2//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
4// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
5// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
8 *  fail.c
9 *  testObjects
10 *
11 *  Created by Blaine Garst on 9/16/08.
12 *
13 */
14#include <stdio.h>
15#include <unistd.h>
16#include <fcntl.h>
17#include <string.h>
18#include <stdlib.h>
19#include <stdbool.h>
22bool readfile(char *buffer, const char *from) {
23    int fd = open(from, 0);
24    if (fd < 0) return false;
25    int count = read(fd, buffer, 512);
26    if (count < 0) return false;
27    buffer[count] = 0; // zap newline
28    return true;
31// basic idea, take compiler args, run compiler, and verify that expected failure matches any existing one
33int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
34    if (argc == 1) return 0;
35    char *copy[argc+1];   // make a copy
36    // find and strip off -e "errorfile"
37    char *errorfile = NULL;
38    int counter = 0, i = 0;
39    for (i = 1; i < argc; ++i) {    // skip 0 arg which is "fail"
40        if (!strncmp(argv[i], "-e", 2)) {
41            errorfile = argv[++i];
42        }
43        else {
44            copy[counter++] = argv[i];
45        }
46    }
47    copy[counter] = NULL;
48    pid_t child = fork();
49    char buffer[512];
50    if (child == 0) {
51        // in child
52        sprintf(buffer, "/tmp/errorfile_%d", getpid());
53        close(1);
54        int fd = creat(buffer, 0777);
55        if (fd != 1) {
56            fprintf(stderr, "didn't open custom error file %s as 1, got %d\n", buffer, fd);
57            exit(1);
58        }
59        close(2);
60        dup(1);
61        int result = execv(copy[0], copy);
62        exit(10);
63    }
64    if (child < 0) {
65        printf("fork failed\n");
66        exit(1);
67    }
68    int status = 0;
69    pid_t deadchild = wait(&status);
70    if (deadchild != child) {
71        printf("wait got %d instead of %d\n", deadchild, child);
72        exit(1);
73    }
74    if (WEXITSTATUS(status) == 0) {
75        printf("compiler exited normally, not good under these circumstances\n");
76        exit(1);
77    }
78    //printf("exit status of child %d was %d\n", child, WEXITSTATUS(status));
79    sprintf(buffer, "/tmp/errorfile_%d", child);
80    if (errorfile) {
81        //printf("ignoring error file: %s\n", errorfile);
82        char desired[512];
83        char got[512];
84        bool gotErrorFile = readfile(desired, errorfile);
85        bool gotOutput = readfile(got, buffer);
86        if (!gotErrorFile && gotOutput) {
87            printf("didn't read errorfile %s, it should have something from\n*****\n%s\n*****\nin it.\n",
88                errorfile, got);
89            exit(1);
90        }
91        else if (gotErrorFile && gotOutput) {
92            char *where = strstr(got, desired);
93            if (!where) {
94                printf("didn't find contents of %s in %s\n", errorfile, buffer);
95                exit(1);
96            }
97        }
98        else {
99            printf("errorfile %s and output %s inconsistent\n", errorfile, buffer);
100            exit(1);
101        }
102    }
103    unlink(buffer);
104    printf("success\n");
105    exit(0);