History log of /system/update_engine/network_selector_interface.h
Revision Date Author Comments (<<< Hide modified files) (Show modified files >>>)
b729f5c39691f254beb6fabc185a0db6e47542b9 26-Jul-2016 Alex Deymo <deymo@google.com> Allow to set the network used for an update attempt.

When triggering an update attempt in Android, we can force all the
traffic to go through a given network by passing a NETWORK_ID=<id>
in the extra key-value pair field.

Bug: 29921093
TEST=Called update_engine_client passing NETWORK_ID.

(cherry picked from commit 87792ea818a63f2d246bbba2b7429b85ee8d669f)

Change-Id: I0e8a245961788c75106832e9fea8b07cd894f22d