2 * Copyright © 2010 Luca Barbieri
3 *
4 * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
5 * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
6 * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
7 * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
8 * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
9 * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
10 *
11 * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next
12 * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the
13 * Software.
14 *
22 */
25 * \file lower_jumps.cpp
26 *
27 * This pass lowers jumps (break, continue, and return) to if/else structures.
28 *
29 * It can be asked to:
30 * 1. Pull jumps out of ifs where possible
31 * 2. Remove all "continue"s, replacing them with an "execute flag"
32 * 3. Replace all "break" with a single conditional one at the end of the loop
33 * 4. Replace all "return"s with a single return at the end of the function,
34 *    for the main function and/or other functions
35 *
36 * Applying this pass gives several benefits:
37 * 1. All functions can be inlined.
38 * 2. nv40 and other pre-DX10 chips without "continue" can be supported
39 * 3. nv30 and other pre-DX10 chips with no control flow at all are better
40 *    supported
41 *
42 * Continues are lowered by adding a per-loop "execute flag", initialized to
43 * true, that when cleared inhibits all execution until the end of the loop.
44 *
45 * Breaks are lowered to continues, plus setting a "break flag" that is checked
46 * at the end of the loop, and trigger the unique "break".
47 *
48 * Returns are lowered to breaks/continues, plus adding a "return flag" that
49 * causes loops to break again out of their enclosing loops until all the
50 * loops are exited: then the "execute flag" logic will ignore everything
51 * until the end of the function.
52 *
53 * Note that "continue" and "return" can also be implemented by adding
54 * a dummy loop and using break.
55 * However, this is bad for hardware with limited nesting depth, and
56 * prevents further optimization, and thus is not currently performed.
57 */
59#include "glsl_types.h"
60#include <string.h>
61#include "ir.h"
64 * Enum recording the result of analyzing how control flow might exit
65 * an IR node.
66 *
67 * Each possible value of jump_strength indicates a strictly stronger
68 * guarantee on control flow than the previous value.
69 *
70 * The ordering of strengths roughly reflects the way jumps are
71 * lowered: jumps with higher strength tend to be lowered to jumps of
72 * lower strength.  Accordingly, strength is used as a heuristic to
73 * determine which lowering to perform first.
74 *
75 * This enum is also used by get_jump_strength() to categorize
76 * instructions as either break, continue, return, or other.  When
77 * used in this fashion, strength_always_clears_execute_flag is not
78 * used.
79 *
80 * The control flow analysis made by this optimization pass makes two
81 * simplifying assumptions:
82 *
83 * - It ignores discard instructions, since they are lowered by a
84 *   separate pass (lower_discard.cpp).
85 *
86 * - It assumes it is always possible for control to flow from a loop
87 *   to the instruction immediately following it.  Technically, this
88 *   is not true (since all execution paths through the loop might
89 *   jump back to the top, or return from the function).
90 *
91 * Both of these simplifying assumtions are safe, since they can never
92 * cause reachable code to be incorrectly classified as unreachable;
93 * they can only do the opposite.
94 */
95enum jump_strength
97   /**
98    * Analysis has produced no guarantee on how control flow might
99    * exit this IR node.  It might fall out the bottom (with or
100    * without clearing the execute flag, if present), or it might
101    * continue to the top of the innermost enclosing loop, break out
102    * of it, or return from the function.
103    */
104   strength_none,
106   /**
107    * The only way control can fall out the bottom of this node is
108    * through a code path that clears the execute flag.  It might also
109    * continue to the top of the innermost enclosing loop, break out
110    * of it, or return from the function.
111    */
112   strength_always_clears_execute_flag,
114   /**
115    * Control cannot fall out the bottom of this node.  It might
116    * continue to the top of the innermost enclosing loop, break out
117    * of it, or return from the function.
118    */
119   strength_continue,
121   /**
122    * Control cannot fall out the bottom of this node, or continue the
123    * top of the innermost enclosing loop.  It can only break out of
124    * it or return from the function.
125    */
126   strength_break,
128   /**
129    * Control cannot fall out the bottom of this node, continue to the
130    * top of the innermost enclosing loop, or break out of it.  It can
131    * only return from the function.
132    */
133   strength_return
136struct block_record
138   /* minimum jump strength (of lowered IR, not pre-lowering IR)
139    *
140    * If the block ends with a jump, must be the strength of the jump.
141    * Otherwise, the jump would be dead and have been deleted before)
142    *
143    * If the block doesn't end with a jump, it can be different than strength_none if all paths before it lead to some jump
144    * (e.g. an if with a return in one branch, and a break in the other, while not lowering them)
145    * Note that identical jumps are usually unified though.
146    */
147   jump_strength min_strength;
149   /* can anything clear the execute flag? */
150   bool may_clear_execute_flag;
152   block_record()
153   {
154      this->min_strength = strength_none;
155      this->may_clear_execute_flag = false;
156   }
159struct loop_record
161   ir_function_signature* signature;
162   ir_loop* loop;
164   /* used to avoid lowering the break used to represent lowered breaks */
165   unsigned nesting_depth;
166   bool in_if_at_the_end_of_the_loop;
168   bool may_set_return_flag;
170   ir_variable* break_flag;
171   ir_variable* execute_flag; /* cleared to emulate continue */
173   loop_record(ir_function_signature* p_signature = 0, ir_loop* p_loop = 0)
174   {
175      this->signature = p_signature;
176      this->loop = p_loop;
177      this->nesting_depth = 0;
178      this->in_if_at_the_end_of_the_loop = false;
179      this->may_set_return_flag = false;
180      this->break_flag = 0;
181      this->execute_flag = 0;
182   }
184   ir_variable* get_execute_flag()
185   {
186      /* also supported for the "function loop" */
187      if(!this->execute_flag) {
188         exec_list& list = this->loop ? this->loop->body_instructions : signature->body;
189         this->execute_flag = new(this->signature) ir_variable(glsl_type::bool_type, "execute_flag", ir_var_temporary);
190         list.push_head(new(this->signature) ir_assignment(new(this->signature) ir_dereference_variable(execute_flag), new(this->signature) ir_constant(true), 0));
191         list.push_head(this->execute_flag);
192      }
193      return this->execute_flag;
194   }
196   ir_variable* get_break_flag()
197   {
198      assert(this->loop);
199      if(!this->break_flag) {
200         this->break_flag = new(this->signature) ir_variable(glsl_type::bool_type, "break_flag", ir_var_temporary);
201         this->loop->insert_before(this->break_flag);
202         this->loop->insert_before(new(this->signature) ir_assignment(new(this->signature) ir_dereference_variable(break_flag), new(this->signature) ir_constant(false), 0));
203      }
204      return this->break_flag;
205   }
208struct function_record
210   ir_function_signature* signature;
211   ir_variable* return_flag; /* used to break out of all loops and then jump to the return instruction */
212   ir_variable* return_value;
213   bool lower_return;
214   unsigned nesting_depth;
216   function_record(ir_function_signature* p_signature = 0,
217                   bool lower_return = false)
218   {
219      this->signature = p_signature;
220      this->return_flag = 0;
221      this->return_value = 0;
222      this->nesting_depth = 0;
223      this->lower_return = lower_return;
224   }
226   ir_variable* get_return_flag()
227   {
228      if(!this->return_flag) {
229         this->return_flag = new(this->signature) ir_variable(glsl_type::bool_type, "return_flag", ir_var_temporary);
230         this->signature->body.push_head(new(this->signature) ir_assignment(new(this->signature) ir_dereference_variable(return_flag), new(this->signature) ir_constant(false), 0));
231         this->signature->body.push_head(this->return_flag);
232      }
233      return this->return_flag;
234   }
236   ir_variable* get_return_value()
237   {
238      if(!this->return_value) {
239         assert(!this->signature->return_type->is_void());
240         return_value = new(this->signature) ir_variable(this->signature->return_type, "return_value", ir_var_temporary);
241         this->signature->body.push_head(this->return_value);
242      }
243      return this->return_value;
244   }
247struct ir_lower_jumps_visitor : public ir_control_flow_visitor {
248   /* Postconditions: on exit of any visit() function:
249    *
250    * ANALYSIS: this->block.min_strength,
251    * this->block.may_clear_execute_flag, and
252    * this->loop.may_set_return_flag are updated to reflect the
253    * characteristics of the visited statement.
254    *
255    * DEAD_CODE_ELIMINATION: If this->block.min_strength is not
256    * strength_none, the visited node is at the end of its exec_list.
257    * In other words, any unreachable statements that follow the
258    * visited statement in its exec_list have been removed.
259    *
260    * CONTAINED_JUMPS_LOWERED: If the visited statement contains other
261    * statements, then should_lower_jump() is false for all of the
262    * return, break, or continue statements it contains.
263    *
264    * Note that visiting a jump does not lower it.  That is the
265    * responsibility of the statement (or function signature) that
266    * contains the jump.
267    */
269   bool progress;
271   struct function_record function;
272   struct loop_record loop;
273   struct block_record block;
275   bool pull_out_jumps;
276   bool lower_continue;
277   bool lower_break;
278   bool lower_sub_return;
279   bool lower_main_return;
281   ir_lower_jumps_visitor()
282   {
283      this->progress = false;
284   }
286   void truncate_after_instruction(exec_node *ir)
287   {
288      if (!ir)
289         return;
291      while (!ir->get_next()->is_tail_sentinel()) {
292         ((ir_instruction *)ir->get_next())->remove();
293         this->progress = true;
294      }
295   }
297   void move_outer_block_inside(ir_instruction *ir, exec_list *inner_block)
298   {
299      while (!ir->get_next()->is_tail_sentinel()) {
300         ir_instruction *move_ir = (ir_instruction *)ir->get_next();
302         move_ir->remove();
303         inner_block->push_tail(move_ir);
304      }
305   }
307   /**
308    * Insert the instructions necessary to lower a return statement,
309    * before the given return instruction.
310    */
311   void insert_lowered_return(ir_return *ir)
312   {
313      ir_variable* return_flag = this->function.get_return_flag();
314      if(!this->function.signature->return_type->is_void()) {
315         ir_variable* return_value = this->function.get_return_value();
316         ir->insert_before(
317            new(ir) ir_assignment(
318               new (ir) ir_dereference_variable(return_value),
319               ir->value));
320      }
321      ir->insert_before(
322         new(ir) ir_assignment(
323            new (ir) ir_dereference_variable(return_flag),
324            new (ir) ir_constant(true)));
325      this->loop.may_set_return_flag = true;
326   }
328   /**
329    * If the given instruction is a return, lower it to instructions
330    * that store the return value (if there is one), set the return
331    * flag, and then break.
332    *
333    * It is safe to pass NULL to this function.
334    */
335   void lower_return_unconditionally(ir_instruction *ir)
336   {
337      if (get_jump_strength(ir) != strength_return) {
338         return;
339      }
340      insert_lowered_return((ir_return*)ir);
341      ir->replace_with(new(ir) ir_loop_jump(ir_loop_jump::jump_break));
342   }
344   /**
345    * Create the necessary instruction to replace a break instruction.
346    */
347   ir_instruction *create_lowered_break()
348   {
349      void *ctx = this->function.signature;
350      return new(ctx) ir_assignment(
351          new(ctx) ir_dereference_variable(this->loop.get_break_flag()),
352          new(ctx) ir_constant(true),
353          0);
354   }
356   /**
357    * If the given instruction is a break, lower it to an instruction
358    * that sets the break flag, without consulting
359    * should_lower_jump().
360    *
361    * It is safe to pass NULL to this function.
362    */
363   void lower_break_unconditionally(ir_instruction *ir)
364   {
365      if (get_jump_strength(ir) != strength_break) {
366         return;
367      }
368      ir->replace_with(create_lowered_break());
369   }
371   /**
372    * If the block ends in a conditional or unconditional break, lower
373    * it, even though should_lower_jump() says it needn't be lowered.
374    */
375   void lower_final_breaks(exec_list *block)
376   {
377      ir_instruction *ir = (ir_instruction *) block->get_tail();
378      lower_break_unconditionally(ir);
379      ir_if *ir_if = ir->as_if();
380      if (ir_if) {
381          lower_break_unconditionally(
382              (ir_instruction *) ir_if->then_instructions.get_tail());
383          lower_break_unconditionally(
384              (ir_instruction *) ir_if->else_instructions.get_tail());
385      }
386   }
388   virtual void visit(class ir_loop_jump * ir)
389   {
390      /* Eliminate all instructions after each one, since they are
391       * unreachable.  This satisfies the DEAD_CODE_ELIMINATION
392       * postcondition.
393       */
394      truncate_after_instruction(ir);
396      /* Set this->block.min_strength based on this instruction.  This
397       * satisfies the ANALYSIS postcondition.  It is not necessary to
398       * update this->block.may_clear_execute_flag or
399       * this->loop.may_set_return_flag, because an unlowered jump
400       * instruction can't change any flags.
401       */
402      this->block.min_strength = ir->is_break() ? strength_break : strength_continue;
404      /* The CONTAINED_JUMPS_LOWERED postcondition is already
405       * satisfied, because jump statements can't contain other
406       * statements.
407       */
408   }
410   virtual void visit(class ir_return * ir)
411   {
412      /* Eliminate all instructions after each one, since they are
413       * unreachable.  This satisfies the DEAD_CODE_ELIMINATION
414       * postcondition.
415       */
416      truncate_after_instruction(ir);
418      /* Set this->block.min_strength based on this instruction.  This
419       * satisfies the ANALYSIS postcondition.  It is not necessary to
420       * update this->block.may_clear_execute_flag or
421       * this->loop.may_set_return_flag, because an unlowered return
422       * instruction can't change any flags.
423       */
424      this->block.min_strength = strength_return;
426      /* The CONTAINED_JUMPS_LOWERED postcondition is already
427       * satisfied, because jump statements can't contain other
428       * statements.
429       */
430   }
432   virtual void visit(class ir_discard * ir)
433   {
434      /* Nothing needs to be done.  The ANALYSIS and
435       * DEAD_CODE_ELIMINATION postconditions are already satisfied,
436       * because discard statements are ignored by this optimization
437       * pass.  The CONTAINED_JUMPS_LOWERED postcondition is already
438       * satisfied, because discard statements can't contain other
439       * statements.
440       */
441      (void) ir;
442   }
444   enum jump_strength get_jump_strength(ir_instruction* ir)
445   {
446      if(!ir)
447         return strength_none;
448      else if(ir->ir_type == ir_type_loop_jump) {
449         if(((ir_loop_jump*)ir)->is_break())
450            return strength_break;
451         else
452            return strength_continue;
453      } else if(ir->ir_type == ir_type_return)
454         return strength_return;
455      else
456         return strength_none;
457   }
459   bool should_lower_jump(ir_jump* ir)
460   {
461      unsigned strength = get_jump_strength(ir);
462      bool lower;
463      switch(strength)
464      {
465      case strength_none:
466         lower = false; /* don't change this, code relies on it */
467         break;
468      case strength_continue:
469         lower = lower_continue;
470         break;
471      case strength_break:
472         assert(this->loop.loop);
473         /* never lower "canonical break" */
474         if(ir->get_next()->is_tail_sentinel() && (this->loop.nesting_depth == 0
475               || (this->loop.nesting_depth == 1 && this->loop.in_if_at_the_end_of_the_loop)))
476            lower = false;
477         else
478            lower = lower_break;
479         break;
480      case strength_return:
481         /* never lower return at the end of a this->function */
482         if(this->function.nesting_depth == 0 && ir->get_next()->is_tail_sentinel())
483            lower = false;
484         else
485            lower = this->function.lower_return;
486         break;
487      }
488      return lower;
489   }
491   block_record visit_block(exec_list* list)
492   {
493      /* Note: since visiting a node may change that node's next
494       * pointer, we can't use visit_exec_list(), because
495       * visit_exec_list() caches the node's next pointer before
496       * visiting it.  So we use foreach_list() instead.
497       *
498       * foreach_list() isn't safe if the node being visited gets
499       * removed, but fortunately this visitor doesn't do that.
500       */
502      block_record saved_block = this->block;
503      this->block = block_record();
504      foreach_list(node, list) {
505         ((ir_instruction *) node)->accept(this);
506      }
507      block_record ret = this->block;
508      this->block = saved_block;
509      return ret;
510   }
512   virtual void visit(ir_if *ir)
513   {
514      if(this->loop.nesting_depth == 0 && ir->get_next()->is_tail_sentinel())
515         this->loop.in_if_at_the_end_of_the_loop = true;
517      ++this->function.nesting_depth;
518      ++this->loop.nesting_depth;
520      block_record block_records[2];
521      ir_jump* jumps[2];
523      /* Recursively lower nested jumps.  This satisfies the
524       * CONTAINED_JUMPS_LOWERED postcondition, except in the case of
525       * unconditional jumps at the end of ir->then_instructions and
526       * ir->else_instructions, which are handled below.
527       */
528      block_records[0] = visit_block(&ir->then_instructions);
529      block_records[1] = visit_block(&ir->else_instructions);
531retry: /* we get here if we put code after the if inside a branch */
533      /* Determine which of ir->then_instructions and
534       * ir->else_instructions end with an unconditional jump.
535       */
536      for(unsigned i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
537         exec_list& list = i ? ir->else_instructions : ir->then_instructions;
538         jumps[i] = 0;
539         if(!list.is_empty() && get_jump_strength((ir_instruction*)list.get_tail()))
540            jumps[i] = (ir_jump*)list.get_tail();
541      }
543      /* Loop until we have satisfied the CONTAINED_JUMPS_LOWERED
544       * postcondition by lowering jumps in both then_instructions and
545       * else_instructions.
546       */
547      for(;;) {
548         /* Determine the types of the jumps that terminate
549          * ir->then_instructions and ir->else_instructions.
550          */
551         jump_strength jump_strengths[2];
553         for(unsigned i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
554            if(jumps[i]) {
555               jump_strengths[i] = block_records[i].min_strength;
556               assert(jump_strengths[i] == get_jump_strength(jumps[i]));
557            } else
558               jump_strengths[i] = strength_none;
559         }
561         /* If both code paths end in a jump, and the jumps are the
562          * same, and we are pulling out jumps, replace them with a
563          * single jump that comes after the if instruction.  The new
564          * jump will be visited next, and it will be lowered if
565          * necessary by the loop or conditional that encloses it.
566          */
567         if(pull_out_jumps && jump_strengths[0] == jump_strengths[1]) {
568            bool unify = true;
569            if(jump_strengths[0] == strength_continue)
570               ir->insert_after(new(ir) ir_loop_jump(ir_loop_jump::jump_continue));
571            else if(jump_strengths[0] == strength_break)
572               ir->insert_after(new(ir) ir_loop_jump(ir_loop_jump::jump_break));
573            /* FINISHME: unify returns with identical expressions */
574            else if(jump_strengths[0] == strength_return && this->function.signature->return_type->is_void())
575               ir->insert_after(new(ir) ir_return(NULL));
576	    else
577	       unify = false;
579            if(unify) {
580               jumps[0]->remove();
581               jumps[1]->remove();
582               this->progress = true;
584               /* Update jumps[] to reflect the fact that the jumps
585                * are gone, and update block_records[] to reflect the
586                * fact that control can now flow to the next
587                * instruction.
588                */
589               jumps[0] = 0;
590               jumps[1] = 0;
591               block_records[0].min_strength = strength_none;
592               block_records[1].min_strength = strength_none;
594               /* The CONTAINED_JUMPS_LOWERED postcondition is now
595                * satisfied, so we can break out of the loop.
596                */
597               break;
598            }
599         }
601         /* lower a jump: if both need to lowered, start with the strongest one, so that
602          * we might later unify the lowered version with the other one
603          */
604         bool should_lower[2];
605         for(unsigned i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
606            should_lower[i] = should_lower_jump(jumps[i]);
608         int lower;
609         if(should_lower[1] && should_lower[0])
610            lower = jump_strengths[1] > jump_strengths[0];
611         else if(should_lower[0])
612            lower = 0;
613         else if(should_lower[1])
614            lower = 1;
615         else
616            /* Neither code path ends in a jump that needs to be
617             * lowered, so the CONTAINED_JUMPS_LOWERED postcondition
618             * is satisfied and we can break out of the loop.
619             */
620            break;
622         if(jump_strengths[lower] == strength_return) {
623            /* To lower a return, we create a return flag (if the
624             * function doesn't have one already) and add instructions
625             * that: 1. store the return value (if this function has a
626             * non-void return) and 2. set the return flag
627             */
628            insert_lowered_return((ir_return*)jumps[lower]);
629            if(this->loop.loop) {
630               /* If we are in a loop, replace the return instruction
631                * with a break instruction, and then loop so that the
632                * break instruction can be lowered if necessary.
633                */
634               ir_loop_jump* lowered = 0;
635               lowered = new(ir) ir_loop_jump(ir_loop_jump::jump_break);
636               /* Note: we must update block_records and jumps to
637                * reflect the fact that the control path has been
638                * altered from a return to a break.
639                */
640               block_records[lower].min_strength = strength_break;
641               jumps[lower]->replace_with(lowered);
642               jumps[lower] = lowered;
643            } else {
644               /* If we are not in a loop, we then proceed as we would
645                * for a continue statement (set the execute flag to
646                * false to prevent the rest of the function from
647                * executing).
648                */
649               goto lower_continue;
650            }
651            this->progress = true;
652         } else if(jump_strengths[lower] == strength_break) {
653            /* To lower a break, we create a break flag (if the loop
654             * doesn't have one already) and add an instruction that
655             * sets it.
656             *
657             * Then we proceed as we would for a continue statement
658             * (set the execute flag to false to prevent the rest of
659             * the loop body from executing).
660             *
661             * The visit() function for the loop will ensure that the
662             * break flag is checked after executing the loop body.
663             */
664            jumps[lower]->insert_before(create_lowered_break());
665            goto lower_continue;
666         } else if(jump_strengths[lower] == strength_continue) {
668            /* To lower a continue, we create an execute flag (if the
669             * loop doesn't have one already) and replace the continue
670             * with an instruction that clears it.
671             *
672             * Note that this code path gets exercised when lowering
673             * return statements that are not inside a loop, so
674             * this->loop must be initialized even outside of loops.
675             */
676            ir_variable* execute_flag = this->loop.get_execute_flag();
677            jumps[lower]->replace_with(new(ir) ir_assignment(new (ir) ir_dereference_variable(execute_flag), new (ir) ir_constant(false), 0));
678            /* Note: we must update block_records and jumps to reflect
679             * the fact that the control path has been altered to an
680             * instruction that clears the execute flag.
681             */
682            jumps[lower] = 0;
683            block_records[lower].min_strength = strength_always_clears_execute_flag;
684            block_records[lower].may_clear_execute_flag = true;
685            this->progress = true;
687            /* Let the loop run again, in case the other branch of the
688             * if needs to be lowered too.
689             */
690         }
691      }
693      /* move out a jump out if possible */
694      if(pull_out_jumps) {
695         /* If one of the branches ends in a jump, and control cannot
696          * fall out the bottom of the other branch, then we can move
697          * the jump after the if.
698          *
699          * Set move_out to the branch we are moving a jump out of.
700          */
701         int move_out = -1;
702         if(jumps[0] && block_records[1].min_strength >= strength_continue)
703            move_out = 0;
704         else if(jumps[1] && block_records[0].min_strength >= strength_continue)
705            move_out = 1;
707         if(move_out >= 0)
708         {
709            jumps[move_out]->remove();
710            ir->insert_after(jumps[move_out]);
711            /* Note: we must update block_records and jumps to reflect
712             * the fact that the jump has been moved out of the if.
713             */
714            jumps[move_out] = 0;
715            block_records[move_out].min_strength = strength_none;
716            this->progress = true;
717         }
718      }
720      /* Now satisfy the ANALYSIS postcondition by setting
721       * this->block.min_strength and
722       * this->block.may_clear_execute_flag based on the
723       * characteristics of the two branches.
724       */
725      if(block_records[0].min_strength < block_records[1].min_strength)
726         this->block.min_strength = block_records[0].min_strength;
727      else
728         this->block.min_strength = block_records[1].min_strength;
729      this->block.may_clear_execute_flag = this->block.may_clear_execute_flag || block_records[0].may_clear_execute_flag || block_records[1].may_clear_execute_flag;
731      /* Now we need to clean up the instructions that follow the
732       * if.
733       *
734       * If those instructions are unreachable, then satisfy the
735       * DEAD_CODE_ELIMINATION postcondition by eliminating them.
736       * Otherwise that postcondition is already satisfied.
737       */
738      if(this->block.min_strength)
739         truncate_after_instruction(ir);
740      else if(this->block.may_clear_execute_flag)
741      {
742         /* If the "if" instruction might clear the execute flag, then
743          * we need to guard any instructions that follow so that they
744          * are only executed if the execute flag is set.
745          *
746          * If one of the branches of the "if" always clears the
747          * execute flag, and the other branch never clears it, then
748          * this is easy: just move all the instructions following the
749          * "if" into the branch that never clears it.
750          */
751         int move_into = -1;
752         if(block_records[0].min_strength && !block_records[1].may_clear_execute_flag)
753            move_into = 1;
754         else if(block_records[1].min_strength && !block_records[0].may_clear_execute_flag)
755            move_into = 0;
757         if(move_into >= 0) {
758            assert(!block_records[move_into].min_strength && !block_records[move_into].may_clear_execute_flag); /* otherwise, we just truncated */
760            exec_list* list = move_into ? &ir->else_instructions : &ir->then_instructions;
761            exec_node* next = ir->get_next();
762            if(!next->is_tail_sentinel()) {
763               move_outer_block_inside(ir, list);
765               /* If any instructions moved, then we need to visit
766                * them (since they are now inside the "if").  Since
767                * block_records[move_into] is in its default state
768                * (see assertion above), we can safely replace
769                * block_records[move_into] with the result of this
770                * analysis.
771                */
772               exec_list list;
773               list.head = next;
774               block_records[move_into] = visit_block(&list);
776               /*
777                * Then we need to re-start our jump lowering, since one
778                * of the instructions we moved might be a jump that
779                * needs to be lowered.
780                */
781               this->progress = true;
782               goto retry;
783            }
784         } else {
785            /* If we get here, then the simple case didn't apply; we
786             * need to actually guard the instructions that follow.
787             *
788             * To avoid creating unnecessarily-deep nesting, first
789             * look through the instructions that follow and unwrap
790             * any instructions that that are already wrapped in the
791             * appropriate guard.
792             */
793            ir_instruction* ir_after;
794            for(ir_after = (ir_instruction*)ir->get_next(); !ir_after->is_tail_sentinel();)
795            {
796               ir_if* ir_if = ir_after->as_if();
797               if(ir_if && ir_if->else_instructions.is_empty()) {
798                  ir_dereference_variable* ir_if_cond_deref = ir_if->condition->as_dereference_variable();
799                  if(ir_if_cond_deref && ir_if_cond_deref->var == this->loop.execute_flag) {
800                     ir_instruction* ir_next = (ir_instruction*)ir_after->get_next();
801                     ir_after->insert_before(&ir_if->then_instructions);
802                     ir_after->remove();
803                     ir_after = ir_next;
804                     continue;
805                  }
806               }
807               ir_after = (ir_instruction*)ir_after->get_next();
809               /* only set this if we find any unprotected instruction */
810               this->progress = true;
811            }
813            /* Then, wrap all the instructions that follow in a single
814             * guard.
815             */
816            if(!ir->get_next()->is_tail_sentinel()) {
817               assert(this->loop.execute_flag);
818               ir_if* if_execute = new(ir) ir_if(new(ir) ir_dereference_variable(this->loop.execute_flag));
819               move_outer_block_inside(ir, &if_execute->then_instructions);
820               ir->insert_after(if_execute);
821            }
822         }
823      }
824      --this->loop.nesting_depth;
825      --this->function.nesting_depth;
826   }
828   virtual void visit(ir_loop *ir)
829   {
830      /* Visit the body of the loop, with a fresh data structure in
831       * this->loop so that the analysis we do here won't bleed into
832       * enclosing loops.
833       *
834       * We assume that all code after a loop is reachable from the
835       * loop (see comments on enum jump_strength), so the
836       * DEAD_CODE_ELIMINATION postcondition is automatically
837       * satisfied, as is the block.min_strength portion of the
838       * ANALYSIS postcondition.
839       *
840       * The block.may_clear_execute_flag portion of the ANALYSIS
841       * postcondition is automatically satisfied because execute
842       * flags do not propagate outside of loops.
843       *
844       * The loop.may_set_return_flag portion of the ANALYSIS
845       * postcondition is handled below.
846       */
847      ++this->function.nesting_depth;
848      loop_record saved_loop = this->loop;
849      this->loop = loop_record(this->function.signature, ir);
851      /* Recursively lower nested jumps.  This satisfies the
852       * CONTAINED_JUMPS_LOWERED postcondition, except in the case of
853       * an unconditional continue or return at the bottom of the
854       * loop, which are handled below.
855       */
856      block_record body = visit_block(&ir->body_instructions);
858      /* If the loop ends in an unconditional continue, eliminate it
859       * because it is redundant.
860       */
861      ir_instruction *ir_last
862         = (ir_instruction *) ir->body_instructions.get_tail();
863      if (get_jump_strength(ir_last) == strength_continue) {
864         ir_last->remove();
865      }
867      /* If the loop ends in an unconditional return, and we are
868       * lowering returns, lower it.
869       */
870      if (this->function.lower_return)
871         lower_return_unconditionally(ir_last);
873      if(body.min_strength >= strength_break) {
874         /* FINISHME: If the min_strength of the loop body is
875          * strength_break or strength_return, that means that it
876          * isn't a loop at all, since control flow always leaves the
877          * body of the loop via break or return.  In principle the
878          * loop could be eliminated in this case.  This optimization
879          * is not implemented yet.
880          */
881      }
883      if(this->loop.break_flag) {
884         /* We only get here if we are lowering breaks */
885         assert (lower_break);
887         /* If a break flag was generated while visiting the body of
888          * the loop, then at least one break was lowered, so we need
889          * to generate an if statement at the end of the loop that
890          * does a "break" if the break flag is set.  The break we
891          * generate won't violate the CONTAINED_JUMPS_LOWERED
892          * postcondition, because should_lower_jump() always returns
893          * false for a break that happens at the end of a loop.
894          *
895          * However, if the loop already ends in a conditional or
896          * unconditional break, then we need to lower that break,
897          * because it won't be at the end of the loop anymore.
898          */
899         lower_final_breaks(&ir->body_instructions);
901         ir_if* break_if = new(ir) ir_if(new(ir) ir_dereference_variable(this->loop.break_flag));
902         break_if->then_instructions.push_tail(new(ir) ir_loop_jump(ir_loop_jump::jump_break));
903         ir->body_instructions.push_tail(break_if);
904      }
906      /* If the body of the loop may set the return flag, then at
907       * least one return was lowered to a break, so we need to ensure
908       * that the return flag is checked after the body of the loop is
909       * executed.
910       */
911      if(this->loop.may_set_return_flag) {
912         assert(this->function.return_flag);
913         /* Generate the if statement to check the return flag */
914         ir_if* return_if = new(ir) ir_if(new(ir) ir_dereference_variable(this->function.return_flag));
915         /* Note: we also need to propagate the knowledge that the
916          * return flag may get set to the outer context.  This
917          * satisfies the loop.may_set_return_flag part of the
918          * ANALYSIS postcondition.
919          */
920         saved_loop.may_set_return_flag = true;
921         if(saved_loop.loop)
922            /* If this loop is nested inside another one, then the if
923             * statement that we generated should break out of that
924             * loop if the return flag is set.  Caller will lower that
925             * break statement if necessary.
926             */
927            return_if->then_instructions.push_tail(new(ir) ir_loop_jump(ir_loop_jump::jump_break));
928         else
929            /* Otherwise, all we need to do is ensure that the
930             * instructions that follow are only executed if the
931             * return flag is clear.  We can do that by moving those
932             * instructions into the else clause of the generated if
933             * statement.
934             */
935            move_outer_block_inside(ir, &return_if->else_instructions);
936         ir->insert_after(return_if);
937      }
939      this->loop = saved_loop;
940      --this->function.nesting_depth;
941   }
943   virtual void visit(ir_function_signature *ir)
944   {
945      /* these are not strictly necessary */
946      assert(!this->function.signature);
947      assert(!this->loop.loop);
949      bool lower_return;
950      if (strcmp(ir->function_name(), "main") == 0)
951         lower_return = lower_main_return;
952      else
953         lower_return = lower_sub_return;
955      function_record saved_function = this->function;
956      loop_record saved_loop = this->loop;
957      this->function = function_record(ir, lower_return);
958      this->loop = loop_record(ir);
960      assert(!this->loop.loop);
962      /* Visit the body of the function to lower any jumps that occur
963       * in it, except possibly an unconditional return statement at
964       * the end of it.
965       */
966      visit_block(&ir->body);
968      /* If the body ended in an unconditional return of non-void,
969       * then we don't need to lower it because it's the one canonical
970       * return.
971       *
972       * If the body ended in a return of void, eliminate it because
973       * it is redundant.
974       */
975      if (ir->return_type->is_void() &&
976          get_jump_strength((ir_instruction *) ir->body.get_tail())) {
977         ir_jump *jump = (ir_jump *) ir->body.get_tail();
978         assert (jump->ir_type == ir_type_return);
979         jump->remove();
980      }
982      if(this->function.return_value)
983         ir->body.push_tail(new(ir) ir_return(new (ir) ir_dereference_variable(this->function.return_value)));
985      this->loop = saved_loop;
986      this->function = saved_function;
987   }
989   virtual void visit(class ir_function * ir)
990   {
991      visit_block(&ir->signatures);
992   }
996do_lower_jumps(exec_list *instructions, bool pull_out_jumps, bool lower_sub_return, bool lower_main_return, bool lower_continue, bool lower_break)
998   ir_lower_jumps_visitor v;
999   v.pull_out_jumps = pull_out_jumps;
1000   v.lower_continue = lower_continue;
1001   v.lower_break = lower_break;
1002   v.lower_sub_return = lower_sub_return;
1003   v.lower_main_return = lower_main_return;
1005   do {
1006      v.progress = false;
1007      visit_exec_list(instructions, &v);
1008   } while (v.progress);
1010   return v.progress;