History log of /system/core/libutils/VectorImpl.cpp
Revision Date Author Comments (<<< Hide modified files) (Show modified files >>>)
c565bdb67b801fe2b4965b44e53dccfd9097993c 23-Sep-2015 Sergio Giro <sgiro@google.com> am f777655d: resolved conflicts for 6ee734cf to stage-aosp-master

* commit 'f777655d85af3aefa4a1683f289da1ec67988330':
libutils: hide SharedBuffer by moving SharedBuffer.h to the implementation directory
d2529f28308ba7583f4d8baaa937218d81cbe8bd 23-Sep-2015 Sergio Giro <sgiro@google.com> libutils: hide SharedBuffer by moving SharedBuffer.h to the implementation directory

Some methods in header files of classes using SharedBuffer need
to be moved to the implementation files accordingly

Change-Id: I891f3ace2b940ab219e4e449040bfed71c0547db
51e740f802083cc250a2f6228222bcbbcec79887 08-Sep-2015 Narayan Kamath <narayan@google.com> resolved conflicts for 32d86587 to mnc-dr-dev-plus-aosp

Change-Id: I381133e7dd93f908bd3d2b42e8af83d954e428af
c609c31fb56ae434caa2d0153cd0a2f74a715071 28-Aug-2015 Narayan Kamath <narayan@google.com> libutils: Fix integer overflows in VectorImpl.

Use external/safe-iop to check for overflows on arithmetic

Also remove an unnecessary copy of Vector/SharedBuffer from
codeflinger and use the copy from libutils instead.

Note that some of the unit tests are somewhat useless due to
test-runner limitations : gtest's ability to filter on abort message
doesn't work when combined with messages formatted by android's logging

bug: 22953624

Change-Id: I46b1ae8ca1f3a010be13aca36a091e76a97a7b70
c76698f24e785a8984fa9d9d0bf8f81aa28746cc 28-Aug-2015 Nick Kralevich <nnk@google.com> VectorImpl.cpp: fix benign multiplication overflow

j is a ssize_t, which can go negative. If it goes negative,
the resulting multiplication of mItemSize*j doesn't make
any sense. Since the value is never used, just don't perform
the calculation if j < 0.

Bug: 23607865
Change-Id: I14f6f6506645d582f7d67a2e2d60ead3cb18b957
1f286989986a384e34d9de1acf8899439506695a 22-Aug-2015 Nick Kralevich <nnk@google.com> libutils: cleanups for -fsanitize=integer

* Hashing functions rely on integer overflow behavior.
Mark those functions as safe.

* abort() if a passed in size_t value is greater than
UINT32_MAX. This can occur on 64 bit builds where size_t
is larger than uint32_t.

* Special case the index lookup for an empty sorted vector.
Without the special case, size() == 0, and size()-1 underflows.

Change-Id: I343a14b589fc8f0d221c1998ae5d6f0b9e2781f8
eb0eb4f79fca083009aa7a6b6e28ddcdbcbd1214 17-Oct-2013 Shuo Gao <shuo.gao@intel.com> fix corruption in Vector<> when malloc falied

1. When alloc or realloc failed in the function SharedBuffer::editResize,
it would return a NULL pointer, then mStorage would update to be 1 by
SharedBuffer::data() if no pointer check here, which is an obviously
wrong address, and would cause corruption when used it e.g. in capacity().

So add the pointer check here for the return value of SharedBuffer::editResize,
if it's NULL do not use it to update mStorage, to avoid the value of mStorage

2. when alloc or realloc falied in _grow & _shrink function, mStorage keep
the original value, so mCount should not be updated here.

Otherwise, mStorage might be 0 but mCount>0, so a corruption would happend
when it try to delete items from the Vector since mCount>0.

Change-Id: I7c3814e843c459834ca5eed392e8d63d1cb7d2d8
Signed-off-by: Shuo Gao <shuo.gao@intel.com>
Signed-off-by: Jian Luo <jian.luo@intel.com>
Signed-off-by: Bruce Beare <bruce.j.beare@intel.com>
Signed-off-by: Jack Ren <jack.ren@intel.com>
Author-tracking-BZ: 139626
d98e07fdf9c338589f263c47ce5c844ed43efad5 02-Aug-2013 Alex Ray <aray@google.com> move libs/utils to libutils

Change-Id: I6cf4268599460791414882f91eeb88a992fbd29d