History log of /external/guice/core/src/com/google/inject/util/Modules.java
Revision Date Author Comments (<<< Hide modified files) (Show modified files >>>)
54da0e3ca924a5040e88a1c067f9f6760a14b20b 20-Feb-2015 sameb <sameb@google.com> Rework the public API into scanning for additional @Provides-like annotations.
Instead of requiring each scanner to explicitly wrap the modules to-be-scanned,
we add a Binder.scanModulesForAnnotatedMethods method that takes a scanner,
and we scan every installed module.
Created by MOE: http://code.google.com/p/moe-java
ebe9f053ab2431f8f22f6d892cffadef4b10479c 06-Dec-2013 Sam Berlin <sameb@google.com> Re-committed the rolled back CL, after fixing internal projects.

*** Original change description ***

Pass the correct stage to Modules.override, so currentStage() works.
Fixes issue 784 -- patch thanks to Tavian Barnes.

Created by MOE: http://code.google.com/p/moe-java
a4c16e8b45261e23e1c35d5fdce9b57357b16d1f 06-Dec-2013 Sam Berlin <sameb@google.com> Rolled back commit -- broke some internal projects.

*** Original change description ***

Pass the correct stage to Modules.override, so currentStage() works.
Fixes issue 784 -- patch thanks to Tavian Barnes.

Created by MOE: http://code.google.com/p/moe-java
9b268e4467753f31eb6dfeb4001e76e32b01f5a3 06-Dec-2013 Sam Berlin <sameb@google.com> Pass the correct stage to Modules.override, so currentStage() works.
Fixes issue 784 -- patch thanks to Tavian Barnes.
Created by MOE: http://code.google.com/p/moe-java
a9228269b4d6e7b74a6354f179babe723c00f387 13-Nov-2013 Christian Edward Gruber <cgruber@google.com> Make named classes for anonymous Modules so they appear prettier (and useful) in error messages.
Created by MOE: http://code.google.com/p/moe-java
2e39ef748a1c4e4dcab506ccfcdb14ca6e01c9c6 05-Oct-2013 Christian Edward Gruber <cgruber@google.com> Print out the modules that led to a binding during error reporting, but
only if there's >1 module (otherwise it's just noise). The format is
Some normal messaging about the fact that something terrible happened
at <the normal source> (via modules: A -> B -> C)

So, for example, exposing something that isn't bound would show up as:
1) Could not expose() Foo, it must be explicitly bound.
at FooExposerModule.configure(FooExposerModule.java:211) (via modules: ParentModule -> FooExposerModule)

.. and a duplicate binding would show up as:
A binding to DuplicatedThing was already configured at ModuleA.configure(ModuleA.java:36) (via modules: ParentModule -> FooModule -> ModuleA)
at ModuleA.configure(ModuleA.java:36) (via modules: ParentModule -> BarModule -> ModuleA)

All the tests passed as-is (because this is just new information), so I made a bunch of tests stricter to explicitly look for this new information.

I also cleaned up some other errors regarding scopes & some other stuff.
Created by MOE: http://code.google.com/p/moe-java
5221c15e183cb7029a305766d137d909f77e8941 22-Jul-2011 sberlin <sberlin@d779f126-a31b-0410-b53b-1d3aecad763e> Fix a few common.collect-related deprecation warnings... because it's easy!

Revision created by MOE tool push_codebase.

git-svn-id: https://google-guice.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@1574 d779f126-a31b-0410-b53b-1d3aecad763e
b7a02b02d81c830d148355c90bc309bcd66fb592 08-Jul-2011 sberlin <sberlin@d779f126-a31b-0410-b53b-1d3aecad763e> * Remove unused imports
* Sort imports
* Convert tabs to spaces
* Fix the ant no_aop build

Revision created by MOE tool push_codebase.

git-svn-id: https://google-guice.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@1572 d779f126-a31b-0410-b53b-1d3aecad763e
d9c913acca55023ef5d76a32c3d4a51ee6b420cb 26-Jun-2011 sberlin <sberlin@d779f126-a31b-0410-b53b-1d3aecad763e> switch Guice from manually repackaging Guava to depending on Guava. it's still jarjar'd right now, which is causing a ~400k increase in guice-snapshot.jar. next step is to switch to ProGuard to remove the unnecessary code and cut it back down (even further?!). this will let people build from Guice source and depend directly on Guava code without having to worry about hiding internal/util.

git-svn-id: https://google-guice.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@1558 d779f126-a31b-0410-b53b-1d3aecad763e
74d714c1e72bb60706ed9df4d1982971c88c10aa 21-Oct-2010 mcculls <mcculls@d779f126-a31b-0410-b53b-1d3aecad763e> Issue 552: (step 1) move core code to its own subdirectory

git-svn-id: https://google-guice.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@1300 d779f126-a31b-0410-b53b-1d3aecad763e