2 *
3 * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
4 *
5 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
8 *
9 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10 *
11 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15 * limitations under the License.
16 */
18// Functions for safe arithmetic (guarded against overflow) on integer types.
20#ifndef __dng_safe_arithmetic__
21#define __dng_safe_arithmetic__
23#include <cstddef>
24#include <cstdint>
25#include <limits>
27#include "dng_exceptions.h"
29#ifndef __has_builtin
30#define __has_builtin(x) 0  // Compatibility with non-Clang compilers.
33#if !defined(DNG_HAS_INT128) && defined(__SIZEOF_INT128__)
34#define DNG_HAS_INT128
37// If the result of adding arg1 and arg2 will fit in an int32_t (without
38// under-/overflow), stores this result in *result and returns true. Otherwise,
39// returns false and leaves *result unchanged.
40bool SafeInt32Add(std::int32_t arg1, std::int32_t arg2, std::int32_t *result);
42// Returns the result of adding arg1 and arg2 if it will fit in the result type
43// (without under-/overflow). Otherwise, throws a dng_exception with error code
44// dng_error_unknown.
45std::int32_t SafeInt32Add(std::int32_t arg1, std::int32_t arg2);
46std::int64_t SafeInt64Add(std::int64_t arg1, std::int64_t arg2);
48// If the result of adding arg1 and arg2 will fit in a uint32_t (without
49// wraparound), stores this result in *result and returns true. Otherwise,
50// returns false and leaves *result unchanged.
51bool SafeUint32Add(std::uint32_t arg1, std::uint32_t arg2,
52                   std::uint32_t *result);
54// Returns the result of adding arg1 and arg2 if it will fit in the result type
55// (without wraparound). Otherwise, throws a dng_exception with error code
56// dng_error_unknown.
57std::uint32_t SafeUint32Add(std::uint32_t arg1, std::uint32_t arg2);
58std::uint64_t SafeUint64Add(std::uint64_t arg1, std::uint64_t arg2);
60// If the subtraction of arg2 from arg1 will not result in an int32_t under- or
61// overflow, stores this result in *result and returns true. Otherwise,
62// returns false and leaves *result unchanged.
63bool SafeInt32Sub(std::int32_t arg1, std::int32_t arg2, std::int32_t *result);
65// Returns the result of subtracting arg2 from arg1 if this operation will not
66// result in an int32_t under- or overflow. Otherwise, throws a dng_exception
67// with error code dng_error_unknown.
68std::int32_t SafeInt32Sub(std::int32_t arg1, std::int32_t arg2);
70// Returns the result of subtracting arg2 from arg1 if this operation will not
71// result in wraparound. Otherwise, throws a dng_exception with error code
72// dng_error_unknown.
73std::uint32_t SafeUint32Sub(std::uint32_t arg1, std::uint32_t arg2);
75// Returns the result of multiplying arg1 and arg2 if it will fit in a int32_t
76// (without overflow). Otherwise, throws a dng_exception with error code
77// dng_error_unknown.
78std::int32_t SafeInt32Mult(std::int32_t arg1, std::int32_t arg2);
80// If the result of multiplying arg1, ..., argn will fit in a uint32_t (without
81// wraparound), stores this result in *result and returns true. Otherwise,
82// returns false and leaves *result unchanged.
83bool SafeUint32Mult(std::uint32_t arg1, std::uint32_t arg2,
84                    std::uint32_t *result);
85bool SafeUint32Mult(std::uint32_t arg1, std::uint32_t arg2, std::uint32_t arg3,
86                    std::uint32_t *result);
87bool SafeUint32Mult(std::uint32_t arg1, std::uint32_t arg2, std::uint32_t arg3,
88                    std::uint32_t arg4, std::uint32_t *result);
90// Returns the result of multiplying arg1, ..., argn if it will fit in a
91// uint32_t (without wraparound). Otherwise, throws a dng_exception with error
92// code dng_error_unknown.
93std::uint32_t SafeUint32Mult(std::uint32_t arg1, std::uint32_t arg2);
94std::uint32_t SafeUint32Mult(std::uint32_t arg1, std::uint32_t arg2,
95                             std::uint32_t arg3);
96std::uint32_t SafeUint32Mult(std::uint32_t arg1, std::uint32_t arg2,
97                             std::uint32_t arg3, std::uint32_t arg4);
99// Returns the result of multiplying arg1 and arg2 if it will fit in a size_t
100// (without overflow). Otherwise, throws a dng_exception with error code
101// dng_error_unknown.
102std::size_t SafeSizetMult(std::size_t arg1, std::size_t arg2);
104namespace dng_internal {
106// Internal function used as fallback for SafeInt64Mult() if other optimized
107// computation is not supported. Don't call this function directly.
108std::int64_t SafeInt64MultSlow(std::int64_t arg1, std::int64_t arg2);
110// Internal function used as optimization for SafeInt64Mult() if Clang
111// __builtin_smull_overflow is supported. Don't call this function directly.
112#if __has_builtin(__builtin_smull_overflow)
113inline std::int64_t SafeInt64MultByClang(std::int64_t arg1, std::int64_t arg2) {
114  std::int64_t result;
115#if (__WORDSIZE == 64) && !defined(__APPLE__)
116  if (__builtin_smull_overflow(arg1, arg2, &result)) {
118  if (__builtin_smulll_overflow(arg1, arg2, &result)) {
120    ThrowProgramError("Arithmetic overflow");
121    abort();  // Never reached.
122  }
123  return result;
127// Internal function used as optimization for SafeInt64Mult() if __int128 type
128// is supported. Don't call this function directly.
129#ifdef DNG_HAS_INT128
130inline std::int64_t SafeInt64MultByInt128(std::int64_t arg1,
131                                          std::int64_t arg2) {
132  const __int128 kInt64Max =
133      static_cast<__int128>(std::numeric_limits<std::int64_t>::max());
134  const __int128 kInt64Min =
135      static_cast<__int128>(std::numeric_limits<std::int64_t>::min());
136  __int128 result = static_cast<__int128>(arg1) * static_cast<__int128>(arg2);
137  if (result > kInt64Max || result < kInt64Min) {
138    ThrowProgramError("Arithmetic overflow");
139  }
140  return static_cast<std::int64_t>(result);
144}  // namespace dng_internal
146// Returns the result of multiplying arg1 and arg2 if it will fit in an int64_t
147// (without overflow). Otherwise, throws a dng_exception with error code
148// dng_error_unknown.
149inline std::int64_t SafeInt64Mult(std::int64_t arg1, std::int64_t arg2) {
150#if __has_builtin(__builtin_smull_overflow)
151  return dng_internal::SafeInt64MultByClang(arg1, arg2);
152#elif defined(DNG_HAS_INT128)
153  return dng_internal::SafeInt64MultByInt128(arg1, arg2);
155  return dng_internal::SafeInt64MultSlow(arg1, arg2);
159// Returns the result of dividing arg1 by arg2; if the result is not an integer,
160// rounds up to the next integer. If arg2 is zero, throws a dng_exception with
161// error code dng_error_unknown.
162// The function is safe against wraparound and will return the correct result
163// for all combinations of arg1 and arg2.
164std::uint32_t SafeUint32DivideUp(std::uint32_t arg1, std::uint32_t arg2);
166// Finds the smallest integer multiple of 'multiple_of' that is greater than or
167// equal to 'val'. If this value will fit in a uint32_t, stores it in *result
168// and returns true. Otherwise, or if 'multiple_of' is zero, returns false and
169// leaves *result unchanged.
170bool RoundUpUint32ToMultiple(std::uint32_t val, std::uint32_t multiple_of,
171                             std::uint32_t *result);
173// Returns the smallest integer multiple of 'multiple_of' that is greater than
174// or equal to 'val'. If the result will not fit in a std::uint32_t or if
175// 'multiple_of' is zero, throws a dng_exception with error code
176// dng_error_unknown.
177std::uint32_t RoundUpUint32ToMultiple(std::uint32_t val,
178                                      std::uint32_t multiple_of);
180// If the uint32_t value val will fit in a int32_t, converts it to a int32_t and
181// stores it in *result. Otherwise, returns false and leaves *result unchanged.
182bool ConvertUint32ToInt32(std::uint32_t val, std::int32_t *result);
184// Returns the result of converting val to an int32_t if it can be converted
185// without overflow. Otherwise, throws a dng_exception with error code
186// dng_error_unknown.
187std::int32_t ConvertUint32ToInt32(std::uint32_t val);
189// Converts a value of the unsigned integer type TSrc to the unsigned integer
190// type TDest. If the value in 'src' cannot be converted to the type TDest
191// without truncation, throws a dng_exception with error code dng_error_unknown.
193// Note: Though this function is typically used where TDest is a narrower type
194// than TSrc, it is designed to work also if TDest is wider than from TSrc or
195// identical to TSrc. This is useful in situations where the width of the types
196// involved can change depending on the architecture -- for example, the
197// conversion from size_t to uint32_t may either be narrowing, identical or even
198// widening (though the latter admittedly happens only on architectures that
199// aren't relevant to us).
200template <class TSrc, class TDest>
201static void ConvertUnsigned(TSrc src, TDest *dest) {
202  static_assert(std::numeric_limits<TSrc>::is_integer &&
203                    !std::numeric_limits<TSrc>::is_signed &&
204                    std::numeric_limits<TDest>::is_integer &&
205                    !std::numeric_limits<TDest>::is_signed,
206                "TSrc and TDest must be unsigned integer types");
208  const TDest converted = static_cast<TDest>(src);
210  // Convert back to TSrc to check whether truncation occurred in the
211  // conversion to TDest.
212  if (static_cast<TSrc>(converted) != src) {
213    ThrowProgramError("Overflow in unsigned integer conversion");
214  }
216  *dest = converted;
219// Returns the result of converting val to the result type using truncation if
220// val is in range of the result type values. Otherwise, throws a dng_exception
221// with error code dng_error_unknown.
222std::int32_t ConvertDoubleToInt32(double val);
223std::uint32_t ConvertDoubleToUint32(double val);
225// Returns the result of converting val to float. If val is outside of
226// [-FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX], -infinity and infinity is returned respectively. NaN is
227// returned as NaN.
228float ConvertDoubleToFloat(double val);
230#endif  // __dng_safe_arithmetic__