2 * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
16package com.android.tv.menu;
18import android.test.AndroidTestCase;
19import android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.SmallTest;
21import com.android.tv.menu.Menu.OnMenuVisibilityChangeListener;
23import org.mockito.Matchers;
24import org.mockito.Mockito;
25import org.mockito.invocation.InvocationOnMock;
26import org.mockito.stubbing.Answer;
29 * Tests for {@link Menu}.
30 */
32public class MenuTest extends AndroidTestCase {
33    private Menu mMenu;
34    private IMenuView mMenuView;
35    private OnMenuVisibilityChangeListener mVisibilityChangeListener;
37    @Override
38    protected void setUp() throws Exception {
39        super.setUp();
40        mMenuView = Mockito.mock(IMenuView.class);
41        MenuRowFactory factory = Mockito.mock(MenuRowFactory.class);
42        Mockito.when(factory.createMenuRow(Mockito.any(Menu.class), Mockito.any(Class.class)))
43                .thenReturn(null);
44        mVisibilityChangeListener = Mockito.mock(OnMenuVisibilityChangeListener.class);
45        mMenu = new Menu(getContext(), mMenuView, factory, mVisibilityChangeListener);
46        mMenu.disableAnimationForTest();
47    }
49    public void testScheduleHide() {
50        mMenu.show(Menu.REASON_NONE);
51        setMenuVisible(true);
52        assertTrue("Hide is not scheduled", mMenu.isHideScheduled());
53        mMenu.hide(false);
54        setMenuVisible(false);
55        assertFalse("Hide is scheduled", mMenu.isHideScheduled());
57        mMenu.setKeepVisible(true);
58        mMenu.show(Menu.REASON_NONE);
59        setMenuVisible(true);
60        assertFalse("Hide is scheduled", mMenu.isHideScheduled());
61        mMenu.setKeepVisible(false);
62        assertTrue("Hide is not scheduled", mMenu.isHideScheduled());
63        mMenu.setKeepVisible(true);
64        assertFalse("Hide is scheduled", mMenu.isHideScheduled());
65        mMenu.hide(false);
66        setMenuVisible(false);
67        assertFalse("Hide is scheduled", mMenu.isHideScheduled());
68    }
70    public void testShowHide_ReasonNone() {
71        // Show with REASON_NONE
72        mMenu.show(Menu.REASON_NONE);
73        setMenuVisible(true);
74        // Listener should be called with "true" argument.
75        Mockito.verify(mVisibilityChangeListener, Mockito.atLeastOnce())
76                .onMenuVisibilityChange(Matchers.eq(true));
77        Mockito.verify(mVisibilityChangeListener, Mockito.never())
78                .onMenuVisibilityChange(Matchers.eq(false));
79        // IMenuView.show should be called with the same parameter.
80        Mockito.verify(mMenuView).onShow(Matchers.eq(Menu.REASON_NONE),
81                Matchers.isNull(String.class), Matchers.isNull(Runnable.class));
82        mMenu.hide(true);
83        setMenuVisible(false);
84        // Listener should be called with "false" argument.
85        Mockito.verify(mVisibilityChangeListener, Mockito.atLeastOnce())
86                .onMenuVisibilityChange(Matchers.eq(false));
87        Mockito.verify(mMenuView).onHide();
88    }
90    public void testShowHide_ReasonGuide() {
91        // Show with REASON_GUIDE
92        mMenu.show(Menu.REASON_GUIDE);
93        setMenuVisible(true);
94        // Listener should be called with "true" argument.
95        Mockito.verify(mVisibilityChangeListener, Mockito.atLeastOnce())
96                .onMenuVisibilityChange(Matchers.eq(true));
97        Mockito.verify(mVisibilityChangeListener, Mockito.never())
98                .onMenuVisibilityChange(Matchers.eq(false));
99        // IMenuView.show should be called with the same parameter.
100        Mockito.verify(mMenuView).onShow(Matchers.eq(Menu.REASON_GUIDE),
101                Matchers.eq(ChannelsRow.ID), Matchers.isNull(Runnable.class));
102        mMenu.hide(false);
103        setMenuVisible(false);
104        // Listener should be called with "false" argument.
105        Mockito.verify(mVisibilityChangeListener, Mockito.atLeastOnce())
106                .onMenuVisibilityChange(Matchers.eq(false));
107        Mockito.verify(mMenuView).onHide();
108    }
110    public void testShowHide_ReasonPlayControlsFastForward() {
112        mMenu.show(Menu.REASON_PLAY_CONTROLS_FAST_FORWARD);
113        setMenuVisible(true);
114        // Listener should be called with "true" argument.
115        Mockito.verify(mVisibilityChangeListener, Mockito.atLeastOnce())
116                .onMenuVisibilityChange(Matchers.eq(true));
117        Mockito.verify(mVisibilityChangeListener, Mockito.never())
118                .onMenuVisibilityChange(Matchers.eq(false));
119        // IMenuView.show should be called with the same parameter.
120        Mockito.verify(mMenuView).onShow(Matchers.eq(Menu.REASON_PLAY_CONTROLS_FAST_FORWARD),
121                Matchers.eq(PlayControlsRow.ID), Matchers.isNull(Runnable.class));
122        mMenu.hide(false);
123        setMenuVisible(false);
124        // Listener should be called with "false" argument.
125        Mockito.verify(mVisibilityChangeListener, Mockito.atLeastOnce())
126                .onMenuVisibilityChange(Matchers.eq(false));
127        Mockito.verify(mMenuView).onHide();
128    }
130    private void setMenuVisible(final boolean visible) {
131        Mockito.when(mMenuView.isVisible()).thenAnswer(new Answer<Boolean>() {
132            @Override
133            public Boolean answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
134                return visible;
135            }
136        });
137    }