2 * Copyright (c) 2016, The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
17package android.net;
19import android.net.UidRange;
21/** {@hide} */
22interface INetd {
23    /**
24     * Returns true if the service is responding.
25     */
26    boolean isAlive();
28    /**
29     * Replaces the contents of the specified UID-based firewall chain.
30     *
31     * The chain may be a whitelist chain or a blacklist chain. A blacklist chain contains DROP
32     * rules for the specified UIDs and a RETURN rule at the end. A whitelist chain contains RETURN
33     * rules for the system UID range (0 to {@code UID_APP} - 1), RETURN rules for for the specified
34     * UIDs, and a DROP rule at the end. The chain will be created if it does not exist.
35     *
36     * @param chainName The name of the chain to replace.
37     * @param isWhitelist Whether this is a whitelist or blacklist chain.
38     * @param uids The list of UIDs to allow/deny.
39     * @return true if the chain was successfully replaced, false otherwise.
40     */
41    boolean firewallReplaceUidChain(String chainName, boolean isWhitelist, in int[] uids);
43    /**
44     * Enables or disables data saver mode on costly network interfaces.
45     *
46     * - When disabled, all packets to/from apps in the penalty box chain are rejected on costly
47     *   interfaces. Traffic to/from other apps or on other network interfaces is allowed.
48     * - When enabled, only apps that are in the happy box chain and not in the penalty box chain
49     *   are allowed network connectivity on costly interfaces. All other packets on these
50     *   interfaces are rejected. The happy box chain always contains all system UIDs; to disallow
51     *   traffic from system UIDs, place them in the penalty box chain.
52     *
53     * By default, data saver mode is disabled. This command has no effect but might still return an
54     * error) if {@code enable} is the same as the current value.
55     *
56     * @param enable whether to enable or disable data saver mode.
57     * @return true if the if the operation was successful, false otherwise.
58     */
59    boolean bandwidthEnableDataSaver(boolean enable);
61    /**
62     * Adds or removes one rule for each supplied UID range to prohibit all network activity outside
63     * of secure VPN.
64     *
65     * When a UID is covered by one of these rules, traffic sent through any socket that is not
66     * protected or explicitly overriden by the system will be rejected. The kernel will respond
67     * with an ICMP prohibit message.
68     *
69     * Initially, there are no such rules. Any rules that are added will only last until the next
70     * restart of netd or the device.
71     *
72     * @param add {@code true} if the specified UID ranges should be denied access to any network
73     *        which is not secure VPN by adding rules, {@code false} to remove existing rules.
74     * @param uidRanges a set of non-overlapping, contiguous ranges of UIDs to which to apply or
75     *        remove this restriction.
76     *        <p> Added rules should not overlap with existing rules. Likewise, removed rules should
77     *        each correspond to an existing rule.
78     *
79     * @throws ServiceSpecificException in case of failure, with an error code corresponding to the
80     *         unix errno.
81     */
82    void networkRejectNonSecureVpn(boolean add, in UidRange[] uidRanges);
84    /**
85     * Administratively closes sockets belonging to the specified UIDs.
86     */
87    void socketDestroy(in UidRange[] uidRanges, in int[] exemptUids);
89    // Array indices for resolver parameters.
92    const int RESOLVER_PARAMS_MIN_SAMPLES = 2;
93    const int RESOLVER_PARAMS_MAX_SAMPLES = 3;
94    const int RESOLVER_PARAMS_COUNT = 4;
96    /**
97     * Sets the name servers, search domains and resolver params for the given network. Flushes the
98     * cache as needed (i.e. when the servers or the number of samples to store changes).
99     *
100     * @param netId the network ID of the network for which information should be configured.
101     * @param servers the DNS servers to configure for the network.
102     * @param domains the search domains to configure.
103     * @param params the params to set. This array contains RESOLVER_PARAMS_COUNT integers that
104     *   encode the contents of Bionic's __res_params struct, i.e. sample_validity is stored at
105     *   position RESOLVER_PARAMS_SAMPLE_VALIDITY, etc.
106     * @throws ServiceSpecificException in case of failure, with an error code corresponding to the
107     *         unix errno.
108     */
109    void setResolverConfiguration(int netId, in @utf8InCpp String[] servers,
110            in @utf8InCpp String[] domains, in int[] params);
112    // Array indices for resolver stats.
113    const int RESOLVER_STATS_SUCCESSES = 0;
114    const int RESOLVER_STATS_ERRORS = 1;
115    const int RESOLVER_STATS_TIMEOUTS = 2;
117    const int RESOLVER_STATS_RTT_AVG = 4;
119    const int RESOLVER_STATS_USABLE = 6;
120    const int RESOLVER_STATS_COUNT = 7;
122    /**
123     * Retrieves the name servers, search domains and resolver stats associated with the given
124     * network ID.
125     *
126     * @param netId the network ID of the network for which information should be retrieved.
127     * @param servers the DNS servers that are currently configured for the network.
128     * @param domains the search domains currently configured.
129     * @param params the resolver parameters configured, i.e. the contents of __res_params in order.
130     * @param stats the stats for each server in the order specified by RESOLVER_STATS_XXX
131     *         constants, serialized as an int array. The contents of this array are the number of
132     *         <ul>
133     *           <li> successes,
134     *           <li> errors,
135     *           <li> timeouts,
136     *           <li> internal errors,
137     *           <li> the RTT average,
138     *           <li> the time of the last recorded sample,
139     *           <li> and an integer indicating whether the server is usable (1) or broken (0).
140     *         </ul>
141     *         in this order. For example, the timeout counter for server N is stored at position
143     * @throws ServiceSpecificException in case of failure, with an error code corresponding to the
144     *         unix errno.
145     */
146    void getResolverInfo(int netId, out @utf8InCpp String[] servers,
147            out @utf8InCpp String[] domains, out int[] params, out int[] stats);
149    /**
150     * Instruct the tethering DNS server to reevaluated serving interfaces.
151     * This is needed to for the DNS server to observe changes in the set
152     * of potential listening IP addresses. (Listening on wildcard addresses
153     * can turn the device into an open resolver; b/7530468)
154     *
155     * TODO: Return something richer than just a boolean.
156     */
157    boolean tetherApplyDnsInterfaces();
159    /**
160     * Add/Remove and IP address from an interface.
161     *
162     * @param ifName the interface name
163     * @param addrString the IP address to add/remove as a string literal
164     * @param prefixLength the prefix length associated with this IP address
165     *
166     * @throws ServiceSpecificException in case of failure, with an error code corresponding to the
167     *         unix errno.
168     */
169    void interfaceAddAddress(in @utf8InCpp String ifName, in @utf8InCpp String addrString,
170            int prefixLength);
171    void interfaceDelAddress(in @utf8InCpp String ifName, in @utf8InCpp String addrString,
172            int prefixLength);
174    /**
175     * Set and get /proc/sys/net interface configuration parameters.
176     *
177     * @param family One of IPV4/IPV6 integers, indicating the desired address family directory.
178     * @param which One of CONF/NEIGH integers, indicating the desired parameter category directory.
179     * @param ifname The interface name portion of the path; may also be "all" or "default".
180     * @param parameter The parameter name portion of the path.
181     * @param value The value string to be written into the assembled path.
182     */
184    const int IPV4  = 4;
185    const int IPV6  = 6;
186    const int CONF  = 1;
187    const int NEIGH = 2;
188    void setProcSysNet(int family, int which, in @utf8InCpp String ifname,
189            in @utf8InCpp String parameter, in @utf8InCpp String value);
190    // TODO: add corresponding getProcSysNet().
192    /**
193     * Get/Set metrics reporting level.
194     *
195     * Reporting level is one of:
196     *     0 (NONE)
197     *     1 (METRICS)
198     *     2 (FULL)
199     */
200    int getMetricsReportingLevel();
201    void setMetricsReportingLevel(int level);