History log of /art/runtime/handle_scope_test.cc
Revision Date Author Comments
90b936ddda63139ff46a6755c3b83ad6e4ab4ac5 31-Jan-2017 Andreas Gampe <agampe@google.com> ART: Refactor verify_object.h

Move the actual VerifyObject check into a new cc file, as we
commonly don't enable the check at all. This allows to cut the
-inl include from almost all current users.

This also exposes missing -inl includes. Also fix up some of our old
mess where .h defined functions require -inl.h defined functions.

Test: m

Change-Id: I3dd821bbe2015564a29bf1ed9be00f7a7276ad61
38cea84b362a10859580e788e984324f36272817 03-Nov-2016 Andreas Gampe <agampe@google.com> ART: Make Handle trivially-copyable

Use default copy constructor and copy assignment to make Handle
trivially copyable. Do the same for MutableHandle.

Fix up unused Handle warnings. Add asserts in the HandleScope

Bug: 32619234
Test: m test-art-host
Change-Id: I151f0bdbeeb131a6fc5c44610f345663ebe96c09
e8a3c576301fd531d5f73a65fc8b84a63619d580 12-Oct-2016 Mathieu Chartier <mathieuc@google.com> Replace StackHandleScopeCollection with VariableSizedHandleScope

VariableSizedHandleScope's internal handle scopes are not pushed
directly on the thread. This means that it is safe to intermix with
other types of handle scopes.

Added test.

Test: clean-oat-host && test-art-host

Change-Id: Id2fd1155788428f394d49615d337d9134824c8f0
0795f23920ee9aabf28e45c63cd592dcccf00216 28-Sep-2016 Mathieu Chartier <mathieuc@google.com> Clean up ScopedThreadStateChange to use ObjPtr

Also fixed inclusion of -inl.h files in .h files by adding
scoped_object_access-inl.h and scoped_fast_natvie_object_access-inl.h

Changed AddLocalReference / Decode to use ObjPtr.

Changed libartbenchmark to be debug to avoid linkage errors.

Bug: 31113334

Test: test-art-host

Change-Id: I4d2e160483a29d21e1e0e440585ed328b9811483
542451cc546779f5c67840e105c51205a1b0a8fd 26-Jul-2016 Andreas Gampe <agampe@google.com> ART: Convert pointer size to enum

Move away from size_t to dedicated enum (class).

Bug: 30373134
Bug: 30419309
Test: m test-art-host
Change-Id: Id453c330f1065012e7d4f9fc24ac477cc9bb9269
59c07060a6fbb93e455b44f00098cafb8e7e26cc 10-Oct-2014 Ian Rogers <irogers@google.com> Work around ICE bugs with MIPS GCC and O1.

Also, work around GCC warning bugs where array accesses with explicit
bounds checks are flagged as being out-of-bounds. Significantly, clean-up
the HandleScope so the array accesses don't appear out-of-bounds at compile

Change-Id: I5d66567559cc1f97cd0aa02c0df8575ebadbfe3d
13735955f39b3b304c37d2b2840663c131262c18 08-Oct-2014 Ian Rogers <irogers@google.com> stdint types all the way!

Change-Id: I4e4ef3a2002fc59ebd9097087f150eaf3f2a7e08
eb8167a4f4d27fce0530f6724ab8032610cd146b 08-May-2014 Mathieu Chartier <mathieuc@google.com> Add Handle/HandleScope and delete SirtRef.

Delete SirtRef and replaced it with Handle. Handles are value types
which wrap around StackReference*.

Renamed StackIndirectReferenceTable to HandleScope.

Added a scoped handle wrapper which wraps around an Object** and
restores it in its destructor.

Renamed Handle::get -> Get.

Bug: 8473721

Change-Id: Idbfebd4f35af629f0f43931b7c5184b334822c7a