993891
Change-Id: I1761b554fe5daf29acddbb43532f571191db2eaf
e0b2f1e2d01d1ac52ba207dc7ce76971d853298e 12-Jun-2012 Chiao Cheng <chiaocheng@google.com> Global import order fix.

Changed import order to be in accordance with style guide:

Static imports will be placed at the top since most existing files used that
convention. It is also a style that can be handled by both eclipse and intellij.

Change-Id: Ia7013c7a2d88e5fefb8f4975d121f7fcd3fcc462
fc0a89fdb1e0bfe5c47e733f867ca520e117316b 15-May-2012 Makoto Onuki <omakoto@google.com> Speed up shortcut launch performance

Apparently the framework first needs to starts the contacts provider just to
resolve the content-type for a shortcut, which is a heavy process involving
a lot of disk I/O.

Remove this by pre-setting the content type to shortcuts.

This will improve the shortcut launch performance from roughly 3.45 seconds to
2.35 seconds on a prime with a test contact in extreme cases, i.e. after:
adb shell kill `pid acore` `pid contacts` ; \
adb shell "sync; echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches"

Also pre-start the provider in Application.onCreate() in order to maximize
the overlap between the app initialization and the provider initialization.
This may or may not help the regular app launch performance too.

Bug 6434853
Bug 6476832

Change-Id: Ia8dcd877dcda2cac562bec18442d7fc019a08ad2
8f8bd6dd334155c4fb953ca2735328d5a5b0c737 08-Nov-2011 Makoto Onuki <omakoto@google.com> Make photo loader low-memory device friendly

- Now the L2 bitmap cache counts the actual bitmap size in bytes,
instead if just the number of bitmaps. We started to deal with
various different dimensions of bitmaps, so it's more appropriate.

- Half the cache on low-memory devices.

- Clear the caches on onTrimMemory() with TRIM_MEMORY_MODERATE.

- Moved cache size values from resources to contacts.

- Added a bunch of debug logs.

Bug 5587258

Change-Id: Ib86512293be3af06b5dac58aae13f9596f56334a
7c91de1e983b35d9c5aef7386ea62c1daa2bf967 02-Nov-2011 Makoto Onuki <omakoto@google.com> Add a dummy loader to calllog to defer other fragments.

- Also introduced debug flags to control Loder/Fragment debug logs, and removed
constants that used to controll them.

Bug 5547725

Change-Id: I5b523e6824edc4848ab82cbf13420d3db822c562
a012aec6f22dd6a37c518c895db45b173e186ef4 16-Oct-2011 Daisuke Miyakawa <dmiyakawa@google.com> Make a Singleton for ContactListFilterController

Better fix for issue 5165507 "Contacts to Display filter loses its
setting when going from People to Phone app". Now the whole app
has one instance and People and Phone UIs share it. All notification
will be delivered to both Activities, and thus no hack on onStart()
will be needed.

Also fixes issue 5299160 "Account filter header not updated when account
is removed from device". We need to update filter after
AccountTypeManager finishes its reload operation.

Now filter settings should be saved only from the controller, so this
change removes the code saving filter settings to SharedPreferences from

Bug: 5165507
Bug: 5299160
Change-Id: I4118271f1a78976af6cb3d432b1dd7b30c18eb7a
8d2cdbf6483485ada8b1275e71bc29ee1a6fb5e4 24-Sep-2011 Dianne Hackborn <hackbod@google.com> Remove noisy debug logs.

Change-Id: Id8eeaa1574074a3992aa3e50cc7cb1733c61f431
b5c9f63a8e32e0eab77daf98661d318f6248eb7d 22-Sep-2011 Daisuke Miyakawa <dmiyakawa@google.com> Suppress too verbose logging

Bug: 5345778
Change-Id: I00b87523632993ae6462fde6606a315d565e7092
49627cc3f606085d001397ebba93dcb52bf67a5c 28-Aug-2011 Makoto Onuki <omakoto@google.com> Add log to measure startup performance

Use this to enable log:

adb shell setprop log.tag.ContactsPerf VERBOSE

Bug 5195464

Change-Id: I76dc99343763532ebf18f41b75628c4d0c468e9d
9c747ac625d212a10176082fba6b087035f5d144 17-Aug-2011 Hugo Hudson <hugohudson@google.com> Fix up the unit tests for the CallDetailActivity.

- We've recently moved lots of code to use AsyncTask to avoid strict mode
- Thanks to the new BackgroundTaskService, these weren't being executed,
and the tests were failing. But simply executing them is not a fix,
we want much finer grained control over what executes when, so we
can assert about different states of the ui.
- This cl introduces the concept of an identifier to go with the submitted
task, so that you can uniquely identify tasks from the test.

Additionally, on further reflection, adding a new interface BackgroundTask
wasn't necessarily a great idea. Nor was calling the thing that submits them a
Service - that name is already overloaded to mean something else in Android.

Therefore this cl makes a number of other style changes to the pattern:

- The BackgroundTaskService just becomes an interface AsyncTaskExecutor, with a
single submit() method, in a very similar fashion to the Executor pattern in
- We introduce the AsyncTaskExecutors class, which may be used to create
AsyncTaskExecutor objects, and also introduces a seam for injecting fake
executors for testing.
- This cl introduces a FakeAsyncTaskExecutor, which can be used to inspect the
tasks that have been submitted, as well as being used to execute them in a
controlled manner between assertions.
- This is now being used to control the flow of voicemail fetching from
the unit tests, and make sure that the recently implemented logic to
read has content, move to buffering state, then move to preparing,
is all working correctly.
- Later this will also be used to exhaustively test all the other
situations we care about.

Change-Id: Ia75df4996f9a5168db8d9f39560b62ccf4b98b46
a2625e4b5249132bb102ab9568daba8ebea7fe78 10-Aug-2011 Hugo Hudson <hugohudson@google.com> Background tasks can decide which executor to run with.

- Allow BackgroundTaskService to take an Executor as an optional argument,
most commonly these will be one of the static fields defined on
- Make voicemail prepare media on async background thread.
- Mark voicemails as read concurrently with other async tasks.
- Change background task service to accept an Executor as argument.
- Remove the initial progress and initial time from seek bar.

Bug: 5148472
Change-Id: I55815294fe671d3a42af0b2d6d5e29e6eaea271e
51ada3680de8700bc273a7e652886823f4c1981f 05-Aug-2011 Hugo Hudson <hugohudson@google.com> Prepare playback immediately, new BackgroundTaskService.

- Immediately we start the CallDetailActivity with a voicemail, do the
preparing of the media so we can see the duration.
- Use the duration text field to show "buffering..." until media source
is prepared.
- Do the preparing in the background, this fixes a strict mode
- If there's an error preparing, show an error message in that field.
- Add tests for both of the above cases.

- Introduces new BackgroundTaskService, lightweight method for
submitting AsyncTask objects.
- Introduces BackgroundTask interface and simple AbstractBackgroundTask
abstract implementation.
- Adds BackgroundTaskService to ContactsApplication allowing Activity
objects to get hold of a regular background task service.
- Adds a MockBackgroundTaskService for use with injecting for test, so
that we can prevent or control processing of background tasks.

- Every time we resume the Activity, we were causing a new voicemail
fragment to be created. There was no bug tracking this, I just
noticed it because of occasionally flaky tests. Added a fix and test
to catch it again next time.
- Fixes missing tear down method in PeopleActivityTest.

Bug: 5115133
Bug: 5059965
Bug: 5114261
Bug: 5113695
Change-Id: Ia2469229fa756da8b3977231fbf23a9d3fb379ce
37a2684d1e47f6d78d757c437a187548f242ee13 27-Jun-2011 Flavio Lerda <flerda@google.com> Fixes tests on userdebug builds.

A number of tests are currently failing on userdebug builds because they
refer to methods that are used only in tests and proguard striped these
methods when building the application APK.

This change adds the VisibleForTesting annotation to all such methods.

Bug: 4901489
Bug: 4902483
Change-Id: Ic7c51ef5b77f4f2d2af39cdafbf8e2e37260644b
7edf238cb6e051bb53d327d9b435bbf5b4aa11c4 01-Feb-2011 Dmitri Plotnikov <dplotnikov@google.com> Improving photo cache

Now we have a fixed size LRU cache of compressed
images and on top of that a soft cache of
inflated bitmaps.

Change-Id: I0ea37be41d8f5c6e361bdf160e3e518b014f3615
34b24ef363e2bcca072c34371144a845186d625e 28-Jan-2011 Dmitri Plotnikov <dplotnikov@google.com> Turning contact photo loader into an application-wide service.

It will no longer need to reload everything on orientation change
and other similar events.

Change-Id: Ibd4c823673d6b380df96a91a2829d24f910bcfbd
53a04d6492a10ee1974a27f3297b5123cb9723e8 25-Jan-2011 Dmitri Plotnikov <dplotnikov@google.com> Enabling extended logging to catch the closed cursor issue

Also, removing the only place when a cursor is explicitly
closed by the app.

Bug: 3381489
Change-Id: I727f846e6660143f32712de2cec16e5346fc6d4e
072d91171c749f43b64900118e6f4dcbdd7b1097 10-Jan-2011 Dmitri Plotnikov <dplotnikov@google.com> Adding mock shared preferences

Change-Id: I1af7cb97703191ce016a936fd843e1ac73be1022
1173ae29217fc83f254404f8a5fa10419ee83c93 09-Jan-2011 Dmitri Plotnikov <dplotnikov@google.com> Fixing ContactBrowserActivityTest

Change-Id: Ie492eae15c7163d0f8a3577e73ae14b786709a35
6f667b55687bf9193323802e8f3234f0ab254388 09-Jan-2011 Dmitri Plotnikov <dplotnikov@google.com> Turning AccountTypeManager into a "system" service.

It's really not a system service proper. It just
uses the same API and the same dependency injection
mechanism as for system services.

Change-Id: I56e24e0f16642a5ab25e809ee12906d965845379
a07fa5f37031e4c5cd2933de02d2db41ec153e2b 09-Jan-2011 Dmitri Plotnikov <dplotnikov@google.com> Renaming AccountTypes to AccountTypeManager.

The intent is to turn it into a "system service" of sorts.

Change-Id: I047d70a2e59978c05916965ef0c0d9f18abc55e6
43fd1e84de5e28639062c20d35ba7bfec8a07001 09-Jan-2011 Dmitri Plotnikov <dplotnikov@google.com> Fixing ContactDeletionInteractionTest

Bug: 3330176
Change-Id: I6726e74440cd7cb8c16d169a97da5042f77c9463
169ff2ab666eb0cf5414b3a5eb8333ec4ddc669a 30-Nov-2010 Dmitri Plotnikov <dplotnikov@google.com> Pushing initialization of phone number formatter to background thread

Bug: 3228687
Change-Id: Ib797383b2af3608876956ed365026b1522bc0f6c
3b7dedd2cea8000200fd28f8aa6f9664c9044cef 29-Nov-2010 Dmitri Plotnikov <dplotnikov@google.com> Priming some caches when Contacts app starts

Change-Id: I333d2b64614835fa8897897752d6a215f94855de
f049ff0f841b90f5e7973dba51b37b4e1ec3c960 29-Nov-2010 Dmitri Plotnikov <dplotnikov@google.com> Enabling strictmode logging

Change-Id: Ib4ef5976487d40bb43984591b016d47ea8f28a1e