History log of /frameworks/base/services/tests/servicestests/src/com/android/server/wm/WindowTestsBase.java
Revision Date Author Comments (<<< Hide modified files) (Show modified files >>>)
153badbf417c3b32fb2702c723185882ca1b3ba2 24-May-2017 Jorim Jaggi <jjaggi@google.com> Fix flaky tests

Need to wait until handlers are idle because the display gets
frozen when adding a new one, which will screw up starting window

Test: AppWindowContainerControllerTests x1000
Change-Id: Ic949efc4e53abe2a580eb5c410f5905f0361a75a
Fixes: 62037783
027f4753bcdbef5a830ed877f974701727e98d19 12-May-2017 Wale Ogunwale <ogunwale@google.com> Fixed exceptions during test tearDown

- Acquire WM lock when tearing down test. Prevent the handler thread
from modifying state at the same time.
- Don't set surface boundaries on window states without a surface
- Avoid exception if process can read screen-edge-insets for Pip.

Change-Id: If4a2438032866eaec84ed79c30c1d716e0f89758
Fixes: 38113905
Test: this is it!
11cc516a925ac7fc814dbb0a79a7f0abfbfe1ce1 26-Apr-2017 Wale Ogunwale <ogunwale@google.com> Reduce use of static variables in window manager unit tests

This was causing test cross-contamination since different test might
expect different states from the variables.

Bug: 37682538
Test: tons of it!
Change-Id: Ie8a1ea400695b6346d7dfa3369b5c44bb467a33d
ed7993b5d147a6741d26fe0b16cc9fa5e34ceaee 28-Mar-2017 Jorim Jaggi <jjaggi@google.com> Introduce android.anim thread in system_server

We create a new thread on which everything is running that
directly impacts window animations, i.e. layout, anim tick and
starting window creation. This is such that any work on
android.display can not lead to jank in the window animation,
specifically lock contention on activity manager lock that blocks
callbacks from android.display into AM can not lead to window
animation jank.

Test: Run animation, take systrace, make sure animation is on
Test: AppWindowContainerControllerTestTest: AppWindowContainerControllerTestss
Fixes: 36792959

Change-Id: I5d41419a709b7984724e7053a3afdcc1ffe1aaa2
af691c0be7bbfea63e880dd717c51a38a0bc874a 20-Mar-2017 Bryce Lee <brycelee@google.com> Clean up activity/stack associations.

The stack currently holds a reference to resuming and pausing
activities. These are usually cleaned up when the activity ends or
the task is reparented. However, it is possible for an activity to
lose its reference to its task in other areas (such as
ActivityStarter), which can lead to the stack not being updated

This changelist adds a method to the ActivityStack to disassociate
the stack from an ActivityRecord. In addition to places where this is
called when an activity ends, this method is invoked on the children
of a task when the task is reparented. The task member variable of
ActivityRecord is also now surrounded by a setter/getter, with the
setter always invoking the dissociation logic on a previous stack.

Test: bit FrameworksServicesTests:com.android.server.am.ActivityRecordTests
Change-Id: Iffeccdb6f011958896271673946acfed28856f53
Fixes: 36387417
e259c2c42be68fa2ead28eeed1df5042452d0eae 27-Mar-2017 David Stevens <stevensd@google.com> Merge "Compute the focused window in display focus order"
469395638813abdb7423d0b91d6c42c2b1dcb78a 24-Mar-2017 David Stevens <stevensd@google.com> Compute the focused window in display focus order

A WindowContainer's children are sorted so the focused child is at the
end of the list, so RootWindowContainer needs to iterate from end to
start when looking for the focused window.

Bug: 36590788
Test: DisplayContentTests#testFocusedWindowMultipleDisplays
Change-Id: I56e6b7d2054bc1e74b54a4f99706a08d278fa2e1
55ddf8f9e5d8241130aeac6be7b4978860f41bf8 20-Mar-2017 Wale Ogunwale <ogunwale@google.com> Added support for maxAspectRatio manifest attribute.

- Allows an app to specify the maximum aspect ratio it supports.
- Support for overriding configuration and bounds at the activity
record and app window token level.

Test: cts/.../run-test CtsAppTestCases android.app.cts.AspectRatioTests
Test: bit FrameworksServicesTests:com.android.server.wm.WindowContainerTests
Test: bit FrameworksServicesTests:com.android.server.wm.WindowFrameTests
Bug: 36505427
Bug: 33205955
Bug: 35810513
Change-Id: Ib2d46ed0c546dd903d09d6bb7162a98bd390ba81
a359c9846d2fa8bfe2784222be350d2e6046de16 22-Mar-2017 Jorim Jaggi <jjaggi@google.com> Merge "Add API to disable snapshotting of activities"
0fe7ce968bc7f0eff64f08e2d51c8b1e6b4a6fc8 22-Feb-2017 Jorim Jaggi <jjaggi@google.com> Add API to disable snapshotting of activities

Test: runtest frameworks-services -c
Test: Launch DisableScreenshotsActivity, go to recents, make sure
content is white.
Bug: 31339431

Change-Id: I329925d2fca389e561da3389a67fe888b5bb1033
6272c7f83fd1e78ec610d84621abfd0b87680465 18-Mar-2017 Bryce Lee <brycelee@google.com> Do not remove the default display during tests.

The default display is used by some tests that exercise features only
functional only on the default display (like policy rotation). This CL
makes this display not get removed with the created test displays and
ensures no collision in id space from a previous test run (done in the
test setup).

Change-Id: Ia14b9c023c779d263283fe8c7b512dca17ff312f
Fix: 36385757
Test: bit FrameworksServicesTests:com.android.server.wm.StackWindowControllerTests#testRemoveContainer_deferRemoval
6b9b130c9823f4473ccc374e853e19a5ed35a992 16-Mar-2017 Bryce Lee <brycelee@google.com> Merge "Fix AppWindowTokenTests#testLandscapeSeascapeRotationByPolicy"
310de9e5ee7b57b928e7a6613d61bcfb1c0bf166 15-Mar-2017 Bryce Lee <brycelee@google.com> Fix AppWindowTokenTests#testLandscapeSeascapeRotationByPolicy

Previously this test was marked as blocked by b/35034729. This bug
has been fixed, however the test still fails due to other issues
addressed here.

Addressed issues are as follows:
1. Updating rotation by display manager requires a display with the
default display id present. This display is removed during setup. The
first id to be used by a display after this point is the
default id + 1. We already have logic in place to avoid collisions so
it is safe and correct to start out at the default id.
2. Without allowing the animator to complete its steps after a
rotation, future rotations will be deferred. We must simulate the
steps taken by the and resulting from the animtor. These include
marking the orientation change as complete and performing a surface
placement afterwards.

Bug: 35034729
Test: bit FrameworksServicesTests:com.android.server.wm.AppWindowTokenTests
Change-Id: Ib01c047ac49982a4a3c1debaa3cee1b7b9b53632
8e44f6c46822028a853c41610d2289e299987af0 10-Mar-2017 Wale Ogunwale <ogunwale@google.com> Revert "Have WM use token info. from IMMS to determine IME target window"

This reverts commit daab865344fcfa45fe2789e43462f730a44fba64.

IMMS is currently sending wrong target candidates, so we need to revert
this until we figure-out what is going on there :(

Bug: 31559891
Bug: 35903813
Test: DisplayContentTests
Change-Id: I5c5beff4bac1b0781fa6663b13ff0dfe83a7806b
7fbeb8a5d754c7e5c330458cf241c5e2a718099c 02-Mar-2017 Bryce Lee <brycelee@google.com> Remove mTask from AppWindowToken.

mTask was a duplicate reference to the WindowContainer's parent. The
main benefit of this refenrece was type, as its callers require an
instance of type Task.

With the introduction of the method getTask, we can shift away from
this variable and instead directly cast the parent here. If the
window hierarchy changes in the future (such as AppWindowToken parent
types not being Task), we can re-evaluate and adjust how task is

Test: manual
Change-Id: Idd6bba1121056ed79745911efe838edfa685bbf2
6d41026f1b3dc910c9d34ab89993a280dc9679cf 01-Mar-2017 Bryce Lee <brycelee@google.com> Clean up closing apps list when clearing anAppWindowToken's task.

Previously it was possible for an AppWindowToken to be removed while
on the closing apps list, used in transition animations. During these
transitions, the visibility of the token is modified. Since
visibility relies on the WindowContainer parent, a
NullPointerException would occur.

This changelist addresses the issue by making sure to remove any
AppWindowToken from this list when its task is set to null.

Change-Id: Id9234822b228f4658f04d42ac0fe7b49ded6f5a1
Fixes: 35352214
Test: manual (primarily code inspection)
dee1b3f80c363fa6d3c9e87acd729161bce56c23 27-Feb-2017 Robert Carr <racarr@google.com> Only adjust window layers from WindowLayerController

Various animation adjustment logic will directly set mAnimLayer
outside of WindowLayerController. If we end up setting this layer
very high, we can end up moving it above the special windows
collected in WindowLayersController.

Bug: 33702491
Bug: 35396882
Test: bit FrameworksServicesTests:com.android.server.wm.WindowTokenTests
Change-Id: I9850529ecd6f0067bc24421515b39b645885a3ec
daab865344fcfa45fe2789e43462f730a44fba64 24-Feb-2017 Wale Ogunwale <ogunwale@google.com> Have WM use token info. from IMMS to determine IME target window

Window Manager currently places the IME above the highest window
that can possibly be using the IME. While this method works for
most cases, it does cause some animation jank if the window making
the IME visible is below an other window that could possibly make
the IME visible, but isn't. When this happens the IME is displayed
on-top of which we don't want since the top app isn't making the
IME visible.
We now rely on a strong signal from the input method manager service
WMS.updateInputMethodWindowStatus() to depend which window is actually
using the IME so the window manager can z-order things correctly.

Fixes: 31559891
Test: bit FrameworksServicesTests:com.android.server.wm.DisplayContentTests
Change-Id: I524aa9dbeb764aac15034a13adf9381304c38fa6
342479581e113a6cf05f6e1d6470a86ad6032bcb 19-Feb-2017 Wale Ogunwale <ogunwale@google.com> Fixed issues with child windows been IME targets

- Fixed issue with WindowState.getWindow() returning the parent window before
its children with positive sub-layers. Positive sub-layer children should be
returned first, then the parent window, and then negative sub-layer children.
This was causing the the parent window to be selected as the IME target
instead of the child on-top of it since they both can be IME targets and the
parent window was returned first.
- Fixed issue with WindowState.forAllWindow() not returning the IME window if
the current IME target is a child window.
- Add test WindowStateTest.testGetWindow(),
DisplayContentTests.testForAllWindows_WithChildWindowImeTarget(), and
DisplayContentTests.testComputeImeTarget() to cover the failing cases.

Change-Id: I0c93e0344601fc870011e8a8d84528f62b0a2a06
Fixes: 34786357
Fixes: 34306127
Fixes: 34711958
Fixes: 35362942
Test: bit FrameworksServicesTests:com.android.server.wm.WindowStateTests
Test: bit FrameworksServicesTests:com.android.server.wm.DisplayContentTests
8347163dbb64fb61012c0393163283106a0a351e 13-Dec-2016 Winson Chung <winsonc@google.com> Create a new stack for the assistant activity.

- Add a new stack that is not resized with multiwindow, and
appears above the fullscreen and docked stacks, but below
the pinned stack
- Add a method on VoiceInteractionSession to allow the assistant
to launch activities into this new fullscreen stack.
- Also prevent any activities in the assist stack from the
fetching of the on screen assist data.

Bug: 30999386
Test: android.server.cts.ActivityManagerAssistantStackTests

Change-Id: I22ab7629b5f758cf1e66d7d1c26648af6bc887c9
17f175ca1a75d5a4864b88126f5d2a59935d52fd 08-Feb-2017 Wale Ogunwale <ogunwale@google.com> Fixed failing WM pre-submit tests

- Pre-submit wasn't really enabled so several changes were merged in
that caused test failures
- Specify that AppWindowTokenTests token fill their parent since that
is important for the orientation tests it runs
- Disable testLandscapeSeascapeRotationByPolicy() until we have time
to figure-out the problem with the test.
- Initialize ActivityManagerInternal local service mock when we
initialize the test object for window manager.
- Changed UnknownAppVisibilityControllerTest to use test
infrastructure in WindowTestsBase.
- Fixed testGetOrientation_childSpecified to check the correct expected
- Allow testAssignWindowLayers_ForImeNonAppImeTarget to create an alert
window at internal system window z-order.
- Remove all non-common windows for the system after each test run.

Bug: 35034729
Test: adb shell am instrument -w -e package com.android.server.wm

Change-Id: I4726811e382b18fbef6b9d9b12a5ee56776628e4
069bbd382898d3330d284912b3a472495045c363 03-Feb-2017 Wale Ogunwale <ogunwale@google.com> Removed android.R.attr#onTopLauncher

The product that the feature was intended for never launched, so
removing the complexity from the code base.

Test: builds
Change-Id: I75e60ee2da46f6012f03a6077f77bc6b9acecad5
5cd907d3d6ceebf8731ef1f69347cce6f76109e9 26-Jan-2017 Wale Ogunwale <ogunwale@google.com> Alert Windows behavioral changes

- Introduced TYPE_APPLICATION_OVERLAY window type. Can be used by apps
to display windows on top of other app windows, but below critical
system windows.
- Deprecate alert window types TYPE_PHONE, TYPE_SYSTEM_ALERT,
Apps should now use TYPE_APP_OVERLAY for this.
- Apps targetting O or greater are not allowed to add the old alert
window types.
Apps targetting less than O can still add the old types.
Apps with permission INTERNAL_SYSTEM_WINDOW (system signature apps) can
still add the old types.
- Z-order old alert windows types below TYPE_APPLICATION_OVERLAY if
they are added by an app without the INTERNAL_SYSTEM_WINDOW permission.

Test: android.server.cts.AlertWindowsTests
Bug: 33256752
Change-Id: I12170955a7a333151d3387c169b51c53c32164fc
ffc7b784348282b7641cf973012b0f67190cecf9 27-Jan-2017 TreeHugger Robot <treehugger-gerrit@google.com> Merge "Reparent the activity in the task with associated window containers."
3048004087968674c3af97e1c0b110a223f04703 26-Jan-2017 Winson Chung <winsonc@google.com> Reparent the activity in the task with associated window containers.

- Currently moveActivityToStack() adds the activity to the top of the
new task in the new stack, but the code path to update the window
container controllers assumes that they are in the same task and
attempts to position it by index. Instead, we should properly
reparent the activity in the new task (just like we reparent tasks
into new stacks), and also reparent the associated app window tokens
into their new tasks on the WM side.
- Also should fix an issue when trying to reparent an activity from one
task to another task by affinity.

Bug: 34394702
Test: AppWidgetContainerControllerTests#testReparent
Test: android.server.cts.ActivityManagerPinnedStackTests#testEnterPipFromTaskWithMultipleActivities
Change-Id: Ib767f85eb4f469cfd1c108c55242996325bdb866
367ff7fd5251790ad8dc086bd386be8cba1dda5c 26-Jan-2017 Andrii Kulian <akulian@google.com> Fix shared dim layer not cleared when all users removed

For secondary display, shared fullscreen dim layer user is
the only stack that is present on the display. When this stack
is removed the shared dim layer was not cleared. Because of
that it was crashing when trying to obtain DisplayContent from it.

Now when we're removing a dim layer user we check if we've removed
the last one and clear shared fullscreen dim layer if needed.

Bug: 34367817
Test: bit FrameworksServicesTests:com.android.server.wm.DimLayerControllerTests
Change-Id: I415196a345c491eddd26a55370bb819ce6485151
1666e317dc1a17e9435246ec6c8209dbb6ee3696 16-Dec-2016 Wale Ogunwale <ogunwale@google.com> Added StackWindowContainerController

For linking ActivityStack in AMS to TaskStack window container in WMS.

Change-Id: I8b9eaef49e62854d59b22d27f80f5935a5a4d7fc
Bug: 30060889
Test: bit FrameworksServicesTests:com.android.server.wm.StackWindowContainerControllerTests
Test: bit FrameworksServicesTests:com.android.server.wm.TaskWindowContainerControllerTests
Test: Existing test pass and manual testing.
d339538a67b7d6bb3d7ad73f31ad20ffc932f891 13-Dec-2016 Winson Chung <winsonc@google.com> Remove dependency on resizable activity to enter PiP.

- Removing the requirement for activities to have both the
resizeableActivity and supportsPictureInPicture attribute
to enter PiP. The activity may still be resized when
entering picture-in-picture.

Bug: 34256643
Test: android.server.cts.ActivityManagerPinnedStackTests
Change-Id: If6bd4721c53072e5518f554a8c7598705517c132
829b9cd100ddea44fadb9931c0ff11b11aaba059 23-Jan-2017 Jorim Jaggi <jjaggi@google.com> Fill task snapshot with background color

Make sure to fill the portions that are not covered by the
snapshot are filled with the task background color.

Also fix an issue where the starting window was removed across
configuration changes.

Test: runtest frameworks-services -c
Bug: 31339431
Change-Id: I2451be87aff79b337015ab4bba72cfa03c0d3582
9bafc7150ea41758cf40ba60eb90deb62217fc34 19-Jan-2017 Jorim Jaggi <jjaggi@google.com> Starting window tests, yay!

Test: bit FrameworksServicesTests:com.android.server.wm.AppWindowContainerControllerTests
Fixes: 34364463
Fixes: 34361417
Change-Id: Ie1b8debc894e5cad8fe517912a1991a38661dfaa
aba241892e204a050562e5889c1b94e0f75eaaeb 19-Jan-2017 TreeHugger Robot <treehugger-gerrit@google.com> Merge "Notify task about display change when moved to new stack"
7cd7c2d333c1b4f77a5b1a9f08cbaaebb242700c 18-Jan-2017 Andrii Kulian <akulian@google.com> Notify task about display change when moved to new stack

Bug: 34176283
Test: android.server.cts.ActivityManagerDisplayTests
Test: #testMoveTaskBetweenDisplays
Test: bit FrameworksServicesTests:com.android.server.wm.TaskWindowContainerControllerTests
Test: bit FrameworksServicesTests:com.android.server.wm.TaskStackContainersTests
Change-Id: If085246926790089e014a94093d788805e812489
2ec59897cf892666146f378825d2adcf972248ac 18-Jan-2017 TreeHugger Robot <treehugger-gerrit@google.com> Merge changes I01e81b9c,I532c2d74

* changes:
Add a listener when task snapshots change
When app dies, destroy snapshot
fb9d78afb77b1d304b24f470a637244d52a7e1df 05-Jan-2017 Jorim Jaggi <jjaggi@google.com> Add a listener when task snapshots change

Since we start recents before we take the snapshot, we need to add
a mechanism to inform recents about task snapshots changes.

We add a new method to TaskStackChangedListener,
onTaskSnapshotChanged, which gets called whenever a task snapshot
changes. Then, SystemUI registers such a listener and updates the
task thumbnail view for the specific task.

Test: Open app, press recents, make sure thumbnail is up-to-date
Bug: 31339431
Change-Id: I01e81b9cd11886da734da671c68d5732aa51009f
059df13f3253dceb9d38c29d708e355221faedab 17-Jan-2017 Andrii Kulian <akulian@google.com> Merge "Add unit tests for 180 degree rotation"
c5cc301689649695e03f502e7d1c1492ef5e5d1e 13-Jan-2017 Wale Ogunwale <ogunwale@google.com> Have better separation between adding, positioning, and reparenting task

Several methods in activity manager and window manager performed adding,
positioning, and reparenting a task operation and sometimes failed silently
when things don't work due the callers using the methods for a particular
operation, but getting a different operation due to programmer error.
This CL better separate the methods responsible for adding, positioning, and
reparenting a task and also fails hard when there is an error.

Test: bit FrameworksServicesTests:com.android.server.wm.TaskWindowContainerControllerTests
Test: Manual testing existing PiP doesn't leave the device in a bad state.
Bug: 34260633
Change-Id: Id64367da30fc6214eb6f95b2bd5e58ed0e953a88
4ede3e0d0a9e76c701db19e073d2d1ff487d2a64 12-Jan-2017 Andrii Kulian <akulian@google.com> Add unit tests for 180 degree rotation

These tests if an app window token reports resize when device is
rotated from landscape to seascape.
There is also some additional plumbing to be able to perform a
rotation in unit test. Also dynamic stacks are now allowed to
influence the orientation of the device.

Test: bit FrameworksServicesTests:com.android.server.wm.AppWindowTokenTests
Bug: 33607506
Change-Id: I7b23e2de48d56c9fe485eae6a165378dbbbd08bb
02886a82d876aa5e31a92444fec70208599c509c 06-Dec-2016 Jorim Jaggi <jjaggi@google.com> Initial implementation of snapshots

All this functionality is hidden behind a flag. If this flag is
active, we disable the regular screenshots.

Instead, we take a screenshot when an app transition for which a
task is disappearing is starting. The screenshot gets stored
into a gralloc buffer. SystemUI uses a new method to retrieve
a snapshot gralloc buffer and then draws it using GraphicBuffer.

When starting an existing activity in an existing tasks, or when
bringing an existing tasks to front from recents, we add a new
snapshot starting window. For that, we reuse the existing
starting window, but when creating the window, we use a fake
window that draws the contents of the starting window.

Test: runtest frameworks-services -c
Bug: 31339431
Change-Id: If72df07b3e56f30413db5029d0887b8c9665aaf4
e1fe7fa288a34ecaaab390f49ef540edc4a6c52d 16-Dec-2016 Wale Ogunwale <ogunwale@google.com> Added TaskWindowContainerController

For linking TaskRecord in AMS to Task window container in WMS.

Bug: 30060889
Test: bit FrameworksServicesTests:com.android.server.wm.AppWindowContainerControllerTests
Test: bit FrameworksServicesTests:com.android.server.wm.TaskWindowContainerControllerTests
Test: Existing test pass and manual testing.
Change-Id: I16248f3e96e5087ba24198a48a3bd10a12ae76a6
26c0dfed7a0cd54abafdd0ccbb5b757506d51c76 14-Dec-2016 Wale Ogunwale <ogunwale@google.com> Support for WindowContainer controllers and listeners

- WindowContainerController class allows a component outside window manager
to create a window container and communicate directly with it to make
changes. For example, the ActivityRecord class in activity manager uses the
AppWindowContainerController class to create and communicate with
AppWindowToken window container class which is its counterpart on the window
manager side.
- WindowContainerListener interface allows a component outside WM to get
notified of changes to a window container. For example, the ActivityRecord
class in AM implements the AppWindowContainerListener interface to get
notified of changes to the AppWindowToken container.

Bug: 30060889
Test: Existing tests pass and manual testing.
Test: bit FrameworksServicesTests:com.android.server.wm.WindowContainerControllerTests
Test: bit FrameworksServicesTests:com.android.server.wm.WindowContainerTests
Change-Id: I2896bfa46a80b227052528c7da8cf4e56beab4bc
d276563b38907647ce70940e1e90603826df6ab4 13-Dec-2016 Andrii Kulian <akulian@google.com> Add positionChildAt method to WindowContainer

Added method to change the position of a child among siblings.
It accepts int value, which can either specify a target position
When child is moved to top or bottom, there is an option to also
perform same action on parents. This will effectively move the
entire branch of the hierarchy tree to top/bottom.

Test: bit FrameworksServicesTests:com.android.server.wm.WindowContainerTests
Test: #testPositionChildAt
Test: #testPositionChildAtIncludeParents
Test: #testPositionChildAtInvalid
Test: bit FrameworksServicesTests:com.android.server.wm.TaskStackContainersTests
Test: bit FrameworksServicesTests:com.android.server.wm.TaskStackTests
Change-Id: I6ade787487055f1c9a305afea64270c243196614
6ce0fb8ddbdc726d55c81a4bf797f028e441e448 13-Dec-2016 Wale Ogunwale <ogunwale@google.com> Fixed issue with ordering of non-app token windows

We tried to fix this issue in I83357975c87c704af9d0702c939ca99984462365
but the fix introduced other problems. So, we are going to have sys-ui
create a separate binder for object for each type of window it adds.
Long term we want to allow one binder object to map to multiple window
tokens on the same display in window manager.

Change-Id: Iee53b8bf95b87f79ab7a1b574a54111c678f7413
Fixes: 33567674
Fixes: 33538278
Test: bit FrameworksServicesTests:com.android.server.wm.DisplayContentTests
0bb1f8919e9ce5a0f9c7d88806db2fbc8b085fe9 13-Dec-2016 TreeHugger Robot <treehugger-gerrit@google.com> Merge "Fixed window ordering issue with TYPE_VOICE_INTERACTION."
5d7e7f136e349e6cde86943dd03e7edd9ec92e6e 12-Dec-2016 Wale Ogunwale <ogunwale@google.com> Fixed window ordering issue with TYPE_VOICE_INTERACTION.

WC.forAllWindows returns windows based on their token order in the
hierarchy and the non-app windows are ordered in the hierarchy based
on their types. For most window tokens their types is specified when
the token is added, but for some others we use the type of the first
window added to the token. This becomes a problem if various window
types are added to the same token (sys-ui I am looking at you...) and
someone adds another token with a window type that should be z-ordered
in-between the windows of the first token.
For now we work around the problem by collecting all the non-app windows
and making sure they are in order before return any window to the caller.
Long term we want to change sys-ui and other callers to use different
window tokens based on the window types they are adding.

Fixes: 33538278
Test: bit FrameworksServicesTests:com.android.server.wm.DisplayContentTests
Change-Id: I83357975c87c704af9d0702c939ca99984462365
72919d2c310db04fdb860e926ccb0bfe6e3aef08 09-Dec-2016 Wale Ogunwale <ogunwale@google.com> Untangle creation of Task from addition of AppToken in WM.

Makes it easier to follow what is going on and also clean-up in
preparation of stand way for AM to interact with containers in WM.

Test: Existing tests pass and manual testing
Change-Id: I91754b6d974dce2f696453cdaed175efb0f10c73
805d9ecc476134ffafc85a07b05e94a14b1d398c 07-Dec-2016 Wale Ogunwale <ogunwale@google.com> Don't allow IME windows to be IME targets

IME targets are required to be below the IME windows and that wouldn't
be possible if the IME window is its own target which leads to issues
elsewhere in the code where that is expected to be the case.

Change-Id: I34a723ff4ce2519cd80e0eea0eaea04712b6cf8f
Fixes: 33336368
Test: bit FrameworksServicesTests:com.android.server.wm.WindowStateTests
3d0bfd9530bc51c52aec027eaf6d0dba918efc99 05-Dec-2016 Wale Ogunwale <ogunwale@google.com> Prevent orphaning of windows when token is removed

When the owner of a window token requests window manager to remove the
token, we were removing it from it's parent which orphaned the token
and all it's windows and prevented them from being accessed from calls
like forAllWindows(). This problem wasn't visible before as the token
windows would still be in the window list, so they can still be accessed
for the exit animation transition which eventually removes them.
We no longer remove tokens from their parent we when are asked to remove
them from the system. We just set WindowToken.setExiting() so the token
can be removed once all its windows are removed at the end of the exit

- In AppWindowToken.removeIfPossible() and Task.removeIfPossible(), call
removeImmediately() instead of parent.removeChild() to make sure the
token and its windows are properly clean-up and avoid orphaning if they
- Added DisplayContent.reParentWindowToken() for changing the display a
window token is on which is different from DisplayContent.removeWindowToken
which prepares the token and it's windows to be removed from the system.
- Renamed WindowToken.explicit to WindowToken.mPersistOnEmpty which is
what it does.

Fixes: 33098800
Test: bit FrameworksServicesTests:com.android.server.wm.WindowTokenTests
Test: Make sure toast windows don't persist on screen.
Change-Id: I40e0e8832141514b614e79d8e95cd27f24e52366
3c1170d849dc0af79623dc0f67eda0fbc66a724f 02-Dec-2016 Wale Ogunwale <ogunwale@google.com> Have forAllWindows return IME windows in order with IME target

If there is an IME target make sure to return the IME windows next
to the IME target when processing WindowContainer.forAllWindows().
Several users of forAllWindows are expecting this to be the cases so
it is close to the visual order.

Test: bit FrameworksServicesTests:com.android.server.wm.DisplayContentTests
Test: bit FrameworksServicesTests:com.android.server.wm.WindowLayersControllerTests
Change-Id: I737f88ca607ab2694391419d0d38060c03b53840
44fbdf5b1e13398e35d4bafb7236d194a51ee7af 16-Nov-2016 Wale Ogunwale <ogunwale@google.com> Fixed issue with IME displaying on-top of nav bar.

Caused by some recent refactoring. We now make sure the IME
has the higher animation layer in its base layer of the window
it is targeting.
Also, consolidated some of our test functions.

Bug: 32916670
Test: bit FrameworksServicesTests:com.android.server.wm.WindowLayersControllerTests
Change-Id: I0b1abd6fead981cfc810488cc785261abba5341d