History log of /packages/apps/Launcher3/src/com/android/launcher3/graphics/DragPreviewProvider.java
Revision Date Author Comments (<<< Hide modified files) (Show modified files >>>)
f28e6afafdc8b5afbdf99910668a38f9252bfb47 01-Sep-2016 Sunny Goyal <sunnygoyal@google.com> Some optimizations in blur outline generator

1) Using ALPHA_8 as the start and end bitmap. This removes one extra
bitmap generation step
2) Using ByteBuffer on ALPHA_8 bitmap for clipAlpha. This allows us
to use byteArray instead of intArray for representing pixels

Change-Id: I1b654c439fd491b6b91180ddc562bb97fad857aa
06e21a25877db7207b5393ab163028bb4116df4f 12-Aug-2016 Sunny Goyal <sunnygoyal@google.com> Moving the state changes during drag-n-drop from startDrag to onDragStart

This will allow drag controller to optinally defer drag, based on some
threshold, by simply deferring the callback onDragStart

Change-Id: I17c06a15e2092b9797c7e57529b12a53d2acae6e
a2454ad2d8dcffa94f670853eb464726c73597f1 22-Jul-2016 Sunny Goyal <sunnygoyal@google.com> Launcher shortcuts animations update.

> The shortcut container closes with an animation
> When opening/closing the animation only the icon scales
and not the title and drag handle
> When dragging the icon, it starts from the original icon position and
moves under the user finger. The container grows to follow the drag view.

Bug: 28980830
Change-Id: Ic0353c30b682d1f018cbf4d62e8a6e8e7d7d4664
157793dda450b69da388b859d1c1a7a1083c4ec9 20-Jul-2016 Sunny Goyal <sunnygoyal@google.com> Increasing the size of the drag icon when a shortcut is dragged

Change-Id: I7d768657300d3229e05d1eb18aec3720a9098ffc